27 february 2022: Aftermath of the publication
John Bjarne Grover
(Abstract added 28 february 2022): The article sums up what happened after I published the article 'Horace and chinese radicals' - how there seems to have been an attempt in austrian advertisement to turn it into nazi propaganda in the form of a swastika with 'Hitler' in the middle.
27 february 2022:
The condition of mass psychosis tells that the country is invincible. If in Norway they do what is wrong because it is felt as right in the last analysis via a hypothetical Rawlinson error of Ole Persian, it means that if they are asked by the world community to stop the monkey business on my PTRSIM PIK person (say, if I work out a theory on my home computer and it is copied and abused without crediting of the source by norwegian research and other parts of the society) and pay reparation money for the history, then the political program (of mass psychosis) could tell that they would be inclined to do the opposite - that is, for example help themselves with another excerpt from my work - because of that assumed paradox chiselled into the Ole Persian by Rawlinson's sumerian as basis for the sunnmørian 'Klipra connection'.
The logic would then simply be that if they are asked by the world community to repair the damage to my history while increased monkey business makes them identify only more with me, it means that it is they who must have the reparation money and apology, not me - and that is why they thereby feel invincible - the more invincible the more they abuse: It is then, tells this feeling, not possible to take them because they are me and thereby feel protected by the accusations.
That is a condition of mass psychosis which could 'feel right' if it has gone too far - and it is possible that Norway suffers from this problem because I resided there too long. There could be a 'point of no return' in such a story. Gro Harlem Brundtland - who, after a period of premiership in 1981 while I was out of the country, started her 'new gov' soon after Chernobyl in 1986 - could be an example of the problem that developed and maybe was taken beyond the point of no return - I do not have enough data but it is possible that she maximized this condition and made the norwegians feel extraordinarily well by just this paradoxical principle - and the mood that could arise if an apology should lead to a reinterpretation of the historic basis for the present is perhaps not tempting.
Now the same problem could have arisen in Austria as well and I really should move on - but maybe they do not want me to since then the whole illusion starts collapsing.
But it is this 'point of no return' that can lead to a state of mass psychosis which can produce a new Hitler.
It is possible that this is what the Ukraina crisis really is about - now Russia has taken Chernobyl and Chernigov - that the illusion of feeling extraordinarily well by the illusion of invincibility must down.
It is possible that this self-reinforcing illusion of invincible wellbeing is the same as covid-19. Could be it is identically the same? Could be it is something else, though.
An apparent 'condom' was put on my publication of this study when my internet connection went kaputt just like it had happened soon after my publication of this related study some weeks earlier - and I fancied that while I was excluded from the web soon after the publication, those societies or collective consciousnesses that want to swap with my subjective consciousness - for a feeling of 'invincible wellbeing' - would launch themselves for a brilliant career instead of me in the wake of this publication. It would be just this which creates Hitler and covid-19 and the world cannot really afford more of it. It can also be speculated that the war in Ukraina could not be avoided because these bad habits had not been terminated but continued to cast a shadow over Europe and the rest of the world. "He had not paid" was the reason why I was jolted out of the internet. But however much this can lead to a feeling of wellbeing by efficient problemsolving, it does of course not solve any problem but only maximize them - but in accordance with the 'british delusion' of Rawlinson's ole persian.
In an attempt to repair this problem of a released avalanche, I wrote this file in the following days. Under 'Added on 24 february 2022' there are the following lines:
It was in Molde in the 1960's that the novel 'Smuglere' by 'Arthur Omre' probably was put out for me to discover somehow - I read the book about some smugglers. 'Arthur Omre' could invoke associations to 'arti[g] rompe' and hence 'Märzstrasse' - in which case the title of the book could be telling of 'Schweglerstrasse'.
