Added to the Venicebricks story

John Bjarne Grover

This continues from the article on the brick walls of Venice.

There are reasons to believe that apparent water or 'humidity' in the brick walls of Venice could be conceived as systematically the same as the phenomenon of water pipes installed into the adobe walls in my house in Szolnok.

The Covid-19 pandemic is a socalled 'coronavirus' which also can lead to the common cold - a pandemic (which has been raging for some years) which also can be triggered by the socalled 'rhinovirus'. The Johns Hopkins data on Covid-19 tell that the mortality of this pandemic is now globally down on 0,7%, which is very low, and in Italy and France the mortality is now rounded off to 0% (it is below 0,5% that means). It is a very harmless disease, that means. It has been like this for months - and when the same data tell that the average mortality in France is 24% and in Belgium it is now mid november 30% (source Johns Hopkins), that cannot really be true any longer, since it means that the mortality in Belgium in the spring must have been more than 50% - which it clearly was not - unless it means that there are now very many cases which have not had an outcome. What has happened? Somebody must have gone the earlier data over again and maybe altered them by sorting rhinovirus from coronavirus etc. Say, if anybody who died and who had traces of coronavirus in the blood is counted as 'death by covid-19', while the doctor reports and diagnoses are gone over again and 'common cold' by rhinovirus is weeded out of the dataset for covid-19, then maybe one could reach something like that.

There is the explanation available based on the two names 'Raino Malnes' (whom I have known since high school in Fredrikstad 1973) and 'Nuria Schönberg Nono', the wife and widow of Luigi Nono on Giudecca in Venice:

Rhino-Virus = Raino Malnes
Coronavirus = kona-ravirus = kona råvare-i-US

'Kona' = 'the wife', 'råvare' = 'original substance', origin - here 'lui gene oh no' could be a silly reference to an ejaculation, and Nuria Schönberg's father Arnold Schönberg lived in USA.

Search my 'ABC' for the name of Raino Malnes (and Nuria and Luigi Nono). Here is the relevant excerpt for 'Raino Malnes':

After I had discovered the MLR phenomenon in 2009, I also found this story with the water tap and leak at Rekustad in advance in this periodical, something which told me that it was perhaps not me after all who had opened the tap but somebody else. In fact it seems from title 1 of MLR october 1977 that my schoolmate Raino Malnes had done it, but the similarity of name suggests the more natural explanation that he could have been assigned the role of the scapegoat for this 'accident' of the old house in my custody, for example due to the name-similarity with the last word 'Rheinmetall' in the Oslo Report. Here are the titles of that MLR oct 1977 issue which seems to have a mirror-symmetric structure:

1. A new Reynold - Milnes letter: Were there two meetings between Keats and Coleridge? By Donald Lange
[another 8 titles inbetween here]
10. Pushkin's 'Boris Godunov': The first modern russian historical drama. By Ervin C.Brody

The story seems to be the name of Simon Walther Hauge. Eng. 'rape' = german 'Vergewaltigung' = 'ferge-valt-i-G-ung' = 'ferry-chosen-in-G-youth'. If the 'ferry' is the penis of the nazi philosophy of faithfulness in marriage for the Octogon project, then 'Vergewaltigung' dissolves to this name 'Simon Walther Hauge'. In addition, there is the spontaneous reading of his name as 'simon valgte ræv-G' = 'simon chose arse-G' = 'simon chose ræv-krok'.

