The opening gate

John Bjarne Grover


My 'fundamental theorem of linguistics' tells that two and only two items can be the same across two different realities. In my recent Volume 4, the study 'Fatima and the fundamental theorem of linguistics' concludes that there probably is a mechanical procedure available for evaluating the presence of a divine revelation in a text - and I study this by comparing the correlation between the words that occur twice and only twice in the books of my own 16-volume work 'The Endmorgan Quartet' (1997-2008) with my later more or less metric works, such as 'Stillhetens åndedrag' against TEQ books 13-16. The conclusion on this correlation study is that the 1344 double-words from TEQ - in alphabetic order - are defined by the 1344 lines of 'Stillhetens åndedrag'. The corollary to this again is that since two and only two items across different realities in the sense of the 'fundamental theorem of linguistics' is a synchronic phenomenon, while the occurrence of a word twice and only twice in a text is a diachronic phenomenon (along the time axis of the text), the conclusion is that the 'divine revelation' in a technical sense of it is detected on the condition that diachrony is synchrony when logical order is the same as semantic assignment.

The conclusion, presented on the inside cover pages of vol.4, is that this phenomenon is likely to provide a principled basis for the establishment of a metaphysical logic. It is likely that this is the new logic of a knowledge over the arbitrary sign on the phrasal level - that is, that the phrase attains an arbitrary meaning that cannot be immediately derived from the meaning of the words contained in it - and that this is the historic sense of the current millenium shift. In part 2 of my 5-part doctorate dissertation ('A waist of time' in vol.3), I conclude that formal grammar probably reached the morpheme level of arbitrarity at the time of Christ.

The basic logical operator of aristotelian-based logic a la Wittgenstein is NEGATION - the difference between TRUE and FALSE (not-true). My studies have suggested that the new basic logical operator for a metaphysical logic over the new phrasal level sign is not negation but the phenomenon of linebreak, which I study in books 5 and 16 of TEQ. The new phrasal level sign is probably the same as the 'inner poetic articulation' - see 'Where do the inner poetic articulations come from?' wherein I discuss four levels of inner poetic articulation. 'Linebreak' is then the phenomenon when such an arbitrary sign is broken in two and one part of it is related to (a part of) another arbitrary sign. In TEQ book 16 I have shown (vol.3 chapter 20) in the correlation with Midori Goto and Robert McDonald's record of 2007 - Sony Classical 82796977452 - with Bach, Johann Sebastian: Sonata No.2 for unaccompanied Violin in A Minor, BWV 1003, Midori solo violin and Bartok, Bela: Sonata No.1 for Violin and Piano Sz. 75, BB 74, Midori violin, Robert McDonald piano - that a line generally correlates with 2 seconds music and that a linebreak does not affect this duration for Bach (a line broken into two with indentation of the second half takes 2 seconds for both lines) while for Bartok it means 2*2 = 4 seconds duration. In vol.3 chapter 19 I study the correlation of my own TEQ book 5 with linebreaks imposed on the text (turning it into a series of 48 poems of 14 lines each) with sonnets of Rilke and Shakespeare.

It follows naturally from these studies that if it really be the case that 'divine revelation' in a technical sense of it is detected on the condition that diachrony is synchrony when logical order is the same as semantic assignment, this phenomenon should obtain in a similar manner for the new testament of the Bible in its relation to the old. Jesus himself said somewhere that he was the fulfillment of the scriptures - that is likely to be the same. Therefore it will be not surprising to find that these are old games of theology - I have not found any such studies but I would suppose that they exist in some archives of theological studies from the old church fathers or the middle ages. It would mean counting the number of occurrences of words in the old testament and ordering those that occur twice and comparing this set with the new testament.

With modern computerized tools this is easy - at least if the computer is not too willing to engage in semiotically meaningful computer glitsches. There is no worse danger for the art of science than 'the opening grin' which can be triggered by such a comment. Those computer glitsches are extremely interesting and of high value for the study of semiotics - and jocular 'grins' are the enemies of serious science. (Do otoacoustic emissions really exist or is the jungle of studies made on the phenomenon only a lot of 'grins'? It is to reduce humans to grinning like chimpanzees to allow for scholarly articles of such a kind if it be only jokes. Was the photo of a black hole published some time ago 'an opening grin' on the concept of 'computer glitsch' or was it really a serious study?).


