'Shijing' as a matrix for unconstitutional power

John Bjarne Grover

Political intrigue for constructing and controlling history by power seems to consist in a series of levels of secrets. It seems that the ancient chinese collection of poetry called SHIJING is the uppermost level, at least as far as I am able to understand. I here outline its functionality such as I understand it from own studies and speculations (I have not had access to or used any classified sources).

The collection consists of 160 poems selected from different regions of ancient China - plus 145 texts of more ritualistic and 'lithurgic' kind - if the latter be considered 'Hymnen' that could be about that 'Hymen' story of the hungarian-austrian border as a possible background for modern 'politics' taking interest in the chinese poems. Tradition tells that it was Confuzius who made the selection and that it is the only literary work of some dimension that survived the tragic book burning of the first emperor of China.

The best example of the political use is - to my knowledge or rather guesswork - Shijing #37, which tells that a leftsided gynaecomasty by folk tradition is because one has sucked on own erection but the fact is, tells the poem, that an 'uncle' masturbated on your newborn brain and this uncle was a Great Warrior - that is the reason. If the 'uncle' is not a great warrior, then the gynaecomasty will not develop. The theory tells that Kennedy masturbated on my newborn brain in july 1957 and thereafter got USA involved in the Vietnam war - for the one and only purpose of combining these two phenomena to a leftsided gynaecomasty on me. The purpose would then not have been this gynaecomasty - but to lend an enormous weight to the poem of Shijing in a way which would be very difficult to discover. That is the top level of secrets in the construction of history, if I have understood it right.

The next example may be more up to date - that is why the idea of the british monarch waiting for an apology from me - the on-masturbated one from 1957. The explanation is in Shijing #90: The first line can be translated 'Rain and gust of devil treason' - the name of my official mother born 'Ragna Augusta Devold Eidsvig' - see this file for the names 'Devold Eidsvig' in the construction of the PTRSIM PIK phenomenon. The rest of the family names, including the name of her husband John Jensen, my official father who changed name to John Gröver in 1946, is in line 3 which in chinese is 'JI JIAN JUN ZI' = 'ji John Jensen'. The title of the poem is 'FENG YU', which could invoke the name of 'Josef Mengele'. 'Fengsele[t]' is norwegian for 'the prison' - and even poem #88 has the title 'FENG'. It seems that by manipulating the chinese signs of line 3 one can reach most details in the birthdates of John Jensen on 27 october 1916, Ragna Eidsvig on 12 may 1929 and me on 29 june 1957 - a point of potential relevance if the purpose is to swap the roles of the official parents with me. Here are the three first lines of Shijing 90 (source Simon 2015):

The poem is, like most of the poems in Shijing, repetitive and it is in the small changes that it happens. This poem seems to be centered on the essential sign JUN in line 3 - it can mean 'monarch, sovereign, supreme ruler, gentleman'. The political trick is just this combined meaning of 'monarch' with 'supreme ruler' of nature, which the poem is about. Here is my translation of this #90 (source for the chinese is Simon 2015):

The (bitter) cold of beating rain and wind,
the birds singing their music:
It sounds as if the Lord himself
speaks foolishly, unpeaceful.

The sound of beating rain and wind,
the birds singing confused:
It sounds as if the Lord himself
speaks foolishly, unhealed.

The dark gloom of the driving storm -
the birdsong is not finished:
It sounds as if the Lord himself
speaks foolishly, unpleased.

('The driving storm' is suggested by Mathews). It is about the feeling of the wrath of nature in a storm - the singing birds tells of the uneasy Lord, then it shifts over to the rising storm which eventually is what gives voice to the divine: Is it God who is waiting for an apology? But when the Vietnam war - and probably much else of comparable dimensions - is what lends weight to the 'significational matrix of Shijing', the interpretation is possible that the poem shifts the authority from God to the monarch - like swapping roles of the official parents - and thereby the authority gets within the reach of unconstitutional power, mafia, secret intelligence etc.

