The curve

John Bjarne Grover

I am not sure if I have understood the idea of the 'curve' thoroughly but I try to explain my conception as well as I can.

This article continues the discussion in the previous article 'The US democrat party and me in the 2020 US election'.

There seems to exist a concept of a 'curve' resembling a sort of 'phoenix bird' - in the sense that if this applies to me, that should mean that the more they abuse my life and authorship, the more will a strange sort of 'magic transformation' apply which eventually, after the 'fiction' is over, will turn my abused authorship into a success. The more they abuse, the bigger success will it be - a very smart construction which means that they do not have to pay for the abuse - it pays itself in this way. (It may be that this is taken to be the story of Wittgenstein whose career as philosopher apparently ended more or less in the ditch when he did not get his professorship renewed, and whose reputation as philosopher, tells this theory, is due to Hitler's grandiose work).

The concept of this curve seems to be that the only thing which counts for turning such misery into success is that the 'career' rather than a spontaneous struggle with history follows a certain predefined upwards curve (hyperbola or sth like that) in the sense that deviations from the curve is actively adjusted into meeting the curve - so that it eventually has to be understood by History as identically the same as the formula for the curve - something like that. It could suggest that the curve resembles a little boat in a Hokusai waveform.

For the US election, who is the 'curve'? Some will say that the 'curve' is the only possible rescue for the little poet (who could be the secret trick in the apparently terror-driven international network politics) and therefore that it is a republican project for detaching the poet from that swap-machine: It means initial suppressing of the work as mine untill the moment when the curve has reached sufficient height to allow for a recognition of the work as valuable - if there is anything left of it then.

Others will say that on the contrary this is precisely the project of the US democrats who want to run this smart trick untill there are no chances left - and then the 'mystic transformation' applies that the PTRSIM PIK poet is recognized as the same as the US democrat program. A 'phoenix bird' of great transformational mystery.

My view is that the political trick could be that the apparent resistance from the US democrats to my (as PTRSIM PIK) work and/or life development is sufficient to allow for the conclusion that there is no other solution than a very gradual escalation of its abilities to survive than what will resemble such a 'curve' of prostitution - or, say, promiscuity. (One notices also that if there were 8 cases of bad child abuse precisely on critical turning points, as a counterpoint to the 8 cases of the 'octogon', the result could look like a tangent to history resembling the geometrics of such a 'curve'). Then the US democrats can point to the republicans and claim that those are the curve-makers when they try to wriggle me out of the clamphold of democrat intrigue - an intrigue which seems sufficiently cleverly made and conducted by way of apparent 'International Secret Intelligence Service' terror to make it difficult and necessary for the republicans to try and manouvre public opinion around this swapping machine for regaining the public confidence.

The problem is likely to be that this curve is how almost any work can be lifted to certain historic height and recognition - but if the work had sufficient substance and metaphysical wings to constitute its own curve without the help from the predefined curve-form or from the kicking boots, then there is the danger that the squeeze of being fitted into the predefined curve can leave the work and its historic interface sufficiently reduced to be able to function the other way: That those who construct the curve of rescue for such a work will be burdened with the reputation of suppressing it only (at least in the beginning) and not adding to its progress. There may be some hazard there - expressed in the simple formula that the abusers will not need to pay for the abuse. Of course this overly smart trick could resemble a trap somewhat.

This could be the concept of the 'curve' - that it is like a prostitute you pay for and that propels your career: It is the abuse of the prostitute that propels the career. This understanding applied to me presupposes that I should be a 'prostitute', that is an agent, and there seems to be the idea around among those who allow for abuse that I necessarily have to be an agent for the 'Klipra connection' - the story from the burglary in Szolnok - as the abuse - and the Generali insurance company apparently not paying for the damage which then could have been on the background of the police claiming that 'he had done it himself', that is, that I should be an agent - cp. also the Oslo terror as a possible 'proof' that I bought the house which had been prepared for me by the same Klipra connection while claiming that I didnt know about this, which indeed is true that I did not. The trick could be that the police has been cheated to believe that 'the more abuse, the better will his career eventually be, so the burglary is to his own best'. That is almost as if I should have been an agent - which I certainly am not. Grøver/'Mengele' did show me his palm and drew a circle with his one index finger around the fleshy thumb part of it and said that 'this is the favourite dish of cannibals' (cp also this photo from the book by Krarup Nielsen which I got from him possibly around the same times or maybe later), to which I may have nodded or at least I noticed it but had of course no opinion. 'Deal and Thomas' could have been the smart trick - like Dylan Tomas as a PTRSIM PIK - but that does not mean that I as PTRSIM PIK have agreed to anything like accepting that curve or being part of such a political program. Absolute not! Dylan Thomas was 'walisian' - and I have the impression that british intelligence (which probably means MI5 and/or MI6) sometimes are recognized as 'Alice'. I do not have any agreements or collaboration with them and do not share potential british anglican-church aspirations against the catholic Italy.

