Some further data

John Bjarne Grover

This article continues from the article on the transfiguration of Venice.

27 october 2020: A political commentary

The phenomena mentioned here contribute to the formation of the new logic for the collective consciousness along the 1000 year span of what I call the blue metre. It is reactionary to start getting nervous about ex nihilo phenomena and things like that - such as that foldover point which culture wants to 'calibrate' and smooth out so that people do not see the edge of the scissoring. It is swindlers who want to scare people off this knowledge in order to use the phenomenon for cheating people or for smart political intrigue. For example, the title of SÅ #7 is 'Jesus plays the flute' while the doublewords for the stanza following the 'cat's formula' resemble the calibration turnover doublewords: This could make it appear as if the upper righthand character on the schimmel image with 'global foldover' to the 'two-nibble rear' is the calibration point telling of the baptism of Jesus, in which case it must be noticed that the 'flute' looks like the own 'nose' for which reason it could be about 'J-sus' (telling it 'in the hands' a la 'Sri Lanka') rather than 'Jesus'. But that reduces it to a play with a quasi (and not real!) phonological logic which also could be ideal for such swindle by terror-and-monkey-business - such as the bombings of Sri Lanka in 2019. To take another example: British military attache to Greece Stephen Saunders was assassinated in Athens in the morning on 8 june 2000. I had then rented a flat in Vilnius with telephone installed for the first time since 1988 - except for some weeks or months in Budapest in 1991 when I had attached the telephone which was installed ('rigged'?) in the flat I rented there - in that spring of 1991 there came I think only one telstabbephone and that was from Teresa Cheung who invited me to join her for Rigoletto (although I declined the offer, having just got ahead with my thesis). Vilnius 2000 was the next time I had a telephone, which first was a great success when the immigration office called and said I had got a residence permit, but some days later the phone called again and a voice said a few words (which I believe I recognized from my own and then very unpublished and strictly private manuscript to my novel 'The Dreamer') and hung up. Later in the day there emerged the news that Stephen Saunders had been shot around the same time as the phone came, as I computed the time point: He was on his way to work in a white Rover (!) car and was shot by two men riding a motorcycle (= 'ri go letto'?) - and I recall that I fancied that the phone had come just before the shots in Athens. This scene is in the righthand upper side of the the schimmel image of 8 july 2020 - the 'steven' on the top, in the mid the 'saunders' like a person lying on the asphalt, and in the lower part the motorcyclist with a shorter passenger behind. This being the righthand side, the 'foldover' leads on to two-nibble rear on the lefthand side: However, this apparent 'two-nibble rear' emerges only as developed some time later from the schimmel image of 8 july 2020 - on the image as developed on 24 july 2020 it has become clearly visible like a gap opening towards the 'flute' of the fluteplayer - or rather on the latitude of the motorcyclist, but in the image of 8 july there was only the wrenchhead of 'Elvira' visible and no face with indian feather up from the occipital lobe (or back part of the head) like a 'two-nibble rear'. Since Tony Blair was british PM and hence chief of Stephen Saunders in 2000, it is evident that this 'ri-gol-etto' assassination (I have not connected a phone again since june 2000) even could have served as a diachronically orchestrated threat towards me or my jewish genetics - also on the background of the motorcycle = mother-cycle as quasi 'Madonna' cult in the sense (for my person) of Ragna Grøver with me as J-sus 'on her lap' (or on 'her' asphalt - the mid 'saunders' part?). It is the diachrony which tells that this could have served to install a future threat against jewish genetics - and the temporal gap is what makes the monkey business possible on basis of the terror: That could mean that the threat could include the option of crediting somebody else with my work, such as this opening wrench-head gap. The first quarter of my 'The Endmorgan Quartet' (the title part) was completed in 1998, the third secret of Fatima was published on 26 june 2000 (after the pope contacted Lucia in april about this), the Concorde crashed in july. It is of course possible that the assassination in Athens on 8 june 2000 concerned this complex - including or concerning such a british threat against my authorship. Cp. the later 'screwdriver' coordinate system (Boris Johnson, the end of Lady Di etc). When the poetic notebooks were stolen (disappeared) in the Barnabiten church in the summer 2019 (accompanied by terror in El Paso and Dayton), this could compare with the strictly private and unpublished novel manuscript of mine in 2000 - if that is what I heard in the phone - and that could add explanatory force to the Covid-19 pandemic which spread out from the day when the nomination process started in the US democrat party. No wonder, perhaps, that I have not had a phone since then, which also could have added to the informational encapsulation of what some consider 'the beast of the revelation' (a veritable swap could be at play there).

