Biagio Marin

John Bjarne Grover

Biagio Marin was an italian poet born on Isola di Grado - a good stone's throw from Duino castle in the innermost recesses of the adriatic 'sock', or at least very few hundred metres - on my birthday 29 june, in the year 1891 when Nelly Sachs was born. In 1912 he published his first book 'Fiuri de tapo' and went to Vienna and enrolled in the faculty of philosophy - this was the year when Rilke heard the angel's voice from over the waters, from approximately the Isola di Grado or thereabout. Marin's next book 'La girlanda de gno suore' appeared in 1922. He wrote in dialect.

Here is a poem (source, including translation, see end of article) he published in 1969, from the book 'La vose de le scusse':

Prima e ultima scussa,
xe tagia una ciprča:
'ne bruna mamolussa
valķa da la marea.

La boca viola
la m'ha fato inpression
e i dinti bianchi
ne la so fįssia mora.

Nel cavo de la man
i so sini de puta
m'ha dąo 'na zogia muta
che m'ha portąo lontan.

Prima ed ultima conchiglia, / č stata una ciprča: / una bruna bimbetta / lisciata dalla marea. //
La bocca viola / mi ha fatto impressione / e i denti bianchi / nella sua faccia mora. //
Nel cavo della mano / il suo seno di adolescente / m'ha dato una gioia muta / che mi ha portato lontano.

This poem could contain some secrets of politics - who of course have discovered this Rilke shadow long ago. Bjarne Marin, so to speak. 'Xe' is dialect for 'to be'.

Biagio Marin had a son called Falco who died in 1943.

Biagio Marin died on christmas eve 1985. Then I was in Budapest and saw a car crash through the window (if that were not a year before).

From 1941 to 1956 he worked in Assicurazioni Generali (not in Allianz!) in Trieste.

The question is whether Biagio Marin has been the template of politics since the time of Rilke or thereabout. There could exist a theory that Marin was opened in his head in early infancy and that this was taken to be the 'reason' for Rilke's angel and the elegies that extended therefrom. (The 'theory' is here mainly derived from the names of a couple I once was acquainted with). If so, this could have given the 'services' ideas that they could control the (inner) poetic voice or inspiration by way of opening the head of another infant - or, as one could fancy, in more extended versions in the form of 8 cases of essential abuse - derailing the child in the points of essential crises in the period up to age 18. If this is my story, 66 years later, it could explain the name 'Bjarne'. And my birthday in 1957.

The line which Rilke heard the angel pronounce from over the sea was (if I have got it right) this - the first line in his elegies (source

Wer, wenn ich schriee, hörte mich denn aus der Engel Ordnungen?

Clearly this could be taken to pronounce truths also about the phenomenon of 'Burgenland power', the Engelsche Ordnungen of languages and etymologies, and that could be the real reason for the story. It is a very great pity if the 'services' have been concerned with getting the poetic inspiration under their control - and then it was really only the Burgenland power they were after. And then it is even worse if they could have planned to use these ideas for justifying terror-driven politics on the basis of Rilke - whose ideas of angelic 'terror' in the first lines of the first elegy of course have nothing to do with political terror.

It is fully possible that the world has been concerned with this 'program' since Rilke and that Hitler's 'Burgenland power' was based on the same ideas derived from the feel that the angel of Rilke when Marin enrolled in Vienna was the same as the 'english' taste of the power. There adds to this the idea that the whole story since then could have been a joke made by the angels - for telling the humans something interesting about themselves: This version can be seen if one reads Rilke's angel voice lines from the other side - the lonely angel fallen among humans, for example ("Wer, wenn ich schrie, hörte mich denn aus der Engel Ordnungen?") or even the angel who expresses the despair that they are not properly understood by the 'english ordnungen' of language - "ich verginge von seinem stärkeren Dasein" - the stronger Dasein of humans embodied in history - although this interpretation sits a little aslant. Depends on what you mean with Dasein - genau so, 'depends on' - which humans have (the 'fathers') but angels possibly not.

There was a cafe chain (or was it a beer?) in Austria called 'Stambula' when I came there years ago but this is now closed. I saw it on some old neon light signs.

If there is a role for the hymn (!) of 'Halmrast' it could have been about this logic which leans a little aslant to the side and therefore holds itself upright - it is that 'le-Wände' which is the wall leaning to the side (like the 'télikert' side building to my house in Szolnok). Noam Avram Chomsky was born only few years after the death of Rilke. In 1940, when the norwegian king and crown prince fled from the germans, they left from Molde in the ship 'Glasgow' containing also their gold reserves and sailed right into 'open sea' (= 'rom sų') heading for London across 'the ocean' = 'havet' - but in 'rom sų' they suddenly changed their minds and went north to Tromsų instead, stayed there for a few weeks, relaxing and reading before they boldly went down to London as originally planned. What was that sudden inspiration for a change out in the 'rom sų'?

