The fear of doom

John Bjarne Grover

It must be understood that 6 february 2024 could be a great day in the history of theology - since that is the day when I published my article Paulo Veronese's 'sunflower matrix' which seems to explain the hidden link between the christian cross and the egyptian tomb art which concerns the overstepping of the border into the afterlife world. Inbetween these two are the history of the people of Israel - and it is not impossible that antisemitism can be explained in terms of fears that this jewish people carry a dreadful secret which could come to overthrow the entire christian world if it should come to leak out.

What is this secret? If the christian cross and the 'sunflower matrix' (called 'fishing and fowling' in egyptological terms) are the same, in older days this identity could have been considered terrible news simply because it meant that the christian cross could be the same as the essence of heathen mythology. This could also have been Hitler's propaganda - that the jews had to be exterminated otherwise it could come to be shown that the christian God or rather Christ whom the germans believed in were nothing but a hoax from ancient Egypt. This could also have been the purpose with the death of Lenin in january 1924 - one year after Tutankhamon's tomb had been opened - if Lenin's death were not 'natural' and if the Catalan constant I refer to in both articles (this and that article) is the hidden link. This again could suggest that the hidden link between the christian cross and ancient Egypt had been intuited quickly and that one suspected the Catalan constant of being this mystery link.

It can be noticed that if Holm's poem In the hour of death were used for lending 'design' to a death of Lenin, such as the government of Kåre Willoch 1981-1986 could have suggested, and if in addition the large 6-volume poetic work of Holm called 'Villages in sunsmoke' were the basis for the US TV and radio series about villains in 'Gunsmoke', it is very possible that this story of the 'hidden link' between Christ and the egyptian pharaos were a part of the basis for the COVID pandemic - the symptoms of this disease could be described in the first stanza of Holm's poem 'In the hour of death'. The death rate was reportedly high among particularly catholics in the first months of the pandemic. This could lend more emphasis to the explanation I have tentatively suggested - that if ABC TV's series 'The Dynasty' 2017 should have been based on (being a plagiarism, that could mean, of) my 'Der Dornenstrauch' (2009-2015), a work on the diachrony of language which - as goes the idea - takes the understanding of the linguistic basis for the reality-conception (of the human reality, that is) back to the early stages of the language (as it can be recognized today) - that my own disease of incontinence 2015-2018 followed by acute retention while I completed volume 4 of my collected works (containing also 'Der Dornenstrauch') followed by 7 weeks in hospital 2018-2019 could have been a direct result of the combined effect of 1) my 2015 acquisition of the house in Szolnok plus 2) 'The Dynasty' from 2017 (if it related to my book), the outbreak of COVID precisely one year after the outbreak of my retention crisis could be explained in terms of a repeat of the political abuse of a poetic work of potentially large importance (my 'Dornenstrauch' that is here). Politics must not develop into the art of exploiting poetry - or simply the poet - with Hitler as the pioneering idol.

The Catalan constant cannot normally be computed as an integral but one has a number of more or less elaborate approximation methods in terms of converging series - it is proven that these converge towards the real number. But this number is computed on basis of an intuition on 2 dimensions - the paper with the graph and the gradually smaller squares around it - and if this shall contain the secret link between the christian cross and the egyptian sunflower matrix, it must be something relevant to at least 3 dimensions since humans are bodies and even more. The intuitive proof of the computation of the value of a Catalan graph is on 2 dimensions but it is drawn and the intuition is visualized with a human hand of at least three dimensions - and is this reduction from 3 to 2 dimensions safe? It is like a piece of Brahms notated on 2 dimensions - but it is played in 3 dimensions and people are educated through many years for filling in that gap between the dimensions. Is it certain that they approximate Brahms' intentions and intuitions - the better the longer their education? With infinite education it should reach the original intention? It is probable that mathematical proof is a strange sort of game. What terrible secret hides in that yawning gap between the dimensions?

Science seems to work against 2 dimensions - the scientists sit there with a 2-dimensional imaginary screen in the air before their faces. While the administration fills in for the third - with word games and intrigues of various sorts for getting the 'beast' under control.

Is there a basis for a COVID panic among catholics due to this link between the christian cross and the socalled 'sunflower matrix' of ancient Egypt? I would say there should not need to be more panic in this discovery than is contained in the modern ecumenic accept of other world religions. The crusaders were filled with a holy conviction of the supremacy of their creed - and it may be that there is not so much left of this competitive aspect of christianity by an ecumenic understanding - but the sensible understanding of 'the son of God' remains the same: If the human reality is limited, and there are many good reasons to believe that, then a divine from outside this reality who is squeezed into the human form of the world will suffer a fate of the type of Christ on the cross. Therefore the cross is traditionally contemplated by christian mystics because it tells important things about the form of the borders of the human reality. A normal human will not have to suffer the same fate but will have this reality-conception contained in the innate form of the human psyche. This is what the egyptian 'sunflower matrix' tells as well - it is that form which must be understood for a deceased to resurrect and step over the border to the after-life reality. But should that mean that the two eschatological formats are 'the same'? That is what a direct historic link could suggest - cp. my 'Der Dornenstrauch' relative to ancient language documents - but it means only that both religions recognize the human reality as limited - and assume that these limitations can be transcended. This should be in harmony with a catholic conception of Christ - and if the transubstantiation dogma is the main component in what separates 3-dimensional catholicism from 2-dimensional protestantism, it concerns the idea of the divine in the flesh and not only in the written meaning of the flesh.

