An example of a possible poetic-phonological logic

John Bjarne Grover

In the article 'How to construct a medication against covid-19: What happened on 14 april 2020?', I mentioned that "A certain isomorphy between the distributions in political, semantic and immunological (genetic?) form seems to make sense". Could be 'political, semiotic and genetic form' is the proper wording. I discuss some corollaries from this observation here.

In the article 'More details on the Covid-19 curve', I mentioned the theme of a possible good reason for PTRSIM PIK in the problem of 'grabbing of opportunity'. It is likely that a social transistor for the global collective consciousness (my blue metre) can be made in poetic-phonological logic from a semiotic form that combines a 'genetic' (immunological) form with a 'political' form - balancing, say, on the border between 'generativism' and 'structuralism'. But it is well possible that for such a social transistor to function and be workable, it is absolutely necessary that people in the global collective consciousness do not 'grab the opportunity' (me as norwegian PTRSIM PIK) or keep up an honour code of similar format (Rimbaud as french PTRSIM PIK). This phenomenon could be the reason for the PTRSIM PIKs.

What is it to grab the opportunity? A man comes with a wooden leg - then if the society is of the type, you can become the center of everybody's admiration if you ridicule him well - 'ah, so even you had to give in (= 'fire' = '4') to the pressure' - and everybody laughed, it was such a success, and the joker (Arnuldo, it is always the same joke) was the star of the party, at least for a while. A workable social transistor will not function as long as the societies allow for such quick success-making. If the child goes through 8 critical phases in its development up to 18 years of age - I have guessed that I myself was subjected to abuse in those 8 critical phases and that each of these had a correlate in one of the 8 Kennedy siblings and in one of the 8 participants of the 'octogon' - those will be just when it is possible for the caretakers to 'grab the opportunity' and harvest much success without being 'taken' for it: The society will accept it as the caretakers' justified career property, a product of legitimate historic support, being born under a 'lucky star' - and that is why it is a critical phase - because such hijack can then be made successfully and it is only the moral integrity of the caretaker that prevents it. On the other hand, if the caretakers do not grab that opportunity, the child will pass through the crisis intact and strengthened and make this progress on its own. Children who grow up under such hijacking caretakers tend to be losers - and the society will say that these children have only themselves to blame. The caretakers will defend themselves with the slogan that 'this is what business is about'. The evidence I have of such a story is in the scissored lower righthand lobe while the skull is intact - it means that my official caretakers must have opened my head in the early days of my life and scissored a little off my brain - but the official mother is still on the loose and has not yet been arrested by the police. This could be evidence that Norway has such a cultural problem called 'grabbing the opportunity'.

Could be the political strategy of the Kennedys is to tease the people with just this cultural aspect - that it is better to have a Brundtland as chief of the doctorate WHO than Mr.Grover having his doctorate degree - that should justify a coup of the degree (a coup apparantly reinforced by bombings of the US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya and of the peace conference in Omagh). It tells that it is a greater thing to become 'county secretary for the merger of faculties' ('fylkes-sekretær for fakultets-sammenslåinga') than to discover the fundamental theorem of linguistics - a philosophy which I do not support: What is the purpose with such a job if not only to administer the facilities for making such a discovery possible? That is not to make the discovery, and the secret intelligence has not made my Endmorgan Quartet even if they could have organized intrigues that could have influenced my surroundings. The teaser of what looks like a Kennedy strategy is that the folk must be proud of Brundtland as chief of WHO, and forget about that Grover degree - and the people and their culture is duped when they accept it. Of course if they have such 'common social achievements' as their aspiration, they will do much better with not accepting it (assuming a connection between the then coming WHO chief and my rejected PhD). That could be the 'challenge' of the Kennedys - and they seem to drill people around (with borrowed feathers?) untill they have understood the point: That is when the people understand that, ah, the Kennedys were right after all - of course we must change our deepest inclinations (of grabbing the opportunity), otherwise the social transistor cannot be constructed. They understand that the Kennedys have an important function as such - punishing the people for their lax opportunity morals.