I decided to try the relation between the first book of Moses (Genesis) against the first gospel - the gospel of Matthew with 1071 verses. I had a text of Genesis without diacritics from the internet but I cannot find that source again - I think it was under a 'wikisource' or sth like that. The Genesis I have contains 17659 words - verse numbers removed but strokes between words retained. I used the text editor Word and a spreadsheet both from Microsoft Works Suite 2005. But neither Word nor the spreadsheet could sort more than 16000 and some words and therefore in order to find out which words occurred twice and only twice in Genesis I had to break the text up in two parts, sort each part and then remove the words that occurred most frequently, rejoin the two halves and sort them for picking out the doublewords. The procedure was a little cumbersome since the spreadsheet could not handle hebrew text so I had to transliterate the hebrew into latin script before it was retransliterated into hebrew in the last step - and the intermediate sorting procedures would impose an additional factor of variation onto the symbols of transliteration.

It turned out that there were 775 words occurring twice and only twice in Genesis. Aligning these in (hebrew) alphabetic order with the verses of Matthew proved that the relevance of the verses of Matthew as 'definitions' of the correlating hebrew words was quite interesting. See enclosed list.

However, there are 1071 verses in Matthew and with only 775 such doublewords it stops before the end. In fact it stops on chapter 23 verse 1, while 23:2 ('legon epi tes mouseos kathedras ekathisan oi grammateis kai oi farisaioi') will be the first verse 'beyond Moses'. There are two short 2-line poems (TEQ #220 and #221, written on 8 june 1998) in the beginning of my TEQ book 4 (cp. my PEB with the line 4 phenomenon on political governance) which suggest that I was aware of this semiotic phenomenon - not consciously but on some subconscious level. 220 ends with "I've a banan ex cathedra" signed 'Ploa' (as for 'farisaioi') and 221 signed 'Canta Pros' (as for ' grammateis'). In fact the first doubleword in this list is 'ABIANU'. I would guess that the latin phrase 'ex cathedra' is a play on just this semiotic phenomenon - telling that it is a part of the human semiotic endowment and not only of a historic manipulation based on archives with word occurrences and concordances of the Bible - I mean, it is probably an observation of a semiotic phenomenon that is telling also of the reason why Moses ends there and Matthew continues for another 296 verses.

How could one approximate 1071 rather than 775 doublewords in the first book of Moses? In fact I discovered this by way of a fruitful error of mine in the first counts. It was while I made the initial counts that I divided the set of 17659 words into two (by an arbitrary division around 4-5000 words from the end) but chose a procedure for reducing the two parts to a number which could be sorted by text editor or spreadsheet which was not well considered: I reasoned that if I remove all words that occur more than twice in the corpus, it suffices for finding those that occur only twice. But I had not considered the second part of the criterion - the words that occur twice and only twice - since this procedure would remove all words that occurred more than twice from the corpus - but it would create a number of 'false doublewords' that seemed to occur twice only but in reality occurred more than twice. However, since there were two parts and I did so in both parts of many thousand words in each, when I re-joined the two reduced parts to one for sorting, the result would be many groups of 3 or 4 occurrences - and some would come out as 'false doublewords' - which, though, would not be alarmingly many but some. (It is noticed that the border line - dividing the 17659 words into two subgroups - would be determining for the division of the 17659 words into two subgroups and hence would be determining for the factual number if 'apparent doublewords'). The flaw in the criterion resembles the criterion of Chomsky's all and only wellformed sentences of a language.

It was by this procedure that I found (by an arbitrary division line which I cannot find again) that there were 1067 doublewords in Genesis - a near perfect match to the 1071 verses of Matthew. I was thrilled by this discovery of mine - at least before I discovered the flaw in the mechanical procedure. However, by a second thought, I noticed that this early 'lucky strike' was perhaps not so much of an error as a discovery of the phenomenon of LINEBREAK on the set level. Set theory is a branch of mathematics that could have developed for precisely these reasons.

The flaw would touch upon the difference between 2 and 3: My TEQ function 14 is distibutional semantics on basis of 3 or more occurrences, while semantics on basis of 2 occurrences is a very different phenomenon.