What was the story? Was it that my official father, who was replaced with a copy in probably 1969, was Adolf Hitler? My classmate William Moltzau, whose father allegedly came from the Moltzau shipping family, lived in Pettersand and had a name which could be suggestive of the idea of 'wolf in sheep's clothing' ('målt' = 'measured' and perhaps also 'painted' while 'sau' = 'sheep'). 'Smalahove' = 'narrow-head' is a western-norwegian dish made from a sheep's head. Could be the new version of the official father was a little narrower in his head than the first, or, as goes the speculation I could make, could be a penis was used for raping me in drugged condition that had a 'narrow head' - so that I got the story thereby, so to speak. I myself had a narrow foreskin ('fåreskinn' = 'sheep-skin') since about the Kennedy assassination (but not before it).
I wrote this file in an attempt to regain authority to my own 'khora' (subjective inner territory) after the publication, but when I went out yesterday 26 february 2022 I found advertisements around town for apparently 'Austrian Airlines' which probably were new of the day - I would guess they were from after 24 february and, if so, could have been an interpretation of just these lines published by me - here are four examples I photographed yesterday 26 february:
Ad #1: When I am excluded from the internet, everybody else go surfing (like smugglers on a coastline)
Ad #2: Arthur Omre = Arti[g] Rompe
Ad #3: William Moltzau was in my class when the school dentist Aulie destroyed my healthy-looking 'tutsies' by filling them with heavy metal - the two females on this ad even have a slight resemblance to my two sisters
Ad #4: Smalahove = 'sheep', 'narrow head' (along the cranium edge). 'Dei djupe kjenslane'.
Clearly if this ad campaign were launched after I had written the lines on the internet, it could have been to take over the control with the authority.
It is this which makes a new Hitler and more covid-19. The conclusion follows by itself that if the administration cannot stop these avalanches from rolling down the hillside, then it may be that the administration could come to need help - and that this is the factual contents of the Ukraina crisis.
It may be this which is the problem of the western world - that it is a 'go' for businesses and activities when the author is excluded from the internet, so to speak, soon after the publication while 'everybody else' can storm into the new promised land for taking it in their possession. This creates a feeling of wellbeing which is hard to repair afterwards - and that is when it leads to terror - and a state of unwillingness to understand the world right can also be an aftereffect of very unfortunate kind.
But were it just precisely these views of mine that was the campaign contents of Zelensky - such as in his TV humour performances that led to his presidency?
If so, it could in principle (although, again, I know little or nothing about the background in Ukraina) be a question whether it is the same principle as the ad campaign that 'supports my view' in the four ads - but leaves a 'gevierte Fisch' as a 'Christ' in the middle of the road intersection, in the middle of the fragment from my file:
"What was the story? Was it that my official father, who was replaced with a copy in probably 1969, was Adolf Hitler?"
If it should have been Hitler, it would have been the copy who was so - could be with a somewhat narrower head than the first.
One could also speculate if the road intersection Märzstrasse / Schweglerstrasse is imitated in the intersection of Gusenbauer's and Faymann's governments - if, say, the latter is seen in the framework of the idea of 'face value' (see e.g. this fragment from the internet edition of the swedish newspaper 'Expressen' on 26 february 2022).
(The 'road intersection' could be the same as the 'gevierte Fisch' which perhaps also could be the 'chinese emperor', the radical 144, a certain recurring theme in the ukrainian TV series of Zelensky, Maidan square in Kiew etc).
Faymann had Spindlegger as vice chancellor untill he (Spindlegger) resigned after 1223 days. After Gusenbauer and Faymann there followed the Christian Kern government and then Sebastian Kurz - who had been introduced in young age into the government of Faymann about 12 years 2 months and 3 weeks after the Handelsmann cartoon had been printed in The New Yorker.
