Journalism on the day 25 march 2022
John Bjarne Grover
In this article I make some ideas which are based on two theoretic assumptions which are not self-evident - the one is that I (in drugged condition) could have been raped in my puberty by the custody mother being rebuilt to 'trans', and that these rapes were done on behalf of some institution in the state of Norway - and for this theory I have little or no evidence beyond the general impression that it seems to be up and going in modern mythos, which of course does not have to mean that it factually did happen - and the other is the idea that it was Gordon Brown, then british PM from Downing Street, who came onto the train between Venice and Vienna with an oldfashioned leathern doctor bag in his hand and wanted to get into the couchette department where I was sleeping alone. The latter theory is better founded since it looked like Brown, and I believe it was not a vision or revelation but an event that factually did take place. However, in the second half of the article I discuss an empirical story of much more ethereal value - what I believe was a piece of ex nihilo acoustic sound which I could record like the 10 sharp probably ex nihilo knocks of 20 january 2020 at 11:00 o'clock or the xylophone in Venice which I likewise probably could have recorded if I had had the necessary equipment available.
Swedish state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell had got a leading job in WHO, told the news - it was reported also in german media - when it suddenly appeared from WHO that they had not heard about this and believed that the job didnt exist at all. Tegnell had considered going in pension before he reportedly got the brilliant job.
In april 2020 I published my theory on how to construct a medicine against covid-19 - and it is possible that this theory could have been a basis for the pill Paxlovid launched by Pfizer against covid on 21 december 2021. But if what happened in april 2020 was that WHO tested the theory and found it promising and therefore contacted Pfizer to develop it without mentioning my name since the PTRSIM PIK had to be kept secret (I dont know what happened in this story in 2020 or later), then it is very relevant to consider what happened with the global curve of infections on the day 21 december 2021 when this pill was launched. The curve looks as if the global community got an electric shock from which it still has not calmed entirely down again (although the mortality is sinking below 0,3% globally and will soon probably be almost gone). The natural question is simply: Were the sudden enormous upswing in covid infections a direct result of the absence of crediting of the source of the means for curbing this pandemic?
Why are some so scared about 'semantic medication'? It is in my theory not about the naive semantic glue that attaches meaning to form in an 'arbitrary' fashion - it is more like the semiotic model discussed in my fresh article about Holm - and that is when one understands why 'semantics' could be the right thing to negotiate and soften a virus attack. There is a misbalance in the relation between physics and metaphysics - resembling the measurements of DNA as an organ of balance - that releases the epidemic of viruses - and then it can often be about a misbalance in the crediting of a source. If you day after day go into a shop and grab a bread from their shelves, sooner or later you have to pay for it otherwise there will be problems. If you have done it too long without paying then the problems can come to be unmasterable - like a virus attack. The story of covid from 21 december 2021 onwards - when Pfizer launched their Paxlovid and the corona curve went record high - could be suggestive of something like that.
My story may, as goes the theory, be that breadshop with Ragna Grøver being the pioneer in shoplifting - and if she were so on behalf of the norwegian state, it follows that unless the state apologizes and tries to repair the unfortunate impression, there can come to be waves of 'problems' - not only viruses but also warfare like in Ukraine. It seems that covid now is going down without having been able to elicit the needed decency of behaviour - the pandemic now seems to be quite simply exhausted - and so a new attack was launched from Russia.
It is probably very simple and why should they not try and straighten up the moral backbone? They do perhaps feel that the security of the state is at stake - that Norway in 1814 was established for the one and only sake of being a mockingplace of poets since that would shoplift some of the ridicule off the british state church formation if it were based on Henry VIII's conviction that the inner poetic articulations which the pope was convinced came from God really came from Henry. Therefore he broke with the Vatican - such a religion they could not endorse, he said from horseback - but they never understood why it seemed that God or the Vatican was teasing Henry like that.