Clearly 'Reynold Milnes' could mean 'Raino Malnes' = 'rhino-virus' while 'Godunov Boris' could mean 'coronavirus' = 'Nuria Schönberg Nono'. The story from the winter 1977-78 was that I rented or even just borrowed an old wooden farmhouse on Rekustad next to Simon Walther Hauge, violinist and farmer, but spent most of the cold winter in the home of 'Jette Råboe Larsen'. I was up to the old house only a few times for fetching post etc and once in the later winter I found the kitchen flooded with frozen water: Somebody had opened the kitchen tap when it was frozen and probably forgotten to close it again, or bits of frozen ice had fallen into the briefly opened tap and prevented a complete closure of it - and it later thawed and the water could have been running for days and run over the sink if it were filled with ice. The kitchen floor was filled with ice which I threw out the window. Now clearly this is a story which applies not only to the humid walls of Venice but also to the idea of a humid adobe wall in Szolnok. (People in the 'services' probably knew these details in those days and could tell of them in the lunchroom). An 'intelligence project' could then have been designed of turning the European swastika around Paris (Norway northern arm, Italy southern, England western and a Black Sea loop an eastern) 90 degrees from Szolnok down on Venice by way of such a 'Jette Råboe' = 'giant raw nest/living-place'. It is likely that this 'intelligence project' also was what led to Mussolini in Italy a hundred years ago - if 'underearth panic' in the eastern arm (across Szolnok) swung 90 degrees down to Italy and led to 'overearth pane-ic' = the fascies collected in the field - and the sexual drive in the shower ('Il Duce') leading to a 'Führer' in Germany. There is this story of the house for only female students and a male student with a feminine name and apparence applied for renting a place there and spent a lot of time in the common 'hot' shower with all the naked female students - this fantasy could then lead to a 'Führer' in Germany by 'the cry for the strong man' who can be recognized in the name of 'Jette Råboe Larsen'. 'Benito Mussolini' would then be a suitable name for this fantasy project. The nazi gas chambers in Auschwitz and the rest of the death camp program could then have been programmed as a late effect of this fantasy.

Now who opened the tap for the rinse on Rekustad? I think it is rather certain that there are water pipes installed inside the adobe walls of the house in Szolnok - pipes that must be controlled by taps somewhere else - which suggests that the house could have been built as an 'intelligence project' in 1970 for this idea of 'water installed'. But clearly such water pipes into an adobe wall are very dangerous - if somebody elsewhere opens the tap the walls and roof can fall down. (It also means that only cold water is installed in the house, not warm - which could be this 'acqua caldo, acqua warmo' of the attempt on the pope and the Aldo Moro case in Italy - and the Visegrad Group - 'víz' = hungarian for 'water' - was established in 1991).

I was up to the old house of Rekustad a few times in the 1977-78 winter and could of course have tried the tap to see if the water was frozen, but since the flooding seems to have been pre-heralded in Modern Language Review (the issue of october 1977 was definitely before the kitchen was flooded), it is natural to believe that somebody else could have done it. The periodical seems to suggest in title 1 that it could have been Raino Malnes who opened the 'kitchen coldrinse' - but of course it need not have been him although it could be that his name was used for such purposes with a view to the rhinovirus.

Raino Malnes --> Nario Lan-mes-Sure --> Nuria Schönberg Nono OR Norway land-measure - by the same rewrite formula as Austria = Suatria (cp. also 'Sumatra' where the big earthquake was in 2004).

Now whatever the purposes with these constructions and 'political projects', the terror in Vienna in the evening 2 november 2020 could have been made in an attempt to influence the election in USA on 3 november 2020 (by scaring people off their 'Sitzfleisch'-republican pre-determinations when they come to the 'polling stations' of bars and pubs and restaurants of downtown Vienna) - and there are then reasons to recognize this terror which started at the jewish syngogue as 'jew-decca' = 'Giudecca', the home of the Nonos and the current Nono Archives in Venice - by 'jew' = the synagoge in Vienna and 'decca' = the underpants of Erna Hauge (possibly symbolizing the hymen of the Burgenland border) and of Ragna Grøver as hypothetical 'trans' when crossing from the sleeping room to the toilet in Labråten in Fredrikstad). The island of Giudecca can be reached only by way of ferry = 'vaporetto' from 'traghetto' = 'ferry station', cp. the story from 'Vikebukt' in the late 60's. There is the region on Giudecca called 'Lavran' - I recall my elder sister Vibeke Grøver reading Sigrid Undseth's 'Kristin Lavransdatter' in the 1970's. Hilton built a huge hotel on Giudecca (I think it is built by ordinary bricks) just next to this Lavrans - this hotel can be reached only by the hotel shuttle going back and forth across the canal.

Clearly 'Giudecca' in the sense of 'jew-decca' could then mean the jewish 'kippah' or 'yarmulke', the cap symbolizing judaism - and, for the present story, could be also the story of the skullcap lifted from the very small infant.

