Were Kennedy constructed for the history?

John Bjarne Grover

The biographies seemingly do not mention that Wittgenstein was a PTRSIM PIK (what a grandiose error not to tell this! It is probably only for making it possible to make another one - seems to be me, in fact) and that he got his 'billighetserstatning' in advance. He did not want the history so he gave his inherited money away rather than accepting the problems - I dont know if he knew what it was, though. His rich parents had perhaps let US president Grover Cleveland in to masturbate on the young Ludwig's brain - and the 'newborn' and suddenly 'divine' president thereafter went back to new successes for the US democrat party - he won the next election by his campaign slogan of getting the protection taxes off. This could have been part of the reason why the story is not told - but that is no reason any longer.

It is therefore, since this is not generally known today, not possible for a normal person to understand that his book submissions of his Tractatus to 1) Jahoda & Siegel (publisher of 'Die Fackel'), 2) Braumüller, 3) Reclam, 4) Ludwig von Ficker - before he gave up and sent his manuscript to Bertrand Russell who found a venue for it in Germany in Wilhelm Ostwald's "Annalen der Natur-Philosophie" (1921 or 1922). The rejection by Jahoda & Siegel seems to have led to the holocaust, Braumüller to the world war (brawl-miller?), Reclam to the klaps on walls treat in 1929 which led to Hitler - while the accept of it by Ostwald in "Annalen der Natur-Philosophie" seems to have been the background of the Kennedy assassination by Oswald. This is one strong reason why Kennedy could have been an agent. The other strong reason is that the one and only book which Wittgenstein got published on his own initiative was his 'Wörterbuch für Volksschulen', which seems possibly to have led to a construction of the three Kennedy names and ÖVP = 'Österreichische Volkspartei' after the war:

Wörterbuch für Volksschulen
Partei buch für Volks schulen
Volkspartei uschlenbuchfür
Volkspartei Österreichische

which thereby looks like a very essential definition of the 'Kennedy clan'. It is hard to believe that the Kennedys could fit that well into the words of the book Wittgenstein had written - or that the typographer had been an agent so lucky with his design of the book that the boyish 'graffiti' pattern by coincidence came to look like the names of the Kennedy brothers. When Jens A.Boyesen was called to norwegian PM Gerhardsen's government only 5-6 hours before the Oswald shot in Dallas, that could be telling of the 'boyish' graffiti being probably no coincidence. This 'twilight' symbolism could have been taken as significant. It would probably not have been difficult to find an agent by name 'Oswald' to act as assassin in Dallas, but when the twilight duel style (the shot came from a window high up on a wall - a library or toilet or whatever - and in toilets there are often graffitis 'klapsed' on the walls) was the 'contents' of the alleged assassination, it should mean substantial reason turned around - as if it should have been evidence that one could not come around and hence it was so to speak proven that Kennedy was an agent and such a president they did not want. But since the evidence looks goodenough it rather means that it was Kennedy himself who had made the alleged (and hence theater) assassination.

What the Kennedy assassination really means, therefore, is that ÖVP is an offspring from the US democrat party or the international power liga which could have constructed the Kennedys and had infiltrated the democrats in order to make a president through them.

The Kennedys are catholics. The international unconstitutional power liga looks (to me) like the following scheme:

It looks like a jumping jack, a 'sprelman', which in principle could be pulled from Rome and the Vatican.

It seems that there is enough evidence in the magnet resonance scan of my brain for the conclusion that I was opened in early childhood. The question is whether John F.Kennedy himself was present or if only his name was. If it can be concluded that Kennedy was an agent for the international power liga, it is natural to conclude also that he could have been present himself in july 1957 - in which case the phenomenon of the 12 years 2 months and 12 days between the foundation of ÖVP and my birth, an interval used in apparently much international terror, is evidence that the ÖVP is essentially based and constructed on basis of abuse of possibly only my single person.

I have never in any way been informed about this. (Possible claims that I have been informed would be untrue - or ridiculous e.g. in the sense of being informed by the Grövers or Kennedy himself in july 1957). Claims that this construction should be to my advantage (that it could contribute to 'lift me up' etc) must likewise be considered at best irrelevant, could be ridiculous is the word.

