Properz elegies - 'fryser på ryggen'

John Bjarne Grover

'Freezer/freezing on the back' = norw. 'fryser på ryggen', often taken as indicative of a mistaken cultural directionality. The expression was originally about heros and things like that - the hero who sacrificed his life for the little girl - and then the audience who heard this story froze on the back from sheer awe at the depth of the mysteries of human existence. But the expression has often gone astray into a mistaken conception - 'the murderer got the job as leader of the department because he had murdered somebody while the one who was competent got it not' - and people freeze on their backs by the depth and incomprehensibility of the human mysteries - then it has gone astray. Could be it went astray after 1970 - when the story seems to have been the following:

It was recently in 2015, while I was finishing the work with the 16-poem fourth part of my Dornenstrauch which seems to have a LEKTON function relative the third part, that I came to the problem of finding the end to poem 14 which originally went as follows:

Deshalb steigen die Menschen ein
zum geliebten Leben ohne Bild,
langsam schreitend - Bein nach Bein -
wo Leben ist das All gewillt.

However, the problem is that the last word 'gewillt' is not accepted by german grammar - it must be 'gewollt'. The problem is essential to the fourth part which has something to do with the human will, volition, the ability to change the course of history in a good way. I eventually found the solution in terms of the line

wo Leben ist das All gestillt.

that is, the particular aspect of the mammal species ('stillen' = 'breast-feeding') that they rely on a long period of upbringing in custody relation. But that would mean for me - having to discard 'gewillt' because german grammar does not accept it and having to accept 'gestillt' instead - to give in to the political pressure of accepting the custody parents at the cost of the genetic parents - and function 6 is precisely about this genetic guiding of the development of the subjective knowledge and understanding of the world through the genetic parents - and not the custody parents. This problem of gewillt/gestillt is solved for me - as 'jewish genetics' - by way of the line

still in the arms, still in the laps

which is interpreted in right-to-left reading by Celan's "Ziw, jenes Licht". See the comments on line 6 in the PEB. But in order to make this apply to function 6 and the genetic guiding (of the genetic parents) of my personal subjective knowledge and understanding of the world, Celan and Sachs had - as tells the mythos - to die on time points which related them specifically to my family background: Therefore Celan suicided on 20 april 1970, which was the birthday of Adolf Hitler (cp. me relative to Adolf Eichmann), and Sachs died on 12 may 1970, which was the birthday of my official custody mother Ragna Gröver. In this way they rescued the future of the jewish-genetic diaspora culture - by way of their heroic deaths and the poetic interpretation of 'Ziw, jenes Licht'.

You freeze on your back?

Could be Celan suicided, and Siegfried Unseld tells in his papers of 1970 - published as 'Chronik 1970' on Suhrkamp - that he had visited Sachs just before her death and she weighed only 26 kilos. Could be she died naturally - and 'poetically' her body chose this date for her death because it was the right one for the future of the jewish culture. Could be, therefore, that they were not murdered but were heros which could make people freeze on their backs - at least that could have been the state of the backs up to 1970.

But the PM of Norway in 1970 was called Per Borten since 1965, when the beginning of his ministry seemed to index Celan, and he resigned in 1971 under circumstances which seemed to index Sachs and left my 11th birthday in the exact mid point. This is the 'evidence'.

Could be, therefore, that they were murdered nevertheless - because administration wanted to coup the 'freezer on the back'. That is, when Celan disappeared on 19 april (and Mitterand was born on 26 october 1916, a day before Gröver/'Mengele'), it could have been for the purpose of hijacking this possibility.

But how could they have known this 'still in the arms' and 'gestillt' which I have written only now, in 2009 and 2015? They could not - but would have felt the purpose in their 'intuitions' only. It would, nevertheless, have been mainly an attempt to avoid the blue metre - which could make politicians look like celestial cannon fodder.

I add that there is more to the story than these 'still in the arms' and 'gestillt' - as I found when I now studied the headlines of 'Der Dornenstrauch' part 3 ('Linien') which originally were a part of mainly poems 71-72 before the whole 78-poem series was reduced to 64 poems. The original poem 71 started: "Die Liebe ist in blau versteckt / in kleiner Kinder Spiel / eben die Farbe unentdeckt / in des Türkises Stiel" - which is interesting in comparison with poem 43 (or 42.666!) and 44 and Caravaggio's "Rest on the flight to Egypt". It seems that the complex is somewhat overdetermined and hence beyond the reach of manipulation by my volition.

