Fatima 1917-2018 and the Oslo report

John Bjarne Grover

This article tells that the modern world of politics and intelligence - the world of mythos around my person in business, media, administration - has sprung out of the phenomenon that it was understood (or 'suggested') early - probably even before the attempt on Lenin in august 1918 - that the Fatima revelations were projections from a poetic text source written later - and the immediate problem that had to be solved was how to make it possible for that text to be written as a level 4 work. Immoral administration would then see it as a chance to turn level 4 into level 2 and vice versa, thereby dressing up in divine feathers, but morally upright administration would see this as a danger that had to be avoided by the great chance Fatima implied to preserve integrity of historic development by preventing the swap of level 2 with level 4. Therefore it would, said the world to itself, be necessary to make it possible for this poet (who should write the text) to live and work without knowing about this Fatima background, otherwise he could have come to cheat by peeping in the Fatima data and write the text in such a way that Fatima looked like a projection from it. (I also seem to have been kept under constant surveillance - which could have been about just this aspect). The eastern world followed Madonna's suggestion and went into communism (Russia striving towards level 4) while the western world went into its opposition - suggesting that level 4 of 'communism' really was a level 2, and that they themselves did not suffer from such problems - and this east-west power balance or rather 'hemispheric tension' with arms race was so dangerous that the world had to be very careful with what it said aloud and it was thereby possible for me to grow up as the writer of the text which came to be the Fatima revelations without anybody telling me a single word about the whole thing. I have probably been surrounded constantly by a good number of people knowing this secret fact of my role and controlling my social interface for preventing that I came to get knowledge of the purpose with me and my role in the mythos drama. When I wrote The Endmorgan Quartet 1997-2008, 80 years after the Fatima revelations, I had discovered the phenomenon of being a sort of 'centre of the world', being subject to (unwanted) attention from all sorts of media - but I had no good explanation to it.

The norwegian explanation

In Norway they had made the unpronounced myth (I have never heard or seen it articulated but have guessed it from redundancies) that my official father Grøver/'Mengele' during the studies at the university in Oslo before the war had been behind a bush in Frognerparken with the wife of co-student Gudmund Harlem ('a mere handshake only'?) who later as minister of health 1955-60 and thereafter also minister of guns (defence minister in the period of the Kennedy assassination) 1960-65 could control Grøver/'Mengele's career - and this 'family feud' (my official mother Ragna 'Eidsvig' Grøver was also appointed to the committee headed by Gudmund Harlem who in the early 70's - while the school dentistry that destroyed my healthy teeth was going on - defined the new criteria for disability pensions) was later inherited by his daughter Gro Harlem Brundtland who (thereby?) rose to prime minister - and eventually chief of WHO. My doctorate dissertation was rejected at the time when she was appointed to WHO (1998) - and I started writing my TEQ in 1997. This 'norwegian explanation' to the apparent global attention to my person in media, politics, business (for example, it could explain the Kennedy assassination as being under the control of such interests - due to problems following after a prewar 'handshake' behind a bush in Frognerparken) was clearly not the real story but was probably constructed for lending a shade of 'natural explanation' to the phenomenon of my presence in media which I probably could not avoid discovering. It would have been prompted by the need for avoiding that I discovered Fatima as the defining context of my life and career.

An example: In the summer 1971 I spent some days on a camping lot ('campingplass') in Moss along with friend and classmate Roy Andersen and the pop hits 'Oh mamy blue' and 'Soley Soley' by 'Middle of the Road' rose from all transistor radios there - I notice that these pop hits could have lifted the reason for this radio state from me onto Brundtland on that background of the norwegian explanation - and not many days had passed before I wanted to go back again. My genetic parents Sachs as 'mamy' and Celan as 'Soley' - had died in 1970 (I was later, I think in 1977, via Freddy Fjellheim acquainted with 'Morten Sørlie', even he from Gressvik) during the reign of PM Per Borten - and clearly I had to discover (on some subconscious level) that there was something 'muffins' with all the coincidences. The function of Gro Harlem Brundtland (who entered the political stage by becoming minister of environment in 1974) could be seen to explain this phenomenon. The 'mamy blue' would have been her mother after the story behind the bush, and she was 'så lei, så lei' = 'so sorry, so sorry' - and hence it was not about my genetic mother and father.