Two small details could be added: When I moved out of the flat in Budapest in 1991, the owner said that FBI would move in on the ground floor underneath - this could be seen on the background of the later pan-european designation 'POLICE' for all police in Europe. Secondly, Ragna Grøver once (probably the 1970's) with a particular emphasis mentioned the name 'Steven' for a character in a TV series - she said the name in the room where the TV set was and it was on top of this that the phone was when the first silent telephone came in 1986 - she had then driven down to work in the morning in her car and the phone came some time later - the official father took it and put the receiver on and looked over onto me (cp. the pope contacting Lucia in 2000 via his envoy Tarcisio Bertone) standing about the place where I stood when she used the name from the TV series (cp. the 'revelation' of Fatima). Was it the steven 'unders' who 'sa'-id it? The silent telephones continued for two years before I had it verified that it seemed to be Ragna Grøver who called - when I could predict the next phone on basis of that theory. (I notice also the rig disaster in the mexican gulf and this 'rigoletto').

It is fully possible that this is the heart of the story with that politics which could want to swap me with Adolf Hitler - by 'historic discontinuity' in the foldover - including the wrench-head gap of the 'two-nibble rear' for the 'nose' of the fluteplayer: That is when a 'hunchback' (cp the fire in Notre Dame) could be telling of such miscrediting (monkey business). But that means only that terror-and-monkey-business out for cheating by the scissoring edge (or at the 'comma' of real numbers) could come to use terror for miscrediting one person for the work of another. It is therefore very possible that this complex is badly abused by the proponents of terror and monkey business while in actual fact it should have been released for a deeper scientific understanding of the existential conditions of humans. The PTRSIM PIK program seems to be a program for exploitation of just the possible mixmax in the foldover at the scissoring edge. (Were even the US involvement in the Vietnam war on such a basis? I fancied that I spotted a '37' - for the Shijing factor - in the Eisenhower doctrine of 1957 as a possible pretelling of the 'Kennedy' program relating to me as PTRSIM PIK). It seems to be the exploitative abuse of this foldover which makes extensive use of the possibility of misidentification in names and in surface of phonology and apparition (body apparition etc) - that means a new nominalism in all except for names ('Je-sus'), which is where the smart trick hides, a trick inviting to taking such mixmax as the format of a new poetic-phonological logic - such as for the recognition of a Messiah in the PTRSIM PIK child. That is when 'Jesus lives' could mean 'Adolf Hitler is still alive'.

Vote Trump!

Added on 27 october 2020:

The theory is that the 6 manned expeditions to the moon around 1969-71 were not really travels to the moon (even today it is probably difficult to do that) but a way of telling something. I have guessed that it told 6 important names of PTRSIM PIK, and I have tentatively arrived at the following series, with birthyear to the left - plus the names of the US presidents (democrats all of them) that one could guess had been present at the early opening of the newborn child - hypothetically for borrowing a 'Messiah' role that could have been installed into the genetic construction of the child:

US president
Knox Polk
Moon lander

Henrik Arnold (Thaulow) Wergeland was a norwegian poet born before the state declared itself independent. It would have been probably James Madison who masturbated on his brain (landed on his 'moon') if this is the procedure for PTRSIM PIKs, although the program could have been made by Jefferson. The theory here is that Norway was established in 1814 mainly for this function of the PTRSIM PIK program.

'Challenger' on me could be a part of the reason for Covid-19 - a 'challenge' from those who put it in circulation, whether that was 'lone done' or what it was.

My name Grover seems possibly to have the function of pretending that the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs in 1945 were for using me as the strategy for pretending that the state of Norway is formally ratified - and hence that the pogroms on the indians are likewise. But that is not likely to be the case - it may be something constructed recently by way of my name 'Grover' as a PTRSIM PIK. Hopefully the plan is not to sacrifice me or my work for reaching the goal of international sanction of the indian pogroms for securing territorial rights in USA.

