Situation report 5 august 2022

John Bjarne Grover

See comment on 24 july 2022. It seems that Genesis 35:19-20 could have been assigned a major role for the construction of modern political mythos - due to the form על-קברתה (for 'Rachel's grave'). I have guessed that 'Knullerud' is the concept which in norwegian is a little too rude to be used in normal public media, but which could have surfaced in such forms as the name of 'Grønnerød' = 'Greenred' in the Orderud Paust case in Norway. It could be the secret in the central names of the Rolling Stones, for example, by the cake-cripping form ('qakeru[n]d[]') contained in the name of 'jagger' ('read kitchen' etc). Cp. also the 'grippe' that has gone around the world recently and made it somewhat 'cake'. The round cake-form is probably a sort of 'heimskringle'. The references to the name of my younger sister Tone Helene Grøver is the reason why I can find this interesting: Her name wraps left-right 'Tone Hel' and the right-left back again 'ene-Grøver' (for a 'revørG' cp. codename 'Foxtrot' of Arne Treholt) in such a way that the mapping is quite good but there is an extra hebrew H- in the beginning of the reading. Were it not for this it would have looked like TONQ- etc - hence the 'Honky Tonk Woman'. The US involvement in the Vietnam war started in the Gulf of Tonkin. The logo of the Rolling Stones likewise looks like the name of Tone Helene Grøver or 'Tongue Røver' ('TONQ reverse'?) = 'tongue-and-lips' - reaching 'hele ned' etc. Things like these make it permitted to notice the hebrew form of Gen.35:19-20 as interesting.

But it is possible that the political strategy is to keep this secret and it may be that there is a 'redirection'. In the scope available to me, the form for Genesis 35:19-20 on the form of the number 351920 occurs in three Catalan constant decimals numbers:

a = 180359
b = 387962
c = 1028312

For imitating a chinese radical #28 = 厶 the ratio b/c relates to a/b by b2/ac = 0,811559700, to which is added a/c = 0,175393705 for the sum 0,986953405 which is close to unity.

See e.g. mention in this article of this form. I don't know to what extent this observation is of much relevance.

0,986953405 * 351920 = 347325,32... = Genesis 34:23-25 = the story of Dinah and Hamor (Genesis 34:23, 34:24, 34:25). It can be noticed that current chancellor in Austria is Karl Nehammer for ÖVP.

If there are attempts to suppress Hans-Henrik Holm and reserve him for use in the secret intelligences, it could be due to an attempt to associate him with this concept of 'Knullerud'. The second chapter of 'Jonsoknatt' - somewhat relevant to the story of Dinah and Hamor - could be an example. However, my opinion on this is that Holm was a poet suffering under the metaphysical drain imposed on the country by the colonial powers who sucked the spiritual values out and transported the 'aurora borealis' by turning swastika down to England and possibly USA (via NATO), and a very substantial part of his work was in the form of such guerilla warfare as his epic 'Jonsoknatt' in an attempt to liberate the poetic spirituality of his 3-volume 'Bygdir i solrøk' = 'Villages in sunsmoke'. The americans returned the gunfire with their 'Gunsmoke' series. The US involvement in the Vietnam war was, though, on the other side of the cake-round globe, and to take Holm as a representative of 'Knullerud' is probably not right, and it is certainly not right to take his second chapter of 'Jonsoknatt' as an articulation of a program for a new holocaust or 'Black Sea Loop'.

The colonialist powers have still much control in Norway and they demand obedience to the suppressive reading of norwegian reality - while they suck the values out. Such colonialism will demand that Holm's poem "Åsbrun" be read as a poem about how he went ski jumping in his childhood and recall that he could compare himself well with the boys from the surrounding farms: He was as good as them in the winter sport of ski jumping and hence there was a basis for some self-esteem. This is how the colonialist powers want norwegians to read the poem. I would, though, say that my interpretation is more to the point. But how can the norses stand up against the colonialist powers? 'Jonsoknatt' could be a lot of gunfire which in itself is not so poetic but may be for the sake of driving the sirompa suppression out of the country. The Vietnam war could have been of comparable type.

It would be wrong to suppress Holm for trying to turn him into a representative of or tool for 'Knullerud' politics.

1223 is also a reason why I should move out of Austria.