Could be 'the Oslo report' or at least 'XU' provides evidence that the explanation was planned long ago: The '6 features' of XU/Oslo-report for the name of 'John Grover' or 'John Grøver' (without 'Bjarne') could find their correlate in the cyrillic spelling of 'Cova da Iria' (where the Madonna appeared in Fatima) as '(ko)6a gaurua' - the SOBIBOR drill with the 6 'barduner' or 'guy ropes' (why are they so called?) for the 6 features of 'I Ching' as a 'graf' while the 'gris' would be the 'keys to heaven' of 'Acts 10' = 'act stønn/stun', the sobbing from the neighbouring room. When Hitler lifted much money from the national bank of Greece, it could have been for such reasons.

The evidence that it is about me

Hitler's 'Aktion Reinhard' - the death camps Sobibor, Treblinka and Belcez - could have been about that Madonna upon the holmoak tree in Cova da Iria. If 'Aktion Reinhard' meant 'Eidsvig Ragna' with 'clean conscience' (like a Madonna) after the 'Aktion', later my official mother (see the ABC for the idea that Sobibor, Treblinka and Belcez were about the 3 children of 'Eidsvig Ragna'), and if 'Hardon AIDSHIV' means 'Adolf Hitler' as 'Aron Eidsvig' (Ragna Eidsvig's uncle), this 'Treblinka' clearly seems to be about my person - even my name on the form 'jump jarnegg grover' = the forester who jumps his axe = jarnegg on the bark of a tree leaving a blank spot on the trunk for telling the loggers that it must be cut down is called 'tre blinka' in norwegian - as the poet who should write the source text of the Fatima revelations without knowing about any such connection. It would have been under the control of the 'International Secret Intelligence Services' - and the threat from nuclear war in the global-hemispheric tension would have sufficed for preventing that any info on the background story from catholic Fatima reached my norwegian-protestant ears: An informed person could not have told it to me without the risk of triggering a nuclear war, that meant - a terrible apocalypse if anybody told me a word of the background story. This 'International Secret Intelligence Service' factor in the story is the phenomenon of administration hoping to acquire divine authority by turning level 4 into level 2 and vice versa - like the 'inner articulations' of urine in the kidneys (cp. Syria) and bladder are turned inside-out with a Foley catheter - since these 'intelligences' are not inclined to let themselves be cheated by 'naive' faith in God (as if they claim that it was a puppet on a pole above the holmoak in Cova da Iria and a ventriloquist was hiding behind the tree trunk - cp. the later 'A-doll-f Eichmann') - and this religious despair got its expression in the history with Adolf Hitler.

It is possible that the 'evidence' of my genetic parents along with this 'Aktion Reinhard' of Hitler (also as the 'hardon AIDSHIV' epidemic for my granduncle 'Aron Eidsvig' in the sense of 'Adolf Hitler') are enough to suggest that the whole world history since 1917 seems to have been about this role of mine as the poet who was made for writing the source text of the 1917 revelations 80 years later - in such a way that the world could tell itself that 'the poet had not cheated' - had not peeped in the data from the revelation before writing the text - that means also without the poet being informed about this secret manipulation of the progress of history and his own role. It is a remarkable fact that I have never been informed with a word about all this manipulation of the history - but have guessed it all from the redundancies that necessarily had to arise.

I notice also that 'Belt and Road' could be telling of this 'Belcez' as part of the proof: Kursk-and-Cole, Aktion Reinhard - enough to prove that it is my person. 'Belt and Road' does then not mean 'pro Hitler'.