It seems that the Leseübungs of Gonda and Touzard could be the way of installation of the hijack of this heroic 'freezer' idea. It seems that it is the name and texts of Sextus Propertius which can give reason to this: Sex-Tus swaps to Tus-sex = Touz-hard and Prop-perts-ius to 'Perts-ius-Prop' = 'Gonda'. This leaves a 'squeeze' in the middle which can be recognized in the role of Velazquez for a 'V-lass squeeze' for the anus-PROPP squeezed in, and for a 'homo' program which seems tentatively installed - not the least by the number of males which suddenly seemed to inundate the baker shops of Vienna and elsewhere. Velazquez seems to be used as a squeeze-in on Caravaggio's work - in ways which could invoke the lines of Hölderlin ('Hyperions Schicksalslied'):

wie Wasser von Klippe zu Klippe geworfen
Jahr lang ins Ungewisse hinab.

There is the wheel-as-quiz/squeeze which provides an alternative to this deeply confused homo program. It was while I was reading Properz' Elegies that I came across a structural phenomenon which reminded me of the trip to Hvaler with Leif Stene Johansen and his son Knut, my classmate: When we came to the bridge, one had to pay 'bropenger', 'Brückenzoll', money paid for passing over the bridge, a bridge ticket payment system that would last untill the construction was paid down - it was a little money to be paid and a burden on the inhabitants of the archipelago (cp. 'szigetközi'). It is well possible that one paid not per car but 'pro pers', per person, and hence that Leif Stene Johansen paid also for me - and the ticketseller could have reported to the 'services' that "this Gröver was in the back seat of a car that crossed the bridge and I think it was Mr.Johansen who drove and paid for them all". I thank for the ticket paid. If this is the story, then it is possible that the two space shuttle disasters of Challenger (1986) and Columbia (2003) could be seen as historically related to me in that back seat, could be I was sitting in the chair behind Leif Stene Johansen at the steering wheel. There is some evidence of this in Properz elegy 9 - such as in line 5 ('columbae') and in line 24 ('presserit ille manu' - the Challenger disaster was said to be due to a 'fehlerhafte O-Dichtung'). Line 5 from the end is 'quisquis es, assiduas a fuge blanditias!' - another 'quis'. Line 17-18 (the mid of the elegy - 'necdum etiam palles, vero nec tangeris igni: / haec est venturi prima favilla mali') are hopefully not the reason for the problems of terror in Mali.

One of the reasons why I believed that I recognized the 'politics' in Properz was the feeling that has accumulated through some time of a certain redundancy that points to a theoretic story many years ago that could have taken place with a 'Charles de Gaulle' - who also died in 1970, could be even that in line with the way that Sachs and Celan died. I do not believe that Charles de Gaulle personally was involved in anything such, but his name recurs frequently in the elegies of Properz (about 'Cynthia') as 'Gallus' - such as in elegy 10 line 5: 'cum te complexa morientem, Galle, puella'. This elegy (and the redundancies of 'media' etc that seem to point likewise) is in a story, be that fancied fiction or real history, of me (politically in the role of Cynthia, that is, or 'CVNTHIA') in drugged condition being raped by some 'Charles de Gaulle' (not the french president!) who had agreed to letting himself be shot by some third person in the moment of ejaculation. For obtaining a perfect timing, it would be necessary with a fourth person ('puella'?) lying on the floor underneath and behind the rapist with attention to his testicles which I suppose would start lifting up (?) in the moment of ejaculation - and she would have been instructed to shout NOW! in the moment when it started to rise and then the third person would shoot the rapist through the head. This could have lead to a 'stretchout' sort of cramp of the rapist - his body stretching out like a ski jumper in the moment when he shoots out in the air - and the redundancies in the media have let me arrive at the assumption that the shock would have caused a cramp of the ring muscle which would have made it difficult to get the organ out of the rectum again - and hence it had to cut off from the dead body of the 'hero' (the rapist) like some 'ding-an-sich' which could be stored in a freezer for use by necrophiliacs - after it was manouvered out of the rectum independentally. (Could be modern chemistry could have solved the problem of ring mucle relaxation - but that was not available to Properz, could have been the idea).