There is something called nominalism which probably has a genuine historic function. (I think I have looked this philosophical concept up in various sources and the number of differing definitions seems to be about the same as the number of sources). 1000 years ago scholasticism was about to be prevailing as a theory of how meaning and form of matter resided in the heart of the things - while surface nominalism took shape and reached its practical climax with Gutenberg who pressed meaning into the surface of matter with his printing press - and that may have contributed to give rise to anglicanism and protestantism. The practical example - telling what this antithesis of scholasticism vs nominalism is - is in the warnings that probably rushed in when the Vatican planned to erase the surface of Michelangelo's artworks in the ceiling of the Sistine chapel and replace them with restorations: The warning 'protestantisms' that rushed in would probably have said that an artwork is really only the presence of the artist in the brush strokes on the canvas - and if you stand before an original Caravaggio you will understand things in his way of thinking and that is because of the brush strokes with his historic person present. That is scholasticism. Nominalism tells that this is nonsense and that it is the sensory impression of the colours and their forms which have meaning and nothing else: That means that a reproduction is the same as the original artwork and hence there could just as well have been TV flatscreens in the ceiling of the Sistine chapel rather than the 'ghost' of Michelangelo swaying in the air. Then it looks as if the 'nominalists' are the avantgarde while the scholastics are the protestants - and some hundred years later these roles have changed. Today the situation is probably like it was a millenium ago - and the 'printing press' of today is the poetic-phonological logic that will develop into maturity in some hundred years' time. It is likely that this is related to the socalled 'acoustic reality' - which in the political situation of today probably would be recognized as the republican party (Trump) as nominalist in this sense - while in a few hundred year's time it looks scholastic at hindsight. The acoustic reality will be the jewish-philosophical (Trump in the present situation) against the 'nazi' reaction. If 'flatus vocis' is used for telling that nominalism is the other way round, there could be a 500 year's gap there - but that could be due to the conceptual changes that have taken place in the mean time - while history erased the surface.

It is probably very true that the real value of an artwork is the scholastic presence of the artist's way of thinking - and it is equally true that the printing press erases this for being able to press the meaning into the matter. A medieval scribe used his person for writing the meaning of words and that is why the script carried meaning and you could understand the secrets of the text in the way that the scribe understood it - that is like an original Caravaggio being much more than its reproduction.

The problem is that Gutenberg had to erase this presence of the scribe's person in the document - but found it justified by the number of copies he could make thereby. It is likely that the US democrat party has a true historic ground in the new nominalism - but it may be equally true that they should not abuse this for creating a pretext for accept of the indian pogroms as a way of 'erasing the presence of the artist from the surface of the artwork' (or the indians from the surface of the earth). This sort of accept is probably tentatively justified by the need they feel for having the country (territory) - all non-indian americans cannot go back to Europe - and we cannot unwind history and do it over again.

China probably invented the printing press a millenium ago or so, but the sun took half a millenium to move from the east to the west. Well, the loose types of potato print and carved reproductions were probably invented thousands of years ago but commercial use could have been a millenium ago. That is because loose types are not feasible in chinese. Could be, therefore, that chinese language and script is the secret factor in the story. Chinese script is utterly 'scholastic' - they write the meaning and not the sound - while latin script in comparison is 'nominalist'. This is interpreted in modern politics as the 'foldover' on the global 'map of love', as Dylan Thomas called it.

The promised miracle of Fatima 1917 was a surprising zigzag-dancing movement of the sun. That is of course truly possible if there can be historic discontinuity in the foldover, but culture normally smooths that out to prevent such discoveries. Could be this is what the future technology will make possible.