I was absolutely amazed by the fantastic correlations I could study - untill I discovered yet another serious flaw in the procedure: That was something that had happened when I had divided the set into two parts and sorted each part in Word before I moved the sorted list into two columns on the spreadsheet for reducing the number of occurrences (by a comparison function IDENTICAL(A1;A2) leaving 1 if identical and 0 if not). I rejoined the resulting lists in Word and removed all zeros and eventually sorted the resulting list before entering it in a column with a matrix of predefined definitions (see this file): If D5=10, then write A5. But a possible bug in the spreadsheet led to a flaw: If the sorted column I lifted over from Word contained a blank on top entry, I had to copy the whole column A and lift it one level (cell) up - and for some reason or other this shifted the definitions accordingly, such that 'if D5=10, then write A5' was turned into 'if D5=10, then write A4' (or was it A6). The effect of this was that the resulting list of 1067 what I first believed were doublewords from Genesis contained not the doublewords themselves but in fact the words following immediately after the doublewords - an 'adjacency function'. I quickly lept to the conclusion that if the first flaw was TEQ function 16, then this was TEQ function 15 ('Gentlemen') - which seems to be about the 'tangent' to the set of doublewords in the sense of the human reality. There are 66 poems in TEQ book 15 and 66 poems in 'Der Dornenstrauch' part 2 ('Unter Gesellschaft'), one Vorwort poem, 64 enumerated poems and one Nachwort poem - and comparing the poems of 'Gentlemen' with the identically enumerated poem from 'Unter Gesellschaft' (an adjacency relation) is quite interesting. There are clear signs of a 'pointing function' in book 15 - not only to the adjacent element - but that could of course include just the adjacent element.

The second flaw could perhaps be related to the phenomenon of 'attachment' in child language acquisition.

With these two flaws added to the concept of 'twice and only twice', the resulting set of 1067 words is in fact quite far from the true 775 doublewords - but if it turns out that the result is semiotically relevant, one could tentatively conclude that the first 'lucky strike' could have been a success in finding the obscure functions on background of my 11 years of work with TEQ.

(There was yet another factor of variation - in the removal of the strokes uniting words in the corpus - when these are removed there are more than 20 thousand words in Genesis. The step in the procedure when these are removed - before or after the reduction - can also come to affect the result. The conjunction 'U' is written as an enclitic part of the words and the resulting form is retained as a single unique word).

1067 'doublewords' against 1071 verses - why the last 4 verses? A study of these verses of Matthew could suggest that they tell of the four formal grammars of Chomsky from the 1950's: 1068 = finite state grammar, 1069 = context-free phrase structure grammar, 1070 = context-sensitive phrase structure grammar and 1071 = unrestricted grammar, a Turing machine. A nice interpretation that is. In fact the context-free phrase structure grammar can be invoked for interpreting the verses one quarter, half way and three quarters through the gospel.

1068 / 2 = verse #534 = Matthew 16:6 = 'o de iesous eipen autois orate kai prosekhete apo tes zumes ton farisaion kai saddoukaion'. This 'zumes' = 'yeast' of the pharisees and sadducees invokes the idea of 'symmetry' in the mid way of verse. If one takes it that the story of the context-free phrase structure is the 'man-on-wagon' slamming into the curbstone, the symmetric man will be the one 'under' the stone of the curb, the second lapis philosophorum hinged upside-down - as on the border between Hungary and Austria. (But it is not completely 'zumes' if this is the mid verse of 1067 out of 1071). The first quarter will be 1068/4 = #267 = Matthew 9:32, which could be 'corrective' of the 'reason' for the slam-in, while 3/4 = #801 = Matthew 23:27 on a 'what, why, how' = 'inter-rogue-ative' of the man under the curb.

But is it possible to press the number of doublewords up to 1071? I continued by trial and error and found that if I put the division line at 4593 from the end, I would get 1071 doublewords (including the two 'flaws' in the procedure). When I later should go over the material again just to check that I had not made any serious errors again, I discovered (to my growing despair) that I had, alas, done it again: It was now not 1071 but 1069. What had happened? I dont know what happened (I have the list, though, of the 1071 words I extracted) but it is likely that the division line must have been elsewhere - although I gave up finding it: That is a lot of tedious work in front of the monitor - if one has better computer equipment it can probably be found easily. But I have not cheated - it is likely that surveillance can find out how I found the 1071 words by following the movements of my hands on the computer keyboard ('Sonja Henie' this could be called - not a velocipedist but a figure skater) - but, just as for the lost poetry notebooks, it is not impossible that I could be the only one who cannot by the rules get access to this material I have made myself. That is the modern society ruled by power. It is probable that the future society will recover from its diseases and start governing itself by way of sensible rationality instead of power.