This concept of the historic propulsion in the curve will perhaps also say that to pay market rent for a flat instead of the legal rent is to pay for a prostitute and that propels the career in a 'curve' which is a certain way to success. This means only that the swap is included in the trick - since it is the payment which makes for the assumed 'jet propulsion' and 'resilience' which gives 'momentum' to the 'success'.

But, frankly, this looks like rather oldfashioned ideas - prostitution as the secret of economic value, the world's oldest profession and all those jokes - as if the quick way to success is to go to the whorehouse? It is not certain that the success obtained thereby - by abuse of other people's poverty and needs, that is, oldfashioned exploitation as the secret of profit - is much worth.

It is probably supposed to be a mystery which can be spotted in this phenomenon - the man with the curve to the right. The phenomenon is likely to be neither more nor less than the beginning of Bhagavad Gita - 'in the holy land of Kuruksetra' - which norwegians find very funny since 'ku-ruk' means 'cow-dung' and 'setra' is the (more or less paradisal) place where the cows are grazing and ruminating in the summer's mountain pastures: It is likely that if 'Heimskringla' is a construction from the 17th-18th century, it could be built up around just this 'norwegian joke' on 'ku-ruk[e]' by way of the norwegian-hebrew words for 'dung' that also contain the secret codes for the possibly constructed sagas of the golden age when the viking ships ploughed the oceans with their proud 'curves' in bow and people trembled in their pants all over the world when they saw a viking ship in the coming. That 'superpower #1' would find its origins in Bhagavad Gita and that is perhaps the secret trick that the norwegians took faith in - although they had to make the 1814 constitution anti-semitic in order to solve the problem of bad smells whenever 'jewish' (not 'chewish') ideas were coming up again. (The norwegian poet Jan-Erik Vold is famous also for the recitation of his poem 'Kulturuke' = 'culture week').

This cow-dung mysticism is likely to be the secret of the socalled 'Klipra connection', My guess is that this beginning of the Bhagavad Gita was the reason for Hitler's swastika logo and declaration of war on the whole world and for e.g. Himmler's education in farming fertilizers. If these two politicians worked for the interests of the 'Klipra connection', maybe more or less coinciding with the apparent triadic formation in politics, that explains how the theory that Hitler was Aron Eidsvig in Klipra after the war could have been possible. I think uncle Aron lived in Voldsdalen ('mound valley', 'violence valley') which is quite nearby to Klipra but maybe just inside the region - or could be it is on the border to Klipra or just outside. My uncle Arthur lived in Fjellgata in Klipra as organist in 'Voldsdalen Church' - cp the bombings of Sri Lanka of 2019 starting in 'Sebastian Church'. I add to the theory that the entire WWI served to put Klipra on the map the observation that the giant WWI battle of 'Ypern' could have been interpreted in the form of Rakel Nerem living in the bedsit chamber ('hybern') in the house next to the Eidsvigs in Klipra in the thirties. This could have been the background of Hitler's death camp Chelmno nad Nerem. Things like these seem to have accumulated to the situation in modern politics. The idea of 'excrements in the head' could derive from this 'kuruk' story.

One must solve the mystery of the 'unio mystica' (at least one, if not both, of these grape twigs was probably ex nihilo items which I picked up - by 'withholding'? - from the ground/floor - cp. the gospel of John chapter 15) for understanding this problem. Faith in Satan is probably not much more than the temptations of bad conscience - which is easily obtained - and certain 'curve' ideas could be linked to such a smart quick way to 'mystic enlightenment' by abuse causing and reinforcing bad conscience. Those who believe in nazism are likely to believe, alas, that nazi philosophy (= 'gunsmoke philosophy'?) is the way to mystic enlightenment. The more horrendous the sinning, the quicker the access to 'enlightenment', could be the gospel of these erroneous ideas. I notice that the lefthand character could be telling of 'Dar-es-Salaam' while the righthand could tell 'Nairobi' - while 'Omagh' for 'omvendt' ('Obama'?) for 'the other-way-round' or 'om magen' = 'around the belly') - as were the targets of terror at the rejection of my PhD dissertation in 1998. Could be for making a 'curve' - as for feeling that the rejection were 'justified' thereby?

