Some end-of-the-year comments on the political situation as far as my person is concerned
John Bjarne Grover
My views/guessworks on the background of some terror recently:
It is possible, although I lack certain knowledge and have to base my ideas on mainly speculative reasoning, that international secret intelligence mafia constitutes a larger or smaller part of the national governmental intelligences and organize terror for converting human spiritual values into own power - which they partly can use for consolidating their own positions, partly can serve to parts of the constitutional power in the relevant country for making themselves necessary.
Hitler may have been the great breakthrough for this international mafia who have been celebrating this victory since WWII.
I have guessed (on basis of little data, though) that Hitler's 'dritte Reich' program could have been to let himself be rebuilt to a new character in a second period after the war and to a third character for the new millenium, and that the socalled 'dritte Reich' consists in dumping the blame for his war crimes onto jewish genetics which in the third Reich will be his own cover story - to appear under jewish-looking cover as something resembling a persecuted jew.
I have made speculations - and there have been some reasons, although most of them all too vague, but with the Yom Kippur war in 1973 as the heavyweight 'suggestion' - that Hitler's second Reich was in the form of taking the place of my official father in 1969. This second official father died officially in 1990. It is possible that he could have used this period for a role-swap with me - on this basis.
In the worst case, which I hope is not the case, other members of Hitler's government could have been in the family - sketches like this cannot be taken as 'evidence', though - and it can be speculated that even John F.Kennedy could have been a representative of the same 'internationals' if they had gained enough control with the US democrats in the 1960's. My role in the same family would, in such a case, have been to be the 'dumping-place' - but of course I cannot seriously launch such theories on such a weak basis. However, since this 'Hitler' theory could have some explanatory value, I cannot leave it totally untouched either. After all, the new father of 1969 never said his real name and there must have been a reason for this. But I must emphasize that I have never got a goodenough reason to believe that they were anything but normal people.
What would have been my role - if such a grandiose historic theatre nevertheless were the story? It could have been to be the Tutankhamon and PTRSIM PIK - for that 'norwegian' egyptian factor relative to the 'icelandic' Israel's early history.
On this background - what could have been the reason for the university shooting in Prague recently? I would guess that it could have been to coup the theory in my new article for moving the historic credits for this onto Hitler. My article would lend new explanatory value to my 'TEQ' = 'Bucha', so to speak.
An important aspect of this is that there seem to have been continuous efforts for this program as long as I have lived in Austria - since 2009, that is. (I lived in Vienna also 2004-2008). In the worst case, and I have noticed a few examples which could have been indicative of this but, again, not enough for more than vague speculative hypotheses, cognitive surveillance data ('thought reading') from my presence in Austria could have been forwarded to Ukraine for use in provoking a war with Russia and as strategies throughout the armed conflict - in parallel with what could have been organized abuse of surveillance data from my workdesk in advertisement on huge posters in public space all over the country. With me as the 'mysterious X' bridging the gap between these two forms, a certain strong political connection between Ukraine and Austria could have been engineered - potentially an important component in a Black Sea Loop construction - the loop being thought of as being a horror wave of persecutions running from Turkey around the Black Sea toward Paris for an eventual 90 degrees turning down onto Italy in such a way that the european swastika will swing the british arm up to the far north - for fishing down aurora borealis up there and bringing it down to the metaphysically hungry britons.
In the worst case, the terrorists could have planned to use my 'The Endmorgan Quartet' for selecting victims of persecution along the eastern arm of the european swastika. This is also why I have to discuss the possible construction - since of course I want my work to be rescued from such a fate (cp. Holm's poetry and its tragic fate).
The enormous and incomprehensible mystery is why the politicians let this continue with me having my residence in Austria. I have through many years tried to move from Austria back to Italy but my economic resources are small and I cannot take up a bank loan for housing if even the financial system seems to model itself on basis of these persecutional plans - if that should be the case, the bank could earn money when I fall sick and vice versa. See also my recent ideas about a potential function of Microsoft Windows 10-11 possibly installing my presence in computers around the world.
I published the article 'The revelation of the revelation' on 10 october 2023 in Vienna - and included the question "Were the attack on Israel (the land of Ezekiel) on 7 october 2023 motivated by my writing of the present article?" It is true that the attack was on the day after the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur war (!) - but it is also very possible that it was motivated by general 'security concerns' that could come to get out of balance if the whole story with the 'egyptian' Norway and 'israeli' Iceland - even with a 'pharaonic' Faeroe Islands inbetween - could be coming up in new light, in particular if I am considered a socalled 'dritte Reich' component. I therefore found it wise to go down to Italy (instead of remaining on the eastern axis) for publishing the next article 'The sunflower matrix' on 23 october 2023. Had I published this in Austria it could have triggered waves of terror for couping it - but the move to Italy helped so much that I felt that it would not be necessary to go to Italy again even for the third article 'Some formal aspects of the sunflower matrix' published from Vienna on 13 november 2023 - but this turned out to be a serious error (however, my economic limitations were also a concern). No sooner had it reached the web the net started to converge on my presence there - and I therefore had to travel down to Italy again for publishing the article 'Sistrum and menat and computation theory' on 8 december 2023. Then back to Vienna again after a week there. I wrote most of this article on 20 december 2023 (could be I had scantily drafted it a few days earlier - I dont remember this now) for bringing it with me down to Italy again on 22 december for getting the ship upright again. I personally would be inclined to guess that the university shooting in Prague would not have taken place if I had published even the third article in Italy - and that the tragic events of 21 december in Prague was for preventing that I ran off with the 'booty', thereby making it more difficult for 'Adolf Hitler' to use it for his new strategies. The article draft of 20 december meant that I had something to bring with me to Italy so that 'it' (?) would be moved down there again and would not constitute a link on the eastern swastika arm.