It is noticed that the current PM of Norway (since 2013) is Erna Solberg - a name which could contain traces of the same Erna Hauge (with the 'decca') plus possibly a 'sol' for the 'jew'. 'Berg' means nearly the same as 'Haug'.

The current Covid-19 pandemic behaves currently like a common cold - which means that Rhino Virus or Corona Virus could be at play.

After I moved from Venice to Vienna in late 2009, I used to get an electronic newsletter with info from the municipality of Venice called 'VeDo'. It later changed name to 'ViviVenezia'.

Conclusion on the scaring 'tyrannosaurus rex' of the current pandemic: It is possible that this is based on the formula 'rex man, sex glance, tex band' for 'TY-ranno-saurus REX' = 'DUREX + rhino-virus' = the masks carried as protection against the virus all over the world for the time being. (Wasnt there a popschläger some decades ago about 'sex and drugs and rocknroll'?)

One speculates that the 'intelligence project' could be to try and find a method for finding an 'Endlösung' to the 'Judenfrage' by way of a method for exterminating jews by way of an administrative decision only. The nazi strategy has likely been to hunt up all the deepest and most wonderful secrets of judaism and turn them into terror and angst - and then it is perhaps not so strange that a political decision in itself can lead to lethal respiration problems. It looks like a sort of 'project' made by somebody after the war or thereabout. Could be something about the PTRSIM PIK program since Norway was established in 1814? Hopefully all this 'project' time will soon be over and the world can turn to more interesting activities.

I personally, if I had the authority thereto, would have published the jewish mysteries instead of letting them become the new machine of hitlerish terror and administrative power of the secret intelligences. If one publishes a divine secret, then one gets a new one - otherwise the source may run a little dry.

The 'angst-ridden' version in this 'article' could be telling of the problem of secret intelligence to the extent that this derives from the problem of the boys peeping at the prinsessa through the knotholes in the outdoor loo. They had to find out what was going on. They personally saw her be 'carried off' and heard the shot - no wonder the angst is spreading when they 'feel with her': A new 'super-computer' has been invented which runs on human suffering. They try to find an 'Endlösung' to the 'Judenfrage' etc etc. It is not so interesting. Peeping is not so smart. It is likely that all the 'projects' were made after the terrible war when people were still filled with 'realistic views' on the world.

The 'project' could serve to tell that it is humidity and not humility in the wall which is the story. If it be right that the PTRSIK PIKs have been subjected to child abuse with 'humidity' spurted on the brain and in the intestine and the vein in a 1-2-3 (or even 1-2-2-3?), that is in hip and head height, then the theory could be (of a badconscience type) telling that the brick wall erode because of such humidity there. A grandiose turn in this PTRSIM PIK story (say, turning Wergeland around on me via Grover Cleveland) could then be about an attempt 'to turn it around' for making people believe that it is humility that has been spurted on the child. And a very discreet L-on-D-on could then hide behind it.

Added 16 november 2020: The story of the boys peeping at the prinsessa through the knotholes in the outdoor loo could perhaps be related to the idea of 'secret intelligence' being associated with the idea of german 'Ferkel', 'piglets' ('they had personally seen her be carried off and heard the shot', could be even a 'terrible scream'? - one could spot the whole complex of possibly characteristic thinking therein), the word 'Ferkel' probably is originally the same as norwegian 'purke' = 'she-pig' and hence the complex suggests danish as related to 'unge piger' = 'young females' (in the student house), which in norwegian is the similar 'unge piker' but then there occurs a certain link to PTRSIM PIKer: This complex, if 'secret intelligence' really be associated with 'Ferkelchen' or '[female] piglets', could mean that Mussolini and Hitler via the epithets 'Il Duce' and 'Führer' thereby were conceived as an 'intelligence project' as part of the PTRSIM PIK program. Hitler's 'smalbart' moustache and hairdo could be telling of just that. And then the Denmark/Norway story from 1814 becomes visible as a potential part of the complex. If the people of Israel is a phenomenon of knowledge-sharing which inherently makes it difficult to publish secrets without losing some essential qualities, that could explain the unfortunate idea that judaism and 'secret intelligence' are one and the same thing - hence the antisemitic idea of 'Judensau'. What is the problem? The problem is that somebody had peeped behind the loo and that has nothing to do with judaism. 'The peeper of Israel' is not a judaistic idea.