The idea of Ragna Gröver as a mythological offspring from Buckingham and the original heir to the throne (the 'corona'), but sent to Norway for the upbringing of me after Kennedy (the 'virus' = 'man') had been there, is likewise probably to be traced to this poem and line 3. A 'pi' could then be about the hypothesis of a rape of me at age 6 months in Brinken, Kampen, Oslo in late 1957, cp. the story of the burglary of my house in Szolnok and the Steiermark election. But would the hypothetical injection by Ted Kennedy or, say, his name in Hammerfest on possibly 20 january 1959 then be about 'de mic'? 'Mic' old fields? (This record is a sort of 'jam session' with Oldfield playing all instruments - 'I am session' could suggest a call to arms). It is not true that my 'The Endmorgan Quartet' is written 'de mic' from controlling intelligence services or similars: There is a fact which is called 'function 14' which proves that my work has not been under such control but is an independent intellectual work.

Another example is the following #91 which can be interpreted in light of the idea of the Younger Sister having shot Indira Gandhi and therefore leaps out in the gallows - the loop around the neck etc, but there is still hope. The story seems to be contained in the rules of conduct for indian prison guards - if they had raped the assassin there would be 'offspring' in the excrements that leave the body by hanging. (Tone Gröver knitted a jumper for me - it was brown with white spots on it). Rules of conduct could then be seen in the title to poem #89 'Dong men zhi shan' - as if the men had to use 'dongs'. This 'dong' could then be the same as the 'skull' containing the newborn brain when the 'great warrior' masturbated. 'Rules of conduct' seems to be the clue to the story of 'lacking heading' etc. It seems that this story element could borrow much force from the Vietnam war - if Shijing is used as such a strong matrix for history generation.

Even more relevant, perhaps, is #88 'Feng' with lines 7 and 8:

Line 7 = YI JIN JIONG CHANG = clothes elegant coat & skirt = x--o
Line 8 = CHANG JIN JIONG YI = skirt elegant coat & clothes = o--x

followed by the repeat in

LINE 11 = CHANG JIN JIONG CHANG = skirt elegant coat & skirt = o--o
LINE 12 = YI JIN JIONG YI = clothes elegant coat & clothes = x--x

Is this the secret formula of 'Bor-is-John-son'? There could be legs under the 'table' in these signs. It is not impossible that 'John-is Bor-son' or even 'son is jumper' could be recognized as 'Janis Joplin' (from the time of the Vietnam war) if this is relevant to my story. In fact poem #88 can be seen to be about the chinese triadic sign SI - with the 'syntax' of these lines (xo-ox and oo-xx - apparently for the skirt and coat being lifted for a quick sexual intercourse and thereafter lowered again) being the secret in the missing (incomplete) third side. (Is there a certain meeting between the two persons in 'JIN' and some apparent 'table-dancing' in 'JIONG'?)

Poem #87 'Qian chang' is about the two rivers Kwai and Wei - and I recall a film (quite some decades ago) called 'The bridge across Kwai' or something like that - with much whistling in the intro music, I think there was. Cp. the possible role of Quisling in the death of Lenin - potentially contained in one single sign of Shijing #78 about 'Young Brother'. The name of 'Theresa May' could rhyme a little with 'Wei', and what should rhyme with 'Kwai'? It is not about a 'Kveisbook' = a 'pimplebook'?