There is no reason to continue the farce - I have shown what is the real nature of the 'engelsche ordnungen' in language, the 'mock' of the 'engelsh' (Alois Mock was austrian foreign minister in the 1960's), the reason for the Burgenland power, and of course there is no connection between Marin registering on Vienna faculty of philosophy and the angelic voice of Rilke. If there is a 'political program' of persecution of me because I have registered as resident in Zinckgasse in Vienna, it is high time to pack down all such nazi ideas and politics. (I am personally very much against a political program relating Vienna and Szolnok e.g. via Rigvedic verses).

As far as I know, Rilke was rarely in Vienna but counted as austrian citizen because Prague was under Austria in those days. Could be registration and citizenship are elevated to top political parametres for such reasons? 'Regis tration' could of course have been that detour to Tromsų - in the 'citizenship' called 'Glasgow'. If there is a concept of 'drinking & whoring', it could be from these two - tration and glass-go. Did Marin stand on a zink board when filling in the registration form and there was some zink in the cliff where Rilke walked? Ah, this party game should not be allowed to continue. Of course it is all about the year of first occurrence of a word as registered in an extant written document (which is not the same as the first occurrence of a word in the spoken language) - and that could define the language of the citizens in a certain national culture - as seen from the engelsch viewpoint.

'Registered in an extant written document' is Marin filling in the form, which is preserved in the university archives, possibly on zink board.

'Sziget Utca = 'si get ut-sa' = 'say get out said' = the angel's voice - as understood in the fantasies of the administrative plotters.

The Kennedy assassination was in 1963 - then Kennedy was registered as dead. USA got involved in the Vietnam war on the other side of the globe relative to Norway, and later USA waged a war in Iraq. Norway is also a sort of 'other side' to Italy on the swastika over Europe, with Paris in the middle.

I have now proven what this story really is about - by way of 20 years of lonely and pioneering work (appr.1990-2010) including my theoretic study of the 1000 year cycles of logical and formal linguistic theories (1992), 'The Endmorgan Quartet (1997-2008) and 'POLAKK English Bloggi' (2008-2010). See also 'Poetic semiosis' (2013). It is only by the 11 years of climbing of the mount of mystic-poetic enlightenment in the 16 books of 'The Endmorgan Quartet' that I could define the solution to the Burgenland power mystery in terms of the 365 first lines of 'POLAKK English Bloggi'. This means that the mystery is solved - and that does not qualify for sending me to the chemicals (for being converted into a converted jesus cloud over global businesses indulging in abuse of my work, selling sausages by way of my PEB and things like that) while a copy takes my place. The reason for such primitive ideas would probably be that the lonely and crying angel had 'fallen' among humans, the 'fallen angel', which 'service logic' could recognize as 'satan' - e.g. occurring in 'Szi-get Ut-ca' in Szolnok. (The lonely 'fallen angel' schriee - but is there anybody hearing him?) If american economy feels chilly by the loss of this business source in my work, then the only thing which helps is to shape up and straighten things out according to the law. The voices of cannibalism count as primitive religion, not of a civilized society. If Newton's discovery of the law of gravitation should have been used for selling more apples and condoms only, such as my work is suffering from for the time being, the only result of Newton's work would have been laws of 'grave-itation' under mafia control. 'According to the law' means also the copyright law which means that it is not legal to take any copy of a work (including surveillance copies) without permission from the author and registration of the copy, and if secret surveillance spreads e.g. electronic copies of my work for business and propaganda and research use without my permission, that is just unlawful abuse possibly under the pretext of Rilke taking an 'angelic' copy of Marin's ideas or something like that. The program could be nearly 100 years old and with a proper understanding of what this really is, there could come to be some changes in the society.

Why isnt my blue PEB published?

Added on 24 july 2018:

It adds to the story of Rilke hearing the angel probably a few days before he completed his first elegy on 21 january 1912 that Robert Falcon Scott allegedly reached the south pole on 18 january 1912 - in competition with Roald Amundsen who is said to have been there on 14 december 1911. (See this article). When Marin enrolled in Vienna I dont know. These data could of course have added hysteria to the philosophy.

There seems to exist a political program of Austria-Hungary which straddles the Burgenland border with a possibly quasi-'rigvedic' project - apparently based on RV 1-19-7, as is my guess - which seems to balance between my address in Zinckgasse in Vienna and Sziget Utca in Szolnok. If this project exists today, it is of course a terrible nuisance for me and I ask that it be dismantled immediately.