The dirty trick of modern quasi nominalism is to say that the name form 'Jesus' is nominalist and it wipes out the surface presence of the original 'scholastic' secret which pretends to tell that it arose because 'J-sus' was the true story and 'inner meaning' of the name - or that the Madonna of catholicism could have been a Mad-onna trans raping the little child. The reason for this weird sort of theory could have been a problem of conscience and territorial rights due to pogroms against the indians - with the tentative solution of constructing a sinful 'original heart' in the divinity, something like pretending that 'all great artists have been agents for the secret intelligence - that is why they have come to be recognized as great artists'. That is not true - that is to construct a false 'inner original meaning' as the historic source of the later nominalist surface. It is perhaps even possible that the entire PTRSIM PIK story came to light around Thomas Jefferson because one could claim that real indians had little or no beard (at least one theory tells that this is a racial characteristic) but could be called 'Sval-beards' ('cool-beards') - and hence they constructed the first PTRSIM PIK in Henrik Arnold Wergeland = Henry Carnage Wergeland = Henry VIII and even constructed the new kingdom of Norway in 1814 for being a justified territorial claim to 'Svalbard' = 'Svalabeard' ('Cooley-beard') - cp. the later 'smala-hove' and things like that. The purpose with the construction of PTRSIM PIKs in the early 19th century would then have been to claim that the indian pogroms were a british project (for protecting their fatherland) and not an american problem - and sell this to the american voters who eagerly grabbed that opportunity. (It is of course possible that the real intention with the assumed PTRSIM PIK program was to construct a US democrat responsibility claim - more than strictly speaking an apology - along with british interests going back to the 'protestant' Henry VIII). It is telling that this program went in parallel with the program of keeping slaves - Jefferson himself had 600 slaves - since these were not original indians but had invaded the country and had no rights to be there.

Wergeland seems to have had the fourth name 'Thaulow' as well. It could mean partly 'dau-low' = 'the dead low', like a photo from pogroms or the civil war battlefield, or even 'necros', or it could mean 'tau-love' = 'rope-love', the bound slaves. It seems that president Jefferson had children with at least one of them.

The US republican party was, if I have got it right, formed for bringing an end to the problem of the abusive slavery.

This does not have to mean that the US democrat party today defends slavery, but it is not impossible that the New York Times now and then (or even every day?) could have a fragment of my handwriting (manuscript form) 'present on the surface' of its front page. If that were the case, of course I would not have the needed strength or resources to pursue the matter.

My name 'Grover' could mean that a hypothetic sexual abuse of me from 1970 on with its background in the nuclear bombs of 1945 could found its quasi 'justification' in the mirror around Wittgenstein born in 1889 relative to the birth of the (assumed) first PTRSIM PIK if that were Wergeland in 1808 (at the time of Jefferson) - as if to try and end or 'round off' the story of PTRSIM PIKs thereby. Hence my name seems to suggest that 'Grover Cleveland' = 'Grover Wergeland' were so called because this 'mirror symmetry' was planned already then - with the 'foldover' in Grover Cleveland. That could mean that they hoped to have the country of Norway (and hence the US territorial claims) accepted by way of sacrificing my rights (against sexual abuse) - like the jews of Denmark before 1814. Norway could have been constructed as a kingdom of fantasy in 1814 (I know little about this, though) - some folks met on Eidsvoll and signed a document - for a country which, though, continued its dependency allegedly under Sweden (who could have received a document from Norway telling of the new 'union') untill 1905 (when Norway selected a danish prince as new monarch) - but it may perhaps be that things continued much as before and that this apparent 'intelligence project' (Norway) never were really recognized by other states. (See also my study with the dating of Heimskringla exhibiting half a millenium between apparently real and fake historic origin - like that turnaround of the 'nominalism'). Does that mean that the state of Norway can dissolve at any time - or at least that the state is nervous about it? If they hope to reach an international consensus on their existence by way of an international abuse ('slavery') of my person and neglect of my (as PTRSIM PIK) rights, they can perhaps share interests with the US pretexts - but of course that cannot lead to anything at all except the opposite. It is possible that the norwegian 'rights' to Antarctica are already lost and that 'Svalabard' could be the next on the list.

It is noticed that the historic credits for the algorithm for a Fast Fourier Transform is given to 'Cooley-Tukey', cp. the 'Sval-b[e]ard'. Were norwegian 'withhold tax' imposed on my pension in 2010 in an attempt to uphold 'Svalbard' - like a white paper tacked up on the wall? (For the idea of 'holmgang', cp. also 'Arnuldo').