This would have been the political hijack called 'freezer on the back'.

The idea of such a redundancy in the media - be this modern mythos only or a real history - suggests also that this story is the background of 11 september 2001 in USA: That 'two thou send in one' is the ejaculation from the two testicles into the one penis and that the 'sept-ember' is the victim of the rape - in front of the rapist who is in the seat behind, that would be - and that 'eleven' somehow encodes the name of this 'Gallus' or 'Charles de Gaulle'. 'Leven' is in hungarian associated with 'air' ('levegö') and in the west with 'tax', hence 'a leven' could be a sort of 'Charles de Gaulle'. (In addition, there are 'magics' to the date as the square root of 123 = 11,09053650640941716205160010261...). The collapse of the two towers would be like bending the two arms at the elbows - for the work of it.

It must be emphasized that I have only such media redundancies and Properz as reasons for the idea of that sort of story - if it were me who should have been the victim I cannot remember anything of it and would have had to be in drugged condition and waking up without having noticed anything - hence not likely to have been the story.

However, I have told of the problems of my skin and condition generally that developed in 2014 around april-may - could be 2 may 2014 - which would have been around 4444 days after 23 february 2001 when it seems that I was hit by a laser beam that caused a cerebral stroke in that part of my brain that controlled the left hand. There are two elegies 8A and 8B in Properz book I - and when devenagari 4 looks like a numeral 8, there is a 4444 in these in combination. In addition, there is the name of Ba-Ruch o-Ba-Ma which could be close to the indian devanagari letter BA which looks like a '4'. 8B starts 'Hic erit!' - and there is a certain relevance of the photos to the files the revelations in Vilnius and Eastbourne and New revelation in Vilnius to the end of it. 8A starts with 'Tune igitur demens' - cp. 'Tone Helene Gröver'. The end - is that 'Fylleis - illa HOTARAM mea est'? Has Szolnok come to be about 'movie-gården'? Could be my ideas of a link between Skundberg and Clinton really derive from the role of 'Cynthia' in these elegies. My very miserable condition in 2014 could perhaps be evidence of such a relevance for me personally, if it were not simply due to overworkedness. It is still in the arms, still in the legs, this itchy stiffness of the skin up to a little above the elbows. Could be it is about 'presserit ille manu'? Was it a 'hero' (in the back seat) who wrote the blue metre? It was a 'Maxine Brunerie' who shot in the air when Chirac passed in open car on his way to the Bastille on constitution day in 2002. It should not be mixed up with heroism to have written that PEB book - which could have been a theoretic background of the aircrash of Smolensk.

Could be the whole 'fryser på ryggen' program is only to 'leak' the secret rewrite key to 'Properz elegies'?

Properz elegy 10 starts "O iucunda quies, primo cum testis amori" - the 'lös oi! pung' of the detachment and the Leseübung of Gonda etc. Plus yet another 'quies'. I notice that Charles Bukowsky suffered from acne skin, called KVISE in norwegian - typical for youngsters' skin but not so frequent for older people.

The blue and the red metre can be seen to meet in the elbow - there is one (millenial) bone in the upper arm (= blue metre) and 2 (seconds) bones in the lower (= red metre), but there is reason in considering the red as the subjective consciousness and memory and hence closer to the heart (which counts beats by seconds), hence the upper arm, and the blue as the collective consciousness and memory, hence the lower and the hand. This makes the elbow the essential hinge for the concept of WORK if that be defined as interfacing between red and blue metre. Could be, therefore, that there could be a mixed ethiology in my condition of apparent over-workedness since 2014. The sometimes insane itch in the inside of the elbows could represent the idea of a raped anus (the two elbow insides) as well as the acoustic reality by the faculty of audition (the arm bones being comparable to the earbones). Cp. the collapse of the twin towers.