That should under all normal circumstances mean that ÖVP is to be considered an illegal party which should be forbidden by international law. The austrian voters who are not informed about this story are badly cheated and the democracy does not function on such a historic background. It is likely that the voters vote for me, quite simply - and cannot discover the swap mechanism. ÖVP seems to be the same as the construction of a new Hitler - and that was the end of the state.

Why do they vote for me? I have shown how the political Burgenland power phenomenon can be dismantled and the power be taken out of this illegal power pump - and therefore my work is a strong contribution to the freedom and future of the state of Austria as a non-nazi country. This is likely to be what the ÖVP voters vote for - but then they are badly cheated if it is the international power liga they have voted for.

In the mean time - while we are waiting for the story to be told in public - the only way for political interests to protest against this power factor is to protest against the influx of 'immigrants' (see this ad for FPÖ up these days) - and then it looks like a quasi-racist movement - as if they dont want more negros etc. (Likewise, it could look like the flooding of asylum seekers and the accept of them is the same as an accept of foreign 'kennedys' disguised as authentic citizens - this unfortunate mix is the reason why the story must be told). This leads to the ridiculous left-right dimensionality in politics. The real dimensionality is unconstitutional = 'mafia' power vs constitutional = 'democratic' power. It is the unconstitutional power which is Hitler - whose party was a Labour party. But Hitler was right-wing, wasnt he? How come you call him Labour? It is that ridiculous left-right dimensionality which is too anachronistic today.

The Burgenland power mystery (which also seems to be the origin of the name of Pentagon via Pamhagen on the Burgenland border) seems to be solved with my 'POLAKK English Bloggi' - a series of 366 (365+1) poems. It is my poetry which seems to solve this political problem and thereby contribute to the independence and future of the state of Austria as a non-nazi country.

If it is ÖVP who have borrowed/stolen my poetry notebooks and use them for designing their political activities, then it would be a matter of deliberate and outright swindle - in order to cheat the voters into believing that ÖVP are the same as me and my poetic authorship - including that solution to the Burgenland power mystery. The quick action with Wallmarts ('klaps on walls treat'?) shooting in El Paso in USA one and a half hour after I discovered that I had forgotten the rucksack in the church (the shooting seems to have started about the time when I re-entered the church in search of the forgotten rucksack) as well as e.g. the recent shooting spree in Frankfurt which on basis of the 12 years interval looked like 'me' shooting around - these seem to be telling of the role of international terror for this swap mechanism of ÖVP with me.

The 12 years interval

I here mention a particularly strong example - which also leads to an understanding of the possible 'meaning' contained in the Frankfurt shooting (in case it was a political action, that means). 'Be a salmon' = 'være sammen' = 'be together' = be 'in-sieme'. 'Være salmen' = 'be the HYMN' = 'be the HYMEN' of Burgenland power. 'Be a salami' - cp. 'Dar-es-Salaam'. This looks like a construction on L-M which could be significant of (Gro) Harlem (Brundtland) = HAR-LEM = 'har labb, ja' = 'Halabjah' in Iraq that was the target of a cyanide gas tragedy very similar to the one of Bhopal after the death of Indira Gandhi - flanking equidistantly (in time) the death of PAS (Petter Andre Syversen) in Botswana by Gabarone for the 'hot dog' symbolism in the bombings of the US embassies in Dar-es-Salaam ('there is the salami') and Nairobi ('now it is up in it' - cp. 'Gabarone') on 7 august 1998 - exactly on the day 12 years after the death of PAS. These 12 years are apparently the cue for the relation of Kennedy and ÖVP via me as the 'secret link' in the New Yorker construction. (I had the exact date 7 august 1986 of the death of PAS from the internet database source ALEX for the newspaper 'Aftenposten' - but only from the cue words coming up when the database listed the search results - on the form something like '...died last thursday in Botswana...' as excerpt from an article dated some days later). I think the story was that Gro Harlem Brundtland had just become norwegian PM (in the temporal proximity of the Chernobyl disaster) when PAS got a stipend for going to Botswana for educating in journalism on that country where he died on 7 august 1986 - and the US embassies were bombed on 7 august 1998 when I was writing my appeal to the rejection of my doctorate degree so that it looked (along with the bombing of Omagh) as if my appeal were written by terror telling "rejected on a political basis" - at the time when Harlem Brundtland was called to the job as chief of the international doctorate organization WHO. Today it looks as if all this story served to lend punch to the role of ÖVP - could be for the construction of a new 'Mahayana' Hitler - by way of the role of mine. Indeed, when there recently was a shooting spree in Hanau in Frankfurt, that looks like a 'frankfurter' sausage (it is, if I have got it right, the german name of the 'wiener' sausage) lifted by hand into the 'au' of Gabarone - cp. also the mid = 'mitten' of the second 'syversen' - and it thereby looks as if my appeal were written by way of terror, like in 1998. That seems to be a pattern - that such terror could be taken to look like an interpretation of my writings - as if I were the 'beast of terror'. Indeed the program could be just such a 'New Judaism' which a 'Mahayana' Hitler could come to be the flagship of. But that could be just the format of the role-turning a la an Apollo program - or Appeal-o program.

