The two fundamental theorems and the Covid-19 pandemic

John Bjarne Grover

The numbers

This file tells of the possibly ex nihilo recording I made in a Vienna street of a harpist and piano playing - the notable trait being the point 1:04,8 in the recording. It is probably not exactly 1:04,8 but not so far from it. However, assume that there is a significant event in the recording at this time point, not the least since there is also one (a notable re-invigoration) at 1:23, the beginning of the poem TEQ #833 tells that it is the quasi-decimal relation between 10:48 and 1:04,8 which is the story. This means the relation between 64,8 seconds and 408 seconds. This ratio is 0,15882352941176470588235294 and when I search for the beginning decimals in the edition of Catalan to 1.440.000 decimals which I have found on the internet, I find that the beginning 0,158823 is a decimal sequence 26 decimals from the point of decimal #366.000 - which here means the 366 poems of my blue PEB which spans the time of 1000 years in the blue metre. In this computation, the interesting detail is the similarity or difference between the two cases of 26 decimal sequences up to the point #366.000:

0,158823 26786651088225556790 = #366000 (Catalan)
0,158823 52941176470588235294 = 64,8 / 408

Furthermore, the small difference between these two numbers is


which can be analyzed as 000000-26-1545253-823626-78504: If 26 is considered the number of decimals from the comma up to 366000, the following 1545253 is found in the Catalan constant on place #1088511 which resembles the initial 158823 (and maybe also the 1545253). After this 1545253 comes 823626 which is found on Catalan decimal #68995 to which can be added the trailing 5 for #69000. The difference between the final 5 digits - 78504 and 57157 - is 21347 - which is found on Catalan place #5234. These last - 21347 and 5234 - could be also the 545253 - suggest a reference to the 12.3 of my poem TEQ #833. Which by this role of 69000 supports the theory that the 366000 is something.

Ratio 69/366 = 0,1885245. Hm.
Ratio 69/366 * 12,3 = 2,31885245. Hm.

If the Catalan constant is telling of numerality in natural language, the story should be contained in the differences between these numbers, the gap that opens between them. I look up the beginning of the chapter called "36.66" - the last chapter in TEQ book 13 - the poems from #1237 ("A symbol of Rolandic Fissure") to #1247. The chapter starts at #1237 with the number "942" and there follows a motto "For my grandfather John Jensen. - He is still living in me". The trailing decimals after 0,158823 in the numbers could perhaps be recognized in '942' in terms of 94-11 = 94-2 = 294 and then 11 = J-ohn J-ensen compared with the 66 in the other string: 1-6 = J-ohn, 1-6 = J-ensen. That accounts for the motto line. 4-8 = for my grandfather - etc etc. This humble example is of course suggestive only - for the general idea that reality unfolds in such gaps of numerality.

The world unfolds from metaphysics to physics and vice versa in such a way that the blue, red, yellow, white metres control the physics by e.g. the numerality in natural language. The two numbers in the beginning of the poem TEQ #833 cue a redundancy which tells of a certain peculiar complex in the human psyche - tentatively outlined in the poem and with supporting enlightenment from poem #1237 called "A symbol of Rolandic Fissure". The theory goes that humans are sinners in the christian sense that the human reality is full of such strange complexes like this - leading to the phenomenon which philosophy calls 'causality' - particular dependencies (among the digits of the principly redundancy-free Catalan constant) between certain parts of the reality which has a sufficient regularity to be recognized as laws of nature and cognition. What the world looks like if human sin be transcended is unknown - but it is likely to be the main field of interest for mystics. The Catalan constant could be the symbolic format of numerality in human natural language - but of course this constant is only one drop in the ocean of such infinite numbers. It is apparently not known if the Catalan constant really is infinite - computer science has been working on the question for years and the most recent (8 march 2022) number of decimals is 1 200 000 000 100 published by Seungmin Kim - and it seems that the computer has not come to the end of the number yet.

