Warum ich noch ungeimpft bin
John Bjarne Grover
A very short summary which I could present if asked if I am vaccinated.
Ich habe am 3 Jänner 2022 an Bürgerservice = buergerservice@sozialministerium.at geschrieben und gefragt, ob ich vom obligatorischen Impfen befreit werden könnte und einen grünen Pass bekomme. (Bis heute war es keine Antwort). Ein Arzt kann die folgende Darlegung nicht schätzen:
Warum sollte ich lieber ungeimpft verbleiben? Weil es ist sehr wahrscheinlich dass internationale Politik meine Person missbraucht um eine Umkehrung von einem Impfungs-Programm zu ermöglichen. Das bedeutet: Heutzutage ist in Schweden ung. 82% voll-geimpft aber unter die Neu-Infektionen sind so viel wie 77% voll-geimpft (diese Daten sind 2-3 Wochen alt - '23 procent' ungeimpft). Wenn diese 77% weiter steigen und die 82% überschreiten wird das Programm zu einer Waffe/Strategie mit einer globalen Reichweite verwandelt. Man nennt es eine Umkehrung des Impfungs-Programms - für globale Macht. (Wenn die Impfung 100% erreicht wird diese Umkehrungs-Funktion unsichtbar).
Beweis dass meine Person für solche Zwecke missgebraucht wird:
1) johnbjarnegrover.com/evidence.htm = eine starke Umkehrung bei meiner Person in Messias-Land (Oslo tauscht mit Jerusalem)
2) johnbjarnegrover.com/occipitaldetail.jpg = MRT Scan meines Kopfes beweist dass mein Kopf in frühe Kindheit geöffnet wurde (der Kopfschädel ist heute intakt): Wahrscheinlich hat ein hoher Politiker (JFK?) auf meinem Cortex (d.h. mich als Mythos-Messias - bei Stammbaum konstruiert) nach meinem Geburt in 1957 masturbiert - genau um den Rollen-Umtausch mit 'Messias' zu erreichen. (Das Interval von der Gründung von ÖVP in 1945 bis zu dieser frühen Kopf-Öffnung in juli 1957 ist 12 Jahre, 2 Monate, 3 Wochen = '1223'. Dieses Interval scheint auch seitdem die ÖVP zu definieren - vgl. Spindlegger als Vize-Kanzler in genau 1223 Tagen: Das könnte bedeuten, dass die Partei nicht die volle Freiheit genießt).
3) Als ich von Venedig nach Wien am 12 Jänner 2010 reiste, nach dem Erdbeben auf Port-au-Prince, Haiti (wie in 1957?), war ich in einer Liegewagen-Abteilung allein als die Wagensverantwortliche Frau an die Tür klopfte und sagte dass ein Herr auch darin fahren wollte - es war wahrscheinlich Gordon Brown, dann PM aus Downing Street, der da mit einem altmodischem Arzt-Koffer stand und wollte auch in der Liegewage-Abteilung fahren. Es könnte Waren für einem Impfungs-Programm in seinem Koffer sein - und ich nahm die Chance nicht und verliess die Abteilung. Damit wurde es eine gewisse 'diagonal replacement' daraus - eine 'Umkehrung' von einem möglicherweise mitgebrachten Impfungs-Programm.
4) Boris Johnson's heutige Regierung könnte zu dieser 2010 Zug-Geschichte hinweisen - vielleicht enthält sie die Geheimnisse über mich selbst die ich von Brown auf dem Zug bekommen könnte. Mit 'Truss' (wurde ich in meiner Pubertät/Jugend vergewaltigt?) bekommt man dazu auch einen Hinweis zur Struktur in johnbjarnegrover.com/potatoballs.htm:
i) 26 december 2002: Zwei meiner Buch-Manuskripten wurden für Kopierecht registriert
ii) 26 december 2003 um 01:56 UTC: Ein Erdbeben hat Bam in Iran erschüttert
iii) 26 december 2004 um 00:58 UTC: Erdbeben von Banda Aceh mit 200.000 Opfer
Die 'diagonal replacement' bedeutet dann, dass internationale Politik (hier bei der britischen Regierung) die Rechte meiner Arbeiten sich vielleicht erwerben möchte - hier vielleicht mit einem Impfungs-Programm das alle - auch mich - inkludiert.