This is also why I am reluctant to vaccinate under a state law of obligatory vaccination if the ratio is on the wrong side (that is, if a vaccination leads to higher 'danger to life and health' than would otherwise have been the case) and it therefore is a technical rape - then for me to vaccinate could make it look as if I had agreed to abuse of my authorship, that is, for making the desired invincibility of the society (strengthened 'security of the state') possible by way of abuse of my work - such as these four ads for 'Austrian' could be telling of. Are they a sort of 'technical rape' which the law of obligatory vaccination can serve to legalize? Why is advertisement such as these still apparently based on my life and work? This ad I also photographed yesterday - if it came up just yesterday, it is not impossible that it be based on work I did on my home computer about chinese radical 84 = 气 (see the historical forms) the day before (in the continuation of the theory in this article) - the theory I worked with on 24-25 february being that radical 84 could be seen to be related to my concept of 'A waist of time' - the model of acoustic grammar in my PhD dissertation in a way which could have high explanatory value also for other fields of study. This was particularly interesting on the background of the semantic interpretation being assigned not only to the Horace fragment Epistle xvii.23,8-40,1 but also to Epistle vii.23,8-40,1 which properly sorts under radical 110 discussed in this article. The difference between these two fragments is then an 'X' and the 'fox' mentioned - hence comparable to the 'gevierte Fisch' in the other ads - only the swastika '+' has been given a slight tilt to an 'x'.
In addition, the access to twitter.com was blocked from my home computer's Firefox browser yesterday. I hope it will return soon.
A1 is running an ad campaign these days called 'GlasfA1ser' - here from the back page of 'Heute Magazin 15 Jahre' yesterday - cp. the Abe Schwartz Orchestra 1929. (Is it the 'Birkebeiner'?)
Clearly if that work on my home computer (that is another home computer, not the internet computer) on radical 84 were the basis for this ad, it would be very strictly illegal abuse of secret surveillance material - and it must count as a scandal if this be the basis for this ad and the authorities be not able to tidy up in this.
Is all advertisement in public space in Austria of this kind? If so, then the country could be in a deep crisis of mass psychosis far beyond the point of no return and can come to get in urgent need for help. The error of Wittgenstein-Hitler must not be done once again.
It is in light of this that it seems a grandiose mystery to me why nobody helps me find a permanent solution in another country. Why only let history drift helplessly towards the abyss once again? It should not be so impossible to help me find a place in another country? It must be understood that it is very difficult for me to find such a solution on my own. Look at that story from Szolnok, for example.
It is likely that most or all of the world' countries have problems with their conscience because they have participated in or at least not protested loudly against the PTRSIM PIK program - and therefore they have a problem relative to me but will not admit it and that gives me a lot of problems. I cannot get a housing because I do not fill the requirements of the rules. "We must all follow the rules, Mr.Grover" is the normal way of solving those problems - probably because the states do not follow the rules themselves and have not paid me for the copyright breaches and plagiarisms. A statesman cannot ask in the intelligence service and expect to get a true answer: "Could you please find out how many plagiarisms and copyright breaches there have been in this country of Mr.Grover's work and print out a list and a conjecture of how much reparation money we owe him for each of these" - to which the state intelligence (who maybe feel smug as a bug in my authorship and want to live in the ray of my love) is likely to answer that "we dont think there has been any at all" - while if the same statesman contacts a reliable publisher and asks him the same he will perhaps answer that "we publish only plagiarisms of Mr.Grover these days" - and my novel is since long turned into a genre and authors sit there with an illegal electronic copy which they try to follow line by line in the hope of becoming a bestselling author - and the police do not arrest them because somebody has told them that 'it is supposed to be like this'. Of course this cannot continue - it is the PTRSIM PIK program - and the magic spell must be broken by getting the whole story published loudly, otherwise the world cannot escape a return to the cold war. Could be the world stretched its patience for years in the hope that the norwegians would apologize for the child abuse of me - but the norwegians do not want to get out of the state of invincible wellbeing and there is the problem. Instead of a return to cold war, the world should articulate this problem very clearly and unambiguously and publish the list of wrongdoings which there should have been an apology for. The current development in Ukraina could be a sign telling that there is no need to continue waiting for these things do be solved by themselves, by natural and mature sense of responsibility.