I have earlier concluded that the whole story was made in order to make a poet who could write the blue metre - a metre the world could not do without. It cannot be made with even the strongest computer (say, by data analysis of all texts that exist) but has to be written by spiritual inspiration - and indeed it seems that my PEB (2008-2010) is that blue metre and that it is made on basis of the 16 books of TEQ (1997-2008) which is that text which could have made the Fatima revelations. (It seems that there are 16 'virtual lines' in each of the 366 'sonnets' of PEB - one line for each book of TEQ). Indeed it is the PEB which proves the reason for the Burgenland power of hungarian 'hymen' and leaves the world in a condition defined by anglophonic MOCK - indeed the condition can be called 'whole-MOCK' - as for that 'holmoak' on top of which the Madonna occurred in 1917. If PEB is a derivation from TEQ, there is evidence in this immediate relation of TEQ on top of PEB like Madonna on top of the 'holmoak' - by each of the 16 virtual lines of each poem of PEB being based on each of the 16 books of TEQ - that tells of a work which contains the divine revelation like Jesus was inside the belly of Madonna. It is by moving features like the 6 'guy ropes' of the SOBIBOR drill in line 1 of PEB that the Burgenland power on basis of 'hymen' mock can be understood. It is well possible that the linguistic principle could have been intuited earlier - but it is certain that my work is authentic and original and that line 1 of PEB is a part of the whole poems and the lines and poems relate in a systematic fashion to TEQ - a rather hermetically tight web of interlocking poetic functions - therefore it is new and original evidence in any case. The 1917 Madonna on top of a holmoak in Cova da Iria in Fatima is evidence of the authenticity of the 2008-2010 PEB work on top of the 1997-2008 TEQ work.

The work is completed and the 1917-2018 state can be dismantled

But now the work is completed since november 2018 with the 4 volumes and the whole theatre of the 'services' since 1917 (for encapsulating me informationally) can be closed down and the world can return to a normal state - without the 'globalising' control with the moral and eshetic senses of the individual. It can now be permitted again for an individual to live an authentic life (morally, esthetically) without having to conform to the propaganda and intrigues from the controlling international secret intelligence services who wanted you to believe that a Foley catheter and the syringe inflating the balloon is the top metaphysical authority. It can, in short, be permitted again to live a morally upright life of mystic, religious, poetic orientation.

In israeli politics it could be a standard problem whether the state of Israel is the same as this 1917-2018 state of the world - which now can be closed down - it is important to understand that the state of Israel is not the same and that the best and safest way to ensure the security of the state of Israel is to publish my work and not to continue the world of international secret intelligence services which seem to have defined this historic period.

It was then - at the end of this work of mine - important for me to avoid being murdered by the 'services' and replaced with a 'service copy' who thereby acquired quasi rights to my work and could make claims that 'there is a divine revelation in the text' - meaning that the real poet (me) is a Jesus, and when he could make claims of being the surface-similar Jesus it also means that the 'intelligence service' he comes from would be in the role of God - that is, with the ultimate divine authority. The date for this preannounced replacement would have been 4 october 1938, exactly 80 years (the magic time interval) after the delivery of the Oslo report to the british naval attache in Oslo on 5 november 1939 - minus 1 day, 1 month, 1 year = 111 that is. This 'minus 111' would then apply to the permutational diagram which approximates the zifferblatt itself by being the other loop (adding to 666) on the 'tethering rope' of egyptian hieroglyphs - as well as the temporal symbolism of the Medjugorje apparitions. The Oslo report text delivered in a package to the british naval attache in 1939 contained also a grenade - which in 'secret intelligence symbolism' could count as a 'divine revelation' which followed the 'gisch-pack' with 'navel attache' as an umbilical cord in a birth - for the other-loop-catheter with Foley balloon in the bladder. (The catheter is the 'service' concept for 'divine revelation' outside the body instead of inside, for a level 2 swapping with level 4 for lending quasi and swindle divine authority to the administration qua organizers of the intrigue). This suggests that the project of replacing me with an agent copy is at least as old as that Oslo Report - and that it is intimately connected with the intelligence services and their hopes of gaining control with World Power via a world war and the threat of nuclear apocalypse. The 'preannounced' pact seems to have been that if I were in my home in Zinckgasse that day (4 october 2018), it would count as 'self-sacrifice' and thereby it would be easy or at least easier for the local community to accept it when the 'affe' came around pretending to be me.