What was it Henry should have understood? The solution of detaching from the Vatican's authority functioned well as long as the british monarch had a godgiven right to be the monarch but it triggered an immediate danger of ridicule no sooner was the french revolution a fact - and therefore the 'Klipra connection' was established with PTRSIM PIK in 1814 in order to have a place to export the mock and ridicule. This is likely to have continued as the main problem called terror up to the present day - nobody laughs at that - they can laugh at norwegian 'inner poetic articulations' if they feel the need for it. That is why Norway feel that they for the sake of their national security have to frown upon the poet Hans Henrik Holm - and that could be a part of the reason for my problems since my TEQ is entirely a series of inner poetic articulations. I was perhaps planned to be a poet of such inner poetic articulations and therefore spaced out like a 'blocked-out shoe' by way of child abuse and rapes in order to make it easy to continue with such later and that could consolidate the state formation of 1814. How come people do not understand the simple fact but believe that it is permitted to steal my ideas without crediting the source 'because he is PTRSIM PIK'? That is no reason! PTRSIM PIK is some nazi garbage that has been cooked up by loyals and pasted onto my back like a paper with adhesive tape telling "I am a clown - dont laugh". Should that be a reason for mocking? Only some people would agree to that - and that is not a safe strategy but necessarily leads to nerves and social problems.
It is likely that the problems continues untill the state apologizes - that is when they no longer endorse such behaviour and that is when 'because he is PTRSIM PIK' is no reason any longer.
I have only the proofs contained in this scan proving that my skull was opened in early childhood (since the skull is intact) and these data which prove that there is a role for me in the international political mythos. But these two evidences probably suffice.
The story tells that Norway necessarily has had to develop cultural problems because of this unfortunate story with poetry - and it has often been said that Norway has a problem with a sort of bonerattling culture which does not understand the value of Holm's poetry. The british queen had just been for an official visit to Norway and could even have been on the airplane back to London when the royal massacre of Nepal took place. Nepal is a sort of other side to Norway relative to England. Would it have been telling of what could happen unless Norway continued mocking their poetry? They should straighten up their moral backbone, could have been the theme - but 'moral backbone' could have been the concept for Ragna Grøver if she were raping me in drugged condition from 1970 onwards.
Intelligence tells perhaps that Holm's 1972 book were all and only about this story - and that he wrote his book in solidarity with me - as a 'moral backbone' of solidharity that could mean, and hence Holm is not their politics, so to speak. Although this could have been consonant with his views as poet, his book is not a part of the political intrigue. That could be a part of the reason why he wrote in such remote dialect - outside the tumults of intrigue in Oslo.
On the 'semantic pulver': The story of Holm's semiotic poetics could be telling of what sort of semantics I have in mind. But one can think of a mock version of my theory: If some people say that the pandemic is a result of american cultural and political imperialism that does not respect the source of the riches imported to USA, the idea could be shaped that if one could make a molecule which looks like a sausage that is rolled up in a crystalline surface, then one could make a pill out of this molecule because it could invoke associations to the twin bombing of the US embassies in 'Dar-es-Salaam' ('there is the salami') and 'Nairobi' ('now it is [rolled up] in it') - in particular when 'O-maghe' - in 1998 - and that could be felt as a powerful resistance against this american cultural imperialism and hence suitable for beating down the pandemic. This 'semantic pulver' would be a mock version of my theory and not the sort of 'semantics' which I have in mind. My theory tells how the format in empirical data on the multiplication of the viruses (observed in a virolab) can be transformed into a chemical substance which thereby has a 'semantic' effect which can be understood in terms of the semiotics of Holm's poetry. My method would resemble a rod in a crocodile's gap, not the method of mass 'cultural' hypnosis telling that the crocodile (by 'semantic reinterpretation') really is a hippo so it is just to relax.
My theory tells that you successfully can put a rod into the gap of one crocodile, maybe even two or three, but if a great flock of crocodiles attack then you havent got a chance. So the pulver cannot be used along with tough abuse strategies - and I have guessed that it is likely that vaccines against viruses cannot really be very efficient - as also the numbers from Sweden tell: When 76% of the population is vaccinated and 82% of those who die from covid are vaccinated, then it follows that the vaccines cannot be very efficient. There is no other solution to the problem than to stop the abuse.