Aristotle and Plato

I read Aristotle more than 30 years ago and I have not looked much at the matters since then and could not guess today where to search for Aristotle's views on my two fundamental theorems. However, what is interesting is that in order to exemplify these things which the theorems are about, on 2 march 2022 around 9 in the morning I pulled out Aristotle's Physics from my bookshelf and opened it on a coincidental place and there was this fragment on the fundamental theorem of linguistics, then I pulled out the Metaphysics and found the other fragment similarly - I let the book open on some coincidental page. (I also compared the two Loeb editions - both of them are in two volumes but the Metaphysics shares volume with other works - and I found that the Physics and Metaphysics were about the same thickness - comparable, that means).

The relation between metaphysics and physics is contained in the two fundamental theorems - of linguistics and logic. The linguistics theorem would be found in the Physics. When I opened this on a coincidental place, my finger landed on the following excerpt from Physics 190b:

This tells - by my interpretation in the context of reading the fundamental theorem out of it - that the metaphysics is in the ginomenon and the ginetai - here these are the two different metaphysical realities of the fundamental theorem of linguistics - while the reduction of these by quasi sameness turn them into a physical hupokeimenon = matter of humans + an antikeimenon = here linguistic form of the muses = (related to) the inner poetic articulation. Examples (given by Aristotle) are for the hupokeimenon the stone or bronze or gold of the sculptor while linguistic form is given in the text by 'A privativum' forms telling that it be about the 'differences' between the ginomenon and the ginetai - the schema and morph and taxia in 'A privativum' format ('aschematic, amorphous and ataxic'). Aristotle claims that the humans are 'hupokeisthai' while the 'a-music' (without inner poetic articulation, for example) is 'antikeisthai'. This is the fundamental theorem of linguistics.

The fundamental theorem of logic would be what my finger landed on when I opened Aristotle's Metaphysics on a coincidental place - it landed on 1008b-1009a - about the conditions under which things are recognized as the same or not:

The question is how similar things must be to be the same. It is not called the same in terms of evenness (numerally) in 2 vs 3, but on the other hand the man who with imprecision says that 4 is 5 is not as wrong as the man who says that it is 1000. That is how the fundamental theorem of logic is also (the converse of) the one of statistics. Something is more true than something else (that is why a difference can be left over for the linguistics) and it is so in a way which can be exemplified by Aristotle numerally. 1-6 = J-ohn, 1-6 = J-ensen. These myths and legends and human stories fill in the differences and hence serve to prevent confusion of mind.

This solution eventually passes through a bottleneck - a la 'a waist of time' in an hourglass - and becomes physics.

This story of the coincidental choice of philosophical reference probably exemplifies how music can play 'in the air', without an observable physical source. I quote from what I recently wrote:

"...the ginomenon and the ginetai, the two different metaphysical realities of the fundamental theorem of linguistics, while the reduction of these by quasi sameness turn them into physical hupokeimenon = matter of humans and antikeimenon = linguistic form of the muses"

A philosopher who reads this could come to be inspired by the clarity and transparency in these concepts and it can allow for a reinterpretation of Aristotle and he embarks upon the project, furnished with the assurances from some intelligence services that this Mr.Grover will never surface to public attention so you can safely allow yourself the gap there and go ahead without crediting the source. Prospects of a promising career could come up.

These services are, tells the mythos apparatus, the conspirators who could be trying to construct a perverse religion on basis of child abuse of the PTRSIM PIK - on basis of Henry's mistake. However, it is only by crediting the source properly that one can pull the volumes out and they open on the right place. I most fervently protest against being used for the construction of such myth of quasi religious kind.

Theory: These coincidences (in the opening of the book) happened generously to me because I wrote some days ago (in the article on Holm's poetry):

"the idea that if the eye is supposed to be able to perceive light it must also be able to emit light (as Trygve Madsen once pointed out)"

It is now nearly 50 years since Madsen said this but it is true that the idea remained in my mind from that conversation - he had mentioned Goethe's colour theory as the background of this idea. Of course I could have pretended that this half a century old comment was not the reason for my idea - it would be easy to claim that I had thought this up myself in the mean time - and that could give me some extra 'go'. But this would be the classic error of scholarship - and the next time I opened Aristotle I would have to read many pages before I could find a suitable quote. Honest crediting of the source is something which is necessary for keeping up contact with the sources of the inner poetic articulations. It could perhaps be felt as a loss of triumph when coming with the truth - the idea is good indeed - but certainly this is the exercise which should be taught in courses in scientific method.