"Rejected on a political basis" was the 'semantics' of the bombings of august 1998. It was my doctorate dissertation ('A waist of time') that was rejected. I have speculated whether I got the university stipend ('research fellow') in Bergen 1995-98 on basis of external financing - I have not much proof of this but it is notable that among the three stipends announced for 1995, one was given to an applicant in religion history/theory and as much as two of these three stipends were given to applicants for the small linguistics institute - that sounds perhaps a little like confessing 'external financing' - which could have been 'on a political basis' (financed by 'Statoil', so to speak?). Also, the first time (1995) I spoke with 'Person', responsible for employee and personal matters, he was just in a phone and asked me to wait outside for a moment, and when he called me in by voice (I think, if I remember right, that he called me in from behind the closed door and that it was not me who just tried again after some time - but maybe I am not too certain on this potentially essential point) and I opened the door, he was just putting ('re-jecting'?) the receiver down on the telephone fork while turning and looking at me. After the rejection in 1998, I spoke with Dagfinn Føllesdal on the phone and he repeatedly used the word 'click' - like hearing a 'click' or even Moore than one in the phone. (It was Russell and Moore who accepted Wittgenstein's Tractatus for the doctorate degree, and it was after Moore's death that Wittgenstin got the professorship after him). 'Repülögép' is hungarian for 'airplane', 'flying apparatus' - 'ülö' = 'sitting', 'gép' = 'apparatus'. Re-pölse-gép could be just that renewed attempt to get the hotdog ('pölse') into the gep 12 years later - while the crash of the Air Egypt is a famous story about an 'N' written in the air at 0047 ('telephone prefix for Norway') in the hour when summer time turned to winter time and Clinton was going to Oslo for an official visit. 'Chernobyl' --> 'Byl-cher-nob'. The conclusion could be that I had got a research fellow stipend for writing my doctorate - more or less rejected in advance on a political basis - under external financing from the 'moore', the official mother - for making it possible to claim later that my career and degrees were all by 'external financing' - for example for ideas that I could be an 'external' scandalous offspring from a royal. Hungarian 'több mint' = 'more than', cp. 'moren' = 'the mother'. Is 'mint' the essential secret of the 'asparagus bubbles' in the bathtub? The name of Hans Magnus Enzensberger (friend of Nelly Sachs) could perhaps be taken to include such ideas. The strategy could be for a future to make claims that all my achievements were organized by the intelligence services only - and if my stipend in Bergen were externally financed and pre-allotted to me and other exams etc could be reduced to pre-organized (by 'intelligence agents' etc) due to royal offspring scandal etc, then there could be little left to support the idea that it was I who had written my books. A 'sprelman' only. My conclusion is over and over again that the 'services' of the unconstitutional power needed the blue metre PEB for protecting their intrigues based on the Burgenland power mystery and could not make that blue metre themselves and therefore constructed me for writing it - but the construction included a mechanism for later takeover of the authorship. All that would, though, be but dirty unconstitutional intrigues only. Could be similar intrigues were made for Wittgenstein: Apart from his Tractatus it was only his Wörterbuch that was published in his lifetime - cp. my 'Musikus' publication. There are other similarities - I was also teacher in a small village school for some time and hence the 3 years as research fellow at a university correspond to his 8 years as professor in Cambridge.

'More than' adds by the evidence in Kursk and Cole another 2 months to the 12 years, and the remaining 12 or more days can probably be added by other tricks.

