Covid-19 caused by the homo marriage laws

John Bjarne Grover

In the article Kennedy and new nazism I mentioned the apparently very sick international secret intelligence project that puts me up in relation to the official custody mother in a 'Madonna-Jesus' role. It seems that even the tragic Hitler death camps 'Aktion Reinhard' = Sobibor, Treblinka, Belcez could have been made for lending punch to this 'Eidsvig Ragna' as the birthname of the custody mother in a hungarian tradition since probably WWII called 'édesanya' = 'sweetmother' - as if the sweet mother were the one with nazi affiliations against the biological mother. Clearly the hungarian people cannot be much happy with this. It seems that the reason for the construction was that I should be blamed for the 'nazi' aspects of a political intrigue.

In 2002 I applied for political asylum in France but it was rejected. On my arrival I had sent a letter to Chirac telling that an advertisement that went up and down on an outdoor stand in Paris seemed to be based on my book title 'The Endmorgan Quartet' (I did at that time not know that the phenomenon was widespread). Maybe I was not right but it was an explicit wording. When the application had been rejected, France sent an italian terrorist back to Italy - he had lived in the country without being extradited for many years. Could be it meant that I should rather try in Italy because the problem of such ads etc was much less there, but since I believed that I had not a goodenough reason for an asylum, I could not try again - such a pity nobody were as explicit as I had been in my letter and could have given me a word or two about that alternative chance. (I had at that time just discovered that it seemed that much terror could be understood as 'linked to Norway' somehow and was a little anxious about not being understood as a 'terrorist' by citizenship). However, as I now understand it, there has never in world history been a better reason for a political asylum - and that reason is called PTRSIM PIK which even could have been the reason why Norway was established in 1814 - to be that 'Klipra [= 'cliffs-off'] connection' which could be the meaning of 'Peters in Pick'. There was in those days of the early 19th century the vice president Clinton (in his first period to president Jefferson) and in 2002 there had just been another Jefferson Clinton - with the bill of the cliff picked off. This PTRSIM PIK is the most reactionary political resistance to the new knowledge and it seems to intend to replace new knowledge with murky mythology and power. It seems that Wittgenstein was PTRSIM PIK before me and I am the current - a sort of series of 'Dalai Lamas' for the british throne, it seems.

I have in some other article noticed that I cannot guarantee the gender of Ragna Gröver (born Eidsvig). If the mythos scenario is PTRSIM PIK like some Jesus sitting on the official custody mother's lap like at some Madonna, this question could rather be about PTRSIM with or without PIK. (If she had been a trans, the marriage would not have been legal - unless homos could marry, which they could not).

Never in world history has there been a better reason for getting out of this old clamphold which Norway could have been constructed for making - and for that there could be no other solution than a political asylum. Since I did not apply for asylum elsewhere (being completely without knowledge about this at that time - I did travel down to Rome soon after the terrorist had gone there but nobody said a word in the summer heat and I soon returned to Paris), France seems to have been concerned with understanding the decision right since then. The question could even be: Was this the biggest error in french history? Worse than Waterloo? Did they give the whole thing away with agreeing to the terms of those who constructed PTRSIM PIK? The poor chap could not get out of the story without some help.

One of the tragic solutions seems to have been the 'homo marriage law'. It tells that the old 'queen' is justified in preventing the 'partner' from running off with a chinese (or french) lover, never mind if the children in society thereby suffer loss of the nature-given judicial rights which marriage in all cultures is for.

It is the strange and surprising variations in mortality rate in the epidemic Covid-19 which tells that the homo law probably is the reason for this epidemic. People lose their breath because they lose the spirit when homos can marry in the local legislation. If you know that you drive on the righthand side of the street and the cars coming towards you keep on the lefthand side, then you can speed up - but not if you dont know which side they drive on. People lose their pneumonic spirit and the 'old' die. The 'olds' (economy) were locked down and that helped a lot.