There seems to exist the idea that England brexited and the corona epidemic broke out because I still lived in Zinckgasse and had not moved out of the country yet (because of Kennedy and the ÖVP and all that, could have been the background of this feeling of the need for moving out of the country). Or would it have been 'after you' if I had 'brexited' first? This weird idea - that brexit has anything to do with my residential address - immediately prompts the question: But then why didnt they find another place for me in another country - I mean, instead of breaking out of EU? Was it the force contained in the Vietnam war...? The idea seems to be around that everybody waited for me to move out of Austria but I had to do it on basis of own efforts and initiative - and then they could give great support to the reason I had for moving out and that should be what turned History around the right way. But, alas, it is well possible that this is but a pretext for lending more weight to #91 which seems to tell in lines 3-4: "[my life qua offspring] went down [relaxed] - I wanted it to rise up again / but did not know how to start [the upwards movement]" wherein the fourth line tells of 'offspring rather not connect/inherit sound/tone' - in the sense of finding no pronounceable reason. It is likely that it is this 'tone' which is the story - not only for 'to ne[d] hele ne[d] g-röver' = the two chains of a prison plank-bed hinged on the cell wall = 'sat-want singh' who was hanged in january 1989 for the murder of Gandhi. But this means that by lending such emphasis to the reason, that I had to move out of Austria on own initiative and efforts and for own 'reasons', it would have redirected the whole story to this single poem. (This 'reason' is likely to be conceived as the same as the clandestine 'raising' of the subject over the city wall in the third and last stanza - thereby the subject who has 'sprung off' is readmitted to the society again = 'lifting the SKÖT' = 'readmission to / grace from the society because of renewed terror/gun-lifting'?).

My guess is that much 'politics' (such as Brexit) can be understood mainly via that matrix of Shijing. It could have been this which was the purpose with Ted Kennedy's 'Chappaquiddick' story - to tell of 'Ski-på-take[t]' = 'skis on the roof [of his Oldsmobile]' = 'ski ging'.

Nobody can pretend that such massive abuse of the ancient chinese poetry will lead to a 'poetic' world. Of course it is the opposite - all this politics is but a rape of those old beautiful poems.

Now for the conclusion: My work 'The Endmorgan Quartet', which could provide a basis for a new understanding of parts of Shijing, is not a 'Kveisbook', not a 'pimplebook'. I have not stolen it from anybody. It is not 'de mic' either - it is written by inner articulations of the poet but these are not under the control of any administration - nor from the Shijing itself, even if the custody parents and possibly others from my upbringing should have been concerned with these chinese poems - at least by names. It can be proven by the internal structure of my work that it is independent of these factors.

Is it the international unconstitutional 'mafia' powers and possibly intelligence services who want to acquire the authority to my work - for using it for 'power manipulation' in the way that Shijing could have been used? That must not happen. My work is my work only, it is not a 'pimplebook', and it must be published on paper with my name on it as the author. This is very important. It is not for 'secret intelligence projects' or for 'international mafia' manipulations. I hope England has not brexited for being part of such an intrigue.

And of course I am not a PRTSIM PIK who chooses the way of history - if I have my residence here in Austria, then corona virus epidemic breaks out, had I lived elsewhere it would not have come about. All such ways of lending 'importance' to me is for the PTRSIM PIK role which is a deep mock only which should not be endorsed by responsible politicians. It would be these politicians who are to blame for the disasters of history, not me. I am the poet, they are the politicians, not the other way round. My 'inner articulations' are not under their authority - but it is very true that there are strong universals in poetic logic and these are present in ancient chinese poetry as well as in my work - but if political intrigue makes use of old chinese poetry, then they have to credit the source properly if they want to be taken seriously. It is not they who have 'controlled' the formation of the ancient chinese poetry - and neither have they controlled the formation of my work. It is not a 'Queisling'-book. 'Inner articulations' occur in the poet when a path is found from the metaphysical elyseum to the historic reality - that path will of course often be consonant with some historic situation or development, but that does not mean that those who controlled the history controlled the poetry.