The Apollo issue

There is the theory that I should have apologized to the english queen for having sent an email to Buckingham without a formal heading. It was because I could not find out exactly which heading would be right that I dropped it. 'Your royal highness', 'your royal monarch' etc - I felt that if I chose the wrong heading it could be felt as an insult and therefore I dropped it.

The Apollo issue is this:

1) A man with a red scarf steps into a crowded bus and when the bus starts he bumps slightly into a co-passenger and immediately produces an 'Entschuldigung', a 'sorry' or 'scuse me' or even 'I apologize': That is natural and right and means that it was not the intention to cross the border. It was not bad intention, it means.

2) A man with a red scarf steps into a crowded bus and another man standing inside there feels that the red scarf has been put on deliberately as a sign telling that the man already in the bus has to hang himself because the society wants him to: He feels deeply insulted by the red scarf and demands an apology. Of course the man with red scarf could have apologized if he had put the scarf intentionally on for such purposes - but he did not know about this other man in advance and the red scarf was not put on for such reasons. He is sorry for the man who feels hurt and can assure him that the scarf was not for hurting his feelings. If the insulted man does not give in but demands a apology, otherwise he must contact his lawyer etc etc - then of course it is not right to apologize since it would mean that he was part of the conspiracy out for taking that man in the bus - and can risk things thereby. It would be untrue to apologize under such circumstances. What is right is to assure the man with the feelings that it was not for hurting his feelings - and clearly if the 'insulted' man still is not convinced about this, he suffers from a problem which it is not the co-traveller's task to solve.

This is the story if it be demanded that I apologize to the queen for not having put a heading on the email. "Why dont you apologize like you do in a bus if you bump into somebody due to the bus' movements - it costs you nothing and is only right and natural". I am the first to assure that there was no bad intention in sending the email without a heading - on the contrary that was done for avoiding hurting feelings. There were only friendly intentions in the email. This is to apologize in the right way - but I cannot apologize in the sense of 'confessing' or 'admitting' that I had sent it with bad intentions.

But it seems that the purpose contained in such feelings due to 'missing heading' could be ascribed to the chinese sign SHOU = Mathews 5839 (radical 185) which means 1) 'head' (on the human body and heading generally), chief, leader, a general word for poems, plays etc, and 2) to come forwards, to confess guilt. It looks like the sign for the 'self' with a tray with 2 cups of tea or whatever thereupon:

The tray with the two cups of tea thereupon is balancing on the 'pressure'. The self of radical 132 can be obtained by way of a 'cup of T' on radical 185 - see 'put pressure onto this' and the relevance even of 'freedom and independence' - here of the state of Austria. Cp. also the issue of 'twilight'. This idea of a 'cup of tea/T' seems to be present in business here and there (isnt there a telecom firm called '......T..'?).

What was the guilt? If it is without heading then it is not possible to confess guilt, according to this chinese logic. Could be this is the reason for the hurt feelings - that the pressure for confession of guilt in the state of England can be removed by removing the head. This is in chinese logic - and with enough emphasis on this problem, the chinese script will attain a defining role and the triangular sign could come to receive an explanatory force. That is when the interests are not out for solving the problem but rather for making it a lasting contribution to the semiotic state of the society. But this could mean only that massive weight is put on the role of the chinese script - and hence the 'Bermuda triangle' or 'jumping jack' sign above for understanding the political situation by way of chinese script. In fact the names of the current chinese leaders can also be read as telling that this triadic sign (apparently pronounced 'SI') is the story. Could be one even could take it as a sign that a new 'big-wagon' = 'Mahayana' Hitler could be coming up in the horizon after the 'small-wagon' = 'Hinayana'.


There seems to be reasons to assume that ÖVP in Austria can be historically connected to Kennedy in USA via the tacit historic role of me - and that the trick simply seems to be to swap roles. This means that if nazism comes to develop in Europe again - from this ÖVP/US-dems construction - the role assigned to me could be the scapegoat onto whom the blame is planned to be dumped. But little me, a very insignificant person in history, could of course not really be blamed (even if some could be dreaming of a new 'Jesus' by PTRSIM PIK), but if Paul Celan and Nelly Sachs are my genetic parents, the scapegoat could be planned to be jewish genetics - for renewed antisemitic persecutions for 'taking the beast of terror'. It is well possible that this was the trick of Hitler as well - on background of Wittgenstein and possibly Grover Cleveland. Of course it should not be permitted to let this happen again. It should be easy to tell the story and prevent that the swap cheats the people as much as it did in the 20th century. It is not me who should be persecuted or driven from the country - it is then rather ÖVP who should be forbidden by international law.