It is, it seems to me, the reactionary PTRSIM PIK of international secret intelligence who want to suppress the people in this way for making a new Hitler. Alas, homo seems to be a way to power - and it could be the story from 2002 which is the reason for this. The governments could do well in instructing the police into trying to stop the spread of this disease and arrest those who work for the PTRSIM PIK program in the intelligences and political landscape.

I am not the quisling!

If Ragna Gröver had been a trans and if their marriage nevertheless were accepted (even if he had been replaced with a copy on Vikebukt in the late 60's), it would have meant that the legislation did not accept my judicial rights under their custody authority. This could perhaps even still be an 'intelligence project'?

This is why people cannot take more of it and the whole world seem to agree that it must be stopped. Could be it means that England should close down its kingdom and turn republic.

The list of mortality rate includes a number of smaller states with very few cases among which mortality rate is high but very uncertain - such as Nicaragua with 25 sick and 8 dead which gives a death rate of 32%, or British Virgin Islands with 8 sick and 1 dead = 12,5%. Removing these (uncertain dates of the) smaller states (Yemen has 130 sick 20 dead, though) leaves the following ranking - those countries who do not accept homo marriage are annotated with 'x' - see for data on which countries [Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay] accept homo marriage (data on the disease are from

Death rates
14,17       x
13,13       x
7,71       x
7,09       x
6,61       x
6,53       x
6,50       x

Average death rate in the world is around 7% - today 6,68% - which means that nearly all significant countries above this percentage are those which accept homo marriage. In fact as much as 11 out of the total of 28 countries in the world that accept homo marriage are on the top of this list ranked for death rate from Covid-19 - that is, those countries where people 'lost their spirit' because, as goes my theory, the legislation does not acknowledge which side of the road the cars are driving. It helps to slow down the economy, but if the economy shall speed up again, the number of fatalities could come to rise. France has a reputation as the anchor of sexuality in the world and it has by far the highest death rate - nearly 20% of those who get the disease die. In comparison, Russia does not accept homo marriage and although they have a high number of sick, in fact on place #2 in the world and the double of France in number of infections, the death rate is only 0,94% - on place #154 among the 210 units listed in these EU data up to 19 may 2020. Homo marriage is probably not on the agenda in Russia.

The top 10 countries in terms of number of infections and deaths - annotation with 'x' on countries that do not accept homo marriage:

2722       x
32007       x
4171       x
7057       x                  

Finally the ranking of countries by the number of deaths is this - the top 20 - annotation with 'x' on countries that do not accept homo marriage:

32007       x
7057       x
4638       x
4171       x
3163       x
2789       x
2722       x
1602       x                  

What is the role of Italy? Could be the possible asylum of 2002 that did not come about because nobody said a word about it. What is Hungary? Could be that 'édesanya' qua 'Aktion Reinhard' (however, the high death rate applies to a rather small number). It seems as if the 'PTRSIM PIK' is the story - could be on background of the asylum application in 2002. UK accepted homo marriage for Northern Ireland (their only border) apparently around the same time as they BREXITed this year. The world seems united on this single theme: That homo marriage must be ended for getting the speed of the economy up again - or at least the english kingdom ( the rooting of this PTRSIM PIK program qua 'Klipra connection') must be turned republican.

There is yet another aspect involved in the story: If a homo program can lead to victory in an election (say, because my application was rejected in 2002) and a political party goes for homo marriage for that reason of being elected, then there is not much left of political integrity. Rather, the political stage then looks more and more like some sort of Grand Prix Eurovision song contest or a sort of 'rapping', and it wont be long before a political speech will be accompanied by an orchestra in the backgound.

The political world probably is used to conceive of me as an integral part of the british Klipra-connection program (or, rather, the triadic format from Austria to USA to London described in The logic of the new technology). These involvements are seemingly based on abuse of me - abuse organized under the umbrella of 'best friend' in order to prevent that anybody else could come to establish friendship with the mystery - like the murky world of pedo abuse which the child is expected to be proud and happy for - that 14 year old girl with that rich man, wow. It is a variant of modern slavery: "We in our party believe that slavery is the right for our society - the low or zero wages paid to the producers of the values make it possible to launch products with very competitive prices and it can make us the market leaders - that is the simple reason of ours in the tough market competition". It is a variant of the 'competition society' generally - if your colleagues see that you are about to succeed in reaching your goal, they are filled with human envy and jealousy by the thought that you could come to win the competition and will do what they can to sabotage your work. Therefore the slavery business turns political - since otherwise the competitors will be filled with human envy and jealousy when they see the low prices of your products.