Of course these problems - like an artist drinking too much alcohol for being 'present' in the oil painting - cannot lead to anything and should not hide under the pretext of the purity of the heart which is the needed precondition for the historic chances for a true nominalism. To mix such purity of the heart up with indian pogroms is not a promising political program. I have suggested that Obama's program was to swap me with Adolf Hitler (if he were my granduncle Aron Eidsvig after the war - and the 'hardon' AIDSHIV pandemic is a good reason to pose the question) - that could have been for just such dubitable swipswap purposes.

It may be that the world economy is too soaked through with the illegal spread of my authorship in an attempt to create international sanction for the US territorial claims after the pogroms. If this is Covid-19 - the need for a fresh restart of the world economy without these problems - it may be that some feel that the kingdom of Norway in the sense of the series of PTRSIM PIKs since 1814 should not continue. If so, this problem should not be solved by dissolving my rights (to, say, my manuscripts or copies of them, for example). If much international relief and regaining of balance is obtained by Norway paying reparation money to me, if the problem is that Norway feels anxious that this could cost them their independence, the fact may of course be the opposite. If the real problem is that Norway in actual fact never was properly ratified and therefore hope for an emotional 'compensation' for this in terms of the tacit international accept of their rights to administer the authorship of PTRSIM PIK going back to Jefferson, that would be to just continue a kingdom of fantasy in the vain hope that this is a future 'nominalist' logic and technology - which of course is an illusion. Hitler was probably a result of these problems. There is no need for a continuation of that.

I saw a TV program some decades ago about Orlando di Lasso and what was said to be a tragic part of his life - that he had surprised his wife in bed with a lover and murdered both of them with his bare hands = 'hen[d]er i kverkeland' = 'Henrik Wergeland' - after which di Lasso lived secluded as in an ivory or Eiffely tower for the rest of his life ('am old'?) - writing ethereal music of strange beauty. This story of the murder is likely to be fake news only - could be for making sense of the formula 'orlando dyl asso' = 'as-tom dyl as' ('Dylan Thomas') such as 'henrik wergeland' = 'landwerge henringo' as the basis for 'starr ringo' (the 'bare-hand' drummer of The Beatles who took over after the original drummer). 'Landwergen' = 'the custody-holder of the country'. The swan swims along the coast - like Costa Concordia - along the 'starr' = latin for 'sedges' which by a source on internet is traced to proto-germanic 'sagjaz' (like the miracle of Fatima?) - the word seems to have zigzagged back and forth from middle english to medieval latin as 'starre/starrum'. Hitler was imprisoned in Landsberg Gefängnis where he wrote 'Mein Kampf' when the postcard was sent from Hamburg. Should that mean 'Mein Krampf' - of Laura Devold's finger (if she shot Lenin) in Gorky? If so, it may be that the combination of Dylan Thomas, Ringo Starr and Orlando di Lasso are used by british interests as a responsibility claim on Adolf Hitler - and, if so, the replacement of the original drummer Pete Best (meaning 'the pope'?) with Ringo Starr could have served to suggest that even the original Hitler were replaced with a (british?) agent. 'Hollande Francois' in the sense of 'Orlando di Lasso' could perhaps mean something like that. Orlando di Lasso may be among the composers (like Jan Dismas Zelenka) whose music were of too much beauty for the modern western 'intelligence' world of the 20th century and so the composers were sadly classified and abused for political intrigue instead. (Can listening to di Lasso's music trigger some 'response' from 'services'?)

Trump tweeted yesterday 28 october 2020: "Covid, Covid, Covid is the unified chant of the Fake News Lamestream Media. They will talk about nothing else until November 4th, when the Election will be (hopefully) over. Then the talk will be how low the death rate is, plenty of hospital rooms, & many tests of young people". This suggests that the news are full of panic-driving news of Covid-19 even if the death rate is very low, even lower than a normal influenza. It suggests that the news media are a variant of 'international secret intelligence services' - which of course they trivially are as 'information providers'. This suggests that Covid-19 now is used as a scare for the sake of the US democrat party's interests.