The scapegoat

I found an interesting piece of possible proof of the relevance of my 1071 series: I multiplied 1068 with the Catalan constant 0,915... and came to #978 = Matthew 26:68 which in the 1071 corpus is the word RAINU (hebrew for 'to see, prophet, mirror'). Ah, but isnt this my highschool schoolmate and friend RAINO, I said to myself. His family name was MALNES - do I find even this? The mid word of the 1071 corpus is #536 (Matthew 16:8) which is 'YZ' = '[AIN]-Z', which, when preposed with a 'with' = norwegian 'med' standardly abbreviated as 'm/', one gets the combination RAINO m/AINZ, or simply M/ALNES. This 'YZ' means 'a goat', norwegian 'geit', hence 'the opening geit'. (Norwegian for 'gate' = 'grin[d]'). I mentioned this name also in the context of MLR oct 1977 in my 'ABC of politics' (so called because of the very limited knowledge of the author on the topic) where the first entry is the article "1. A new Reynold - Milnes letter: Were there two meetings between Keats and Coleridge? By Donald Lange". The story was the opened 'kitchen coldrinse' tap in the house where I lived on Rekustad on Rolvsöy at Fredrikstad some time after this periodical had been issued. I certainly do not suspect that Raino Malnes was up there to burglar my home and open the kitchen tap while I was away, but one does in fact spot a certain 'scapegoat' function in his name there.

In the 1067 set, one could spot a certain 'recursion' (of formal grammar) on the idea of a 'Vollkornbrot' by the story of Jesus feeding thousands of people with only a few loaves. This could lead to a systematic interpretation of the 'lapis philosophorum' comparable to the 'falling cliff of Beachy Head'.

'Wittgenstein' is also likely to be a name meaning this white stone of the 'lapis philosophorum'.

The Beachy Head complex - with the question of potential 'poetic causation' - makes this story interesting. If the US democrat party profiles themselves with the lapis philosophorum qua 'Wittgenstein', it could also be a way of schnelling in the power from Hitler's austro-hungarian border mystery. This of course could be a way of keeping it under control, but it is important to understand that philosophy is more than schnaps and the humanistic sciences are not going to be the backwater of the new millenium - rather the opposite.

The reason for the mention of the name of Reynold/Milnes, if it be taken as relevant of the Rekustad story, would rather be in a role assigned to me (then living there) - as if to be a 'scapegoat'. But then it is not certain that it really would be about a flooding of water at Rekustad - rather it could be about a dripping of water of a later house.

The third list of words are the doublewords proper - there are 775 of them in Genesis. If it were 776 it would be 8/11 of 1067. Is that a coincidence? What would the total number be if 775 should be 9/11 - as in 2001? It would be 775/9 * 11 = 947,2 = #948 = Matthew 26:38. In the list of 1067 and 1071, the two hebrew words of 948 are PTRSIM PIK which looks like 'Peter sin pik' which is norwegian street language for 'Peter's penis'. But 'pike' means 'girl', hence 'Peter's girl' is a possible reading. I dont know where pope John Paul II was shot in 1981 but if it should have been in the gender organ, the purpose could have been to turn the roles around by way of these correlation or 'Concordia' lists - and 9/11-2001 could have been for adding force to the turnaround by the telling date. This 'John Paul the sekken' could then also have been the rucksack I lost in Barnabitenkirche (#124 = 1071-948) on 3 august 2019. St.Peter is traditionally where you can hope to find the opening gate, whether the door be a 'swing-door' or not.

Although this correlation of 948 looks 'convincing' on background of 9/11 and other things, it remains a mystery how I could find it by simple coincidence. Clearly if the role of the scapegoat should have been 'correlated' with me, or I understand this complex somehow, there could be a reason why I could find it. It is a fact that I had no knowledge about these things in advance and believed that I was a pioneer in the field - untill I came across these strange coincidences.

Historic discontinuity

I add the story from 19 september 2019: I had done a few things on the desk in the early morning when I decided to take a closer look at the present Genesis-Matthew complex - when I suddenly saw that the two and only two pocket dictionaries (greek-norwegian and dutch-norwegian) I got from my younger sister Tone Grøver in the late 70's or early 80's suddenly lay there on the table in front of me. Had they been there a few moments ago? I had picked out a pocket dictionary before I left for a travel the day before and cannot perhaps exclude the possibility that these two had followed that book by coincidence (I cannot remember that, though), but then I should have noticed a little ago? I concluded that the two pocket dictionaries had arrived there by historic discontinuity - and that this is the same phenomenon as 'the opening gate'. It is likely that this is the 'geit' of this story.