But it is too bad to throw out the 14 year old girl only because her rich man is a crook. Also, he needs some control with her so that she doesnt run to the police - and therefore he has spoken with the police chiefs of Europe to ensure that there will be no trouble. Better avoid the war, dont you think so? She must be very proud of such a good friend. However, if the crook can continue to impose his power onto other countries only as long as she is his girlfriend, then it could be urgent to help her out of the potential trouble which his doubletalk could be mumbling about.

There was this slightly Obama-looking billionaire in USA who died in the cell after having been imprisoned due to an alleged illegal relation with a 14 year old girl. This was around the time of the Weinstein case, I think it was.

Marriage is a necessary institution in all the world's societies because children cannot have own authority before age 18, and when that makes the children vulnerable to abuse, marriage is an institution that protects their rights because children are conceived by the marital conjunction. That is the whole story. If the legislation shall accept homo marriage, it means that marriage is no longer about the children's rights but about the chances of the old 'queen' to keep the partner in leach. To condemn homosexuals is as bad as condemning slaves because they did not make success in the competition - but to reject homo marriage is not to condemn the homos - on the contrary that is to protect the rights of the 14 year old girl against the abuse of the rich crook. Could be the world has come to be a little perverse and 'sick' after all this homo nonsense - even if the crook's economy seems to speed up with such a wonderful girlfriend - and people lose their spirit. Somebody should have spoken with the police about it on her behalf?

In other words, if I had not applied for political asylum (tried to run off from the Klipra connection) and got the application rejected in 2002, there would probably have been no homo marriages today (no new political landscapes opening up in that field of perversity) - and no COVID-19 epidemic with deaths and economic slowdown either. But the abuse ('slavery') could probably have been much worse. The first same-sex marriage law was handled by the dutch 'House of representatives' while I was in Vilnius on 12 september 2000, that is 'one year' before 11 september 2001 which could mean PTRSIM PIK. The Concorde aircrash in Paris (with flames of fire in the behind) was on 25 july 2000.

Added on 20 may 2020:

I have fancied that 'agency contracts' could exist that even are 'accepted' that has the one and only purpose of ensuring that the authority of a certain intelligence organization (of the 'queen'?) goes right through to me (the PIK) and my circumstances. But this I know little about.

The Concorde with the fire in the behind could have been a symbol of the cerebral haemorrhage I suffered in Vilnius? This happened not long before my residence permit expired. The Concorde met some 'wheel-news' on the runway, a titanium strip that was thrown up by a wheel and put the thunderbird on fire. I wrote the poem The River (see the end of the file 'The river') in Bergen in 1995-96 before I left for London 1997 and later for Vilnius in 2000. The poem is based on minimal oppositions in hittite. I have fancied that modern computer decipherment could have solved hittite more efficiently, consistently and 'linguistically' than Hrozny's original decipherment used by Friedrich who was my source: That could of course have appeared as tragic for the many institutes and lifeworks invested in hittitological research - but it would have been interesting for the theory of a hebrew 'door' in sanskrit. (Is this the story of the man with the bangladeshan dog - and his pointing arm?) The hittite deciphered by Hrozny is recognized as 'indo-german' - of 'german' lexicon etc - but has a strangely hungarian look in the grammar. Aha, the anglophonic Kennedy-Canada mystery!

The third option, that the hittite tablets were written and burnt by british explorers some centuries ago and dug down in Boghazköy and elsewhere for being 'discovered' later - as a sort of sensational 'hitlerite' language - is perhaps less interesting. But can it be excluded? There must have been some C-14 material around the tablets.