Konklusion: Man muss es vermeiden dass diese globale Umkehrungs-Waffe/Strategie effektiv wird und auch dass meine Autoren-Rechte die meine verbleiben und deshalb sollte ich besser ungeimpft verbleiben. ('Literar Mechana' hat im Sommer 2021 zur Mariahilferstrasse umgesiedelt). Mein Name 'John Grover' ist auch mit R/N ein 'Jord Gnomen' = 'Erde Leprechaun' --> 'globale Depression' - vgl. 'jor[dens] is børs-år' = 'Erde ist Börse-Jahr' - möglicherweise um ein 'Ole Devold' = 'old devil' in meinem Stammbaum (= 'Erdbeben von Ba[u]m') zu konstruieren - statt dieses 1957 'Messias' - vielleicht um mich zu Sündenbock und Schimpfwort zu machen. So eine globale Depression will man auch nicht haben. Ich hoffe deshalb auf eine positive Antwort vom Bürgerservice.
Eigentlich ist es auch so, dass wenn ÖVP mich dieses nicht einwilligen kann, dann ist es - auf dem 1223 Hintergrund - vielleicht eine Frage ob ÖVP überhauft eine legale Partei ist.
John Bjarne Grover
1152 Wien
Email: johgrov@yahoo.com
johnbjarnegrover.com/klyrkan.htm - erzählt am Ende über eine fehlerhafte Adresse
johnbjarnegrover.com = homepage
PS I wrote also to the Ombudsman for administrative things with a copy of the letter to Bürgerservice. Some time ago I mumbled a monologue for myself, a sort of shadow boxing whereby you can hear only one of the dialogueing voices on the surveillance. This audible voice tried to explain why the Stammbaum of PTRSIM PIK is only a very trivial thing: If, say, there is a forefather from Achen in the Baum, that could be because the corresponding Bible verse tells "Ach mein Herr, warum..." and things like that. I dont know if I am clairvoyant. Today I got a reply from the Ombudsman by Mag. Bernhard Achitz, Anwalt - who informed me that exemption can be granted by a doctor only. But I would doubt that a doctor can evaluate these matters (except as a case of madness, which it clearly is not).
If the story is supposed to be that I am supposed to be the Ole Devold = 'old devil' in the Stammbaum, e.g. by a smart trick of Rawlinson having edited some of the glyphs in the Old Persian of the Behistun wall, and the original being known to only a few people, that is of course a totally unacceptable role which I cannot agree to. It would probably be only for attaching a satanic label on the Judenblut.
The conclusion is of course that if the data - on how many of the new infections are vaccinated and how many are not - are held back from public attention, it must be considered completely illegal with such obligatory vaccinations - if the vaccinations impose onto people an increased risk of disease and death. How are these data in Austria? Are the 77 beyond the 82? In addition, many countries now downgrade covid-19 to an undangerous disease - the mortality is now generally on the scale of a mild flue and the disease itself is normally not a big burden - and then obligatory vaccination seems very unnecessary.
It is probably very relevant to ask if the high mortality of the spring 2020 quite simply was the same as victims of the above-mentioned "Waffe/Strategie mit einer globalen Reichweite". It is only after the vaccinations started that the number of new infections has been rising very steeply upwards. Here is the global curve up to 3 february 2022 (source https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/) - the high peak towards the end is from the time when the 77 started to come closer to the 82 - in Sweden. But how is that in Austria?
4/2-22: The most recent weekly report (of today) from Folkhälsomyndigheten in Sweden shows that the gap between vaccinations in population and vaccinations among infections now is opening again as the current wave seems to be on its way down again. One can speculate that the peak of the curve correlated with the narrowing of the gap. Clearly if the same should happen again, the curve may reach new heights - in particular if its height correlates with the percentage of vaccinations (indeed it is puzzling that the more people are vaccinated, the more people get sick with covid). However this should be, it is probably wise to conclude that with my '1223' role it may be very favourable for the general health condition that I live in some other country - but it is not fair to dump the responsibility for this on me and my humble economy. The rather impure political program seems to be that I am born with a 'Messiah' Bible structure in the Stammbaum and by clever tricks and tracks some power-hungry politicians want to swap roles with me so that they look like Messiah and I like the old devil. It is likely that it is precisely this political program which is covid. Isnt it time that the world helps me find a permanent housing solution in another country (such as e.g. Italy) and give me a green pass so that I can cross the border? Mythomaniac politicians (eager to swap roles with me) are probably not optimal for their societies.