Conclusion: If you credit the source then the source will credit you - and this can be used for a methodology on metaphysical computation.

Madsen, who is married to the (former) austrian culture attache in Oslo, was my piano teacher in those days (or a few years earlier). Plato was Aristotle's philosophy teacher. What does Plato say about this? Nearly his entire authorship could be seen as a crediting of his teacher Socrates. I pull out 'Theaetetus' from the bookshelf and open it on a coincidental page - which seems to concern the issue of crediting sources for coming to an understanding of the inner source of knowledge:

Click here for the page from Plato

This is, though, perhaps not as clear and transparent as the example of Aristotle. But, who knows, maybe there is some truth hiding underneath there somehow. That would be the blue metre. It happened the day after summertime started.

The coincidences

Assume that the two excerpts from Aristotle are the optimal quotes from his work as far as my two fundamental theorems are concerned. If so, how to explain that the optimal definition opened coincidentally by itself? The obvious example is the fundamental theorem of logic in Metaphysics 1008b-1009a: It says that if the fundamental theorem of logic is the same as the fundamental theorem of statistics, then the chance of finding this optimal definition by a coincidental lookup is one in the number of pages in the book. However, since logic is the opposite of statistics, it follows that if you open the book on a coincidental place, the chance of finding the optimal definition of the fundamental theorem of logic there is close to 100%. But why does the same happen when I coincidentally look up the same theorem of linguistics? That is because the definition is based on the principle of sameness - here the ginomenon and the ginetai.

But this must be absurd - would it really happen every time you open a book for finding the optimal definition? Yes, it would happen if you credit the source truthfully and then let the source credit you if you look up the source for the definition of logical truth.

This story of the coincidental lookups was the salary from eternity for my crediting of Madsen as the source in the article I wrote some days earlier. This crediting of mine was not necessarily because I thereby meant to say that "with this I mean that Madsen should be mentioned among us Good Guys of the Parnassus" - although that could well be, the example tells that it was only because it was the truth that the idea came from him. He himself had credited Goethe's colour theory as the origin of his idea. It can be added that this theory of his - that for the eye to be able to see light it must also be able to emit light (see also my studies involving the Guadalupe data) - resembles the principle of crediting the source as a basis for logical truth.

'Og lønn vi fikk avstanden fra' = 'And wages we got the distance from' was the first (really the second) title to my "Stillhetens åndedrag" (2016) - it means that it is from this salary by crediting the source that we get the distances - the space and the time that constitute the real world. That constitutes the real world by way of the faculty of faith. In this faculty work the teachers. Monotheism tells that there is only one teacher.

" was only because it was the truth that the idea came from him": This can mean either 1) that the quote was a (50 year old) historic truth and therefore it was mentioned or 2) that Madsen always tells the truth and therefore his mention of this for me must be quoted. The second of these resembles the version of the logical Parnassus, the first resembles the theorem of linguistics. Clearly the logical Parnassus version is the role of the teacher, the linguistics version the role of a colleague.

I have compared the two volumes of the Metaphysics and the two volumes of the Physics and found that they were roughly the same size. It could be called not equiprobability (or equivalence) but equilibrium.

This is important progress for the study of linguistic and logic - but I cannot carry out such studies without having my books with me, and I cannot carry my little library with me in cardboard boxes from bedsit to bedsit when I have moved away from Austria. I need a better and more permanent solution, tells this example. The same conclusion can be drawn from my study of Holm's poetry: Only few people speak or spoke his poetic language and it cannot be translated without access to extensive dictionary resources. A small error in one little poem can topple the entire structure - which means that internet is not safe and the book technology transcends bedsit format.

And what is the equilibrium?

The equilibrium is the DNA that controls the balance between the physics and the metaphysics. That is also where you find the formal grammars of natural language.