This apparent political function of the Kennedys does, though, match the virus medication suggestion of mine (my suggestion for how to construct a medication against virus generally, covid-19 especially) since the political form resembles the immunological form in such a way that these can go together in a semiotic form that can be assigned a truth value. When a micro-organism enters into the body, it can be a hostile element that the body has to protect itself against and therefore it encapsulates the alien 'generative' micro-organism with its own 'structuralist' distributional semantics for leading it to the door - untill a new imitative balance is achieved and a 'memory' of the new information (the new micro-organism) is established in the body's diachronic distribution. This bodily system therefore reacts the same 'semantic' way - whether the 'message' of the generative micro-organism is 'divine' (from a higher metaphysical level, from God) or it is from the socalled Satan who aims at demolishing you. This is a security system which functions by semantic logic (aristotelian) or reasoning - ideal for demagogy, for getting 'nazis' through etc. But how can one find out whether it was from God or from Satan? That must be by the poetic-phonological logic - since I have shown that such a logic most probably exists in the mirror point on the 'rainbow' of function 14 relative to the semantically based logic. This logic (way of reasoning) seems to have similarities with jewish philosophy (cabbalism etc) - the 'G' does not (in certain contexts) mean 'love' because of a G-point in the vagina but rather because a different order of the alphabet gives a different knowledge or world (psyche). There will be a poetic-phonologically based reasoning that can be led for the conclusion that the micro-organism was TRUE or FALSE. It is likely that it is this sort of reasoning that poetry has explored through ages.

A quasi-'divine' Kennedy and a 'Messiah'-modelled PTRSIM PIK is therefore evidence that such a logic probably exists.

My 5-volume PhD dissertation ('A waist of time') discussed in its part 3 ('The theatre of the heart') a very strong case of relation (very strong correlation that was) between poetic (phonological) form and administrative form - via the semiosis of a sculpture exhibition. This PhD dissertation was rejected when Brundtland was 'lifted' to chief of WHO. Part 5 was the model of an acoustic basis for grammatical form - by way of the idea of logical paradoxes being the same as branching nodes of grammar discussed in part 2 - evidenced later in the story of the 'poltergeist'-like knockings that could and could not be re-corded - that is, they were on the border to silence which was the defining acoustic quality in my definition of the 6 features that can be recognized also in my 'Stillhetens åndedrag' (with its poem 50). These logical paradoxes may be unsolvable in semantically-based logic or reasoning but solvable in poetic-phonological (acoustic) logic. The border between two political realities (in two different countries - on either side of the border) seems to have been the theme of the distribution of covid-19 in at least the initial months - and I concluded after having studied some of them that this phenomenon seems to be the same as 'submorphemic signification' (the theme of part 1 of my PhD dissertation) - which thereby seems to be contained in the 'paradox' straddling the border between two political realities. In short, it seems that my PhD dissertation could be acutely relevant to the work of WHO.

Re-cording could be the same as the 'calibration point' of Luigi Nono's string quartet in relation to my poem 50. It is the hieroglyphic 'tethering rope'.

But this means that the politics of hijacking clearly will have a primarily heuristic value (if any value at all) - as soon as one has understood the point, it is better to accept the empirical knowledge and theory arising therefrom than to dupe the discoverer (me) with yet another 'Arnuldo' trick for wrestling the reward for this out of my hands for winning yet another glamorous election.

A study in 'International journal of infectuous diseases' vol.88 nov.2019 pp.127-134 tells that in Italy in the four years 2013/14-2016/17 there were an average 5.290.000 cases of ordinary flue (ILI = influenza-like illness) and 68.000 deaths attributable to flue epidemics - that is a death rate of one fourth of 1.29% - which is about the current death rate of covid-19 in Italy - a death rate that has been sinking constantly since april. The current death rate of covid-19 on a global scale (that includes the countries where it is still progressing) is now necessarily below 1%: Of the appr.7,5 million currently infected people only 1% is in a serious or critical condition while 99% is in a mild condition. The death rate has been falling rather constantly throughout the recent months - my view is that the simple reason for this constant decline is that I have been out of Austria since 27 july. If I should go back to Austria the death rate (or at least the number of infections) is likely to rise again - for reasons described above. Could the world please help me with a place to live outside Austria - in such a way that I am maximally invulnerable to new intrigues from those who wanted the coronavirus epidemic as a political resource? The newspapers write that the coronavirus now shows an explosive development in France and the panic is rising and will soon be gallopping - but among the 371.313 currently active cases in France (according to today's only 1.048 are considered 'serious or critical condition', the other 370.265 have only 'mild symptoms' (a little fever perhaps). These numbers are (rounded off to) 100% mild condition and 0% serious or critical condition. That is even milder than the ordinary winter flue - it is a sort of 'cold' only. To continue with lockdown and 14-days quarantine is then madness - it would be only for reaching certain political goals spurred by panic due to a 'diffuse threat'. Is it me ('jewish genetics' = 'diffuse threat'?) they have in mind? In Israel the percentage is 99% mild condition and 1% serious or critical (among those who are currently infected - and that is a very small part of the population) - but they are in the midst of a very expensive 3-week lockdown. Clearly that has to be 'political'. Could be the general strike in Israel concerns something else, though?