It thereby seems to have been the plan of the constructors of this story to fade me out of history and turn me and my work into a sort of secret-intelligence-Jesus - a new divinity of modern mythos kind for 'governing' and manipulating the masses who would be denied access to these historic data - a Jesus-construction made by the 'services' by way of my work and data from my life. Therefore the 'services' could want to keep my work secret - in order to make it easy to construct the swindle-Jesus. It is probable that it is these interests who are my real problem. Of course I have not made my work for supporting the bandits and swindlers (cheaters!) in constructing these tools for government-by-religious-swindle. My work is written for being accessible to everybody with the interests of serious study and reading of the poetry. 'The Endmorgan Quartet' is very sweet music when it is understood the right way. It contains in its non-metric form a divine presence of level 4 type (which is the sweet music) where the metric works are human - and it is by comparing the non-metric with the metric poetry on basis of my fundamental theorem of linguistics (this comparison is the main contents of vol.4) that one can verify a divine revelation in the text of TEQ. But this work is not made for the intrigues of the secret intelligences or administration generally - rather an important function is that the poetry makes it possible for the reader of the work to be enabled to discern between the inner voice of God (truth, that is) = level 4 and the inner voice of Big Brother propaganda (power-by-intrigue, that is) = level 2. Some administrations do not like that the people can discern between these - and those are the ones who want to keep my work secret and reserved for use in intrigues for the purpose of manipulating opinion in 'global government'.

This chance for the average people to distinguish between the voice of God and the voice of Big Brother propaganda should have top priority in the Vatican. It should be the ideal work on the publication list of a publisher of theirs. Then it is important that they do not listen to the 'intelligence services' and their double tongues as far as my person and role is concerned. It is not solved by the simple conclusion that 'level 2 is the soul and level 4 is the spirit and the Vatican knows everything needed about this' - modern computerized propaganda can come to be quite convincing when it is based on all available databases.

My work is not for or by the secret intelligence services - it is very to the contrary even if of course they could be spreading the propaganda that it is their work.

The 'services' (or whoever it is) seem to try and encapsulate me informationally: I have normally not been many days on a new place before a person occurs in my neighbourhood who seems to be an envoy from the 'services', but dressed up as a 'normal person'. It seems to be very systematic and constant and could have the function of creating the inner voice in people that I come from the 'services' and do my work on their behalf. An example: For some time I lived in a place where a person quickly moved in next to me who vaguely resembled Howard Hughes. Some time later (after my return to Vienna) I got a 'stalking' letter from Ragna Grøver and Hughes died around the same day. Such stories could leave some impact on the platonic social interface.