Of course the Bhagavad Gita could be telling of true mysteries - which does not mean that the nazis are right.

For this study of my 'blue metre', I noticed that british PM's since WWII seemed to have names with 'meanings' associated with the buttock region of the body. Has this been a phenomenon since Henry VIII? Is that the 'ku-ruk-setra' of the Klipra connection? I have noticed that if there are excrements in the brain, such as Lenin told of after potential 'gunsmoke philosopher' Fanny Jefimowna Kaplan's alleged attempt on his life outside Michelson Factory, the effect of 'natrium-wolframat' could be to weaken the brain cell walls (by draining it of 'molybden' which is greek for 'lead' like Kaplan's bullet, but of course the molybden in the brain cells is drained out long before the bullet is) to let the excrements into the neural system, all the way out to the skin, which thereby could undergo changes of colour. 'Atrium-olframat' could be telling of 'hYbern' in Zinckgasse with its windows (autos can not access the atrium) while 'triumvirate' or quite simply 'troika' could be the strategy for a 'kuruk-setra' conception of Europe.

My view is that the phenomenon which seems to have cheated much of the western world into believing in this tragic 'mystic enlightenment' of death, decay and violence contained in apparent nazi philosophy is in actual fact the deep intuition that there exists a 'complementary' or mirror-symmetric logic in the psyche of the human reality which can be recognized as a poetic-phonological-acoustic logic (described in my TEQ function 14) as an alternative account of the world compared with the traditional aristotelian semantically based logic. This is probably not the opposite of the catholic church with their rationality-approximating dogmas - but it may be the opposite of traditional 'semantically based' reasoning by which a proof of God can be established dogmatically and traditionally. It is likely that 'gunsmoke philosophers' could have mistaken my work as being of that 'rebellistic' kind.

It is this acoustic logic - and not Satan - which could be at play in the xylophone (if that were 'ex nihilo' and not a loudspeaker in a window, which it probably was not). It is not the opposite of catholic dogma. (A pity it was with that death of uncle-Arthur-looking professor Porto who could have heard the 'transcendent' xylophone from his window. It would not have been opposite to catholic dogma if he could have evidenced it with a witness report).

Satan was thrown into Hell when he tried the new dogma 'I am the God', and Henry VIII may have tried the new dogma 'I am the Pope' for his new church. Unio mystica is not to claim that 'I am the God'. It is not an attempted coup d'etat.

My view is that England seems to feel justified as part of the triadic formation in politics, but that there is a distinction which is necessary to make there - that their philosophy probably finds its historic justification in the emergence of a new acoustic logic - such as my PhD-dissertation-defined acoustic feature of 'border to silence' for the grammar - and hence logic! - of the difference between the knocking sounds which I could record on 20 january 2020 but not 10 days later) - but not in the (alas, parallel?) emergence of new politics based on death, decay and violence arising from the temptations in bad conscience. But then why brexit - if that means England as the figurehead of the new 'gunsmoke philosophers'?

The philosophers of the triadic sign have hopefully not planned further difficulties for my life and career in order to put new paradoxical burdens on the 'curve' for enhancing the future career propulsion by way of a swapped abuse-factor. It is very possible and probably likely that my work is not swappable in that way.

There may be a strong 'momentum' in the problem that most of the world's countries seem to have agreed to abuse of my work without crediting the source - that could have been the program of those parts of the national secret intelligence services who nourish sympathies for the international 'liga' of 'gunsmoke philosophers' being involved in abuse of and strategic implementation of PTRSIM PIK - for example for a quasi rejection of England's anglicanism while the actual effect of abusing my work qua PTRSIM PIK could be the very opposite. (If Brigate Rosse were such a secret national security program, it could have been for just such purposes). The historic 'momentum' could then be that 'Mr.Grover' has to follow the rules and queue up like everybody else - while the 'momentum' then arises from the fact that the rules are not adhered to when it comes to crediting of my abused work. Bertolucci's 'Dreamers' seem to be based on or at least relating to my then very unpublished novel 'The Dreamer' - and then this possible 'tip-of-the-iceberg' (in national and international culture works) could be considered legal because of that alleged 'agreement' with Grøver/'Mengele' on a footwalk on Skaret in Molde in the 1960's. It should mean that I have agreed to let my work be abused because that should lead by way of a swing-by curve-form to a brilliant career as poet. The intelligence services say that this abuse and plagiarisms are to my own best and therefore I have agreed to it and collaborate on it and therefore there is nothing to pay for the abuse? That it is an 'intelligence project' which I should be involved in? That is nonsense! I have never agreed to anything such and of course that is a very heavy burden on my life and work - and indeed the only probably swap that can arise from this is that my authorship be tentatively swapped over onto somebody else. The 'historic propulsion momentum' is probably this difference between 'follow the rules like everybody else' (say, when searching for a housing solution) vs 'not follow the rules' when it comes to crediting of me as the source of abused work. If one were to follow the rules also for abuse of works, then I would probably have been a rich man since long and of course would have had no problems with buying a house. It is this gap in the logic which the philosophers seem to consider a 'springboard' to a brilliant career - the word 'resilience' has been around recently - but of course that is miserable ideas only.