Just before the recent election in Vienna on 11 october there arrived a notice that I could go to the post office at Europaplatz to get a sending from 'NAV' as it said. I first believed that it came from the norwegian work and social security department NAV but it turned out to come from the hungarian national tax office NAV who called for payment of the 4% fee on all house acquisitions (which I had already paid but without the needed indexes of tax number etc). The sending seemed to have been somewhat delayed in the post - it seems to have been sent some weeks earlier.

There is the possibility that 'politics' (US adm?) could be exploiting this unfortunate (could be even theoretic - but the itch is no theory only) story with some 'Charles de Gaulle' by defining some administrative 'ring of muscle' around my person - thereby taking over my role as the one ín control' of the ring muscle - like a potential role swap of the 'Cynthia' can be seen as a part of the elegies of Properz. If combined with illegal surveillance of my life and writing of my authorship, the aim could be to create an unfortunate identity and swap with my person - which then could count as the 'jewish-genetic diaspora culture' due to the story from 1970. In 2000 I tried again - after 12 years (except for a brief period in 1991) - to have a telephone attached, but after only a few days or weeks the phone rang and when I lifted the receiver a voice pronounced what seemed to be a quote from my 'Dreamer' and hung up - and the news quickly appeared that british military attache Stephen Saunder had been shot in Athens around the time when I lifted the receiver. That sounds like this NOW! There has been little or no post to me except for 'life-sustaining mail' and I have speculated (without much reason, though - could be people just dont write) that there could be censorship of my post, sifting off what could be of interest for my contacts with the outer world. After the unpleasant 2000 story with Saunders I detached the phone again. It is of course possible that these things are about detaching the 'freezer' from the (american?) hero 'on the back'. To get the freezer ding out of 'Vienna'?

The firm who washes in the house in Zinckgasse is called TOP D&D. I saw the news that the son 'Beau' of Joe Biden died some months ago from brain cancer. 'Bo-plikten' is that aspect of my renting contract for the flat - it has to be my residential home and be the address in the 'Meldeamt' - which means that I can be away for a considerable time now and then but my 'gewöhnliche Aufenthalt' must be in this house if I want to continue having this place - with a time-unlimited contract which means that I can have it for the rest of my life - as my home, without having to rely on the 'kindness' of a bank not to take advantage of my vulnerability as far as the business potential in the politics around my person is concerned. But I cannot really live somewhere else most of the time and just pay the rent for this place to have it without really living here - that is 'bo-plikten'. Which means that I cannot really solve the problem of the regular ins-and-outs of the probably private washing firm - at least once a week they come with their brooms - sort of 'vasgereben's. It is felt quite strongly by me - for whatever reason.

Could be the idea to the job of Oswald for the Kennedy assassination in 1963 is associated with me - when the name of Lee Harvey Oswald seemed to index the three places I had lived - in Molde, Hammerfest and Oslo - could be even for the theoretic '1-2-3' of Kennedy with me, which could have made the assassination look like a 'revenge' from little John Bjarne - who then had moved from Bekkevollen down on the nearby Stuevollen in Molde.

It can also be noticed that in Austria a doorbell button by default is called TOP # - on a doorbell panel to a typical austrian house one can often find it labelled TOP 1, TOP 2 etc. You just press your index finger onto it there, on the TOP number you want.

In Hungary one sometimes has to pay a POT ticket on fast trains, in addition to the normal ticket. POT JEGY is the hungarian term and in addition to these two there is sometimes the need also for a seat reservation called HELY JEGY.

The streets around Sziget Utca in Szolnok are Tél, Rege, Ösz utcas intersecting with 'Vasgereben'. ('S' is pronounced 'sh'). 'Vas' = 'Eisen', hence the names can be seen to encode the name of 'Dwight David Eisenhower' in Washington with quite much precision. 'Rim' is norwegian for the white frost of winter (the word can also mean poetic 'rhyme'), while 'tél' is hungarian for 'winter'. In addition, these three street names could correlate with the three Touzard fragments. If so, the Rege Utca could of course also be the secret of 'Ronald Reagan' - could be that is the 'eaves-dropping' of the 'Regenwasser'. Does that mean that 'Vasgereben' = 'Gonda'?