It seems that Wittgenstein's Logisch-Philoso-PHISCHE Abhandlung was the background of the austrian eastern border in 1919 on basis of the fisherman's tooth from the lapis philosophorum. Now another part of the same lapis could be the theme of a new political story - by the frog or toad. I have guessed that it could be about how my life and work is tapped by illegal surveillance and sent 'to ad' - to the advertisement business who vibrates my work and ideas back onto me from the posters around the country. Of course it would be strictly criminal.

Now there are signs that the big outdoor commercial posters, which there used to be so many of in Austria, are about to be packed down. I dont know if this really be the case permanently or if it is only a temporary phenomenon. It seems that Vienna is almost completely devoid of commercial ads for the time being - rather against the normal condition - but a few exceptions there are. I waited for the tram at Stubentor, which also is alled Karl Lueger Platz, probably some weeks ago and observed an ad for something called SHIRO - and when I was there again a couple of days ago it was still up. That is abnormal - in particular when the rest of town looks rather free of such ads. I observed the following on a waiting shed for the tram stop:

Shiro, Shiro, Metaxa, Kozel, Gewista, Volkspartei

The U-Bahn station (Stubentor / Karl Luegers Platz) used to be crammed with commercials along the line - now the commercials seem to have been removed.

It has also been the case for some time that Facebook and Twitter are closed, at least on my computer. If I try to open Twitter there is only this message coming up. It happened in the psychiatric hospital where I had been brought against my will and I wanted to get out that the lawyer came to talk with me and I said that international media indexed my person but the doctor there called it megalomania (strictly speaking he called it 'vrangforestillinger' = 'delusions', but it means something in the sense that the ideas are turned inside-out, that what you see is a version of what is your ideas). An issue of Times Literary Supplement = TLS was on the table and I showed the front page to him - it showed a young worker carrying a tall pile of clay rooftiles or tablets on his head and I explained that the photo of this 'mental burden' was because I was in psychiatric custody against my will. Today it is easy to see how this front page could have been about the 'very tall cranium' (could be the name of 'Mary Jo Kopechne') of this photo from Krarup Nielsen's book, which could include a grotsque version of the female on the lapis (where also the frog or toad is found). It was when I was to be released from the hospital in mid january 2000 that the chief psychiatrist came and wanted a handshake - and when I agreed to that it could have been taken to mean that things were okay. The text "Performing a TLS handshake with" which comes if I try to open TWITTER on the internet could be a comment on this situation - that the end of asylum was over, as for the males in the story of Dinah in Genesis 34.

'Twitter and Facebook' could spoon to 'Fitter and To-ad-spook'. Tweisbook it should have been - but if enough attention is lent to a D/I or I/D, it should make sense. There are some such.

It could be that Zelensky's government is built on the concept of 'Dracula' --> Iraq-Kula = Saddam Hussein = SaJAM Hussedn. EDI-son vs EID-svik? The PATENT for Paxlovid (pack slow-di-nerhammer) includes some bicyclo etc. SHIRO turns into 'ShDRO' or 'Straw' - for the ''? There were news that Aung San Suu Kyi (cp. the psychiatric hospital 'Sandviken Sykehus') had been moved to an unknown location - which could be a sort of mayday message.

It is of course because my private person is potentially used for such effects that I have to spend so much time telling the details I have happened to come across.

Also, if my work is sent 'To-ad' for a sort of wi-fi effect, could be also by illegal uncredited abuse of my TEQ and other of my works, there are reasons for alarm.

Is the police out of order? Of course they must arrest the criminals even if they are in public administration.

In 1982 I studied literary theory and history along with Freddy Olsen Fjellheim. In 1983 he published anonymously on Gyldendal "1.Olsens bok" and gave me a copy of it. It seems that it later (1987, according to the library data) was revealed as his and is now catalogued in the norwegian national library under his name - not under mine! It was not I who wrote that book. Could be there are traces of what could look like encodings related to my present location in Vienna - such as this text "Billepelsen": There used to be a Billa grocery shop on the one side of the house and Pelzgasse on the other side. (It was this which made me associate with this wellknown children's song - I think Alf Prøysen had a children's song about 'Flua og tordivelen' with refrain 'piri mitt mitt marion' or was it 'parian' - but dont think this is related to 'PTRSIM PIK'). The last text is called 'Deus absconditus' which could be just the role of 'the hidden god' behind the ads and various phenomena in the public space. Of course it is not me that either - it would be the secret intelligence and other parts of public administration who could be abusing my life and work for such purposes. I have never agreed to any participation or role of that kind. I am a normal private person completely unrelated to any such activities and a role as PTRSIM PIK is of course an intrigue made by freemason-like interests who could have constructed my Stammbaum on basis of various indexical redundancies. But I firmly believe that there was no satan or angel or animal in the tree - I am a normal human being and a strategy for turning me into a quasi 'Deus absconditus' would be dirty business only.