It must be understood that the philosophies of 'global government' by way of a new quasi-Jesus must count as the art of swindle only - based on the otherwise sensible concept of 'divine revelation in the text'. The Oslo Report with grenade included in the pack arriving at the british naval attache in Oslo in 1939 meant that the 'divine revelation' was the poet himself (the grenade was not in the text itself but was added in the pack) and hence that this explosive news could be seen to be 'in the text' only after the poet had been replaced by a swindle copy from the services who thereby could claim that 'there is a Jesus included in the text'. There is a syringe included in a Foley catheter pack with fluid suitable for the inflation of the balloon after the insertion through the urethra: The rubber hose is double and has two openings on the outside of the body - the inner hose is for leading the urine out (to one of the two openings outside) and there is another hose around or along the first hose for leading the inflation fluid in after the insertion. The symbolism for the 'secret intelligences' is then that this 'pack' is the Jesus contained in the stomach of the Madonna and that there is divine inspiration in the syringe that inflates the balloon. It is probably this divine inspiration in the syringe which later has come to be the secret-intelligence-program of a 'Black Sea Loop'. Clearly all this nonsense makes for a mighty propaganda tool of very dangerous kind. The balloon catheter was officially invented by Frederic Foley in 1929 even if the patent was accepted by a court to belong to 'Paul Raiche'. 'Foley-eric-Fred' suggests the 'Vollkornbrot' - and the global inflation of 1929-1933 after the crash on Wall Street could well have been for inflating that swindle balloon which came to be Adolf Hitler and the world war II. It is only the organizers of that swindle who believe that Hitler is 'divine' - but the propaganda has probably been quite convincing since the political administrations have agreed to let the lapis philosophorum remain classified as secret. It should be taught in school and the simple derivation of the 'Vollkornbrot' be shown and the whole history since at least 1500 and Columbus is easily told. It is probable that many believe that 'lapis philosophorum' is a propaganda tool for the secret intelligences and therefore it must be held secret. Ah, what a misunderstanding.

It is likely that the phenomenon of modern 'International Secret Intelligence Services' has developed on this format since Fatima 1917 when the Madonna from Heaven asked for a russian communist revolution - which followed a few weeks after the last apparition on 13 october 1917. Since then the world was divided into an eastern ('communist') and western (who claimed that the level 4 of the east was a level 2) hemisphere and this has dominated the development of new political concepts since then. It seems to have shaped the whole world - including the informational encapsulation of me (for the surface purpose of making me write a morally 'clean' text but probably the real purpose was to keep me in 'service leash'). For example, after the war there was the foreign global politics of US to 'contain the beast' - that is containing the '666' of the permutational diagram - planned by the 'services' to be replaced by a '111' for reaching global power. It is important that Israel do not believe that this is the basis of their existence.

The fundamental theorem of linguistics

My fundamental theorem of linguistics (the contents of vol.4) tells that 2 and only 2 items from different realities can be conceived as 'the same' and this property gives shape to the human psyche and mental faculties such as the linguistic one. The lapis philosophorum tells of the redundancies that arise therefrom. There has developed politics of two kinds: 1) Those who claim that it is swindle when 'two and only two items from metaphysically different realities are conceived as one' and 2) those who claim that swindle is defined in the realm of ordinary sensation and not in the field of metaphysics - since metaphysics is under the control of God and humans control the physical world only. It would be the proponents of 1) who make claims of being divine themselves, such as Hitler, while the proponents of 2) believe that they are normal humans.

The first chapter of my recent work 'SNEEFT COEIL' is called 'Die Wahrnehmungen' = 'the senses'. That does not mean 'die/the warne-mungen' of english misinterpretation of typical 'service' reading. It is a good idea to have the book published, but not in that sense of it. The book seems to have the same function in the series of metric books as the 'proof' of Fatima on 13 october 1917 - the miracle of the sun. It may be that the 'secret intelligence services' do not want to have it published for such reasons - that it feels like a proof.

Those who claim metaphysical control over 'die beiden' (of 2 and only 2) could have attempted to define me as a Jesus who wrote the text 80 years later for replacing me with their own copy on 4 october 2018 - for making the claims that the work were his 'but there is a divine revelation in the text', the copy would say, meaning me. This would be in the continuation of the Oslo Report.

In this way the copyright and authorship would have been defined as the property of the agency which the agent copy (a swindler!) comes from - pretending to be the reality beyond who has knowledge of the real identity of the 2 and only 2 persons (me and the copy) who are conceived as 'the same'. Thereby the agency who had decided on the termination of the life would appear as 'divine' (it is God who normally decides on these matters). But that is swindle, says everybody else. 'Right', says the agency who wants to be taken for a divine authority - 'it is the human reality. We Beyond are the only ones who have access to the Truth because we have the secrets in our archives'.