Is it left to me to stop the avalanche - currently on its way down the hillside - and if I do not the plan is to later tremble the index fingers against me with accusations that it is my fault? Of course I am waiting that the society shall stop this abuse and repair the damage as well as they can. Abuse of secret electronic surveillance can go on for 10 years before the author has the chance to stop it - and then the 'point of no return' is since long trespassed and the author is too exhausted (in body, mind, relations to society) to be able to do anything with it. Of course the society must tidy up in such abuse without an initiative from the abused person. But isnt the present article an initiative?
The abuse could have been going on so long that it looks and feels natural. But it must be recalled that such surveillance abuse is very illegal and should lead to legal persecution and payment of reparation money (the present case could run to quite some sums of money according to international standards, I would believe) - and that is when exclusion of me from the web because 'he had not paid' is an efficient turnaround. If I were subjected to child abuse including rapes in the puberty, it could be because state institutions involved in organizing it have not been persecuted by the state of Norway but on the contrary the state seems to have given in to the temptations of feelings of invincibility by 'mass psychosis' after the point of no return has been trespassed - and this could be precisely the reason why it could be so easy to get people involved in abuse of my authorship later in life. But these are things which can and must be considered and handled in a rational way - and it should not be difficult to understand it.
I am a normal private person without any connection to those crazy PTRSIM PIK ideas.
Why such protests against the war in Ukraina if the background or even reason for the war is still being hung up on ads in public space - possibly prompting only more war and epidemics?
It may be that a 'point of no return' has been trespassed and such ads now only serve to turn the roles of me and the society in general and the ads (here following my temporary internet breakdown) thereby serve to strengthen the feeling of reinforced borders - quasi protecting against war. But clearly this would only be ostrich policy which can lead Europe into dangerous waters.
PS It can be added to explain this story that the title to my article 'Horace and chinese radicals' perhaps could have been misunderstood as a variant of 'Schenkungs-Urkunde' or rather 'Urkunde-chen-kun[g]s'. But that would be a misunderstanding: My article is no 'Schenkungs-Urkunde'.
Conclusion added 28 february 2022:
It seems that the austrian response to the internet publication of my article of 21 February 2022 was 1) to interrupt my internet connection (if that were not for natural commercial or technical reasons) possibly for turning the difference between them and me into a strengthening of the national borders, while 2) to use an excerpt from the file I made to protect me against this as apparent basis for an advertisement campaign which displayed this excerpt as the road intersection with the filet of fish which seems possibly to have been the basis for the building of Ukraina since Maidan 2014, while apparently using illegal secret surveillance data from my home computer to engineer what appears like a turning of the '+' of this 'road intersection' into an 'x' - that is, to make out of it a swastika with 'Hitler' like an INRI or rather 'IN[g]LI'-sh Christ in its middle. This creates the effect that it seems that the secret of my authorship is the support of Adolf Hitler as a new IN[g]LI-sh (= 'anglophonic'?) Jesus Christ who has taken on existence among us in Ukraina, there being unjustly attacked by the russians. If the organizors of this harvest support in Europe against the russian attack, this means that the advertisement campaign can serve to harvest european support for a new Hitler riding the waves of mass psychosis from Austria up to Germany. Since this campaign presents the diametrically opposite of my views while apparently pretending to present my views, it contributes to the creation of a feeling of invincible wellbeing by the reinforcement of the 'condom' of the national border, and this product could be what is planned to be the swastika propellar or even jet propulsion of a new Adolf Hitler into Germany. Of course I very strongly oppose such abuse of my work. The abuse looks very nazi indeed (Hitler, swastika) and could by the Staatsvertrag of 1955 lead to an immediate termination of the state of Austria or its independence - but the campaign could have been intended to turn these roles with me, to which I do not agree. This means that if my article could be characterized as 'invincible wellbeing' by being great progress in knowledge which even can be verified by immediate inspection of the work of Horace against the chinese radicals, it is of utmost importance that such political problems of Austria be understood as they are and not swapped away under a rug of smugbeing.