The 'services' may have created the myth that this project should be ideal for me as poet since 'Bjarne' in Vienna then can travel over to the other side and fish down a 'service-Rilke' there - which are horrible ideas only. It is completely ridiculous to believe that this can have any value whatsoever for a poet. In particular if the locations are circumstanced with representatives of the services and their ideas.

It would likely be based on the ideas from the Marin-Rilke connection - on the principles of citizenship + registration = national + socialism - and was probably the basis for Hitler possibly on behalf of the anglophonic west. It would be very strictly in contrast with the austrian constitution of 1955 and could come to be a serious threat against the security of the state. But that is not me! I do not under any circumstances support this.

It is of course possible that it is the anglophonic west that conducts it - but it should now be possible to get these things up in daylight.

There also seem to be organized stalking of my person and I ask that the stalking be ended immediately, whatever good pretexts could have been constructed for it. Of course it is a matter of economic and political interests that have arisen from abuse of my works - sales of newtonian apples and condoms have sky-rocketed - and when I pop up personally, these sky-rocketing interests feel their grounds threatened and send out stalkers to adjust the feeling. This of course is a heavy burden on my life - I deserve a thanks for my work (and the independence needed to continue the work) which has rescued the world from more national socialism - and not stalkers that threaten the stability of my soul in order to prevent that the old system collapses too quickly.

The world is very biased after this century of fundamental error in the understanding of the Marin-Rilke 'connection': The world has been right that a historic breakthrough is contained in the connection between registration and national format, but that is not in the Marin-Rilke sense but in the form of the connection between oldest extant document containing a certain word and the phenomenon of a historic collective consciousness with a certain logical format typical of a certain national culture which decides to retain this document and discard that - as conceived in the anglophonic tongue and its logic. The fundamental error has been that this has been conceived as the same as 'registration as student at the university of Vienna' (producing an 'extant' paper in their archives) and 'angels tongue' - which is a totally and essentially very different thing, although they share aspects of the same defining codewords 'registration' and 'citizenship/nationality'. It must be understood that 'under-standing' is not the same as 'understanding' even if these can have a shared etymological (!) rooting. Or like 'con bagno' and 'con banjo' (angels, english). The world has been convinced that it was right in its understanding of the Marin-Rilke connection - but somehow it came out wrong nevertheless. This is the reason for the enormous role of secrets in administration that has developed since then - the reason for this role of secrets is that the fundamental foundations are wrong and if the public get to know these secrets of understanding, they would quickly find other administrators. Therefore secret intelligence has come to get an overwhelmingly strong role in organizing society. It is all this which must down - and a fresh start must be made on basis of the totally different conception of the historic collective consciousness. It is probably very tragic with all the apparent hostile integration (of probably the 'services') into spiritual and cultural life (with 'apparent hostile integration' I mean the idea - for which I have not much empirical basis but the idea could be around nevertheless - that as soon as something interesting starts accumulating, there quickly comes an 'agent' or representative from 'services' to adjust the development and then it quickly may lose its interest) - one fancies that the 'services' are trying to prepare for a totally fresh start from scratch in the spiritual life - aiming at constructing a new religion with themselves as 'divine origins' - ah, what a classic misunderstanding. Fallen angels? Likewise, it is possible that the 'services' have been active with plundering and 'repairing' historic archives for making them fit for their new religion and politics - which is a tragic misunderstanding: A part of the breakthrough with my discovery is that it will no longer be necessary to have a 'collective historic subconsciousness' which retains this document and discards that in order to arrive at a certain format - that would have been the previous millenia and with the new understanding that will no longer be necessary. Those 'services' who could have been involved in 'adjusting' historic archives for making history look like either this or that (never mind what the oiginal truth was), have been 'installing' themselves into this cultural parametre (which retains this document and discards that) instead of understanding what it really is. They could have felt like 'disciples of truth' when they sneak into a library and replace a book with an updated version containing false information.

There seems to be a good amount of this phenomenon - which perhaps can be called simply 'the reaction'. All this must be stopped while there still is something left of human sense and reasoning and archives.

I hope that my books can be published (instead of those stalkers) - also since that could make me more independent economically and thereby escape the traps of the 'services'. It is possible that my humble economy has been a part of the controlling mechanisms.

Stalkers can be quite catastrophic - for me as for others. Please stop the stalking.

I must repeat this: There is no computer in the world that could have found the 365 lines of my PEB needed for understanding this story - that can be done only after the 11 years (1997-2008) of mystic inquiry which computers cannot do (the best they can do is to imitate afterwards). Therefore it is important that my books be published.

Biagio Marin: 'Poesie'. A cura di Claudio Magris e Edda Serra. Garzanti 2017. (The book includes translations into normal italian - the above translation is from this book page 189).

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 23 july 2018
Last updated 26 july 2018