The coronavirus pandemic

The socalled 'Klipra connection' from England to Norway seems to have been the basis for the formation of Norway in 1814 out from a british need: After England broke with the Vatican by Henry VIII, it is my theory that it is because England doubted the reality of the pope's reception of inner communications from God - probably because they felt that they had evidence that it was the british king's whereabouts in London that gave shape to the inner articulations of the pope. When the french revolution relativized the royal authority, the british king may suddenly have felt ridiculous as the supreme head of the church and needed more divinity and the PTRSIM PIK construction was extended to the construction of Norway as a rotation-symmetric counterpoint to Italy in a rotary swastika around Paris on the map: Thereby the ridicule (the 'british laugh', as could have been the reason for Chamberlain staying overnight with Hitler in Berchtesgaden) at the inner poetic articulations could be exported to Norway and some divinity from the PTRSIM PIK be imported in return - to the effect that the existence of Norway depended on a certain ridicule of their poets and that was a burden to carry as price for the freedom.

The relation between the fundamental theorems of logic and linguistics is well exemplified by the coronavirus pandemic which started at the time of BREXIT in january 2020 - the 'british exit' from the european union. The theory is that this BREXIT interprets the political crisis that has been riding Europe and the world since Henry VIII.

If one assumes by the above reasoning that logic = non-existence (by the probability of optimality in reference) and linguistics = existence (by the co-existence of a linguistic item along with a piece of substantial matter reduced from the sameness of metaphysical states), the coronavirus pandemic can be seen to interpret this by way of the phenomenon of non-existence = death by virus and existence = infection by virus. It was shown in the swedish data that among those who were admitted to intensive care in hospital, a majority were unvaccinated, but among those who died (in week 10 there were 198 who died, among them 28 were unvaccinated) there was a majority of vaccinated people. In fact this latter phenomenon, which at the outset sounds counter-intuitive, seems to be defining for the phenomenon that the risk of death increases with vaccination: In Sweden 75% of the population were vaccinated when among those who died from the disease 85% were vaccinated. This suggests that the border between life and death by the disease, or existence and non-existence, is precisely what the disease is about. This becomes clear when one considers the development of the disease on a global scale and over the entire time period when it has lasted so far: Defining mortality by the ratio deaths per day divided with infections per day (= death/life), and inverse mortality by the opposite ratio infections/deaths (= life/death), it turns out that the two curves arising from this come out as strikingly mirror symmetric (the data for the construction of the curves are from 'worldometer' and are averaged over a 21 day span for making the curves smooth):



Assuming that these data are only marginally post-edited (from certain potential needs), if the first is defined as an expression of the fundamental theorem of logic and the second an expression of the fundamental theorem of linguistics, the relation between the two curves resembles the two lookups from Aristotle.

The curve of deaths globally (with symmetry of peaks annotated) is the following one to the left, the one to the right is the curve of infections globally:

deaths per day globally

new infections per day globally

What is interesting is that the two curves 1) death/life and 2) life/death look like two (mirror-symmetric) crocodiles with the curved crests on the back or spine and the yawning gap in front. This could be a direct result of the phenomenon that the attempt on the pope in 1981 seems to have been constructed temporally to look like such a crocodile attacking the pope - who then could have been considered as defending himself with a rod in the gap, alas, a little inexperienced he ended in hospital - by way of the premature deaths and attempts on Sanjay Gandhi, John Lennon and Ronald Reagan via a countdown of 3-2-1 x 56 days:

Sanjay Gandhi died on 23 June 1980
John Lennon died on 8 December 1980
Ronald Reagan was wounded on 30 March 1981

There are 3 x 56 days between the first two, then 2 x 56 days between the second and third, and then there should have been 1 x 56 days between Reagan and the fourth day 24 May 1981 - adding 56 days to 30 March. However, there was the newspiece called 'the holy hijacker' on 2 May 1981: A former trappist monk wanted to have the secret of Fatima released, which was the reason for his hijacking of an airplane. Between this 2 May 1981 and the fourth virtual point 24 May 1981 there is the mid point on Fatima day 13 May 1981 when pope John Paul II was shot (and survived) on St.Peter's Square by Ali Acqa. It is possible that the structure - with the yawning gap between 2 and 24 may - was made to imitate a crocodile with undulating crest on the back - could be for the concept of 'dirty beast in the revelation'.