Chemistry is semiotics like chinese radicals are. The nature of basic atomic forms in the periodical system probably resembles the chinese radicals in more than a coincidental way since it can be postulated that ordinality is essential to both of them. That is a part of my semiotic studies on the nature of the chinese radicals. To wipe my theory off as 'semantic' is like wiping chemistry out of farmacy because it is 'semantic' - and to go for broomriding instead. The pill of a sausage-looking molecule in a rollup crystalline surface would be broomriding.
The difference could resemble the difference between a 'Black Har Trommen' and 'Brown has leathern Bagin'. Was it England who drove me out of Calle Pedrocchi towards Vienna - by the (time of the) death of Corazon Aquino - for Brown to enter the train with a brown leathern doctor bag on the day of the great earthquake of Port-au-Prince? Or is it the brown bag that protests against the brute force of 'black har trommen' and therefore everybody support England in their struggle against the murky forces of Creation?
After the death of my two neighbours E.Zuin and Mario Zorzetto at the time of the death of Corazon Aquino I handed out a paper to the other postboxes/doorbell-names in the Calle Pedrocchi lane and pointed to a certain isomorphy between the names in the lane and the article titles of the then fresh Modern Language Review along with the station names on the train line from Salzburg to Wien (cp. 'Corazon ack-Wien-o') - that was for preventing further possible problems for the people living there. Today I can tell also the story of how I some years later (some years ago now) travelled by train from Salzburg to Wien and I believe it was then german defence minister Ursula von der Leyen who travelled along with me. Were this to put a rod in the crocodile's gap?
Why do they apparently say in Italy that "we dont want PTRSIM PIK"? It is possible that the world has to come to the point of the role of England since Henry in this story - and it is important to reach that point without seeing the threat of a third world war coming up. Also for this reason is it important to credit me as the source of the new pill if that is how it was developed - since otherwise it leads to only new covid curves - untill one has come to the essential point. There is no solution in continueing mocking norwegian poetry any longer if it were Henry who had not understood what the 'godgiven right' to his royal authority could mean. Were it this 'godgiven right' that whispered in the heart of the pope?
I refer to the end line of Holm's poem 6. Gladness (in my translation) and find it interesting to ponder why these poems could be found as relevant to the story of e.g. princess Diana. 'Henry the eighth' = the 'even teitstå' of the crocodile gap = the leathern bag in the (even) hand of Brown? Is this the 'moral backbone' of the modern mythos? My university advisor Even Hovdhaugen had a name which could have invited to 'semantic' play on my role relative to the name associations to 'Greven av Monte Christo'. It is an art to put such rods in crocodile gaps - they must be tightly inserted otherwise they only fall out again like a toothpicker. 'Reven von Trysto' ('the fox of trysto') could have been the story of Henry - how he believed (if I have guessed right) that the rev-elations of the pope reflected his own whereabouts in England, whether these revs were his own or where they came from. But crocodiles are not so frequent in these geographic areas and they really have probably no role to play in the story. Why not come to the point?
My guess is that the point is that PTRSIM PIK is a construction that attempts to keep up the 'godgiven rights' to royal authority when there really is not much left of that historically - and that the trick is to blame the PIK (poet) for these problems - only for extending for yet some time a reactionary system that is about to fall out of history.
Briefly - if England are the ones who want a tragic Black Sea Loop terror along the eastern arm for swinging this down south on Italy - in order for a comedy of british monarchy in the western arm to swing the 'british laugh' up onto 1814-Norway while the 'godgiven rights' are swung back onto England, since the entire swastika is believed to be one integer structure - if this is the problem, then it should be named as England's problem which they should try and solve themselves.
It seems that the whole world looks at me through binoculars and tell each other what they saw on that distant planet but never tell it to me - 'because it is PTRSIM PIK'. It may be that I cannot even get the statistics for my own web page - because if I did, then I could come to know that there are readers to it - and then I would not be a complete nobody. That is because PTRSIM PIK by the nazi program is supposed to be 'not of this world', a quasi-religious mythomania. All this must down, of course. Ideas that 'PTRSIM PIK' should have any value must probably count as an embodiment of the problems of Henry VIII - the problem of quasi-divinity in the human social theatre.
In other words: Would Brown have been ['Henry out riding'] on the train for putting a rod in the crocodile gap for preventing a Black Sea Loop and thereby be there for the sake of peace and progress of the global society, or would it on the contrary have been as a responsibility claim on the death of Aquino and thereby also on a Black Sea Loop - the very opposite, that is? I am not a crocodile biting towards the pope.