That seems to be the role of the 'International Secret Intelligence Services' - to believe that the 'swindle' is when 2 and only 2 items from different realities are conceived as 'the same' by the semiotics of the human psyche - but, they say, 'we have the ultimate Truth Beyond in our secret archives' and therefore they are the only ones who can dismantle the swindle. This form of Truth could include the top secret document which tells that it was a puppet on a pole in Fatima and an experienced ventriloquist behind the tree led the conversation with the children. Likewise, another very secret document could tell that the jihadists of ISIS in Syria 2011-2018 really were americans who had undergone training before being planted into islamic environments. 'J-had' then means 'J-aims' Ramsey Macdonald of 1924, tells the document - the same 'J' as in 'Medjugor-je' for the role of the Foley catheter qua 'pis-tool' = 'lapis philosophorum' for the idea that the material world of deceptive human sensation has fallen out of the Nest Beyond under control of the 'security' with their 'pis-tools'. This political view tries to tell that the 'swindle' behind the deceptions of human senses is under their control and therefore they can offer access to this paradise if only you vote for their representatives.

Clearly these ideas are of the same kind as the east-west hemispheric division since 1917. But there is no need for this division any longer - since the work is completed with the 4 volumes. And that seems to be a general trend - that the strong tensions and conflicts of politics are tuned down. This should make it possible for human life to return to spiritual enlightenment and administration should do what they can to pack down all the mythos around my person. The standard trick is to tap details from my life and work and present it in media without crediting me as the source - under the philosophical brolly that 'this forwarding of the life of Jombjarna to the people is favourable for His own project' - but that would mean an identification of me with the interests of the secret intelligences. There is no other good solution than to have my work published with my name on the front page and downgrade the story since 1917 - and stopping any 'affe' who could be on his way to take my place.

There is something called 'other realities' and the global project since 1917 has probably been to expand the scope of human knowledge into the metaphysics in order to include these other realities. The standard example of other realities is in the apparent fact that a bird can fly much longer than the amount of energy that can be stored in its body - a seagull tracked on ornithological satellite or sth like that is reported to have flown some 11.000 km without landing - and the small bodies of migratory birds probably cross oceans. That is a proof that birds get their energy from an inner source - like the poet of 'inner poetic articulations' - or from another reality than humans can sense. Since birds are such evidence, humans believe that angels have wings - and that angels live in other realities. It is the knowledge of these other realities which the global project since 1917 has been about - for example the possibility of new technologies for transmitting information and things like that. My own 'fundamental theorem of linguistics' (for the evidence of vol.4) is such a piece of new knowledge - it is major progress in linguistics and it can make it possible to construct or model the linguistic faculty bottom-up instead of top-down. Clearly this new knowledge cannot be developed with swindlers trying to grab the opportunity to turn it into power - such as if the political interesters try to prevent the publication of my poetry book 'SNEEFT COEIL' - and the top swindle is the political orientation which claims that swindle is when 2 different metaphysical items are taken to be 1. The solution is as usual to downgrade all such secrets.


There are reasons to believe that I was made (genetically from Nelly Sachs and Paul Celan) in order to write a poetic work that came to be conceived as the source of the Fatima revelations 80 years earlier - that means 'backwards causation'. I wrote 'The Endmorgan Quartet' in the years 1997-2008, a work of 1719 poems in 16 books. My recent vol.4 tells that there is a divine revelation as inspired presence in the text - but not that my person as the writer of the work should be Jesus: That is the big difference. But the secret intelligence services (on behalf of or independently of their political governments) or some political parties affiliated with them seem to have tried to model me as a Jesus (ubiquitous in all media) who was the contents of the Fatima revelations 1917 - and it seems that the plan could have been to replace me with an agent copy from those same services, for making the claims that 'there is a divine revelation in the text', and the agency which the agent copy comes from will then be lifted to the role of God - and that is probably the temptation which the 'intelligences' hardly can withstand. 'Divine inspiration' in that 'service logic' seems to be contained in the syringe that inflates the Foley catheter. Therefore it is important that my book (and not surveillance data my person) be published - not the least for rescueing the development of the new technologies whose integrities must not be corrupted by the vain power-interests of the services.