The worst part of this story is perhaps the apparently spontaneous or quickly organized attack on Israel of 7 october 2023. If even this attack was due only to my presence on the eastern axis of the european swastika, under the viewpoints of an accumulating 'threat' from the article coming up, the enormous problem is this: Why cannot the politicians create a solution so that I do not have to live on this eastern axis? It is a matter of small economic means for obtaining potentially large political gains. Of course 'Hitler' would like to have me in Vienna - and there is the 1223 factor in addition.
The terror (Israel, Prague etc etc) is a challenge to my authority - which can make it possible to abuse it for launching own interests under my apparent authority - like the wolf succeeded in cheating the little girl into believing that it was her grandmother in the bed. It is possible that this also is a notable problem in Norway where I lived for more than 40 years - and it is possible that terror on indexes is a means for holding the illusory authority up and going for yet some time. Terror-and-monkey-business could be a standard sort of political 'drug' which is only tragic, not the least for those who have fallen into its spell.
It is my opinion that very much can be gained and very much conflicts can be avoided by helping me with a little money (or other solutions) enough to move to another country - that is, 'to move on'. In addition, it seems that the world could owe me possibly an enormous lot of money from abuse of my authorship in many parts of society - business, advertisement, TV, film, arts, literature etc - in many countries. It is only new mafioso nazism that comes out of this - and this very dangerous nazism can probably be avoided by tidying up at least a little in that apparently great misbalance. (In Venice the 'Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori' is just visavis the Canal Grande relative to Lista di Spagna).
1) Is Microsoft abusing data from my life and work - such as that 'Cloud' with 'that (S-mode) value'? (Were that even the helicopter crash of Deny S-Monastyrsky in Brovary? ('Snøre-sko' = 'bootstrapping'?)
2) Were the US TV series 'The Dynasty' based on data from my life and work and historic background? At the time of or not so long after the first series I withdrew from social life, and at the time of the second I landed for 7 weeks in hospital due to heavy retention and general organ dysfunction and barely survived.
3) Would some of Dan Brown's novels have been a plagiarism of my novel 'The Dreamer'? It is said that he has earned 1.5 billion dollars from his novels. The matter of potential plagiarism is probably easily checked by the police's computer - I have only a few observations such as the one mentioned in this file - search for 'Dan Brown'.
These could be three examples that could be subjected to scrutiny from the viewpoint of 'potential plagiarism'. Why doesnt the responsibles do something about this for giving me the chance 'to move on' - to get out of that eastern axis? It should not be left to little me and my very limited resources to tidy up in this - in particular if a new world war is the possible perspective.
It is even possible that I was subjected to potentially rather heavy child abuse and, if so, this would be the reason why many people bite the hook that 'it feels right' to plagiarize and abuse my authorship - in particular if such child abuse were made for engineering power in the state and the state so far has not taken steps to reject this offer from an abusive mafia power. That is when it could look as if the abuse were sanctioned by state power - and that could be why many people could have been tempted into participating in it.
It may be that the 'politicians' have planned to keep me under the surface of public attention for thereby making it easier to launch Hitler on a terror-and-monkey-business basis once again - under the pretext that 'this time his political program is quite the opposite'. That would be a dangerous illusion, of course - if his program would be the very opposite this time it is likely that the same nazism would blossom elsewhere anyhow - examples by terror in Prague and Israel recently.
Is it the plan to turn Hitler into a new quasi-religion where everything is turned around to its opposite? If 'political logic' should tell that the 'keyhole' in my TEQ #198 relative to the yawning gap of Parmigianino's artwork is supposed to be an 'anus' as the doorway to the Mysteries, this logic is of course very mistaken. Not to speak of the gesture of the angel - it is not about horror-injections in a Black Sea Loop. The solution to all these problems and misunderstandings is of course that the administrations tell the whole story about Hitler and all that and do not leave any details for use in further intrigue.
Of course I must be credited for the work I have done. I am in absolutely no connection with all that political business or intelligence intrigues and of course I have never given permission to any uncredited use of my work - or any use of it for terrorist or other political purposes. I have never been told a word about all this circus and have never been asked about any permissions. If e.g. the local intelligence services should try and claim the opposite, they are not talking the truth.
The reason why I had to write this page is that I have to face the definite possibility that the political establishment and its intelligence services plan to let my work sink down into oblivion for being reserved for terror and a sick quasi-religion for manipulating the minds of the people. The two cases of terror which I have discussed here could be examples of that. I have still not got any reasons to believe that this is not the plan. There are reasons to believe that there could be largescaled political intrigues on my person - and, if so, that must not be allowed to remain secret or forgotten.
© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 28 december 2023