I mentioned above the idea of 'legs under the table' in the chinese signs of Shijing #88 lines 7-8, wherein the first stanza = line 1 mentions the woman as 'goodlooking', as if it were about the LO part of these signs, while the second stanza = line 4 talks of her as 'glorious', as in the HI part of the last sign 'chang' on line 7 and the first on line 8. (See also my TEQ poem #272 with 'rats under the table'). These 'legs' under the 'wooden table' could associate with the name of the danish author 'Tom Kristensen' who wrote the novel 'Hærværk' - about the destruction of valuables in life when on the 'binge'. It contains a famous poem 'Asiatisk i vælde er angsten' = 'Asian in vastness is the anxiety': 'I have longed towards/for burning cities and human races on the run...'. Hopefully that is not the aim with the 'political' intrigue - but one understands how the constructors of the intrigue could have chosen this book because the name of the author seems to tell of those lines 7-8 and 11-12 with the mixmax symbolism a la syntax - as for the incomplete third side of the chinese sign SI. I notice that if Shijing 88 is taken to mean the beginning of the Oslo report with the Junker 88 or Ju 88 Programm, wherein the 'binge' could include a long wooden Langstrecken table for the Seidels with a 'Sturz' option. 'Gran brøt han J' = 'Fir [spruce] tree broke that J' could refer to this wooden Langstrecke for the 'Grande Bretagne' as the Franken as point 2. The third point could then be the 'FENG-gesteurte Gleiter' of Shijing 88 = 'FENG' etc. I notice that I once had a houseletter who was called 'Gran' when I lived in 'Austmarka' at the swedish border: That 'Austmarka' could here invoke ideas of 'Austria' and 'Steiermark' with the elections 2019 - as well as 'Mike Oldfields' with his solo 'j-am session'. It was while I lived there that I once again did a few selfsucks since the octogon was finally over and I could 'reboot' - however, after such a deep humiliation as the octogon (not really 'Stray-ria'), sex is not very appealing - but the intrigue could perhaps think of the story as 'Gran broke that J' which is not really true, except for that single idea of a few 'selfsucks' in Austmarka in 1983. I travelled in Europe - including Hungary - and moved back to Oslo in 1984. I wrote my first poem in Rome in 1981 - that was something like the short 'God made the word, the word made the swan' or something like that. Paul Celan has an equally short poem 'Der Herr brach das Brot, das Brot brach den Herrn' or something like that (I cannot find it again for the moment - could be it is part of a longer poem). However, more important is the very impressive similarity of Celan's poem 'Der Hengst mit den blühenden Docht' which is poem #15 in his 'Fadensonnen' - that tells of a theme very similar to the front page of my 'The Endmorgan Quartet', a photo I took in Paris - it is a branch that had been torn off a tree in a storm in the night, just like the back page photo is from a tree that had fallen in a storm. The similarity of photo and Celan's poem is a matter of poetic universals. This photo from Paris has high relevance for understanding some aspects of Shijing, just like the back side photo from Vilnius of my work The Endmorgan Quartet is magically interpreted in the ancient chinese poem of Shijing #80 (see comment on the term 'Flakturm' for Shijing #80 line 6). The strong relevance of Celan's 'Hengst' for this front page photo of mine could also have been the reason for the fire of Notre Dame that broke the roof down - a gothic construction of oaken timber that is hard to reconstruct these days - a thousand years ago there were much huge oaks around in the forests while today it is hard to find equivalents. Oak is not 'gran' = 'fir tree' (or 'spruce'), though. However, the fir[e] in the 'Franken' cathedral of Notre Dame could have been for the idea of the official mother (quasi mythological 'Madonna') being involved in the poem Shijing #90 by title and line 3 for the idea of quasi 'custody authority' trying to involve in the work if it is written by 'broken J'. (I do not write my poetry with the penis, though). A great pity indeed to put fire to that cathedral. Now we must hope that the plan is not to call to arms of war for reasons of 'breaking the J' of 'J-am session' of Oldfields. The 'Hengst' of Celan is also very relevant to the horse skull I found in the forest outskirts in 1972 - quite close to the place where I later met Anne Skundberg a few times. This horse skull seemed to have been cleaned by the weather and time as if it had been out there in the rain and storm for quite a few years. It is an interesting idea that it could have been an ex nihilo skull - could be even in extension from Celan's poem - thereby ex nihilo a la the inner poetic articulations of mine for the work 'The Endmorgan Quartet'. I dont know where the horse-skull came from: If it had been put out there 'feng-gesteurt' by the political intrigue, that could even have been for precisely the similarity with Celan's poem, but, frankly, I dont think so.