The recording
The title to this file is 'Journalism on the day 25 march 2022'. It could be in reference to the poem by Osip Mandelstam: '10 January 1934'. I fancy that this is a semiotic riddle which really is about 10 January 1924 - ten years earlier - and that this could have been why the time valuation 10:48 in the beginning of poem TEQ #833 (the first lines) had a reflex in my recording of a 'pianopee' at 1:04,8. I found a very interesting riddle in the Catalan constant on this phenomenon:
In my PEB = POLAKK English Bloggi there are 366 poems supposed to span 1000 years in the 'carbon-14' (not 'covid-19'!) dating of literary texts that can be done with this book. PEB poem #124 includes the lines:
He rather rustled the starch
like the two Gitler cannons
on a piece of march,
his shirt tail white and wedded,
his fingers pale as Hanons
Du törs at jag sätter mig bredvid?
(The last line is swedish: "Thou darest that I sit down here beside you?"). The two Gitler cannons can be heard as the 2 sharp knocks at 0:55 - and the Hanons going up and down are clearly audible in my recording. Now for the mystery which could call for some attention to the tragic aircrash in China at 2:22 PM which corresponds to the length of my recording = 2:22 minutes = (2*60)+22 = 142 seconds of 132 people including 9 crew and 123 passagers: If from this #124 one postulates a role of #142 which starts
The story is a fax sent to
an aural bone
but with accent to
a swedish tone.
and one computes this 142 / 366, it is the same value as 55/142 and hence 'explains' the two sharp knocks. Then if one takes the ratio between 1:04,8 = 64,8 seconds (well, it must be adjusted to 64,79989 which is goodenough) and 10:48 = 408 seconds, that is 64,79989/408 = 0,15882326786651088225556790, one can take this string of 26 decimals after the comma (including the 0 in front of them as the 27th) and search for it in the Catalan constant - and there it is - on exactly decimal place #366000! That is 366 * 1000 - a sort of 'proof' why my PEB with its 366 poems spans 1000 years. One decimal per day, that is. It is a mystery, this Catalan constant. There are these reasons why I should believe that my recording is 'ex nihilo' - but I can perhaps not exclude the possibility that there is somebody playing on a piano there. Or, alternatively, since the poetry and the Catalan theory is written by me considered to be PTRSIM PIK, there is the alternative that the sounds had been pre-constructed for this situation - but, on the other hand, since the sharp knocks and the deficiency of the recording at 1:04,8 are aspects of the situation of the practical recording, it could not have been preplanned. But that is not related to the music itself? No, but the 123 is - that is the 'restart' of the rehearsing pianist. One notices also from about 0:11 onwards that it sounds like a harp more than a piano. Here are the last lines of TEQ poem #100:
that every plant is pure from harpsichord, the
blicker you therefore
on 31st of December copying.
Of course the investigators of the aircrash in China could have needed these data. In my view, the airplane could have crashed because it fell down in its semantic level.
In sum, not only since the recording was of 'street sounds' but also since it is not possible to hear from the recording where or who it is, if there really is a pianist playing and it is not 'ex nihilo' such as I believe it is, like the xylophone in Venice or the 10 sharp ex nihilo knocks of 20 january 2020 at 11:00 o'clock, I probably should take the chance to publish the recording here and present my apologies if anybody should be insulted thereby. It is the organizers of the intrigue and the terror that must tidy up in this if it really is a pianist who sits there playing somewhere - although it would have been difficult to find out from the street environments where the sounds came from.
There is also the definite possibility that the sounds could have been engineered technically - as part of an intrigue including possibly the aircrash in China as terror - because I walked past the place, but then things look a little different.