'Vaske revben' in norwegian means 'to wash bottom/fox-bone[s]', to wash the other side of the 'Venusberg', so to speak, the bony end of the bottom where it curves in. Could be that is what 'politics' means with 'Gonda'. The new Pflegeheim up the street, built on the site of the former Elisabethspital, is called Ingrid Leodolter Haus.

The problem is if all this means an attempt to gather paradoxical public sympathy and support for a political program of torture on individuals - such as a Black Sea Loop could be about - by turning things and roles around etc. Such politics should be stopped by the law and police before the people's noses have been pulled all too far. Electronic voting - press your finger on the button if you want a TOP etc.

Was it a laser beam that hit me in 2001? If so, was it from a nearby parked car or from airplane or even from satellite? It seems that the military equipment of satellites by laser weapons has come quite far in development - they can send TOTENSTRAHLs with high precision and probably also in mass amounts. This could of course be a continued attempt to 'hijack' or escape from the blue metre - which seems to target the politicians as in a celestial telescope sight for the cannon fodder of POLITICS. Isnt it time to see that it is all about this blue metre? The political angst for it? That angst should not be turned around onto the people.

There is a garden to the house in Szolnok and in the other end of it there are two plum trees - one blue plum tree in my garden and some metres away a yellow plum tree that leans over the fence and drops its yellow plums down on my side. I do not relate to the yellow plums that could fall on my side of the fence but in the late summer I ate some blue plums from my tree. It is of course possible that 'politics' has constructed ideas about the garden wherein from all trees the fruits thereof ye can eat, only from one tree thou canst not eat and that is the tree of knowledge. It was after I had signed the contract to the house acquisition that I saw the 'context-free phrase structure' grammar sob-i-bor drill construction at the sportsground near Hotel Liget. (I later saw a similar rig with a massive and long spiral drill which could lift the masses of soil up from the hole that could be drilled some 10-20 metres into the earth - it wasnt that rig I saw in the early summer even if it could be somewhat comparable in size and shape of the rig itself - the one I saw went quickly up and down and seemed to have no purpose at all). I did then understand that there could be some ideas around about an association in this 'plummeter' (repeatedly quickly diving down and then vigorously being pulled up again) to the blue-and-yellow plums (the colours are also national for Sweden). It is of course possible that somebody has constructed ideas about a 'context-blue plum stucture' sort of program on a more or less old testamental basis. But once again it is time to understand that blue plums probably really are about the blue metre - the plum eater etc. Adolf Eichmann - a plum treeman?

The recent election was on 11 october. On 12 october there were the news that ÖVP would get a new leader called Gernot Blümel. I am not involved in politics.

Clearly if these ideas of mine have any basis in reality, it could mean that the politics is a heavy burden to the poetic value of Porperz. Is it the purpose that people shall be put out of any possibilities to understand the poetic value of ancient texts? America is a young culture.

Maybe I should add the brief stories from 1962 and 1972: In the summer 1962 we had just moved to a region (was it 'Bekkevollen'?) which was two or three tall grey houses in Molde, only a stone's throw from Stuevollen whereto we would be moving a few months later. I recall losing my way there in the late summer or early autumn 1962 - I was alone on the path and looked up at the high 'Manhattan' skyline and could not find out of which of the high houses was my home. (The houses were probably not so high - it was only I who was small). It was an experience of some importance - could be it meant who was the real father. Then in probably the summer 1972, ten years later, the family went for a trip to London and the same thing happened again - in probably the Bayswater (cp. 'Bekkevollen') region I lost my way from the family and could not find out how to find them again - was it down that street or that - and I looked up at the skyline of the high houses to see if I could recognize them. This latter story could probably have been known to the 'services' but the former I believed was my own - unless they had guessed it, that is. Celan's poem "Und mit dem Buch aus Tarussa" (in 'Die Niemandsrose') was completed (or written) in september 1962 and contains the lines

geatmeten Steppen-
halmen geschrieben ins Herz
der Stundenzäsur - in das Reich,
in der Reiche
weitestes, in
den Großbinnenreim                                                             (Großbritannien?)
der Stummvölker-Zone, in dich                                             (Stuevollen-zone?)
Sprachwaage, Wortwaage, Heimat-
waage Exil.

Von diesem Baum, diesem Wald.

Von der Brücken-
quader, von der
er ins Leben hinüber-
prallte, flügge
von Wundern, - vom
Pont Mirabeau.