COVID could have been prompted by these century-old fears of a yawning hippopotamus-gap of chaos - not to speak of a crocodile-gap of the curves of the pandemic - opening at the foot of the cross. Veronese's artwork (from this source under this location) shows this hippopotamus gap to the left - and the 'sunflower' counterpoint to Christ on the cross in the man down right as he keeps his two hands adjoined - corresponding to the two main characters - on both sides of the 'sunflower matrix' above the hippopotamuses (the 'fishing and fowling' theme). The scare contained in this phenomenon could be that Christ on the cross is the opposite of the man with the adjoined hands - like that yawning gap man is - and hence the cross means the opening gap of a crocodile or a hippo. It seems that the COVID vaccines were generally more dangerous than the pandemic itself (vaccination led statistically to increased danger of disease and death) and it is very possible that the pandemic was largely vaccine-driven in its last year and that it would have ended earlier if the vaccinations had not kept it going. (I searched for the trivial statistic data on COVID mortality among vaccinateds vs unvaccinateds but found these data only in Sweden - see the end of this article - conclusion "Added 13 october 2022" - while other countries did not publish these raw data but seemed to keep them off from the public). But why then the idea that the vaccines battled the disease? It would likely mean that the vaccines battled the irrational fear of ultimate doom - since the vaccines, being more dangerous than the disease, scared the pandemic away as if it should have been a dangerous crocodile or hippopotamus. The irrational fear could have been that Christ, in whom a large part of humanity put their faith and hope, the very Good Shepherd for the grex, should suddenly come to be revealed (when the mask falls) as nothing but a terrible beast out for eating you. A vaccination against ultimate doom, that could mean, a paradise vaccine. That could be an old trotter among drug addicts - but it is known that it helps only temporarily and cannot provide a real solution to the problem. The 'services' could perhaps opt for it nevertheless - and clearly these are the irrational fears that could drive a Hitler to the forefront of a mass movement. The 'vaccinations' that could have been fancied for a Black Sea Loop could be of a kind trying to scare the fear of doom away - like COVID was scared away by the dangerous vaccines. What nonsense! COVID would probably have ended earlier had it not been for the vaccinations. This is an important point to understand - it happens that human rationality is better than human impressive fear of doom after all.

Clearly the computers will not be content with stopping at the Turing border out of respect for the human need for finding a remedy against irrational fears - and the world will have to develop an ecumenic understanding that allows for these new transcendent computers. That means a generalization of 'the borders to the human reality' - and it means that the discovery of a link from ancient Egypt tomb art up to the christian cross is only a reinforcement of the firmness of catholic and more generally christian faith. The christian creed should not feel envious of 'competition' from comparable world views - on the contrary they should welcome them. It is therefore not likely that it was the irrational fears of doom which drove the mortality of COVID up in the catholic countries - but perhaps more the fears of a new demagogic Hitler amfetamine-surfing on Holm's poetry - including the first stanza to his 'Helferd'. I think I read somewhere that Hitler's government was on amfetamin from 1933 to 1945 - which probably means that around 1942 they realized that they could not increase the dosis any longer and therefore started to plan the Black Sea Loop instead (at the Wannsee conference) untill the empire collapsed in 1945.

Could be therefore the real contents of the COVID pandemic was that the apparent global abuse of my own poetry was not stopped. That makes sense of the first COVID case reported two days after the elections had started in Steiermark in Austria - half a year after the burglary of my house in Szolnok - with notable progress of the ÖVP party.

The conclusions to the story could be this very simple one:

Do not let politics develop into the art of exploiting the poet. It does not help against the irrational fears of ultimate doom any more than the ostrich's strategy does. (Is this the reason for the role of 'Austria/Autriche' in this story?)

There is the mystery why people seemingly do not acknowledge my work but seem to consume it uncritically for digestive purposes - as if I on a daily basis hand out more of my writings: "Take this and eat it and it will do you well". But there is not the positive response anywhere which there should have been. It is high time that the humans get out of their murky and twisted quasi-christian shadowlands - Christ was not given to the humans for paying their debts for them and all that - he was squeezed into the narrow human reality - not like an ostrich into the quasi-2-dimensional sand but like a high-dimensional being being squeezed into a smaller number of dimensions - and thereby the humans got a better chance to understand their own limitations. Could be the panic of COVID was that mathematics isnt really capable of computing anything at all - beyond its own 2-dimensional scrabble game?

It may be the international secret intelligence services who suffer from this need for believing in the 2-dimensional game.

The new millenium may face a more simple religiosity - based on the principle of reducing secrets (and the potential scares contained therein) to a minimum.

It is of course possible that the current Middle East crisis is a sort of post-COVID panic.