In the beginning of this epidemic, there were speculations that it could be a repeat of the spanish flue - and the initial numbers were highly alarming and people speculated on bodies strewn in the street, bulldozered mass graves etc. - like Hitler's death camps. This has proven false even if the association may have been true - the death rate is sinking every day and will probably go down to zero but the idea may be relevant nevertheless.

Hitler is not the future. Hitler is the reaction. Hitler is demagogy.

If Hitler took over the identity of Aron Eidsvig in 1945, I may have met him on 6 july 1969 (the 70th birthday of his brother Bjarne Eidsvig). It was after dinner (lots of people around the table) that I stood in the corridor and knocked on ('pikka på' it could be called in dialect) the barometer/hygrometer with a finger and he passed behind my back (PTRSIM PIK). Wittgenstein's box on the ear of Haidbauer could have been the origin of the two nuclear bombs on Japan. It may have been only he (Eidsvig/'Hitler') and I who observed it. Was this 'Ali Acqa' - who shot the pope in 1981 - the knock on the hygrometer for seeing if the needle would move a small step to a new position? 'Baromfi' is hungarian for 'poultry' (as everybody would know who have travelled a little in Hungary). Knocking on the glass was the normal signal for giving a speech at the table ('uncle Bjørn' = 'uncle bear' gave a speech in the 70th birthday). It may have been the plan that the world could be punished by 'injections' and I should be blamed for it.

I think it is an old paradox from the middle ages: How many angels can stand on the tip of a needle?

Now mass injections (vaccinations) against the 'diffuse threat' (not 'jewish genetics') of the coronavirus is planned.

This story could add explanatory force to the theory that the coronavirus epidemic covid-19 was rising globally as long as I was in Austria but it fell as soon as I travelled out of the country.

It is possible that the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1945 were for giving global punch to the hypothetical rapes of me in the schoolyear 1970-71 when I was 13-14 and went to Trosvik school (and also was subjected to school dentistry that destroyed my teeth). This was the year immediately after Nelly Sachs and Paul Celan died in the spring - Nelly Sachs on my official mother's birthday - while 'Per Borten' was still PM. If my official mother were rebuilt to 'trans' and raped me being in a drugged condition, and if she were an agent she could even have forwarded reports from the rapes to my social environments who installed these in my life for softening the impact and making it look 'natural', then it is obvious that I will be vulnerable in my social interface to such strategic replacements of women with men. I may have reduced my social interface as much as possible for being able to function, but I still could need to go to a baker's shop, a grocery, an apothecary, the post office, the bank - and in the years 2010-2020 in Vienna there seemed to be a rather systematic replacement of women in such places where I had been with men. (I have not had a telephone since 1988 but I must have a bank account). I guessed that this was organized by the socalled 'intelligence services'. Clearly that could have been for repeating rape conditions in a hope that I would accept the forced change in my social environments. Of course I cannot accept that - in particular not the 'nuclear threat' via my person. Hitler is not a friend of mine even if we could have shared a 'secret' (a piece of knowledge - this finger on the glass) from 6 july 1969.

It must be recalled that any 'intelligence project' on my person would be strictly illegal and considered a case of crime and should be persecuted by the police - however much there could be 'Kennedy' interests involved.

Notice: 'Trosse' = 'to protest/rebel' as verb, a 'mooring rope' as noun - like the tethering rope that goes around the globe and meets itself in a 'vik' - hence 'Trosvik' could mean just that: This is a typical example of political logic with an initial intuition that may be right but taking it astray with violence such as Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Then it looks initially right but goes very wrong. But this could be just the purpose with that politics - reactionary it is when it serves to 'plug' the development by claiming authority to the initial intution. The assumed 'Kennedy function' could be of just this type. It is possible that the 'mooring rope' is of a quite essential function in the story - it is also the 're-cording'. 'Mothering rope' etc - a poor Madonna that Hiroshima-Nagasaki is for the Madonna-hungry germans after all those centuries without.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 25 september 2020