TEQ poem #355 is from 'Orphan and the angels', book 6 in TEQ, a poem called 'Too tough and feature tough', an 8-line poem plus title line including the line 6 "'X.J.Carobin' lay on the table before me". If this 'X.J.Carobin' is taken to be the 'greek-norwegian', there is a clear link to this poem written on my elder sister's birthday. The poem's number 355 points to the correlation table, the entry #355 which is for Matthew 12:10, with the entry for the 1067 column being (U)AYShK. If one reads this backwards one gets something very close to K-ShYR = 'like a goat'. There it was again! (ShYR means a hairy goat or a gate - or a measure, estimates). There are a few of these kids leaping around - another is in the 775 set for 655 = 'YZ', 'a goat' - for Matthew 20:7, about the vineyard = 'ampelona'. It is a theory of mine that 'die Lampe' is the secret codeword for the german-austrian language such as 'hymen' is it for the hungarian.

1067 divided with 3 suggests #355.

It happened a few times in the beginning that I believed that the text processor had gone wrong with viruses onscreen - I noticed how the 6th entry in the 1067 list changed from ADMUNI --> MUNIAD, breaking the alphabetization order. (It was probably not the 7th entry). Its root MNH means 'a number' and can correspond to the weight of 100 shekels. Entries #100 exhibit traces of 'YZ'. It is my impression that some computer glitsches follow this kind of logic - like a leaping kid. It is possible that the dutch = 'nederlandsk' dictionary is in TEQ #535.


Summa summarum, there are reasons to believe that the phenomenon of 'two and only two' occurrences in a text could be considered significant (on background of the criteria discussed here) of a 'revelation factor' sufficient for the assumption that a metaphysical logic could be constructed on basis of it.

Clearly this higher level arbitrarity is going to be the new field of third millenium logic and therefore it cannot be reserved for power games.

The three lists I have presented here contain a lot of material for which there are some reasons to believe that the correlations I have happened to come across are relevant - but it is still a little too coincidental for me to make any more substantial conclusions or discussions. I therefore present them as they are and leave the continued study to the reader.

HERE ARE THE DATA (file size = 1.3 MB).

Here is Davidson's dictionary containing all hebrew word forms in the Bible - notice that for searching for the words in the data I have presented, you must read them left-right in my file and right-left in Davidson.

Here is a source text without diacritics which perhaps can be used for own studies - it otherwise seems that the web has been rather emptied of versions suitable for this type of study

Added on 21 september 2019: In Bergen 1999 I needed economic support for my continued work but the help they offered was forced treatment in psychiatric hospital to which I was brought on basis of a signature of Ragna Gröver, according to the hospital. I had not been in contact with her for many years, though. The whole story could be seen in the framework of 'Sub-mor-phemic signification' - here the question what was 'sub' the 'mor' - was it 'phemic' or what was it. (Cp. the sinking of 'Kursk' near 'Mur'-mansk). The forced hospitalization happened on Kennedy anniversary day 22-23 nov 1999 not long after Clinton (was it the first high-level US visit to Norway since the Kennedy assassination?) had been to Norway (on the day of the aircrash of Air Egypt when summertime 0147 turned to wintertime 0047 = telephone prefix for Norway). If #948 PTRSIM PIK is read with proper vowelization, it could come out as norwegian 'patter er som pik' = 'animal female breasts are like girl/penis' - that is, a turning of the gender which could have been the background of this alleged 'custody authority signature'. It could therefore be seen to be in relation to interests of hijacking my authorship, with the story of my attempts to have 'Submorphemic signification' published (cp. Wittgenstein's early and failed attempts to have his Tractatus published - that may have been the basis for Hitler's disastrous politics 1933-45). The background of the hospitalization in 1999 could have been that I observed a plastic bag with bedsheets in the laundry room of the house of Erik Berstad where I lived in 1999. One week later it was still there on the floor and I made the owner of the house aware of it - he said 'yes that is ours'. He could have had the possibility to call for medical examination of me if he felt that I was 'suspicious' or 'paranoid', but he probably had not the authority for a forced hospitalization for which reason relevant persons could have contacted the official custody mother, and she could have signed a paper, ignoring the fact that there had not been any contact for many years. (She had sent 'stalking' letters but these had been returned unopened to sender - or, later, destroyed unread). Hebrew for 'Genesis' is 'Bereshit'.