We must hope that puerile war-romanticisms (as political intrigue) for involving into my work can be stopped (I am not talking about any particular persons).

PS 'John-is-Bor-son' could be a theme of current relevance: I get a monthly sum transferred in norwegian 'kroner', a sort of 'coronas', which is changed into euros. Normal amount has for a long time been stable around 980 or so euros - this (that is, most recent) month the value of the 'kroner' suddenly dived right before my money were changed and then went up again soon thereafter, leaving only 804 euros this month. It is easy to mob me in this way, as if I were a sort of 'Qveisling' who has to hurry to the border for being pulled over in a basket. (Something similar happened when I should pay the house in Szolnok in 2015 - then the forint fell from 305 or so to 275 when I changed and thereafter it went up again). Please stop that sort of mythomaniac mobbing of me - I am not in politics, I am only a normal private person who has spent much time on being out of politics and its mythos circus (including burglaries and elections?). There is no reason to persecute or mob me. In such cases, maybe the bank could buy my 'kroner' for an average (of some time interval sufficient for making such things uninteresting) and sell them again when their value has gone up?

Added on 5 april 2020: 'K' after two letters - 'social media'

It seems that the corona virus could be systematically connected with the idea of inserting a 'K' after the two first letters in a word. I discovered the phenomenon partly via an intense itch (X-Um?) on the inside of the left knee, which could be a 'low' version of a leftsided gynaecomasty, as if the right leg formed an angle in towards the left knee, partly I understood how 'Twitter' could relate to my once Fredrikstad classmate and friend Trygve Tveterås from Marmorveien (visavis the other classmate and friend Knut Stene Johansen): Tveterås later educated in biochemistry (virology?) and took a job at NYCO (farmaceutic, I think) factories in Oslo. If NYCO had been NYMFO it would have made sense relative to the 'quicktour' which can be seen to be the theme of the Shijing poem 88 for John-is-Bör-son (the quicktour dive and up again of the corona in march) vs Son-is-Jumper - for the possible mixmax of the name of 'Boris Johnson' with me. 'Tryvannstårnet' - the TV tower at 'Tryvann' in Oslo, the LINK for TV transmissions at least in my childhood, when TV sets still stood on TREB-en = wooden legs. It used to be on the 'front page' of norwegian broadcasting, the 'intermission image' was it, sth like that, while waiting for the real program (evening news) to begin. It could mean the 'social media' of my childhood - Kweisbook, Quicktour etc.

NYMFO = 'quick tour behind a shed' before the bus comes. Grøver/'Mengele' said 'e må pisse' and went behind a wooden shed, and a few minutes later he returned as another person.

John Bjarne Grover = 'Jochen BIKa-rne GiK-rover' = 'the boustrophedons' (way of writing lines in early greek literature), the oxen (hungarian BIKA) pulling the plough back and forth on the field to be ploughed. Fox t[r]ail back and forth - of Shijing 37 as the reason for the Vietnam war - hence an initial F. (For Israel?)

The cook got a package of fat ghosts from Pakistan
Kokken fikk en pakke med tjukke spöklser fra Pakistan
John Fitzgerald Kennedy med 20 [s]pölser fra posten

JFK got squids from Pakistan? Spooks? The cook ran for a marry-can? Gene fat-ghosts Canada = fat ghosts from Pakistan? Bakruch Obkama = the NYMFO-maniac asking for a quick tour (Shijing 88). Oslo Report, the Oslo Accord etc. Everybody wear 'purdah' these days, not 'purka'. Should one 'lift the SKÖrT'? Seems to be a story about the name of Kennedy - with 'ice-real'.