Modern politics looks sometimes much like such swapping machines which turn around by partial misrepresentation (= 'monkey business') which is consolidated in its new turned-around position by way of the irreversability of terror. (There were two pieces of mass shootings in USA on 26 february 2022 - one at 03:15 am (as UTC that is 8:45 am on Sri Lanka) in Las Vegas at the 'hookah parlour' Manny’s Glow Ultra Lounge & Restaurant and one at 03:15 pm on South Allen Drive in North Charleston). Clearly there is only one thing which can help against this problem and that is outspokenness and explicitness without doubletalk or intrigue - for bringing the political situation out of the control of 'secret intelligence'.
Added on 1 march 2022:
I went out on 26 february 2022 and from the tram #5 I spotted two of the above ads for 'Austrian' - enough suspicious to make me step off the tram for returning for photographing them. As I waited for the return tram in Laudongasse, I stood watching the windows to www.mobile-hauskrankenpflege.at/kontinenz in Laudongasse 29-31. I did not know about such a center and could have needed to know about it myself when I suffered from incontinence and retention. I wore a catheter for a couple of years but have been functioning well enough without it for quite a while now - although the ray or spurt of water is still a little incontrollable and therefore I often pack the organ in a piece of loopaper while urinating, thereby preventing spills on the floor or the trousers. I dont think this could have been known to anybody else except illegal surveillance. When today I was to a shop for buying some food, in the moment when the wares started to go through the cashier and it was too late to turn, a person of tall body stature (maybe 195 cm or so) came around the nearest stall and took up position behind me, placing a pack of loopaper on the moving band. I recognized the 'wrapping loopaper' movement. I do not remember the time point exactly but it would probably have been around 11:30 or so Vienna time. (I had looked at the news from the bombing of the 'Svoboda Square' in Kharkiv in Ukraine before I left - a very 'loud on' bomb it seems to have been onto the university building - although it may be that this was not the 'loud on'). When I now looked for news on terror that could have accompanied this event I reasoned as such: If it were about 'turning around' the moment when I discovered the ad campaign, it could be about the 'kontinenz' centre - what should that be? 'Continents' move and make earthquakes. I looked up the earthquakes of today and found one in Azerbaijian at 10:34:37,7 UTC, which could have been appr the time, I would guess. It was magnitude 4,2 at coordinates 41,54N 46,63E - which on my map seems to have the neartest place of some magnitude at 'Yukhari Chardakhlar': 'You carry czarda-klær' = 'you carry czarda-clothes': 'Czarda' is hungarian for 'wayside inn'. Hence 'as her by John' could have been about this wrapping loopaper 'pflege' function.
There are two 'extensions' out north in Azerbaijian. 'Yukhari Chardakhlar' is in the eastern one while the isomorphic point in the other one is appr at 'Pirili'. The word 'pinli[g]' is norwegian for 'embarrassing'. (Like a piece of poetry?) Looks computer-found.
Added 2 march 2022:
I had thrown away the kassabon after the grocery shopping yesterday but this morning I went back and searched in the wastebin where I had thrown it and found it again among garbage and dogwastebags - it most probably or most certainly is the same - at least the articles on it and the place are right and the time is at least approximately right - I think I can take it for granted that it is the one I threw there. Here is the heading of it, telling that the trade was done at 11:32 Vienna time which is 10:32 UTC which is two minutes before the earthquake in Azerbaijian quoted from this source here:
My guess is that this earthquake could have been made by an underearth bomb sent down with a 'rockpedo' - and one would guess that it could have been triggered by radio signal. (See also this file for another story of kassabon and earthquake). If not, it is of course possible that some surveillance had observed the scene in the grocery shop and sent down a 'rockpedo' to explode at 10 km depth - but I would guess that it cannot reach this depth as quickly as only 2,5 minutes or so. But a radio signal could of course have been triggered on basis of surveillance.