The deeper mystery could be in my study of Holm's poetry: Why did Holm write in such remote and 'archaic' dialects as Setesdal and Telemark - often so difficult that many or most norwegians today cannot really read his work without spending much time on looking up words in dictionaries and wordlists - if those exist at all? I discovered while studying Horace and marking off parts of it with pencil marks that when I looked them up later, the pencil strokes had glided off the spot and landed several lines up the page - as if moved by 'tele-mark'! In norwegian, 'det sitter ikke' = 'it doesnt sit'. It is possible that this was the reason for Holm's use of the dialects from Setesdalen and Telemark - that it wouldnt 'sit' otherwise. Modern norwegian is a merger of danish and norwegian languages which could slip and slide around and be hard to give a lasting value. Holm's dialect languages could be of more lasting effect, though. The recording of music sounds in a street of Vienna can perhaps be a 'tele-mark' recording. See the study of Holm's poetry to understand why this 'universalism' makes the ex nihilo 'tele-mark' occurrences become 'fast' like 'setesdal'.
Indeed this is likely to be that swedish line of PEB #124: Du törs at jag sätter mig bredvid = Du törs at jag Setesdal Telemark.
It is probably impossible or difficult for me to find out of the source, but I can hope that somebody with access to information on whether there was a pianist playing electronic piano there or not could provide me with the information needed to find out if or how a publication can be made possible.
The mystery of Catalan decimal #366000 is found in the ratio between 1:04,8 from the street sound recording and 10:48 of my TEQ which looks like a division with 10, sort of, but a slight adjustment had to be made to the 1:04,8 down to 1:04,799: The 10 sharp ex nihilo knocks of 20 january 2020 at 11:00 o'clock are 'regular beats' but there is a slight offset from the regularity towards the end of the series.
TEQ poem #833 is followed by #834 and then #835 signed 'Metronomen' - which is what one can hear ticking alongside the piano or harp. What could raise the alarm relative to possible intrigue behind the aircrash in China is that #836 is a short poem (3 lines) signed 'Dallyout Murty': I had been reading the internet edition of China Daily on a daily basis for a long time but had on 15 march 2022 seen this photo series in the temporal context of my own studies in my DDS part III relative to elegies of Propertius when I had come to #48 and recognized this series as a backwards reading of the poem - photo 7 = lines 1-2, photo 6 lines 3-4 etc - and I could not avoid the idea of possible uncredited plagiarism. I therefore had to stop reading the newspaper for some time in order to get out of this suspicion - which could be called a 'Dallyout'. Today I would not believe that it was a plagiarism but rather a semiotic phenomenon converging on this 'pianopee' including the metronome. When the airplane fell down at 2:22 local time, it could in combination with this photo series mean that uncredited borrowing/plagiarisms can lead to such catastrophes - such as this new outbreak of covid-19 in Changchun or an airplane catastrophe.
However, it is of course possible that terror was the reason for the aircrash. I have been waiting for a European Health Insurance Card: TEQ #834 includes the lines "ECHR (European Court of Human Rights) has ruled that the former King of Greece was right in keeping his properties" and ends with "She kissed my snout. / - Yes she did! / Ministerium South Dakota Inn". The health card has not yet arrived even if they said that it had been sent many days ago, probably with airplane, and another airplane (NATO) had crashed in northern Norway around the same times - as if the terror wanted to pretend that both NATO and China flexed their muscles with such threats telling that now they had to speed up the deliverance of the insurance card.
The crashed airplane was a Boeing 737. When in 2008 I sent my TEQ book 16 to China, it could have been when the book crossed the border that the tragic earthquake of Wenchuan (that claimed some 70-90.000 lives) went off at 6:28 local time. Had it been 626, it would have related to 737 like 'Wenchuan' to 'tambtam'. Like that 'tromman'?
The cultural or 'semiotic' level cannot be held properly up if uncredited plagiarisms occur and then culture falls down. This is also the reason why the PTRSIM PIK program must be terminated.
What is the exact value of the decimals for the Catalan constant in the recording? I have not the tools needed for finding that - but if I could publish the recording somebody else could and return the interesting info to me. All this PTRSIM PIK nonsense must be terminated!
I hope to get feedback on the status of the probably ex nihilo character of the street sounds of the piano - not the least since such info would imply a good step forwards towards a better and more sensible society wherein the common progress and values are of importance. I hope also of course to get a copy of the xylophone sounds in Venice, if such recording exists.
Holm, H.H.: 'Hard-røynd frå havland og dalsògur', Gyldendal, Oslo 1972.
© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 25 march 2022