This structure could have been re-invoked by the death of Corazon Aquino in 2009 when I myself was convinced of the need for moving from Venice to Vienna and what looked like then british PM Gordon Brown with an oldfashioned doctor bag in his hand stepped onto the train between Venice and Vienna (in january 2010) and wanted to get into the couchette where I was sleeping alone - I think this was rather soon either before or after the great earthquake of Port-au-Prince on Haiti, probably the same day. Comparing with 1981, the idea could be articulated that it put Gordon Brown in the role of a rod in the crocodile's gap - like pope John Paul II in 1981 - if I should have been associated with the crocodile (e.g. on the form of Hitler's 'dritte Reich'). I moved out of the couchette before he stepped in so there came to no chance for security problems by crocodile.

The interpretation is that the pandemic that arose soon after BREXIT would have interpreted this story in its global curve resembling a crocodile. It means that BREXIT could have triggered a fear that the world could arrive in the same troubled waters as seems to have been resulting from Henry VIII's exodus from the catholic church.

The effect of the pandemic is then - by the mirror-symmetric forms of the two curves, the ratio death/life and the inverted ratio life/death - to canvas in time the fundamental theorems of logic and linguistics in such a way that exploitation can be levelled out for a regained equilibrium.

Some time before christmas 2021 I found a mystic and possibly ex nihilo stone on the ground: It had broken in two and the underside of it was flat and covered with an apparent white enamel sole of about 1 mm thickness. It could be associated with a broken nose or a crocodile with flat underbelly - or simply the curve form of the coronavirus pandemic. I recognized it in poems of Anna Akhmatova ('Midnight verses') and the chinese poet Su Shi - here are the 8 poems by Su Shi translated by me - they end with the stanza

The new year's bright like God's new year.
Heart matters are a waste of time
and try all modern things with fear
and praise the vanished year in rime.

telling of the fear of 'modern things', could be on the background of the story from Rome 1981. The 'rime' would have been the white sole. Some time ago I understood (could be by an 'inner articulation' that could have had some source somewhere) that this peculiar stone could be called 'the feldspar queen' ('feltspat-dronningen') - could be associating also with 'Corazon Aquino'.

Das dritte Reich

On 9 november 2010 I observed a puzzling pattern in the bottom of my frying pan: Here is the frying pan with its puzzling pattern, and here is the photo telling of this sentence I observed a puzzling pattern in the bottom of my frying pan: The eye of the big bird observes the woman with the 'puzzling pattern' which she may intend to put into the bottom of the 'frying pan' - the singing dog. This pattern in the frying pan looks like Austria that has been lifted up and over Hungary to land inside Ukraine somehow - like a Silberstrahl on a newborn brain. A 'nuclear emission' seems to be taking place in 'Ukraine'. According to Shijing #37 ('Foxy tail wipes back and forth' - cp. the woman's one hand), it is not because you have tried to self-suck with one hand on the organ and one on one of the feet/heels, causing a diagonal stretch to the body which in folk mythology could be the origin of the leftsided gynaecomasty - the secret is that it was an uncle who was a Great Warrior who masturbated on your brain when you were newborn: Had he not been a great warrior, there would not have been a leftsided gynaecomasty. In this frying pan, the emission looks like Chernobyl or something like that - on what could 'mean' a displaced Austria.

This is apparently what could be the background of the attempt to put the 'pattern' into the 'bottom' of the 'dog'. But a female cannot get her 'pattern' into the 'bottom' of a 'dog'. How can she make it? By borrowing from the boy's own penis material and having it transplanted over onto herself: Then her gender identity (cp. the 'fingerprint') in the 'pattern' can be transferred onto the penis put into the 'dog's behind. It seems to be the role of the great warrior that makes this possible.