Were there reasons to believe that Kennedy was a construction for this program? The two reasons I have mentioned above seem to have been the background of the Kennedy assassination - by the shot from the 'twilight'/'toilet' at the library up on the wall in Dallas - and this could have suggested that he organized the assassination as theatre. If so, one can also guess that he could have been present at an opening of me in 1957 - and these reasons are the basis for assuming that ÖVP can have been constructed on basis of abuse of my person.

Finally, this 'twilight'/'toilet' graffiti form is apparently shared by 1) the defining excerpts from Wittgenstein's Wörterbuch, 2) the 11th photo from the Danube Island (cp. my study of the sign WO on basis of the 2nd photo, as well as the chinese film for my photo 11 compared with the excerpt from my 'Der Dornenstrauch' part 4 'Die Schönheit der Welt' poem 3 given in this file - search for 'DDS part 4 poem 3'), 3) the triadic SI sign itself (with the 'jump' from Berlin to London). Hence if this be the defining political form, it could even be the origins of the names of the Kennedys - in which case it is permitted to wonder whether their names were made after the publication of the 'Wörterbuch' in 1926 - or if it really were before.

PS There have been two burglaries ('Bergen-ies'? 'Berger-ies'?) in my house in Szolnok - after the last the Steiermark election was held earlier than planned - making it half a year after the burglary and in this election ÖVP won quite a lot. It is not nice to see how violence against my house can lead to progress for ÖVP - and one fancies what this can mean for future politics relative to e.g. jewish genetics. I was in Szolnok some days ago for the reading of the gas metre - but the gas had been turned off and my computer collapsed due to whatever reason - it seems to be a failure in the power supply inside the computer - see above 'for political interests to protest against this power factor'. It is possible that this could lead to new progress for ÖVP-related politics - and there is also a presidential election coming up in USA. It is not the least from the viewpoint of such possibilities that the idea of a closedown of ÖVP due to illegal construction could be of interest. It must be understood that the holocaust was a massive 'go' for the nazi interests in the west after the war - and it is now extremely important that we now can come down to zero and start seeing reality the right way again - and do not repeat the tragic blurring of reality for yet another time.

Added 6 march 2020: I should perhaps add that there is a certain 'Vorläufer' symbolism in the political landscape - in the sense of the fore-runner before the real 'wagon'. Heinz-Christian Strache (whose name could mean that fore-runner in front of the man-on-wagon) used to be chief of FPÖ - he was vice chancellor in the government of ÖVP chancellor Sebastian Kurz when Süddeutsche Zeitung published surveillance data from Ibiza on the internet (on 17 may around 1814 o'clock - it was on 28 may that I came to my house in Szolnok and found it burglared - I had not been there for some weeks - and the new election in Steiermark - originally scheduled for 2020 - came half a year later and was won by ÖVP). Strache resigned from party chief and vice chancellor positions. (FPÖ pulled out of the government, the chancellor was subsquently thrown by inconfidence vote in the parliament, and Bierlein's interim government (I had the feeling that people were quite happy about it) followed untill new election and Kurz was back in government again around the time of new year and the Soleimani story in Iraq). Strache eventually pulled out of FPÖ as well (what happened? was the fore-runner squeezed out by a sort of 'coup'?) and has now re-entered politics for the Vienna elections in the new party DAÖ ('Die Allianz für Österreich'). The question is to what extent all this is shrill alarm on the current times. 'Sebastian Kurz' is a name which probably can mean 'scenario kurz' = the short scenario when the boy in front (the fore-runner) pulls the wagon with the 'bust'-sized man on it across the street and lets the wagon bump into the curbstone while the boy disappears in the background and the rope probably falls down. The curb-bump is when the wagon with the man on starts lifting magically up and that is perhaps the classic for a politician who wants to rise to power. The socalled 'Ibiza affair' could perhaps be seen to have been a story concerning the one who 'biza' ('bized') in july 1957 - the initial 'I' is also Molde dialect for 1st person singular, as in english. The essential question (of the possible shrill alarm) is perhaps whether the current times is a preparation time for the 'big wagon' of a new Hitler. My interpretation of the story of what happened with the vice chancellor is that this is what happened with the (vice) chancellor - in my view it could mean that ÖVP should be closed down if they function by means of abuse of a single person - for example with rooting in 'i-biza' in Molde in july 1957. (There could also be alarm on abuse of surveillance data - how these data led to the squeeze-out of Strache from his party - would it concern my own work and abuse of surveillance data?). I dont know if this is how Strache sees the story but in my view it is a possible interpretation. To close such a big party as ÖVP is no small matter - there are many lifetime politicians working there - but they could of course try again under new name and strategy.