The hebrew 'door' in sanskrit could find a turnaround in a non-indogerman computer-decipherment of hittite (if authentic) with an indogerman 'door' or even 'window' efficiently proven by Hrozny. The Concorde at the turn of the millenium could be about that on the background of my poem 'The river'.

There were only german passengers on board the crashing Concorde. Did they even have suitable names? There seems to be a 'tradition' in terror that only the names and other indexes count (I mean, when Rabin was shot it would probably rather have been because of some 'rabbit' than because of protests against his politics): That is likely to be a sure sign that it is for the purpose of reinforcing the 'platonic' contact of the borderless kingdom with its neighbours across the sea. This cannot continue any longer, could be the expression of the covid-19. England tried perhaps since the 70's to make a little border in Ireland - if that were not only for the sake of the bloody conflict there.

Clearly if England should be involved in 'borderless' terror, if the list sums up to more than they can pay in compensation, the 'borderless kingdom' must of course be closed - it does not help to make a cheap Jesus-mock version called PTRSIM PIK to pay for their sins - the only effect that comes out of it would be further suppression and delay of the cultural and scientific development and it cannot continue, tells covid-19. I am not interested in being that PTRSIM PIK.

Have you heard about the 'chip' - that can compute on the social space if somebody is in the chemicals? That is just the idea that slavery pays off: The collective consciousness undergoes currently (in the third millenium) a formalization which will make it possible to compute on the 'social space', that is, the collective consciousness - my blue metre tells of that. That will be a field of study (understanding) and science for finding its logic and character for the new technology. But many are afraid of this since they could have been involved in things (terror, for example) and fear that it will come to surface if the collective consciousness is studied without being subdivided with terror and power abuse. These could hope for the solution by slavery, which perhaps they say could pay off - much more efficiently than by ordinary employees with all their claims. But everybody know that it is a poor solution and that the economy does not really progress thereby - and such a chip that works by subdivision of the social space (the collective consciousness) by way of terror is but that solution. It is not interesting for the progress of science, technology, culture. My blue metre book POLAKK English Bloggi is a proof that the formalization of the collective consciousness will allow for peaceful and constructive development of this new logic and technology without use of terror. Slavery (that is, not crediting the source) can give impressive profits, that is true - but it is not really true after all, and certainly it is not the way for a new economic program. My blue book will certainly be published, even if some people could fear that what is on their conscience could come to be discovered: The technology must progress, even if their conscience doesnt like it. It is not the horrible Big Brother machine that contracts and relaxes your muscles for you - that functions by way of abuse - it is the technology that can see and listen to remote past and distant planets that must be developed for everybody, and it will function badly if biased by terror.

The eleatian philosopher Parmenides is known for his 'proem' (as it is called) - I translated this from greek in the mental hospital Sandviken Sykehus 1999-2000 - but in such a way that it seemed to comment on my own 'The Endmorgan Quartet': A non-standard but not totally wrong translation that is. This 'Wing-Gates' proem could even look like a comment on the 'DOS' followed by the 'Win-DOS' (which builds on DOS) of Bill Gates - in which case the 'Zheng' chapter with apparent involvement of the british government could be the real story - the CHOU sign with its triangular and 'window' forms. See also my 'lapis philosophorum' with its 'brill grates' sign called 'the placenta' from the study of the hieroglyphic forms I published in the article 'Egyptian hieroglyphs, lapis philosophorum and 'Stillhetens ĺndedrag''. I sent (soon after the article was published, I think) the URL to this article included in an email to the egyptological institute in Göttingen and included the question whether this 'lapis' with its immense explanatory force for hieroglyphic studies were known from earlier (I have even worked with a theory that this lapis were widely known earlier but have been PICKed out - by international secret intelligence services - from the archives all over the world, including the Vatican - cp. also the royal massacre in 'Nepal' soon after the queen had been on an official visit to Norway, could be even while she could have in the airplane on her way back to London) - but I have not (yet) got an answer. I have long suspected that post and email to me could be censored - or even that the ones I send letters or emails to could be contacted with 'advice' from the relevant 'intelligence services' (of the 'queen' somehow?). I had in fact expected a response from Göttingen and still believe that there could be scholarly integrity left in the world enough for at least a humble thankyou for your letter - but dont know if this suffices as a proof that my communications are censored. I have got some answers from other serious scholars (the dutch homo marriage law was reportedly valid from 1 april 2001 - but that was of course totally unknown to me in those days) so maybe it here rather could be a matter of problems with interests invested erroneously into terror a la the Concorde (if that were not an accident).