Now for the clue: This strange complex of ideas is lifted from the schimmelbild format of the ex nihilo graphics which takes shape by itself - here it is motivated by the rotational swastika format - and the philosophy which could have made the world allow for Adolf Hitler with his 'dritte Reich' would have been the idea that we have to prepare the world for a condition wherein it comes to be possible to construct a technology for such self-inducing graphics. As I have shown in 'this article', it seems that chinese script has this 'schimmelbild' format - and a new technology would likely be of a related kind. The idea would be that the perverse ideas about putting things into the behind of beings is a characteristic of the redundancies in the human semiotic endowment and it is these that have to be put into play for such a new technology.

JFK could have pulled USA into the Vietnam war in order to be the 'great warrior' of Shijing #37. He was shot, like a brave soldier, rather soon after he had done so, if I have got it right.

If chinese script is considered in a 'schimmelbild theory', one could postulate that the 'fox' of Shijing #37 has its chinese form 'hú' = from just this turn of the front cover photo to my 'Der Dornenstauch' by way of the dog (down left) as a mirror image of the bird (to the right) - so that the leftmost element in the sign really is a mirror image of the big bird with its long beak. That should explain how she can get her 'pattern' into the 'bottom' of the 'frying pan', the singing dog. It could even be that the KUA part of it is seen from a 90 degrees turning - normally the 'Elvira' female with the breasts is seen from the side but here the breasts are seen from the front. Otherwise the 'hammer' resembles the tail that wipes 'up and down'.


The conclusion to this discussion of covid-19 arises from the assumption that the english breakout from the catholic church with Henry VIII was because they could not take faith in the divine origins of the inner communications of the pope (Aristotle's 'mousa').

This is the same problem as in crediting the source: If one does not credit the source properly, a doubt will arise as to the integrity of the inner poetic articulations.

The discussion has suggested that the coronavirus pandemic covid-19 sprang out from BREXIT - the british exit from the european union - by triggering a fear that new loss of integrity could be the result of the BREXIT. If it is not simply a new optimism underneath - e.g. that now we can come to the truth.

'Terror and monkey business' is a formula for the lack of source crediting in monkey business.

It can be noticed that Hitler's 'dritte Reich' - assuming that it is the cheap trick of a boy's penis contents being transplanted onto a rapist whose 'reich' towards the child's 'dritte' then is identified as being the child's own 'reich', and hence the child could be intended to be blamed for Hitler's nazi atrocities - cp. the widespread ideas that the western world criticize use of terror while doing it themselves - is but a variant of the PTRSIM PIK program: They emit flatulences and blame the weathergods for the bad smells and then they feel divine since they are the source of the 'divine' smells. (Such views could take a pitiful reading of 'hupokeimenon' in their defence). However, since such constructions have an ephemeral character they are likely to be accompanied by tragedies in order to make them 'substantial' - if the purpose is to endow people with quasi divine authorities.

If these are the 'featural' elements of earth ('dritte Reich') and air ('PTRSIM PIK'), or in some unfortunate interpretation of these, it is possible that 'terror and monkey business' could be the counterparts for fire and water. Clearly such 'featural' realities are not the same as the conception in the 'number theory' in the beginning of this paper.

In this 'number theory', I computed the graphical and the logical ratio: The graphical ratio identifies 1:04,8 of the recording with 10:48 of the poem, while the logical ratio relates 64,8 seconds with 408 and recognizes this in the Catalan constant: Logic is the inner knowledge while graphics is the knowledge of the senses, such as the Plato quote mentions. These are the two fundamental theorems - the relation between which seems to be the contents of the coronavirus pandemic: To reach a balance between existence and non-existence in this inner and outer state of mind - on a global scale. A state of truth, that means.