Added on 22 september 2019: 'PTRSIM PIK' can be read in various ways:

1) Patter er som pik = animal teats are like girl/penis
2) Patter [h]o sin pik = does she suck her own girl/penis?
3) Patter [d]u sin pik (ungramm.) = do you suck your/his/her own girl/penis?

The phenomenon is the 'qibbuts' in the hebrew script: It means a high lip-formed vowel, normally back, but how fronted can it be before it stops being a qibbuts? The norwegian 'u' is very fronted - in fact i, y, u are distinguished mainly by the degree of lip rounding. PIK (PAH) means something like that (breath, mouth, side-border etc), while PTRSIM seems to be a region in upper Egypt. Where do the eggs come out? The israeli kibbutses seem to have told that 'we understand that the world is sorry for the great losses of the holocaust but it was believed to be a part of the formation of a new collective consciousness'.

It is possible to read the (handscript) name of 'Ragna Grøver' as '12september' - in which case '2001' could look like 'ZOM' (hence 'patter er zom girl/pik'). I notice that (in Fredrikstad) 'Pettersand' is the parallel street to 'Labråten' - cp. 'Pentagon' and 'Lambertsville' of 11 september 2001. The aircrash in Lambertsville was reportedly into a former diamond mine - cp. the significational role of Ragna Grøver: "...the mirror image to the first 1858 Madonna revelation in Lourdes - Kursk 12 august 2000 mirrors this revelation around the date 12 may 1929 for the birth of the custody mother". Pentagon = the 30666 days - and the twin towers of Manhattan the 'teats like dick/dyke'?

See also this file for 'sexual drive, curiosity and darkness' - I have no reason to believe that 'Petter-sin/sand pik' played any role in this story, nor that ideas of rebuilt people mentioned in this file have a basis in the real world, but clearly the ideas can have a political function anyhow.

And if anybody should make claims that I should be a copy of myself, I would say that it is not me who is rebuilt.

Why this #948 from the list? The reason could be in Matthew 26:38 where the word is 'perilupos' = 'exceedingly sorrowful'- but where the 'lupos' provides associations to 'wolves', and hence the carmelite dictum contained in this verse - 'always pray and never sleep' - is turned into a wolfy 'always prey and never sleep'. The 'lobes' of psychiatry could be the secret - along with the concept of anglophony.

Here is a map of the district in Fredrikstad - and I notice for 'peters pik' the parallel in 'Gydas Gros'. The Grøvers lived in Labråten from 1971, the Skundbergs in Risløkka. 'G-luppe' could be a play on the 'lupus'? There is a 'Pelzgasse' parallel to 'Zinckgasse' in Vienna. These streets around Labråten existed already in the first half of the 70's. Hitler lived for a while in the intersection Beingasse / Felberstrasse - cp. Lebeny - Mosonszentmiklos - and in the late evening walks when I met Anne Skundberg in the darkness (in the winter 1972-73, it must have been), in the forest outskirts, it would have been approximately in the upper end of Pettersand or Gluppeveien or even Gydas vei - this was the end of houses and the dark forest began there in those days - walking Gunhilds vei approximately to the end - which means that if a 'mystery' called 'PTRSIM PIK' should have been around in the darkness of history, there could even hide a collocational mix of Hitler with the attempt on the pope on St.Peter's Square in Rome of 1981 in the historic contexts).

Added on 25 september 2019:

The political situation is probably this: The tables of doublewords from the Old Testament could have been the inspiration for the writing of the New Testament - the writers in those days and the cultural mood generally would have felt this as an inspiration which called for messianic expectations, and, as the gospels tell, the expectations were fulfilled with Jesus. That is historic and it is well possible and even probable that the story of Jesus is the one told in the scriptures. On this background, a cultural orientation of using the understanding of the doublewords as basis for political administration should not be too bad, and therefore Hitler responded with a 'protestant' articulation that this cultural orientation is nothing but PTRSIM PIK - in the sense of the papa's penis = Wittgenstein's (= 'lapis philosophorums') rejected publication attempts - and what was the name of the rejections of the PIK? - it was the hungarian 'hymen' which would not let him through the virginal border - but Hilter forced his way through nevertheless - in the name of the 'new science'. Hitler - and the terrorist attack of 11 sep 2001 in USA - would then have looked like a protester against this matrix - and some confusion could hide there. This foggy confusion is not so difficult to clear up, though: The problem is in the secrecy on these matters - it is the secrecy which makes it possible to create the confusion. (If 11 sep 2001 were organized by the US democrat party, that would count as a hitlerish party which aims at continueing Hitler's political program - looking like a defender of Good Values and of the Integrity of the Holiness of Christ). My fundamental theorem is an articulation of what this cultural situation really is: A new science can develop in the 3-dimensional space that arises from the basis in the fundamental theorem of linguistics - the three dimensions being 1) an axis of different and probably enumerable realities across which samenesses obtain, 2) an axis of logical order which assigns semantic value to the samenesses, and 3) an axis of synchrony = diachrony which could be a time axis interpreting the synchronic samenesses. But such a science most be openly available and not hidden in Brotherhoods of Secret Intelligences. As soon as this new science and its basis is published openly, an outcry will come from the hitlerish camp that 'this is our science, it is Hitler's pioneering program' - which should be nonsense, Hitler was a Big Mock on this. When the fog clears up and one can get an overview of the landscape, the situation is much easier to overview and demagogic cheating is tuned out. It will soon be clear that this has very little to do with politics and powermaking.

Hermann Ruge Jervell tipped me on Hermann Grassmann's 'Ausdehnungslehre', which even today may be only poorly understood (it is probably something very different from Hamilton's quaternions). It may be that this theory of Grassmann is made for this sort of science (based on vectors between samenesses) and its dimensions. Grassmann wrote also a dictionary on the words of the Rig-Veda - could be he was engaged in that diachrony = synchrony after having canvassed the theoretic basis for it (for the possibility of computing on other realities) in his 'Ausdehnungslehre'. See his 'Einleitung' #9: "Das stetige Werden, in seine Momente zerlegt, erscheint als ein stetiges Entstehen mit festhaltung des schon gewordenen. Bei der Ausdehnungsform ist das jedesmal neu entstehende als ein verschiedenes gesetzt; halten wir hierbei nun das jedesmal Gewordene nicht fest, so gelangen wir zu dem Begriffe der stetigen Aenderung". This suggests that Grassmann was concerned with computing on the history that did not come about - for reaching a state of knowledge that could make it possible to compute on different realities. His sanskrit-vedic studies could be about this - the diachronic-synchronic dimension - cp. my 'Der Dornenstrach' which contains german grammar that could have been proper, so to speak, if language history had taken another course.

Grassmann 'Einleitung' #10: "Das Verschiedene muss nach einem Gesetze sich entwickeln, wenn das Erzeugniss ein bestimmtes sein soll". But that is just the idea of a historic collective consciousness with a certain intentionality and logic - the new 'blue metre' of mine - which Grassmann even wants to peep beyond.

Hitler was a mock on this Grassmann: "So you mean Christ came from PTRSIM PIK?"

*         *         *

Procedure for constructing the list of doublewords (1067, 1071, 775)

The tools used were text editor Word and the spreadsheet Microsoft Works Tabellenkalkulation from Microsoft Suite 2005. The text corpus was a plain hebrew without diacritics from a 'Hebrew Old Testament' I found on the internet under probably 'wikisource' but it seems now to have been removed and I do not have the URL present.

1. From hebrew original without diacritics, remove all verse enumeration (numerals and colons). This produces a corpus of Genesis of 17659 words

2. Turn all blanks into linebreaks = 17659 lines

3. Transliterate the corpus into 'latin' letters (simple ASCII) - here are the two versions I used:

i) For the 1067 set I used the (CASE-SENSITIVE!) alphabet a, b, g, d, h, u, z, H, t, i, k, k(final), l, m, m(final), n, n(final), s, 2, p, p(final), 1, 1(final), q, r, S, T

ii) For the 1071 and (probably also) 775 sets I used the alphabet a, b, g, d, h, u, z, x, j, i, k, k (final), l, m, m (final) , n, n (final), s, y, p, p (final), v, v (final), q, r, w, t