My Parmenides translation from the mental hospital had a certain 'british touch' which I would not have adhered to today - but this is how I translated it in those days (source Sextus Empiricus in Kirk, Raven, Schofield p.242 - I would not seriously believe that this source is the 'source' of the later homo marriage laws but should perhaps not look entirely away from this possibility - in particular if Notre-Dame should be the 'kirk'):

Parmenides: Wing-Gates

The Endmorgans carry me on where my mind aspires,
send me forth where the din of the muses' voices gives me the road,
those who carry the dazzling light of the village girls,
on that road where the Endmorgans carry me on
at top speed - and the hair-cutting girl takes the reins.

The polar star axle sings in its pan-flute nave,
burns the iron, pressing hard on the axle-bar
of the two wheels, to carry me on
with the sun-daughters leaving the house of night
for the light of the sentence, by their own hands unveiled.

Here, now, are the gates of the Black Sun and Hammerfest,
both with a crossbar lintel and threshold of stone.
The high air is filled with grandiose doorways,
and the sentential arbiter holds their exchangement keys.

And as the enticing girls pursuade [her] with gentle echoes
as they fasten their seat-belts
just like the wingclipped insect after the gates:
So the yawning gap of the doorways made for the warm-brazen sockets
for axles in the adjusted curl-haired cuneiform
script and plough, and easily through these
sped the sundaughter in highway car with the Endmorgans.
And the Leotad girl gave me a glimpse of the future, her hand in my
right hand, and spoke to me with prophetic words:

"Oh Young Rover, you who travel along with Immortal Driver,
you give to the Endmorgans what is sufficient today.
Be glad that no ill fate has sent you to come back
all this way (for it is a path far off from the mortals),
but the sentential arbiter. For I want you to know everything,
both the unshaken heart of wellrounded truth
and the opinions of mortals - who have no real faith.
But anyhow this you will learn: That the assumed
must be genuine to pervade all things throughout".

Added on 21 may 2020:

People get sick and die from Covid-19 probably because they thereby protest against the 'homo nonsense' in the two following senses:

1) If the succession on the throne in the borderless kingdom goes by way of flesh-and-blood (genetic line) and this is the reason for international terror against flesh-and-blood for platonic keep-in-touch, then it follows that 'homo nonsense' is a concept of relevance. (If the royals had real power then there could also have been real 'homos' there). 'Nonsense' it is with a political role assigned to ejaculation in pants = nuclear bombs on Japan etc. People who die from pneumonial shortage of breath can be said to 'ejaculate in pants'.

2) If decisions in ÖVP are made 12 years 2 months in advance, see this file and that, it follows that the concept can have relevance also there.

In short, it seems that states who accept homo marriage in their legislations are taken to accept (partwise tacitly, it could be) a Vienna-London axis which also means suppression of the children's rights (since homos cannot procreate). That seems to mean an accept of a new Hitler and new holocaust.

This is why people die from Covid-19: They dont want this. The pandemic is quite unison.

An international court can decide that homo marriage is illegal because it violates or invalidates the children's rights, and then the 28 states can make additions to their laws telling that the law means that homos can make binding relation contracts and sign these at the notarius publicus and have the law's protection against dissolution of the relation with less than one year's binding (but, says the law, a 10 years binding is not permitted), and this ensures a continuance of the relation - but since homos cannot make own children their relation cannot be called a marriage.

Homo marriage cannot be accepted any more than Hitler's holocaust can. Some people want an accept of it - but most do luckily not.