There is a word BGUIHM ('begåyehem') = 'in their peopleship' at the end of Genesis chapter 10 verse 5. It is the same word as earlier in the same verse where it is HBGUIM = 'Völker(inseln)'. I noticed this word since it reminded me of Fjellheim (cp. the schimmel image) telling me in a cafe in Universitetsgaten in the first half of the 1980's that he had 'begått en roman' ('committed a novel') in the course of was it one or two or three weeks.

The word immediately preceding this 'begåyehem' is in german translated into 'Sippenverbänden' ('lemishepehotam' it is in hebrew). The question is whether this associates with the 'Zipporah' of the current peace prize announcement by Reiss-Andersen ('zipper' = 'Reiss-Verschluß') phenomenon of 'della Robbia'. However that be, BGUIHM reduces to GUIHM which is (by Davidson's analytical hebrew dictionary) the root GUH = root not used, but cognate of GBB = to be rising, convex - like the sinking stocks on the rice/rise = the risotto factor. I notice that the significant 'R' or even 'Ris' on Hitler's postcard occurs in a context which seems to suggest the name of republican 'Rice Condoleezza' (cp. 'Reiss-Andersen'). Is Otto = me considered a Quisling - in Gorky 1924 - next to Laura serving 'julekaka'? GU = a back, middle, midst, body, like the 'packer' on the schimmel. GUI = people, nation, mainly foreign nations, but also Israel - metaph on locusts (not 'lockdowns').

Now for the clue: The word GUIHM = hebrew


which arguably looks like GOVID10 = Govid primo (= US president in the whide house?) which by a movement of the tag of G turns into 'COVID19'.


(See also the mention of the '91 RING - the telephone to me in Budapest 1991 - with apparent reflex in another telephone in 2000 in the context of the alleged assassination of Stephen Saunders).

There is also some snacks in Genesis chapter 9 verse 2: 'Ho mora kom ved hytte-kom/kos' ('that mother came at cottage-came/cosiness') - suggestive of the idea that it could have been Marianne Moore who could have been behind the 'surface apparition' of Ellen Berger at christmas 1979 (when the original then would have been off with the family for cottage = 'hytte' holiday) when she fingered with my socks - and if that were Moore and not Berger, that suggests that the 'sinking stocks' (of these 'stinking socks') could be on the rise nevertheless. I notice also the 'withhold tax/socks'. Could be the risotto is not so present there otherwise.

For turning 'withhold tax/tacks' into 'withhold socks' you need 'lenition' (of T to S) plus 'rounding' (of A to O) - which is when the 'Sippenverbänden' = hebrew 'lemishepehotam' could look like 'lenition-PI-hotam'.

Now this 'ho mora kom ved hytte-kom/kos' ('that mother came at cottage-came/cosiness') is hebrew for 'the fear and dread of you' will fall on every living creature on the earth etc - the news media have written also about the dangers of COVID-19 spread by animals etc.

Two stories: The first octogon-story was with Jette Råboe Larsen in 1977: I had got a job as temp assistant in the music department in the local library where she was the chief of the department and it was steering towards 'story' when Ragna Grøver knocked on the library department door before it opened in the morning for a message. It is possible that it could be called 'ho mora kom ved hytte-kom/kos'. The other story is from Fjellheim when he lived in 'Rådmann Halmrasts Vei' in Sandvika outside Oslo and I stayed overnight there and slept in his 'Halmrast' = bed. That was not sexual (and frankly I cannot remember anything such) and I doubt that there were any 'joe by dent', but there could have been some fumbling with 'den' = 'that', not 'pi-hotem' but maybe a little 'pe-hotam' - could be it could be called 'grabbing the opportunity', it would probably not have been me, but it would anyhow have concerned the question whether Fjellheim could have been an agent (I do not have any knowledge of this) which then would mean making a living from selling details from my life. I had got a copy of his first book "1.Olsens bok" - which today could invoke associations to "1.Obama bok". The address 'Rådmann Halmrasts Vei' could be read 'roman begått vei' and could be recognized also in the hymn of Johan Halmrast with the line "Jeg levende så ham i haven / og aldri så skjønn jeg ham så" = 'I livingly saw him in the garden / and never so wondrous/beauteous I him saw'. There is also the hymn of Halmrast in the sense that if 'le-Wände' can mean 'A-fram', the one side of the A leaning against the other, the rest of the name of Noam Chomsky applies to 'så-am' = 'saw-him' in the garden = 'i haven', cp. 'i havet' = 'in the sea', 'i rom sø' on the way to Tromsø. Now if this is the background of my house in Szolnok, assuming that it could be an 'intelligence project' since 1970, if this can be seen as indexed by the Oslo terror, it is noteworthy that it was told in the news that the terrorist Breivik had done his military service in 'garden' = the king's guard. I recall a newspaper notice after the Oslo terror telling that Breivik in the car from Oslo out to Utøya had been stuck in a queue wherein he got the news of the bomb in the center on the radio - he was then 'high' on coffee, told the newspaper: This story can be read from a norwegian reading of the hebrew of Genesis 10:5 ('mellom Nybru[du] og hagen...').