The corona epidemic forces people to keep up distance to each other - it can be the 'divide' of a 'divide-and-conquer' strategy for making power. One can speculate that if a later crash on 'börsen' = the stockmarket is planned, that could bring 'conquer' power to the 'son-is-jumper' - but of course not to a gynaecomasty 'jumper'. Are they 'turning on the gender' for a power-pump transmission to the US democrat party? Or is it for making a new Hitler?

'Turning on the gender' can be very insulting, like throwing a lump of humid excrements on the white wedding dress of a bride - "dont worry, it's only a detail for turning it on the gender, no problem" - the wet excrement had been brought in a 'plastic pose' for imitating the wedding photo. Such 'turning on the gender' can destroy a lot for a life, its optimism and enthusiasm, and can be no minor matter.

(For the burglary of my house in Szolnok in probably may 2019, a jack of very flat, thin, hard steel must have been used on the outer gate since the door and frame were intact but the latch was bent nearly 90 degrees when the gate went 'ÖUP'. It is a little incredible how the wooden gate could have been broken up in this way, since the wood closed very tightly into the iron frame which also contained the latch in the same iron - so one speculates that a 'dirty trick' could have been used - that the gate first had been opened with a stolen key and the latch thereafter being bent with a very specially built powerful tool to create the impression that it had been bent when the door was burglared open. Would it be called 'hukk[e] sei in'? Whether this powerful jack also could have lifted 'Ösz' utca 'öup' over Tél and Rege utcas, I dont know. If the purpose should have been that the bride had done it herself, brought the excrements and leaked it out onto the white wedding dress, one could speculate that somebody long ago had left the excrements inside the head of the bride and she had consumed 'natrium wolframat' - the second word sounds natural for a wedding but the first is perhaps not self-evident - except for the idea of turning the 'history' of the distribution of 3 items in my function 14 into 2 and only 2 for the 'fundamental theorem of linguistics' - that shifts it from history over into a sort of 'eternity' or at least synchrony beyond diachrony - some would perhaps say that this is more essential to a wedding than the 'wolframat' is. 'Natrium wolframat' drains the body of molybden and then the brain nerve cell walls - in the 'think can' of the cranium - dissolve and the excrements will break in - burglar style - and can follow the nerves out to the outermost skin which then turns dark, and that could explain the story with the stained wedding dress. However, the excrements in the head can not have come there by self-suck if the bride is a female, unless gynaecomasty by Shijing #37 counts as female. I did not force open the gate, though - I have the key and have not given it to a burglar. What was the reason for the death of Jan Peder Syse soon after the election night, I dont know, if he had swallowed 'natrium wolframat' or what it was. The idea of 'colour of the skin' could be part of the mystery with the burglared gate. But Shijing #37 tells that such self-suck is but an illusion which cannot produce the gynaecomasty - it is the presence of the Great Warrior who makes it - could be the 'political' trick is that only this can solve the otherwise apparently unsolvable paradox - and thereby also lend even stronger explanatory force to the role of Shijing as a matrix for unconstitutional power. Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen was appointed new EU leader in july 2019 - which I believe was good news - an interesting name).