My younger cousin Hans-Frode Nedregård ('nedre gård' = 'lower farm', 'nedre går' = quasi 'goes down under', 'nedtrekker' = 'downpuller', also about flushing the water toilet) died reportedly in cold weather while trying to cross a mountain probably in the spring 1987 - after I had started working for the MUSIKUS project (which again was not so long after Gro Harlem Brundtland started her years of prime ministry). Ole-Johan Dahl came to I think the first meeting in early 1987 in a dark suit and explained he was going to a funeral of a young relative of his. Did he carry 'czarda-klær'?
MUSIKUS was substantial progress in my career - I had for years been a mere scribe, copying mechanically from musical scores to parts, and this more advanced academic work of defining rules for an algorithm for automated editing - with the rules defined in three research reports of about 300 pages published at the institute's research paper series - was some progress.
The name of 'Hans-Frode Nedregård' could perhaps also be taken to be suggestive of the idea of 'the hand's fraud of the one who presses the nib of the pen down into the paper'. ('Frode' means not 'fraud' in norwegian, it is more about 'frodig' = 'vigorous', 'brimming over with elan vital'). The way that this track of the nib is made in the paper surface can perhaps be used for identifying the true author - and hence constitute important proof and possible forensic evidence in case a dispute on the authorship should come up. It means that the paper notebooks have value. I lost some paper notebooks in the Barnabiten church in the summer 2019 - and I certainly do not want to lose the manuscripts to my extensive poetic work.
The 'Billa' shop is located in the intersection Giselhergasse/Alliogasse. Before I left I had looked at the news from the bombing of Charchiv and observed the street view map over the site and noticed a large ad telling 'ALLO' in 90 degrees angle to the bombing site at the university in Charchiv. I did not think consciously that this was the reason why I went to this shop but it is of course not impossible that it could been a factor.
My 1973 biology teacher Lauvstad told that he had written a master degree on 'TEGe' beetles. In norwegian this beetle or bug could be called BILLA. The grocery shop chain is probably among the largest in Europe.
If the conclusion be reached that Zelensky was elected president after years of TV exposition in programs based on intelligence data from my life, to the extent that the presidency can be seen as based on this other person (me) without permission from or information to this private person (and hence I know not to what extent this really could be the case), then it is probably evident that this must count as a criminal government (it has an illegal basis). Any ideas of PTRSIM PIK must be discarded as outdated superstition which should not be allowed to take the place of rational thought. If this complex even be a part of the reason for the war, it can be seen that the terror-and-monkey-business in the advertisements and mass shootings in USA and in this earthquake potentially related to my private person could constitute an attempt to decriminalize the ukrainian government. Alternatively, if among the covid infections and deaths the percentage of vaccinateds equals or transgresses the percentage of vaccinateds in the population generally, then a law of obligatory vaccination could resemble a legalization of lethal injections - and then it could seemingly apply to me in the way of decriminalizing the ukrainian government by way of legalizing a 'rape' of my authorship (by the above factors of feeling of invincible wellbeing). Of course it is out of the question to allow for abuse of my life and/or authorship. The only right solution is to credit the source and tidy up in abuses there could have been - otherwise it steers towards a new Hitler in Europe - and that could be part of what makes such governments established on such a basis illegal. Clearly this could be an important part of the reason for the war in Ukraina - to prevent a new Hitler in Europe and a third world war. But I know too little about the degree to which there could have been abuse of my life and/or authorship as basis for Zelensky's presidency/government to have strong opinions on this matter.