4. Divide the list of 17659 words into two parts, for example part 1 = 13059 words, part 2 = 4600 words

5. List and sort these alphabetically in a spreadsheet in two columns part 1 = column A and part 2 = column B

6. Run through the two columns by the formula of column C if A1 = A3, then D3=A3, otherwise D3=0 and in column E if B1 = B3, then F3=B3, otherwise F3=0. Add A1-2 on top of column D and B1-2 on top of column F

7. Move and concatenate the resulting columns D and F into 'Word' (or equivalent text editor) and remove all zeros - and replace strokes between words with linebreaks - that leaves a strongly reduced set - 11979 words or so it should be - which can be sorted by Word or the spreadsheet

8. Move these 11979 or so words back into a new spreadsheet in a new column A and define the functions

B4: identical(A3;A4) = 1, else 0 - that is, if A3=A4, then write 1 in B4, else write 0
C4: B2*100 + B3*10 + B4
D4: if(C4=10;1;0) - that is, if C4=10 (which is when A2 is the same as A3 but different from A1 and A4), then write 1 in D4 else write 0
E4: if(D4=1;A4;0) - that is, if D4=1, then write the word of A4, else write 0

9. The sum of column D from D1 to D11979 will give the number of double-words in the corpus by this procedure - which is 1067

10. Copy column E into 'Word' and remove all zeros - that leaves the 1067 'doublewords' by this procedure.

11. Transliterate these words back into hebrew and sort. Be aware of the CASE-SENSITIVITY in version i)

Notice that it is not the double-words proper but the words after the double-words in the alphabetized list that are selected - if you want the doublewords proper then you must use the function E3: if(D3=1;A2;0) - that is, if D3=1, then write the word of A2, else write 0

Factors that determine the selection of such 'doublewords':

1) The division of the set into part 1 and part 2 (how many words in each part) will affect the result since the reduction algorithm removes all occurrences more than 2 in each column - but since there can be 2 in each column plus 2 or more after removal of strokes there can be a total of 8 (or more) occurrences in the resulting list. However, many 'false' double-words (of only 2 occurrences) will eventually result from this reduction. If, however, one uses the criterion of removal of all ocurrences more than 3 in each column (if A4=A1 should suffice), the result does not vary but always lands on 775.

2) The function in point 8 for column E is if(D3=1;A3;0) - that will print the word after the double occurrence and not the double-word proper - and then the transliteration counts for which word is alphabetized after the doubleword

3) The choice of removal or not of the strokes that bind some words together in the hebrew original strongly affects the result - likewise when in the procedure this removal is done: If it is done before the reduction there can be 2 occurrences left after the reduction, but if it is done after the reduction there can be many.

4) Try (at least this affects the result with my Microsoft Tabellenkalkulation 2005) and set up the sheet for point 8 above and extract double-words from a column A. Then remove the contents of column A (but leave the functions in columns B-E unaltered) and copy a sorted list from another analysis into A: If this has a blank on top - I think Word puts a possible blank on top (if there is a blank in the list, for example at the end) when sorting but the spreadsheet does not - that is, the new copied-in column runs from e.g. A2 to A10000, then move the whole column one step up and it will go from A1 to A9999. In the spreadsheet I used this would lead to a change of the definitions in point 8 - which now probably would show E3: if(D3=1;A2;0) - that is, if D3=1, then write the word of A2, else write 0 - or was it A4 instead. The criteria seemed partwise to attach to the column they applied to. Since it took some time before I discovered this, the shift may have happened once or even twice (or even thrice?) and then the words printed for selection could come out quite differently.

5) If it still is difficult to verify the lists I have made, I can fancy yet another possible error source: If column A is removed from the defining spreadsheet and a new column is entered which is not the same length, one could imagine - if it is longer - that the necessary filling-in of the additional cells of columns B-E in principle could deviate from the original cells. I cannot remember that this happened and I dont think that it did but it is a possible error source that will affect only a part of the selection - and hence could add additional oddities.

For the interpretation of these strange selections, it is clear that the odd behaviour will have interest only if it corresponds to some aspect of the human reality or language faculty or semiotic endowment. It is noticed that selecting the word immediately after a double-word in the alphabetized list probably amounts to function 15 in my TEQ, while using the reduction criterion of removal of more than 2 occurrences will come closer to function 16. The present study believes that these have explanatory value - but that is an empirical matter which is determined on by the comparison of the resulting list of words with the 1071 verses from Matthew.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 20 september 2019
Last updated 11 october 2019