The conclusion to this notice is, since I have to say it myself, that my work can have very great value for the progress of the human society - but there is no response anywhere and there is only abuse abuse and I sit on a little chair and have only the internet as working facility. In Austria I cannot continue my poetic work for reasons of possibly 'peristaltic' surveillance abuse (through nearly a couple of decades) of my work long before it reaches the stage of publication.

It seems like authorities want to continue the game of 'Jesus B[j]arne' with silly sentimentalities and pastoral dreams of happy life - and therefore let it all drift helplessly towards the new hitler round again. It seems that everybody talk around and never come to this point - an example is this summary of Carlson's interview with Putin - for which the obvious summary could have contained the question "did the NATO chief rape the little Jesus B[j]arne and is that the reason for the war in Ukraine?" But nobody even comes close to this issue - they do not want to touch it because then it could be that Jesus could turn out to be a terrible crocodile out for eating you. That seems also to be the secret trick of the intelligence services - when they seem to be modelling me as 1) Jesus Bjarne and 2) the beast of terror - such as that terrible crocodile. When does this silly game come to an end? The question could have been 'is the NATO chief a (2) beast of terror who has raped (1) the little Jesus Bjarne?' - but the need for metaphysical illusions is what makes if forbidden to touch the point? (I must add that I have no good reasons to assume that the NATO chief had raped me - but if this nevertheless is the overtones of much journalism that does not really touch the topic, there could be a great need for coming to the point).

Is NATO trying to construct a mythology for scaring the fear of doom away? Do they impose 'sand'-[du]ctions on Russia for swapping roles?

People wear ties around their necks - that is likely to be the tongue in the yawning gap of the hippopotamus. It could serve to tell the administrative 'quasi-baptist' point that "there exists a beast worse than me - so you had better take care not to provoke it off its cross". NATO could have such a 'tie function'.

Humans should not go for the ostrich solution - then they end up as poodles for the new Frankenstein computers.

It seems that everything in the human reality is still steered by the issue of what happens after life. Since it can be shown that there are realities outside the human reality (a seagull can reportedly fly thousands of kilometres without resting or eating - sailing through the arctic temperatures with an efficient cooling system in its wings), it follows that when the human reality collapses at the end of life, we probably enter into the bigger reality. (People frozen and later awakened are no answer to this - they were not really dead). Then it seems that the human strategy is to scare the ultimate question away by inventing clever delay and escape solutions - like scaring COVID away with dangerous vaccines. But when the new technology is going to transcend the limitations of the human reality, that is when classic theology and mystic inquiry could come to be important fields of study.

That is likely to be the reason why my work leads to no progress for my career - they all want me to be in the role of 'Jesus Bjarne' who foregives them all the plagiarisms and copyright breaches - 'forgive them, for they dont know what they are doing' etc - said from me to Father Hitler? That is no small insult against the human sincerity! Plagiarisms lead to war since they must be paid for anyhow - it is not really possible to run away from a restaurant bill. Ukraine is an example of a war that could have been generated by an excess of plagiarisms - and hence the question seems to be the theme of the interview with Putin?

I lack the facilities and economic resources for continuing my work.

The new millenium cannot model a new understanding of the transcendent reality by way of oldfashioned ideas of Jesus. Classic christianity is a wellestablished solution which will remain - but it must be considered unserious to try and transplant the old symbolisms into a new technology.

The attack on Israel on 7 october 2023 could have been an attempt to battle the discovery which I have just recently made on the christian cross - for making that discovery look like the dreadful secret contained in the history of the people of Israel.

Is the Catalan constant the missing link? (I dont think so but it may have an otherwise important function in a technological modelling of the human faculty of faith). Can we compute the integral - or do the series converge only on the 2-dimensonal paper? How come I can make this great discovery on the character of the christian cross - and nothing happens except perhaps a lot of plagiarisms? People must understand what sort of moral level administration finds itself in. It is possible that it is all and only about this ostrich stragegy - and that does not help.

If the 'Paxlovid' COVID pill launched by Pfizer on 21 december 2021 were based on a plagiarism of my method for constructing a medication against the COVID virus, it could explain why the global COVID curve went skyrocketing on just that day. Plagiarisms lead to war and other forms of increased mortality, such as COVID, could be the conclusion. And it is not possible to understand why humans behave like this? It may be a very simple explanation - that humans want to battle the fear of doom.

The whole 'Jesus Bjarne' program must of course be packed down. 'Jesusbarne[t]' (the Jesus child) turned into 'Esau Bjarne' is no solution. That some intelligence services find that they cannot increase the dosis any further is not a reason for continuing it. You cannot scare the fear of doom off by trying to make something worse.

17 february 2024: The 'funny' story about Hitler and the amfetamine could of course have been made by himself - if he were not on amfetamine but on the contrary planned a zweite Reich in Norway and a dritte Reich in England: Then a Black Sea Loop would be the strongest guarantee that it cannot be Hitler in England - it must be somebody else - since nobody can resurrect after such an amfetamine career ending in the total collapse.


Blackman, A.M.: "The rock tombs of Meir", part I. London 1914.

Chinese foreign ministry press conference


Tucker Carlson's interview with Vladimir Putin

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 9 february 2024
Last updated 17 february 2024