Added on 8 march 2020: An interpretation of the metaphysics of 'eating' was given (at the end of the article, just before the 'PS') by the quote from DDS part 4 = 'Die Schönheit der Welt' poem 3 stanza 2: "Das ist die tiefere Intention: / Zu sehn über eigenen Schultern. / Das ist das Essen: Die eigene Vision / zu sehn in den eigenen Kulten". An interpretation of the metaphysics of 'drinking' can be seen in the exact mirror point to the same 16-poem DDS part 4 - that is in poem 14 stanza 4: "Die Bergman Suite in dunklem Rot / als wär' die Sonne verschwunden / ist wieder wie ein elftes Gebot / auf Tafelstein gefunden". This 'Bergman suite' is here the images from the film in parallel with my photos while the 'Tafelstein' would be that top of the mountain with the 'crowned frog' . Then the 'elftes Gebot' is photo 11. 'Der Dornenstrauch' was completed in 2015 (and Mount Everest trembled thereupon) and I found the chinese film in 2016.

Added on 2 july 2020:

The Fatima issue

For a more extensive discussion, see this article.

On 2 july 2020 I found the article Who are John F. Kennedy’s Siblings? on the internet. (It mentions that the last sibling died a few days ago). I had looked up the Vatican site with the portuguese of the original text of Sister Lucia of Fatima, the description of the third secret of Fatima of 1917, and considered it for some textual studies when I found that the secret itself (written in 1944) started after the 7 introductory words (it starts on 'vimos ao lado esquerdo...'). These seem to be somewhat related to the names of the 7 siblings of JFK. The article mentions the 8 Kennedy siblings in the order of JFK, Jean, Rosemary, Patricia, Kathleen, Eunice, Robert, and Ted (aka Edward) which seems relevant to the 7 first words:

0     J.M.J. = Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr, 1915

1     Depois = despot = president JFK, 1917
2     das = Jean Ann, 1928
3     duas = Rosemary, 1918 (= mad-trick Kennedy?)
4     partes = Patricia, 1924
5     que = Kathleen Cavendish, 1920
6     já = Eunice, 1921
7     expus = Robert, 1925

8     vimos = Edward, 1932

How many words are in the rest of the secret? If one takes apagavam-se as one word, one gets 257 words for the mystery, otherwise 258. A 'pushdown'. If one includes the first 7 words it gets into 264-265. Aligning these two columns makes for a sort of mini-PTRSIMPIK matrix: (257 or 258) * 948/(1071 or 1067) takes it to 'estavam dois', roughly the same with the other column.

Could be this is something. ESTAVAM is the word. The hungarian railways are called, as tells the voice as soon as the train has crossed the Burgenland border, for MAV-START. If the text is sorted alphabetically, the place of ESTAVAM corresponds roughly to the word SOBREIRO, the cork-oak mentioned in the secret on roughly the mid point (take the last date to be a word). PETER's in PICK would have been the holy father in the secret.

But clearly hysteric mysticism on Lucia's words is not fair. The reason for the hysteria would have been that Hitler's nazism could have been taken to be a fulfillment of the third secret even if she had never written it down before 1944 - but after she had written it, the world war was soon over.

The question is, therefore, whether the Kennedys were recognized as the first words of the secret - as a sort of 'pushdown'. I notice the function of 'se'. Hysteric mysticism on Lucia's words (number of words etc) should be avoided, though.

Source for the chinese signs:

Mathews, R.H.: Chinese-English Dictionary. (A Chinese-English Dictionary Compiled for the China Inland Mission by R.H.Mathews, Shanghai: China Inland Mission and Presbyterian Mission Press, 1931). Revised american edition 1943. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 5 march 2020
Last updated 3 july 2020