It is said that Celan suicided by drowning himself from the foot of Pont Mirabeau. But that is probably guesswork only, even if he lived nearby. Was 11 sep 2001 in USA because there was a childhood memory of mine which the administration did not have under control?

I refer to Properz I, 12, 9, to his 'Cynthia': invidiae fuimus: non me deus obtruit? an quae lecta Prometheis dividit herba iugis? - as well as I, 13, 33, to [Charles de?] 'Gallus': tu vero quoniam semel es periturus amore, utere: non alio limine dignus eras. ('Iugis' can also mean a 'co-plan on higher' that did not come about because a group of oxen had let the water go). It was after I had met the man-on-wagon with the boy in front outside a Pflegeheim (or was it retire home) in Vienna in 2011 that a governmental crisis broke out and Pröll resigned from his finance ministry due to health problems after having attracted a sort of pneumonia during downhill skiing in sunshine, if I got the news right. ('Sonst geht es nicht' is the mnemotechnics for this newspiece). It could perhaps be a sign of antisemitism if the 'Gallus' mix of roles (with Cynthia) is used for installing the idea of the boy in front being the victim of a rape by the man-on-wagon behind. I see there is a 'Mozart' performance on in Vienna nowadays. Hopefully the governmental crisis on a Properz background is not the reason for the 'Leodolture' house. Why should I come to buy a house in a faraway Szolnok - only to discover afterwards that the surroundings index just these things on an american governmental background? (It is the potential politics that is the problem, of course, not the house or place - and hopefully there is no such politics at all and then there are no problems). I had searched for many months before I found a suitable place which I could afford. I could have bought that house near Györ if a letter of apparent threat or strong advice had not prevented me from it. People must understand that it is fully possible that the national 'services' are involved in constructing such 'black sea loops' while pretending to understand nothing of it. FPÖ had called for an 'october revolution' for their election campaign. Could be only that could have solved these problems. It has happened a few times that when I have been in any contact, be that ever so briefly, with a female, an 'egg-shaped' male has appeared soon thereafter when I pass through a door, or an Edvard-Hoem-looking 'stalker' appears in the street - could be for the formula "eg gjekk på skule" = 'I went to school' (Hoem is from Fræna outside Molde) for the idea of the national self respect being on an all times low after the Hitler 'intrigue' but it could be jacked up a little by way of an 'easter cave' = 'påske-hule'. You just press the TOP button - like everybody else - and it goes up with the self respect. But it is likely that the intended effect will be only temporary and 'turn around' and that such solutions must be paid for 'pro pers' on a national scale. (Like letting the water go in the pants to stay warm on a cold winter day, could be the standard comparison). If one person goes in the chemicals, then the whole nation must pay accordingly. If two persons go in the chemicals, then the whole nation must pay the double. If three, the whole nation must pay triply. And so forth. It should not be much tempting. Could be the music was something like this before Hitler rose to power as well - not much tempting it should be. This time it would be overly unsmart to smash the last remains of german-speaking self respect by running a chemical black sea loop program in order to pee in the pants for the lukewarm and extremely temporary success and self-respect-jackup it can lead to. If angloamerican interests are involved, it would be for the one and only purpose of rubbing the dog's nose in the excrements it has left on the floor untill it has learnt to go outside for such things.

Added on 21 october 2015:

Adding to the above: The full name of Properz was Sextus Aurelius Propertius which seems to be encoded as 'Touzard Lyshåret Gonda' - where 'lys-håret' means 'light-haired' = 'blond[in]e', and 'lys-året' = 'the lightyear'. It is possible that Grassmann's "Ausdehnungslehre" (cp. also 'Leif Stene Johansen') could serve the function of encoding this 'Aurelius-Lehre' - for the 'Lehre' being that role of educating the dog to go outside for such errands. 'Lere' is also a word for 'clay' and 'Ausdehnungslehre' could probably simply serve to encode 'adobe' ('tony straw') - or vice versa.