Virus spreads in the humidity in the air, and since there always is some humidity in the air, it is likely that all members of most societies since long have the virus. But then why do masks help? Why do people get ill from contact? The legislation defines the immediate social interface between people and that is why masks help - against the (effect of the) legislation which allows for homo marriage. Lockdown is even more efficient. But all such means are of course hilariously inefficient compared with the real stuff - to change the law back again. And then there probably wont be any new Hitler either.

Alternatively, or additionally, England can turn republican and Austria can forbid ÖVP (if it is shown to be based fundamentally on such a persecutional mechanism) - and/or otherwise respect the rights of the children (me, that is) who is persecuted by the 12 years interval.

France has by far the highest death rate. Could be the decision in 2002 was based on the assumption that it would work out well in other ways.

Covid-19 could be a very shrill alarm telling that unless the homo marriage laws be cancelled, there could come some generations of very nervous children growing up without a natural legal foundation, and that could come to be quite dangerous.

Added on 25 may 2020:

See the file on 'The octogon' where I mention 'Karen Anne Axelsen' who later changed her name to 'Tulla Elieson'. The latter name could mean 'homo nonsense' ('elieson' could mean 'a similar-son'), while the former name could mean the condition I have been in for many years - an apparent role in the global media world but completely 'anne' only. The data tell that these two concepts applied to one and the same person.

Homo marriage invalidates the natural rights of the children. Every society in the world, however primitive, have marriage as institution: That is because children cannot have own authority before they are 18 or so. The marital conjunction is what gives rise to the conception which is the origin of the child, and the human psyche lends affectional attachment to the partner via the marital conjunction, and this attachment is essential for the healthy upbringing of the child and for a healthy development of the society. But homosexuals cannot marry in that sense of it - unless the concept of parental love for the children is uninteresting for the concept of marriage. This could be the reason why people get sick and die.

But why do the societies accept homo marriage? It could be the same phenomenon as 'international secret intelligence services' (or something like that) trying to build a modern mythology including Ragna Eidsvig (qua hungarian 'édesanya') as 'Madonna' and me as PTRSIM PIK. But this 'Madonna' could have been involved in serious abuse of the little child, if that is the story - and that could be approximately the same effect as 'homo marriage'. See this file for the concept of 'nay-kid woman' - the rejection of the child as/by the 'naked woman'. Such a 'quasi-religion' Madonna is of course a potentially deep disappointment for many people if they have tried to incorporate it into their religious ideas.

I have no opinion on the idea whether Ragna Gröver could have been a trans. I always believed that she naturally was not but cannot tell with certainty.

Of course, if this 'homo nonsense' is the reason for the high mortality of Covid-19, then it is because people have suffered a real loss in their confidence in the administration. Lockdown and masks will help because it seems to tell that the administration is not really evil in their hearts, but it will of course have only a temporary effect of relief - and no sooner is it discovered that the expensive lockdown and the masks did not really change anything at all - homos can still marry and some 'services' may still have plans of such a 'Madonna' - and the mortality could come to rise again. Iran is a religious country - and there the disease is on the rise again. Italy is also a religious country.

It is likely that the only thing which really will help - although it will perhaps not help overnight since loss of faith in the good intentions of administration can take some time to mend - is an international court of human rights deciding that homo marriage is illegal because it invalidates the rights of the children, and married homos can change their marriage proof into a proof of an agreement of a one year binding of the relationship.

Could be Henry VIII felt 'ridiculous' when he brexited from the catholic church - could be because he was not satisfied with the grace they could offer. Was England later involved in the establishment of the socalled 'Klipra connection' in extension from 'PTRSIM PIK'? It is all this reactionary nonsense which must down - not up! 'PTRSIM PIK' is at best a resource for science and sensible knowledge - not for that sort of power-making.


Friedrich, J.: Hethitisches Keilschrift-Lesebuch. Teil I, II. Carl Winter, Heidelberg 1975.
Friedrich, J.: Hethitisches Wörterbuch. Carl Winter, Heidelberg 1952.
Kirk,G.S, Raven,J.E. & Schofield,M.: The Presocratic Philosophers. 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press 1991.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 19 may 2020
Last updated 25 may 2020