(Speculative: Would 'Fatlands' mean the police car crash in the intersection Märzstrasse / Schweglerstrasse in probably 2012?)

Dracula seems to be a standard concept on Austria's 'other side' (hence Transylvania 'on the other side' of the philoso-Fischa hungarian border) and could perhaps be encoded in Zelensky's government. I am not a Dracula but maybe the austrian society takes me to be a traditional 'other side'. 'Zeleneskd' could perhaps invoke associations to 'utrensked' as for '[ethnic] cleansing'?

There is also a text called 'Jusja' which could contain traces of this Genesis 34 - including '3-4' on her belly = 'o magen'. (This 3-4 is probably rather an aspect of Yijing which is used in political analysis and then it is much heavier than only some themes of story). The motto to the book includes an Ungaretti quote "Anche questa notte passerá". After I had received the 'notte', the rejection, of my PhD dissertation in 1998 and was writing my appeal ('anke' in norwegian), 'Al Qaeda' = 'The Base' (cp. 'passerá') bombed the US embassies in Dar-es-Salaam and Nairobi. Including the bombing of the place with placename Omagh in Ireland (cp. the 'Kilder'?), there could be the concept of 'rejected on a political basis' as if it were me writing that bombing appeal. After I had worked with the material for years and now come back to where I left it then, I can see that the bombings in fact encoded with some interesting relevance some of the innermost essentials of my rejected work. Hence one could say that my book were perhaps 'not so bahnbrechend', could be the conclusion of the evaluation committee, but the ideological terror support to me could appear strong nevertheless, oh yes indeed 'bahnbrechend enough' as were perhaps the comment from the terror, which of course could make it look even more as if it were my own appeal. But it was not I who wrote that book "1.Olsens bok". And I am not an agent - for neither 'Knullerud' nor anybody else.

Nor am I involved in 'nålebæsj' = 'needle-excrements' ('canulle-rude'?). I dont know if the concept of PTRSIM PIK is associated with the 'ICHTYS' on the front page of the book.

To repeat it, it is not I who wrote that book "1.Olsens bok". I have not seen any other of his books.

There was the story of the jumping needle ('nålebæsj'?) and the terror in Vienna on 2 november 2020 which could have related to Skrjabin's pimple on his lip - which seems to have (or could have) developed into a 'pustule', a 'carbuncle' and finally a 'furuncle'. The synagogue outside of which the shooting started could perhaps be called norwegian 'pustehulle[t]' = 'the breathing hole', and it could perhaps be relevant to observe that "1.Olsens bok" = 'første olsens bok' could be interpreted as 'fur Stolsen spook' - for that 'fur-uncle'? Cp. the 'Fitter and To-ad-spook'. 'Stål' = 'steel', often associated with money.

As I have told several times, 'Gule Roser' were in the intersection Colbj&osalsh;rnsensgate (I think the name has now been changed) and Nygata, the latter a short street going down to Nygårdsgata with the restaurant 'Pizzanini' in the intersection. 'Pizzan inni' = 'the pizza inside', or maybe 'inside the pizza'.

There is a certain role for a red screw cap in my novel 'The Dreamer'.

There are 'sunflowers' on the calibration point of poem 50 in 'Stillhetens åndedrag'.

A few years ago I wrote some things about the story and believe that I mentioned the theory that Gro Harlem Brundtland could have been Ted Kennedy. A few hour after I had published this on the internet I became nervous that I could have been too conclusive in my theory and not added the necessary ifs and buts and therefore I opened the file again and deleted the relevant lines. Now I cannot find it again and cannot now evaluate what it could have been, but it is very possible that intrigues are going making claims that I should have claimed that Gro Harlem Brundtland is Ted Kennedy. I have never or should never have said anything such since I have no data or knowledge which could allow for such claims, even if there could be things converging on the theory. I therefore declare any such apparent claims - if I did make such claims on the internet for a few hours - for null and void, although I believe that I cannot really have said so simply because I could not know it.


Fjellheim, F.O.: 1.Olsens bok. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, Oslo 1983.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 5 august 2022