In further extension from the above-mentioned more or less bizarre ideas, I add that I do not want to be replaced in person by e.g. Bill Clinton. I suppose the biometrics and closeup photos of the former president are goodenough to avoid that. It is not a goodenough reason to have been a president - and, of course, it is not likely that the former president himself would feel comfortable in such a job, but others could be out for the idea of such a role (cp. also his 'bypass' after I had moved to Vienna). It is time to understand what this could be about. The americans can be suffering from angst for the aliens because they fear their TOTENSTRAHLs through the telescope sight of the blue metre that focuses on the politicians (like Oswald once did), and therefore their history has been battling the german language because that provides for the bridge to the DORNENSTRAUCH (cp. also 'George Bush') which also proves that the jewish tradition interprets the TÅTENSTRAHL as the spurt of the mammal species' primary food. That is the celestial twig over the head of Mary in Caravaggio's "Rest on the flight to Egypt" - with my corresponding "In des Türkises Stiel". In fact both the holocaust and the war on Rilke's language could have been an attempt to escape from the blue metre for such reasons - in the failed belief that it is the LASER BEAMs from the aliens that is the real contents of the blue metre. The fear of the aliens (kingkongs etc) is probably not as ridiculous as it sounds - for once, it could be that the collapsing towers of 11 september 2001 really are about the bending alien-bows for the point where the red and the blue metre meets and aliens can slip through a narrow slit in the turning swastika (like refugees at the windmills of Nickelsdorf/Mikloshalma), and it could be that the idea of aliens is understood as more or less the same as the phenomenon of recursive matter ex nihilo - an unpronounced theme of generative grammar and automata theory since the fifties. Hitler's Volkswagens could have been about that theme, so to speak, and when a HORNET airplane of Pentagon type disappeared in the indian ocean during the presidency of Clinton, it could have been a theme of that type. I personally observed a horned beetle take shape (I dont think it could have crept to the place without me observing it) in front of my eyes on 19 february 2014 on the mat with centimetre grid that I have on my desk - exactly on the point 75 cm horizontally 25 cm vertically:

It waved its tail and bent one of its horns before it died - the bent horn thereby looked like that egyptian hieroglyphic sign (often recognized as 'folded cloth') from the deep Kheops tombs. There was a B-1 bomber that crashed in the indian ocean near 'Diego Garcia' on 12 december 2001 while an F/A-18C Hornet was reported on saturday 21 oct 2000 to have crashed on friday, the day before, in the Pacific outside 'San Diego' - cp. Sandveien where I was born and the names of Indira Gandhi's two sons. CNN for this San Diego newspiece added that another two Hornets had crashed in the preceding month of 'september' - an F/A-18C Hornet in the Persian Gulf and an F/A-18D Hornet hit another plane over the Arizona desert.

On 7 march 2014 I read Machado's 'Soledades' when I turned page 120 - and a clot of fresh and humid jelly (nearly a centimetre in diameter) attached under the turning page, just to the left of the top two lines of the spanish version page of poem XLIV, starting "El casco roído y verdoso / del viejo falucho / reposa en la arena...".

The clot contained also some apparent small hairs which curled around to what looked like alphabetic letters of some sort. It is theoretically impossible that it had been there before the page opened one second earlier (it left a humid stain on the paper when I moved it to the microscope glass but there was no stain or mark on the opposite page) and it could not have been ejected from a nearby source in the course of that second. These two cases (do they both say 'folded clot' = 11 sep 2001?) of recursive matter were in extension from the work with the second part 'Unter Gesellschaft' of my 'Dornenstrauch' and are variants of the more elevated 'lapis philosophorum' which I found later in 2014 after having completed part 3 'Linien'. The 'magic' of potential sourcerer's apprentice type of part 2 is only a temporary and less interesting phenomenon on the way from part 1 to the 'lapis' (part 3) which counts not as that sort of 'magic' but is more to be understood as a higher sort of spiritual reality - magic is not the same as mysticism. Recursive matter ex nihilo is something - and it is likely that the animals are as friendly with us as we are with them. It means that 'aliens' can exist and be no ridiculous idea - but to solve the problem by battling the human spirituality (wherein the matter could originate) is no solution. It is time to understand that letting the blue metre through is not the same as opening the gates to an invasion of kingkong and Frankenstein aliens or celestial star war thunderbolts.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 19 october 2015
Last updated 21 october 2015