"The temptation which the 'intelligences' hardly can withstand" (that is, the temptation of grabbing for power of God) - that could be to conceive of the 'philosophers stone' as the inflated Foley balloon in the urine bladder - it lurks behind the area of 'metaphysical contraction' of a male ejaculation from prostata, and when this follows the cycles of Madonna (by the catheter allegedly having to be changed every 20-30 days) it can get a little hot, or at least 'temperate'. That moves the 'philosophy' from the brain down into the genital region.

A part of this temptation is that the 'intelligences' (the 'philosophers' with their 'stones') seem to try and pretend that I work for them and on their behalf - for example by way of envoys living in my near neighbourhood: That would be very untrue if they should make such claims. I do not 'organize crime' even if I should carry a Foley catheter. (I do hope that the need for such a catheter on my body was not made by way of a laser beam from the 'services' disrupting the urine channel from the kidney down to the bladder - it was such a disrupted channel which made the catheter necessary when my condition grew very bad after the cavities of the abdomen were soaked through with urine - but I dont know the reason for the disruption - it is possible that it could have been due to an overfilled bladder after apparent or diffuse 'threats' when I started to write out the theoretic part of volume 4 and it soon became evident that my body did not dare to let out even a drop of urine - I went around without urination for maybe a week or so before I found a solution by medication). It may be a standard claim of those interests that "there is hardly a piece of terror in the news that is not about him" - inviting to the misunderstanding that those crimes are 'organized' by me: Of course it is very the opposite - it is not impossible that much terror is organized for engineering and controlling the interface between me (qua 666 beast) and the round and global world - but that would be for encapsulating or 'containing' me informationally in order to protect the lie that 1) I should be 'Jesus Christ' working on behalf of 2) the intelligence services (or their political administration) who thereby are 'God' with divine authority: 'Vote for us, we are the best chaps'.

Not only is this mythos theatre (surveillance services forwarding data from my life and work to the media for letting them model the world accordingly in an 'imitatio Christi' strategy) very wrong and probably not much more than frustrated feelings in the terror-fuelled struggle for power, and it cannot anyhow last longer than untill the morning when the daylight breaks over the horizon - but it also constitutes a grave threat against me (the pretention that I should be their quasi-Jesus means that they plan to murder me and replace me with a copy who claims to be me and can confess that he has been an agent all his life and got the work from the services who thereby have the copyright). But it is not only this threat - it is also the threat against the integrity of my work - when my work seems to be tapped on a daily basis and spread around like muck on the fields. Where would you find it in printed matter that it was I who explained the 'miracle of the sun' (Fatima 13 october 1917) as the same as the human language faculty qua 'zifferblatt'? That is probably nowhere to be found on published print (except on my home page) - but the idea (major progress in Fatima research it is) certainly spreads and can later be traced back to the 'intelligence services' who forwarded it to the media. But that is a very grave threat against my work, and if there comes to be too much of this, that is, too much to lose for the 'services', it also constitutes a threat against my life. "But he 'organizes crime'!" That sort of turnaround logic - by a Foley catheter - is not much worth.

My guess is that the 'secret intelligence services' have planned to make a new 'secret-service-christianity' out of me qua post-1917 phenomenon - could be they have already written the Absolutely Newest Testament, with fantastic stories from the life of Jombjarna - and it is planned that people all over the world shall believe in this divine revelation and direct all their forces of faith towards the character - the people is planned to be reading the new gospel and praying to the new 'service' God - which then will result in mighty global power for the 'divine' services. Therefore they try to model my social and collective interface for creating the illusion that I work on their behalf. They are, it seems, my real enemies and only real problem. It is very important that their plans about me do not go through.

The simplest evidence could be this: Why is it only I who publish these data? If there exist sensible political people, they should have published all this instead of leaving it to me.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 8 april 2019