A note on a 'Facebook' factor

John Bjarne Grover

Wikipedia tells that Facebook was founded on 4 february 2004 by five room-mates at Harvard. It seems that the names of the four co-founders can be recognized as the four parametres of 'goodness-driven economy' which I defined in probably 2001 (or even 2000) and wrote about from Paris in 2002 and published on my internet page in 2004 - on 4 may (2004) = 4MAY = ARAB spring revolutions of 2011? This '4MAY 2004' = 'ARAB spring' may be a clue to in the current situation.

I here interpret the names of the Harvard room-mates (behind Facebook) in accordance with these speculations relative to my circumstances:

Founder = Mark Elliot Zuckerberg:
Mar(dröm) = (swed.) for Night-mare - 'Dröm' is swedish/norwegian for 'Dream'
Kell-ermensch - 'on basement door' → 'On Locked Door' = 'På Låst Dør' = 'Paul Auster' (who died on 30 april 2024)
[Id]-iot = my brain hopefully not subjected to nerve (tissue dissolving) gas
Zucker- → 'self-sucker' (by 'auto-fellatio' - father replacement in summer 1969?)
Berg = first sexual experience with Anne Skundberg?

The four parametres in my ideas of goodness-driven economy (http://johnbjarnegrover.com/keys.htm from 4 may 2004 = 'arab spring'?) can apparently be recognized in the names of the four co-founders:

Dustin Moskovitz
Chris Hughes
Andrew McCollum                
Eduardo Saverin
arbitrarity = unzipping (in the loo)
goodness = donation (on the loo)
opening subsets of humanity

'On the loo' = 'sailing up on the VOM-list' ('vom' = 'abdomen') - hence the expression could mean 'sailing up on the latrine list' but in my model of economy it means that 'VOM' = 'Victims Of Monkey business' = 'victims of partial misrepresentation' are ranked and sail up on the ranking list (as potential receivers of donations) when abuse is recorded.

As far as I remember from those days, Kjell Magne Bondevik's second cabinet from 2001 had this concept 'sailing up on the VOM-list' as the undertext, the 'code' for the composition of the government. It is perhaps not so easy to spot it now as it was then - but it is possible that it could have served to date my concept already then - in 2001 - which was well before Facebook was founded. The idea of crediting victims of partial misrepresentation would be an important part of goodness-driven economy - but clearly 'sailing up on the latrine list' would be only a joke on this.

This tells that the historic background of Facebook tells of the origins of my model of goodness-driven economy (from 2002) installed in such a way that it encodes its inventor (me) as 'self-sucker' = the 'auto-fellatio' in the sense of the replacement of the father on the ferry station Vikebukt in the summer 1969.

The 2011 'arab spring' by revolutions in 'Tunesia-Egypt-Libya-Syria' (following after the 2010 revolution in Kyrgyztan) could be approximating the name of 'Tone Grøver' by 'Tun-Egy-Lib-Syr' = 'Tone Grøver'. For 'glipp-syr', I noticed when Per Borten resigned in 1971 that he called his mistake (leaking some classified information to a journalist in an airplane) a 'glipp' = 'glitsch', 'blunder'. For 'Tun-Egy-Lib-Syr', 'klipp' is what you do with a 'scissors' = 'saks' = 'Sachs'.

It is noticed that if 'The Dynasty' 1981 were based on abuse of surveillance material about 'autofellatio' or 'self-sucking', the 'Facebook' phenomenon in its origins apparently linking to the same concept via the names of the room-mates from Harvard could also be seen as serving the purpose of associating the 'goodness-driven economy' of the third millenium with me in the sense of 'self-sucker' - and hence Facebook could serve to add rather massive impetus to the effect from 'The Dynasty' 1981 (if that were a TV series based on such surveillance data) - in particular if the 2011 'ARAB spring' revolutions in 'Tunesia-Egypt-Libya-Syria' can be read backwards for the same sense of 'The Dynasty' 1981: 'Iris a Bild-pyg I send out' - that is, if inspection of a picture ('Bild') of a 'pyg' was the basis for what was 'sent out' on the air (cp. also the names for who was the basis for Facebook). Clearly this could also have contributed to the not so goodness-driven COVID pandemic. It is important to notice that COVID was not my product - rather the opposite - that COVID seems to have been an effect of swapomaniac stategies (plagiarisms) that may have been employed against my person and/or authorship.