Added 3 march 2022:
Seeing the quite evident connection between the advertisements and terror in USA following my article 'Horace and chinese radicals' of 21 february 2022, I consider the idea that it may have been like this (terror + monkey business in public advertisement) more or less regularly throughout the 11-12 years I have lived in Zinckgasse. I have done a lot of work in these years but the progress of my career has been rather zero. I have not followed this phenomenon but have made occasional observations, also here on my internet homepage, of apparent references in advertisements to work of mine - both work I have published on the internet and work still in progress on my home computer. I decided to check out if there could be any obvious reflex in terror following my publication of the article 'Towards a theory of poetic grammar' on 6 january 2022: Even then there was a breakdown of my internet connection (then by '3' = 'Drei') following rather immediately after the publication. I now look up this list of mass shootings in USA in 2022 and find nothing on 6 january but one on 8 january - which was in the morning after the electricity had gone out with a FOFF in the evening 7 january - see the end of this file, the text in small types ('12 january 2022 at 15:40 UTC'). As reported in this page by Houston police, there was a shooting of 4 people outside the entrance door to a night club in 7136 Clarewood Drive in Houston, Texas in the morning the following day. One of them (called Lenis Zelaya, 29) died immediately, the other three were wounded. It turns out that the name of the night club was 'El Tucanazo' - here is the streetview map to the place - which clearly by the name could be a reference to the FOFF blackout of the EL in the evening before. The copy of my official custody father since 1969 had a twisted nose, as if somebody had grabbed the nose and turned it around like a lightswitch: 'Vri den rundt på Hitler' = 'turn it around on Hitler' could have been a concept if the person were associated with Hitler as a 'wolf in sheeps clothing', cp. 'Drei tann ut så det sang' as an alleged 'motto' of UN after the war. Here it would have turned around the midnight. It can be noticed that 'Lenis Zelaya-29' resembles somewhat 'Volodymyr Zelensky'. The reason why this story is likely to be related to my publication is that the street address to the place - 7136 Clarewood Drive - or even '7136 Clarewood Plaza' - invokes associations to my stay in Venice 2008-2009: In Venice it is obligatory to have the name on the doorbell - but since I wanted to avoid doorbell ringing without purpose I wrote on the doorbell only my initials 'JBG' but in such a way that it looked somewhat like '7136'. It is possible that initials can be enough according to the rules of Venice, but it is also possible that 7136 would not suffice even if the symbols equally well could have been alphabetic letters. If I should apply for renewed residence, would this doorbell story be held up against my application? It happened once that there was an overflow ejaculation from my genital organ and news followed not long thereafter (same evening it may have been) that there had been shooting or some similar alarm in Washington and the house of representatives or was it the senate had to be evacuated - the representatives were flooding the streets, so to speak. I do not remember when this was - but it is not impossible that it was not so far away temporally from an incident in the street just outside the housedoor in Venice: Two neighbours were arguing with a third, or gave a tirade of some sort - the third habitually had a bottle of water or two standing on the doorstep. Some time later it turned out that this third neighbour had died and another neighbour just across the narrow 'calle' died around the same times. I speculated if it could be due to faulty gases since the gas in my water heater functioned well but it refused to ignite on the stove and therefore I dared not use it there - and facing a cold winter with only an open-flame gas convector I found that it was time to move on. The incident outside the housedoor had perhaps a counterpart in a brief incidence in the parallel street, which was only a few metres away - once I came around the corner there a couple came walking towards me, holding hands, and the male said in surprising norwegian something about "isnt it you who have a driving licence?" - I think it was something like that he said. ('Driving licence' is often called 'lappen', I think that was the word used, if not 'førerkort' - cp. also 'Nepal' backwards). (At another time in Venice I stood looking at the ads in an estate agency window when a man stopped and said in norwegian "men i all verden, er det ikke du som har skrivi disse bøkene da?" ('but, my goodness, isnt it you who have written these books?'). Summing up all these elements, one sees how the finger pointing to the doorbell could signify the faulty indexation there - adding to this the drama at the Capitol Hill, Nepal royal massacre and other things, one can guess how it could be easy to make efficient intrigue if I were to apply for new residence status in Venice. From this, guessing that the terror in Houston could have been organized relative to my publication of the article 'Towards a theory of poetic grammar' on 6 january, the fact that 4 people were shot and one of them died could be related to the listing of four elements twice towards the end of the article:
1. The dialogue/reference paradoxes 1 and 8
2. The mystic number paradoxes 2 and 7
3. The different realities paradox 3 and 6
4. The dated light paradoxes 4 and 5
Put differently:
1. Synchrony of light
2. Fundamental theorem of logic
3. Fundamental theorem of linguistics
4. Diachrony of light
The mystic number = 7136 etc. The clue of the article, which could be of potentially very large importance for science, is the idea that the age of a lightbeam can be computed (and I have suggested that my fundamental theorem of logic/statistics could be used for just that) - and this potentially substantial step forwards could then be located to the fourth element. One could speculate that the terror in Houston could have served to link this to 'Lenis Zelaya-29' and hence also possibly 'Volodymyr Zelensky'. 'Jan Dismas Zelenka' wrote music. (Did I see traces of this in an internet ad for the club?)