The historic situation is that a new acoustic logic will take shape but reactionary politics burdened with bad conscience seems to try and derail this into a political program or action for power of dubious kind. Of course I never participated in this and I consider it very important that the PTRSIM PIK program - brimming over with secret intrigue - be terminated and the facts - such as the story of the Kennedys if that were a secret intelligence program based on Wittgenstein - be brought to daylight.

It may be rather urgent that some progress be made in these respects. I am so far totally uninformed and have little evidence or support to refer to. If I suddenly should be the target of intrigues that try to sabotage my living conditions there is little I can refer to for getting help. It may be the essence of the program which tries to develop new nazism instead of a new sensible acoustic logic - that I am commonly considered a Mr.Average who must line up like everybody else while the political effect of my person seems to be a Mr.PTRSIM PIK a la Wittgenstein relative to Hitler. It is the gap between these two versions which seems to be part of the driving motor in what could be a new nazi empire. One should not support such helplessness while it is a new paradigm of knowledge that must develop. But if one should not support such helplessness, that does not mean that one should take faith in a swapping machine suggesting the conclusion that one should not support me in my helplessness if I am in need of things for continueing the work with the new acoustic logic. It is all this boggy and foggy landscape of intrigue in the swaps that I am not involved in.

The curve (does it look like a 'heimskringle'?) is probably a phenomenon in the form of the psyche of the human reality and therefore an interesting object of study in the quest for mystic enlightenment. But although that could be a very good reason for people's interests in these matters, that does not mean that the 'nazis' or other planners of political 'curves' are right. These ideas may have much public appeal but that makes it all the more important to separate the issues of acoustic logic from the interests of political intrigue.

25 december 2020: It is not impossible that the socalled 'curve' could be recognized as the same as my 'rainbow' which contains the proof that an acoustic (poetic-phonological) logic exists in the human psyche. This acoustic logic is mirror-symmetric to the traditional 'semantic' logic and has been held in leash or 'shadow' function by this symmetric dependency. The revolution in knowledge obtains when this dependency is dissolved - that is when the acoustic logic can develop but that is also when the assumed 'curve' will dissolve and the acoustic logic no longer exists only in the form of repressive political power. The dependency relation (a mere shadow) is the same as Wittgenstein's truth table (FFFF, FFFT... ... TTTF, TTTT) which has been considered as trivially mirror-symmetric, which means that the one half can be predicted from the other half and the sum of probabilities trivially add up to 1,0. The independence is obtained when this unity is understood as the primitive border to the human psyche - which means that it is understood that realities exist beyond this. But that is also when the 'magic' of the socalled 'curve' dissolves - and the one half of the rainbow cannot be controlled from the other half. This also means that the conduct of scientific inquiry will no longer be the same but will resemble 'mystic inquiry' - which means that it is controlled by moral integrity more than by the repeatability of the scientific experiment (this repeatability is when the reality is assumed to be the same 'on the other side'). And what is this moral integrity? Probably the same as the traditional virtues of scientific methodology: Always credit the source, never lie, truth beyond power etc. For the chance that my idea of the rainbow being the same as the curve derives from Yuja Wang on Twitter, should I credit this source? Could be. Does it matter that the idea could have been the other way round? If the border to the metaphysics is not well settled, it is not impossible that I credit Descartes for his 'Discourse on method' also because Descartes could have borrowed the idea from me. But that is also because causality dissolves somewhat on the border to metaphysics: Even the dependency of causality could derive from or at least relate to this interesting rainbow symmetry.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 20 december 2020
Last updated 25 december 2020