Fjellheim also once talked of a young woman as 'hun er skjønn', which a modern norwegian ear would notice. Grøver/'Mengele' also once referred to this hymn writer Halmrast (the name 'halmrast' means 'straw-rest').

This again concerns the story from Larsen 1977 since the first time I met Fjellheim was in the summer 1977 when I passed the 'Werner Larsen' electric/electronic shop and he was sitting in a window sill there along with Astrid Johansen whom I knew from earlier via common friends. Her name + 'Werner Larsen' makes for a good approximation to 'Orlando di Lasso'. This was rather precisely around the time I had just got the temp job at the library by 'Jette Råboe Larsen'.

This means that Genesis 10:5 and 9:2 are both quite relevant to these stories and could in principle be brought in connection with the current activities in USA.

Fjellheim's father was (if I got it right) a disability pensioner ('uførepensjonist', like me, cp. the phonologically similar word 'murer-håndtlanger' - being the assistant to the mason, carrying one brick one beer one beer one brick...), his mother resembled the main character in a TV series that was on some years ago, his sister reminded me of my cousin 'Kari'. It is possible that this complex could index some of my hypothetical problems since 1970 ('mor-er-håndtlanger' etc). I recall a neighbour 'up the street' in Molde - father of a boy about my age called 'Ivar' - about whom my official father said that his father worked as 'murer-håndtlanger'.

The conclusion seems to be that COVID-19 - if spread intentionally - could have been put in circulation for political purposes - which could look like the interest of the triangle of London, the US democrat party and the austrian ÖVP via The New Yorker.

It is possible that I had an (unspoken but nevertheless) agreement (or 'deal') with the norwegian society that if I should take part in the 'octogon' it would have to be their responsibility. Could be that 'deal and thom-as' is the link between the tax and the socks.

Genesis 10:5 and 9:2 also looks like relevant to the structure of my 'Stillhetens åndedrag' - by the number 105 of original poems - 105 is also the breadth in centimeters of the 'tilma' of the Madonna of Guadalupe. And what is '92'? The relevant lines in my #92 could be aligned with the story from Molde wherein I shot with my finger (the opposite of 'Mein Krampf') a beer bottle cap from the refridgerator top through the air like a flying saucer - it hit Grøver/'Mengele' on his eyebrow. We later travelled by aircraft to London - and there was in 1986 the tragic 'Challenger disaster'. This means that 10:5+9:2 could combine for a threat of what could happen unless you throw the ballot in the desired way.

Added on 31 october 2020: It was on 26 october that I published the story of the 'transfiguration of Venice', including the notice of the xylophonist in the street. On 29 october there was a terror attack in the Notre-Dame de Nice in Nice in France, the place is called Nizza in italian. I looked at the place where the xylophonist (according to my memory) had been standing and a notice in a shopwindow there:


+ some numbers. A day or two before the news from Nice, I had swallowed a 'kreker' which was not well enough masticated so it was stuck for a while in the gullet could be as a comment on the transubstantiation dogma. Nearly just across the street - that is 'nelle vicinanze' - an ad for 'Lindt' chocolate with what looks like Ben Stiller handling what in principle could have been a xylophone mallet. Stiller was the front page of John F.Kennedy jr's last issue of his magazine 'George'.

© John Bjarne Grover
The first part of 27 october 2020 was originally at the end of the article transfiguration of Venice
The second part was on the web 29 october 2020
Last updated 15 november 2020