I do not have an overview of the advertisements that were coming up those days (7-8 january), but it is not impossible that they could have been all over the country - and once when I was up in Munich I observed some advertisements that I then believed would have been only austrian monkey business on some things I had written - but then, to my surprise, this ad seemed to be up even in Germany. It is therefore not impossible that there are largescaled intrigues going on for making a new Hitler in Germany. Who would be organizing these intrigues? The state intelligence services? Some would perhaps say that it could be more important to stop these intrigues - this possible buildup to a third world war - than to stop the war in Ukraine. Of course the war should not have come about at all - but then there are some things which should have taken place in order to prevent the possible progress of this apparent buildup towards a new Hitler - and one of the most important things is probably an official recognition of my authorship as mine and not as somebody else's. For example, it was I who wrote the article 'Towards a theory of poetic grammar' published on 6 january - not somebody else. Not a 'Zelensky', for example (but, again, this I know little about and have only this example and I don't know how essential or pre-computable the name of the Houston victim would have been). It could also be of major importance to have an official apology for potential child buses there could have been in my life, but this I have little knowledge of.
Why should I take another substantial step forwards in knowledge when it leads to such things? There may be reasons why my career as author has made little or no progress while I lived in Austria. I think it is time to move on once again - but I do not have much economic resources.
Clearly this PTRSIM PIK nonsense must be packed down and the whole story brought to public daylight.
Later: On the way to the PO Box to see if a positive answer had arrived from the 'Bürgerservice' ('We thank you, Mr. Grover, for your incessant and enduring work for the continuance and reinforcement of our national culture...'), the normally empty field outside Wiener Stadthalle was crowded with young people to what appeared to be a 'Messe für Beruf, Studium, Weiterbildung' (on the way from my home to the PO Box I come to a zebra facing the Berufschule with a Waffen-shop in the back), and outside on the square outside the Wiener Stadthalle there was a stand for 'Verein gegen Tierfabriken' - see this photo and this. Photos of swines. The data I present in e.g. the present file are not fabricated. I have speculated why there is so little info on the relation between the percentage of vaccinateds among infections and vaccinateds among the population in general, since this should be the only ratio of any real interest for understanding the political power potential in the pandemic, but I have so far found only swedish data, suggesting that the effect of the vaccines is close to zero. Is it the plan to launch the sub-collective-conscious theory that the vaccines should have been nearly 100% efficient but somehow a dirty beast in the revelation - a 666 - came and destroyed the whole thing? Why isnt there anybody else asking for these data? I found an article on the internet which seemed to call for this but it vibrated with irrational fear and dared not come to the point and one can speculate that the relevant interesters for many years have been running scare-campaigns for getting people off the question. This 'Verein gegen Tierfabriken' (not 'gegen Tieftrafiken'!) could be telling of something like that. What are these campaigns showing animals flayed alive? If the one percentage transcends the other percentage with just a thin layer of skin, that is when it is like stepping outside the brink of 'Prekestolen'.
6 march 2022: See also this file. Were all the problems of these times - covid, Ukraine war etc - for that single thing of me publishing this file? The news told that 'Cherson has fallen' - could be it meant 'Horace has fallen' - after 2000 years?
© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 27 february 2022
Last updated 6 march 2022