Why I probably need to receive housing from public administration
John Bjarne Grover
It can be proven (with considerable evidence, I would say) that if I stay in Austria, the mortality in Italy of covid-19 is 14% - and if I move down to Italy it is only 2%.
It seems to be possibly massively favourable for Italy that I be here and not in Austria.
I lived in Venice in 2008-2009 before I was forced to move to Vienna in late 2009. It can also be shown that the italian economy, which was in good shape in 2009, started declining from late 2009. The reason is that the historic role assigned to me is the socalled PTRSIM PIK, which seems to be a political program constituted by a series of a few persons (since Napoleon) born to the role of a 'technical Messiah' - and when this 'Redeemer' is born, there comes a future US president and hijacks the whole thing and (possibly accompanied by terror) gets elected as Messiah in USA. The humans can now be rescued from Covid-19 by vaccine-producers which seem to index 'PTRSIM PIK Messiah' (search for 'Pfizer' for some examples - there is further discussion in this file - see the end of the file) - and this seems to lift the Messiah label from me onto Adolf Hitler - ultimately for the progress of anglicanism against catholicism, which seems to be the main program of PTRSIM PIK. That is why italian health and economy goes down when I live in Austria and up when I am here.
The propaganda tells that I am PTRSIM PIK and therefore a threat against the italian society - while the opposite of course is the fact: It is the PTRSIM PIK program which is a threat, not me who am a victim of that program. It is like claiming that the jews were the nazis struggling to get into Auschwitz, the most 'popular' camp in those days, and it can be evidenced with photos showing the long queues for getting into the camp.
The propaganda tells that it pays off to pay protection money - otherwise there can be trouble and that does not pay well off. Will Italy get into trouble with USA/England if I be here instead of Austria? Of course the trouble is much worse if I stay in Austria.
But how can I manage to move to Italy? My economic resources are for the time being a disability pension of appr 30.000 euros (a little more than 300.000 NOK) per year - minus 15% withhold tax and 8,3% social insurance - but that goes up and down with the norwegian currency. If I should have to pay italian tax it is much higher (25-30%), and when my pension turns into retire pension in 3 years time, it goes considerbly down. (The history with probable head opening soon after birth suggests that I ideally should not pay tax for medical reasons, but that is of course not up to me).
This means that without own capital I cannot get a loan - and there probably does not exist a bank who can resist the temptation to abuse some information from a PTRSIM PIK, because that quickly brings them to the forefront of banking, for which reason loan is not really possible for me. (I am without debt). In addition, if I should own a small flat, the surrounding flats could quickly be bought up by 'intelligence' and business and political institutions whose representatives want expensive refurbishments which drive the houserent high up and then I can neither pay nor sell and I go bankrupt and the 'intelligence' or business or political institution is soon the market leader.
Therefore I probably have to rent - but then the problem is that much power and money can be earned by terminating my contract. (This happened in Venice in 2009 - two neighbours died and the philippino neighbours - I think somebody told they were from the Philippines - moved out on the day when Corazon Acquino died). When I came to Austria in 2009 it was the first time in my life (except for a similar contract in Vienna 2005-2008) that I had got a place where I at least in principle could remain for the rest of my life without having to apply for renewal, and therefore I have been able to remain there for 11 years - before I now have to conclude that it cannot continue because of the political circumstances (covid etc). Before 2009 I had some 50 residential addresses in the course of some 50 years. There is money and power in squeezing me out. To rent a flat on a 4 years contract in Italy is probably predestined to fail.
There exist really only 2 possibilities for me (in addition to the third of getting enough money to buy a place): 1) Either to rent from an official administrative institution, which probably means the municipality, on a time-unlimited contract, or 2) to buy a place without adjustable houserent for 1,- euro with sales contract that guarantees the seller the right to get it back against the same price when I sell or exit. Such a sale is really the same as renting - the question is who pays the running costs. And therefore it must be without adjustable houserent - or if it is an independent house the building council could judge that the bricks must not fall down on passersby. It would be a precondition that police and insurance function - so that blame for damage to the house will not injustly be dumped on me. (There was a burglary in my house in Szolnok in 2019 - the Generali insurance has got all papers from the police investigation but I dont think they have paid any money to my bank account yet).
My view is that it could be very favourable for Italy if I get the chance to live here - although 'interesters' could have other views on the matter since there is power and money in squeezing me out.
National or international intelligence is possibly one such 'interester'. It happened just before christmas that I tried to enter the house of municipal administration with the URP and Case communale - but a man slipped by from behind carrying a bag out of which a pack of 'Norwegian Salmon' was peeping up: Such sliced salmon (cp. 'GlaxoWellcome' now merged with 'SmithKline' - search 'glaxo' in the file 'Why I have stayed outside Austria since 27 july 2020'?) could perhaps under such circumstances - although the christmas-shopping passerby in this case probably was a coincidence - be intended to invoke a 'horror movie' (in the collective consciousness) for preventing me from making progress outside Austria. When I came back to the hotel a little later I was bleeding in the urine - like it happened once before after I met somebody who carried something out into the garbage. Another bleeding I had some days ago at the same time as the recent landslide in Norway, around 4-5 in the morning: The landslide was in Ask, Gjerdrum, Romerike outside Oslo, Norway - which could mean 'ask for housing in the roman empire - 'outside g-laxo'? - no way'. ['Hjerterom' = 'heartspace', 'hospitality']. The landslide in Norway could suggest the formula 'no way - because not goodenough grounds'. The earthquakes in 'Cro-[f]-atia' could perhaps suggest 'Mestre-Venezia' = 'mestr-u-azione'?
I sent an application to Direzione Coesione Sociale, Citt� di Venezia, Servizi alla Persona e Benessere di Comunit�, Servizi per la Residenza in late october 2018, and soon ended up in hospital (in Venice). Of course I had not a chance in the competition for the announced flats but it was a sort of SOS which told that I was interested in renting a home in Venice. But maybe this office was not the right one - could be there are more relevant offices in the municipality.
(I add that I have also a small 25 square metre's adobe house worth 12.500 euros in Szolnok in Hungary, but that seems to be an 'intelligence project' including water pipes inside the adobe walls but not inside the house itself - there is a water tap in the garden. The pipes inside the walls can seemingly be controlled from some other location so that water running in the adobe could make the walls collapse and the roof fall down. This means that there is cold water inside the walls but no water, including hot water, inside the house itself. It is not impossible that this is the 'Visegrad Group' = 'water-temperature group' of Poland, Czecho, Slovakia, Hungary since 1991: This 'group' could then mean that it is impossible to get water for use installed inside the house. It could mean that it is Oslo who is responible and that I am 'un-gern' there - which could be an expression of the 'intelligence project' that pretends that I should be a secret agent - which I am not! - for the Hitler program).
Thanks and best wishes,
John Bjarne Grover
Material which could be consulted if there should be need for it (I am not asking that all this material be read):
Letter to Agenzia Coesione Sociale, Venezia, of 11 december 2020
My housing problems
Why I have stayed outside Austria since 27 july 2020
The US democrat party and me in the 2020 US election
I hope to remain in Venice - but if I have to go back to Vienna for some errands, I risk being stuck without a chance to return due to travel restrictions. The following address cannot forward mail but will hopefully be in use by me:
John Bjarne Grover
Casella Postale Aperta
Ufficio Venezia 12
Calle dello Spezier 233/D
30121 Venezia
© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 6 january 2021