Added 10 february 2022: It is permitted to notice that when apparently Gordon Brown entered the train after the great earthquake of Haiti on 12 january 2010 and wanted to get into the couchette compartment where I had been sleeping, possibly right from Downing Street and with only an oldfashioned hollywoodish doctor bag in his hand, it is difficult to avoid the idea that it was because I was there. I could not take the chance to be there in view of his doctor bag and I therefore withdrew from the compartment - something which could have made a 'diagonal replacement function' out of it.
The question is whether the current Boris Johnson government is built up around the same brief meeting - over the idea that Brown had weapons in his bag. If one assumes that 1223 is the code for my person as a political phenomenon, in particular in Austria, one notices that 12 january is 12 days and 2 weeks into the year - and then one looks for the 3 months: The 3 months later would be worthless so it must be 3 months earlier, on 12 october 2009. I look up the news for this day and find immediately the newspiece of the new Prithvi-II missiles that had been test fired by New Delhi on that day 12 october 2009. This calls forth associations to the name of 'Priti Patel' in Johnson's government. To see if the theory should make sense that Johnson's government encode weapons of that day, I find also a notice of socalled 'Walther-P1' guns that had been transported from Germany to Afghanistan, calling forth associations to the name of 'Kwasi Kwarteng' as well as the news from Alpuri Shangla near Rawalpindi calling forth associations to the name of 'Alok Sharma' in the same government. The theory could make sense that it encodes the idea of such doctor-bag weapons along with the story from 2010.
It happened once that I in the autumn 1973 accidentally forgot a needle in the TV chair of the official father. It is true that it (the 'pindi') was not left there on purpose, but it is also true that I had not got his identity on the day when I turned 16 on 29 june 1973 - after he unannounced had taken the place of the first official father in the late 1960's. I still have not got it. There is a theory around that he could have been Adolf Hitler rebuilt (I am not Hitler!), in which case our trip with 'Caravelle' to 'Bayswater Hotel' in London in 1972 could have signalled a certain 'bajas-father'. That means that if it should have been Hitler (and I have little or no reason to believe so), the photos of him that I got from the newspaper Fredriksstad Blad in 2004 probably must have shown false irises. (I once took a photo of him with a Pentax and he did not like it - but I do no longer have the photo - I threw the photos I had of the family away in London in 2003).
In short, if a replacement function be the case, I am of course not interested in swapping roles with Hitler.
Alternatively, if a replacement function a la an excorcism of Ole Devold should be the idea, I think it is better to put all that nonsense aside.
There has been no answer from Bürgerservice so far. The criterion for being exempted from obligatory vaccination is that there could be a danger for life and health in it. The concept of 'booster jab' is used frequently about the third vaccination and it is very possible - if it should have been the case that I could have been raped in drugged condition in my puberty in 1970 - that it is used for meaning the grip around my body (hip or 'bust') along with an ejaculation 'jab' into my rectum - could be even with the contents of my own organ? - cp. also the new county names of 'Viken Oslo' in Norway. I cannot enter my house in Szolnok which was built in the same year 1970, could be as part of a same or comparable program, for fear that the water pipes that seem to have been installed inside the adobe walls could make the roof collapse - in which case it means a danger for my life and health. That is very exceptional conditions, could be for my single historic person only (I doubt the ideas that such water pipes in adobe walls, controlled by neighbours, are normal in Hungary - but I would not be surprised to learn that they built some of them in 1970 for claiming that it is a normal house). I would guess that the water can be 'vaccinated' into the adobe wall from more or less remote location by representatives of 'international power' controlling the water tap. Therefore, also in order to avoid unfortunate racist developments, in particular in view of possible 'Black Sea Loop' ideas, and also in order to avoid threats against my authorship, I believe that it is better to exempt me from the law of obligatory vaccination.
Also, the disease is now downgraded to an undangerous disease. In Austria the mortality for the time being is less than 0,1%.
However, a doctor cannot have any meaning on the political circumstances, and if my letters do not reach the social ministry (I was by there but the Bürgerservice office was closed just then, even if their website suggested that it would be open), it may be that a stategy of letting time go untill it is too late could be the intended solution. I sent the request by email on 3 january. If I have no green pass, I have no other escape route than to the adobe house in Szolnok - if hotels claim green pass, which they seem to do.
The mortality is very low and the disease very mild. Is the obligatory vaccination for cheating people into accepting a perverse quasi-religious philosophy on a caretaker raping a child? Then it is time to come to the megaphones: Downgrade the secrets! I am not accepting any such philosophy and all such child abuse must not be accepted. My work must be recognized as mine.
© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 3 february 2022
Last updated 10 february 2022