For this 'self-sucking' parametre, the self-sucking (on background of probably rather extensive intrigues - which even, in the most extreme case, could have included the Vietnam war on basis of the numeral '37') took place in 1971 - and the bedroom of my younger sister (Tone Grøver) was next to it - she could of course have heard that I went to the bathroom for spitting it out. If what I spat out could be called 'the people', it can be noticed that the bathroom sink in norwegian is called 'servant' - and hence 'Servant of the people' - which was the name of the TV series which brought Zelensky to power - it started with its first episode on 16 november 2015, it seems. I have not considered the idea that this could have related to or even been based on my 'Der Dornenstrauch' completed on 24 april 2015 - only a few hours before an earthquake struck Nepal that even made Mount Everest tremble and shake mountaineers off its shoulders. I think I have seen that even Zelensky's current president title even is 'Servant of the people' - a party that was founded in 2017.

It is well possible that The Dynasty 1981 was even worse for me than The Dynasty 2017 was.

'Facebook' seems to be a term related to the phenomenon of a schoolbook with or about face(s): "A 'face book' is a student directory featuring photos and personal information. In 2003, Harvard had only a paper version along with private online directories". I recall from school in probably Molde in the 1960's in probably a geography lesson that a book or pamphlet with 'EUROPA' on the front page was handed out, one to each of the students - and on mine somebody had annotated an 'M' which created 'funny' connotations of EURO[m]PA. It could have served to link my name to 'Rompa Negr-Øver' and things like that - for that 'anus' version of the 'round window' in the Gaza region - which could have served as a means for swapping roles with Adolf Hitler. See also these news.

For the socalled 'ARAB spring', see also the story of how the spring sprang sprung - the spring that sprung from the top of a green plant I had in a window close to the door in my flat in Zinckgasse. It was probably not long after I had published that article in 2019 that my house in Szolnok was burglared - doors broken up, valuables removed, books pulled out from the bookshelf and things drawn out from a cupboard and out over the floor.

The 'ARAB spring' in the sense of '4 may 2004' when I published the file johnbjarnegrover.com/keys.htm: This file is found as the last title #12 'Revelation in science' under this page (ARAB spring = 'A study of poetic revolutions'?) which is found under this page which is under 'Some other articles' on the front page.

On 28 may 2024, after I had published this file, my homepage would not open as usual. It normally opens by http:// but now it had been switched over by some apparently automatic mechanism to https:// (source) which requires payment for functioning - I had not installed or asked for an 'SSL'.

HTTPS = Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. It has happened a few times that my night-table clock = norw. 'vekker-ur' has made strange leaps of 4 hours - could be by some strange radio wave - which hence could have been for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Vekkerur. I am not sure if I understand this 'encryptian' of internet transfer matter (if it is more than e.g. 'night-pyrken' backwards - cp. the 2010 revolution in 'Kyrgyztan') - is it that a secret randomized code is shared by the personal browser and the central server - a code which the hackers (some criminals under a naked lightbulb) cannot get access to? Or is it only for adding an 'S...' after the HTTP? See the story of the S... on pages 128-130 in my diary novel 'The Dreamer'. I suppose that cannot be the 'encryptian' thing?

Hence it is possible that 'you have not paid, that's the problem' could have been the intended effect if it were a hack, and this could contribute to a general swap of me with Hitler.

If '37' is the innermost secret in the intrigue, it could be that the 'dirt is even' could be a trick that is used.

My theory, for which I so far have got little albeit not zero information, is that I may have been subjected to rather raw child abuse through (possibly 8?) critical points of the bodily, psychological and social development up to 18 years of age - and, as it seems, abuse of my authorship (plagiarisms) later in life - for the sake of engineering power for the state as a part of Hitler's 'zweite Reich', as goes my theory. These developmental points in a child's growth and upbringing would then have the function of being critical in the sense that if one comes well through them one is strenghtened from the crisis, otherwise it is a serious setback. The purpose with the abuse would then have been to shift the historic resources from me (by my Stammbaum, probably) onto Hitler. The self-sucking of 1971 would likely have been one of these (8?) critical points - and it may have been under control of intrigue factors which left little factual choice to me. If so, it should in a civilized society therefore be rather surprising to learn that these elements of abuse could have been used for engineering state power - and even more so if they would be used for engineering more hitlerish power.

It can be emphasized once again that I do not support Hitler and have never agreed to any role-swap with him.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 29 may 2024