Added 17 november 2020: I should tell also that the two stories of high school pranks with 'false identity' in reader's letter to local newspapers - search this file for 'Egvar Ruge' - could be of relevance for understanding the recent story: 'Egvar Ruge's famous word about 'slimy culture' ('slibrig kulturliv') could perhaps be recognized in the name of 'Morthen Sørlie' in the form of 'mor til ens søle' or 'mor tens søle' - 'Ruge' called himself 'disponent' (cp. the weird logic that can follow from knothole peeping) - while a 'stå-lesp-yawn-haug' could apply to the name of 'Baruck Obama' on the form 'bare runk, ho ba meg'. But this means that it would be the 'authorship' of 'Ruge' that is of interest. On 10 or 11 november I went into an estate agency in Venice and inquired about chances, and was told by the nice woman that it would have to be 'nelle prossime giorne', I think I heard. When I returned yesterday 16 november to ask if there were any news, there was first some 'platonic massage' with a hesitating man at the entrance to a subwalk just before I reached the place (a coincidence?), and in the estate agency I got the business card to a man and was asked to try tomorrow. Thereafter my mood which had been fine in the morning turned very bad. Later in the day I read the news that the syrian foreign minister since 2006 Walid al-Moallem had died at dawn that day (after having been busy with the reintegration of refugees the days before, I think the news told), a conflict by the Tigray people on the border Eritrea-Ethiopia (suggestive of PTRSIM PIK for the egyptian border to Israel?) had erupted with new clashes again in the preceding days (since 14 november), and bird flue had been detected on Corsica and the entire stock at the location euthanized, as announced on 16 november. The bird flue could be a voulez-vous of the 'Budapest massage' when on 'Corse' in the intersection between harmony and counterpoint (like 'Budapest massage' vs '#solens pike'). It seemed that there could have been much terror on this 'application' of mine - launching a request if there were any chances to find a place to live (so that I would not have to return to Austria and the mortality of covid-19 could shoot up to hitherto unknown percentages). Just across midnight untill today 17 november, news told that Biden warned Trump that 'more can die' (photo is from '' - 'flerkant' means a 'polygon'). Clearly if my authorship (here the musicological 'corse') is the theme or target of the possible terror, it could also apply to the authorship of the high school gags with 'false identities' - not the false identities but the authorship. The example is telling of the problems I have if I have to depend on a positive response to an application (from me to the society). It is also interesting to observe that if a politician tries to be elected as 'Messiah' on basis of masturbation on the newborn brain of a PTRSIM PIK, then one can probably compute (although administrative logic is not my forte) that the chances for the candidate to be recognized and elected as Messiah will probably increase if the official identity is not entirely in conformity with the original. If 'mørkne' vs 'morkne' is the real theme of relevant possible terror, this aspect of my authorship could apply to my name- or rather spelling change in the autumn 1999 - that is 21 years ago - from Grøver to Grover (although not 'Ruge' or 'Sponhaug') which they said could not be conceived as a mere change of spelling for reasons of international standards (the norwegian letter was difficult in computer registers, interpreted as o, ö, oe, œ, /o, o/ and other forms - a polygon or octogon?) but had to be accepted by the society as a veritable change of name, for which reason I had to apply and wait for a positive answer. In the mean time, I think it was, there were the september 1999 apartment building bombings in Moscow (not Magnitogorsk) - search my 'ABC' for 'apartment'. Anne Enger Lahnstein resigned from politics. Today my condition is a little miserable - such terror (as mentioned in the news) is a burden to my life and work and clearly the world does not progress as well as it could if I am dependent on applications for finding a place to live. ('Wall-id-all-mo-allem' = 'for having a home/wall/border, everybody must queue up as everybody else'? - I notice that the name of 'Trygve Madsen' - origin of the name form 'Ståle Sponhaug' - could be suggestive of the idea of 'med ryggen mot veggen' = 'with the back against the wall').

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 15 november 2020
Last updated 17 november 2020