4 april 2022: There was an election to parliament in Hungary yesterday 3 april 2022 and it seems that the contents of the above article, which I had worked with for a few days, was installed into international terror which could have ben intended for influencing the election:

In the spring and summer 1981 I was in Rome - I was up and down to Norway several times, though, and as far as I remember I was up there at the time of the attempt on the pope. In Rome I lived in the flat of girlfriend Hiliry Harvey from Sacramento. Her name-similarity with Hillary Rodham Clinton (for the 'rod' in the crocodile's gap) could have been a reference in the terror in Sacramento early 3 april. I have been waiting for a couple of weeks for a european health insurance card that had not yet arrived on 3 april - this 'card' could have served to swap D/R with János Kádár, central political figure from hungarian history relative to Russia. This 'D/R' seems to have been around in several newspieces that day. For my work 1995-1997 with the PhD dissertation 'A waist of time' (see above mention, by the way), I tried several supervisors (it was obligatory with a supervisor) untill I found one who agreed to not meddle in my work but would function as the formal supervisor to whom I could deliver a few lines of report once every quarter of a year or so.

When I lived in Venice in 2008-2009 I read in a newspaper a notice that italian police had organized an attack on the camorra of a south italian town - 400 camorras were shot dead by the police. I wondered if that really could have been the case or if it were a sort of joke - as if 400 'cameras' were 'shot dead' and things like that. This story could have been the background of the international news from Butja outside Kiev on the same day - it was reported that 400 ukrainians had been shot dead in a massacre, something like that. These details had been presented by ukrainian spokeswoman Iryna Venediktova (prosecutor general, cp. also the name 'Hiliry Harvey'), told the news. In the above discussion of 'Catalan' aspects of my recording relative to the beginning of my poem TEQ #833, there were two numbers that were a little impressive - 366000 and 69000: Since 366000 seems to tell of the 366 poems in my PEB with a 1000 years span, it follows that poem #69 in this book should be of some interest. This poem starts:

The cargo lands port
at camera boot
with wheel-cart transport
and stumblefoot.

Since 400 is the number reported from Butja, it is possible that it be about the italian newspaper note from 2008-2009 - here by 'camera boot'. I had also some years ago (but well after my PEB was completed, and certainly after this poem was written) found in the sleet on the ground (stumbling across it, so to speak) an apparently tornoff front cover cardboard page to a book of memories with a line drawing showing a man sitting on a handdriven wheel-cart. I speculated if this were an ex nihilo piece of graphics - which then would have been rather interesting in light of these numbers. (The same front page illustration occurred several times on internet page ads in those days - although the book appeared to be not so new). It appears amazing with this attitude to what could be significant poetic work of mine in terms of such ex nihilos, if that is what it is. Clearly 'ex nihilo' means that it is a part of the own psyche - and to say that it comes from Satan is not so smart. It must also be considered very unsmart to use such things for terror.

In short, these two newspieces - from Sacramento in USA and Butja in Ukraine - could have been surfacing in the news on this parliamentary election day in Hungary for a program of turning an eastern Black Sea Loop arm of the european swastika 90 degrees down on Italy. I had not worked for many days with this article. The hungarian election could be 'interesting' for international politics relative to Hitler's cabinet and the HYMEN phenomenon of hungarian language seen from an anglophonic viewpoint. For the austrian german on the other side of the Burgenland border, it can be noticed that I have postulated that if HYMEN is the anglophonic code word for hungarian, then LAMPE could be the same for german.

The above article was completed in a draft on saturday 2 april but some finish remained to be done - including the interpretation of the covid curves as the same as the crocodile of 1981, which I added to the article probably late saturday 2 april - but clearly that understanding of the 1981 attempt as a 'crocodile' would likely have been old news. The terror could resemble the phenomenon reported in this article.

Later: The european health insurance card arrived with the post today.


Aristoteles: Physics. Books I-IV (vol.1) & Books V-VIII (vol.2). Translated by P.H.Wicksteed and F.M.Cornford. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge, Massachusetts & London 1980.

Aristoteles: Metaphysics. Books I-IX (vol.1) & Books X-XIV (vol.2). Translated by Hugh Tredennick. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge, Massachusetts & London 1989 (vol.1) & 1990 (vol.2).

Papanikolaou, T.: Catalan's constant to 1 500 000 places

Plato: Theaetetus. Translated by H.N.Fowler. (In Plato vol.VII, including 'Sophist'). Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge, Massachusetts & London 1987.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 3 april 2022
Last updated 4 april 2022