How can a Wall Streer crash be avoided? An anti-crash emergency economy could be constructed which is an international 'lifejacket' system - on basis of a natural economy with fix international values called 'moni': 1 bread (min.500g) = 1 moni, 1 pack of household drink (juice, milk, water) = 1/4 moni - the same price and currency for all countries who join the emergency system. A 'moni' can be about a euro or dollar, divided into 100 'coins'. 1 bicycle = 300 moni. Bicycle repair = 30 moni or 10 per hour, tells the international catalogue. A business owner pays employees in moni (monthly salary for a shop worker is so-and-so, anywhere in the world) and gets extra from the state (the banknote press) if needed. An extensive catalogue is made for all countries and the prices cannot go neither up nor down. It is not for an expansive economy - it is only a lifejacket for the case of the economic system having crashed and sunk in the ocean. All parts of the society can use it untill confidence is regained and one can switch back to market economy. This will take the bottom out of a stockmarket crash since there is little to gain politically from it - the mafia will not have a great time. It is a form of ration card but more generalized to be exchanged against anything. There could be the advance option of buying 'moni' as a small family reserve just in case - if the crash starts, shops and all parts of the society will soon switch to moni and just let the ordinary currency go down the drain. An estate owner lets out flats to people and is dependent on the monthly income for paying the loan on the house to the bank - but with moni payment the income is less than normal (one square metre rent is internationally regulated to, say, 10 moni per month or a max of 1000 per unit) and he cannot pay the bank but the bank can get the moni in the mean time and avoid bankruptcy. The whole market system will be suspended while the society sits there watching it go down the drain, then wait for it to come up again in a basket and then we can continue. The lifejackets take the whole purpose out of a crash. Stock emissions and things like that cannot be made in 'moni' and it is only little more advanced than things against things. A state bank gives loans in moni for building houses etc and these are repaid without interests: A loan of 100.000 moni to build a house is repaid in rates of 10.000 per year through 10 years or 5000 through 20. The catalogue must be made and 'moni' banknotes printed that can be used all over the world. Banks handle people's moni accounts and take enough to survive. The system wills start functioning only if a crash starts - and that is supposed to be difficult to make. Hitler probably got a lot of power through the depression - and this lifejacket system should be able to prevent it. It is not the most elegant jacket in town, but gee how good it is to have under such circumstances. One notices that the system could have certain 'communist' qualities that could make the intellectual life blossom - which could explain the paradox how many intellectuals seem to support politics that could lead to an economic crash: That would, though, be for the intellectual blossom in such a rescue economy (which is the only sensible solution under such circumstances) and not for the mafia control that otherwise could arise. If the system settles and extensive catalogue adjustments start, one can make a secondary 'poni' system to take the bottom out of a crash of the new market economy - and so forth.

Added on 6 april 2020: I found the photos I took of the gate-door in Szolnok after the burglary: Here is the wooden gate-door seen from its outside part, and here is the same wooden gate-door seen from its inside part. I took the photos (dated 28 may 2018 on my camera) after the police probably had looked at it and probably still were investigating - I tried to knock the latch back in straight shape with a hammer (in the hope of being able to use the same lock) - the only tool I found after the burglar had stolen all my carpentry and other tools - but had to give up before it had become totally straight again since the last millimetres would not give in. My unprecise hammering hit the wood a few times - that is the two semi-circular impressions seen on the wood on the outside - the doorwood material is otherwise completely intact on the outside. On the inside one can see the clear 'bissmarcks' from a strong clamphold sort of tool that had been pressed into the frame - but these two diagonal impressions seem to have been there before the burglary. The mystery seems to obtain that there were no signs of force used on the door for bending the latch aside - but of course a specially built tool, holding on 3-4 sides of the door - could have made it. The purpose with this story could have been to create the idea of 'virgin conception' - the tool had managed to get ('hukked') inside before it forced the door open - while bending the latch aside. (It was not an angel that had opened the door? - like the grave of Jesus?) If the plan is to launch a new Hitler in Germany, it could of course be on basis of the role of the marian cult in catholicism vs protestantism: See my article on PEB line 12 and 14, such as the following excerpt: "The interesting corollary to this theory is that it sheds some light on the controversy of protestantism (such as anglicanism) and catholicism in the sense of a possible 'fear of catholic secularization' nourished by protestantism when they saw this 'lid of scientific scholarship' rising in the idea that the resurrection of Jesus could have come to mean not much more more than a skeleton format of the birth of his mother Mary - in the sense that if history in a very general sense of it repeats itself within a cycle of 1000 years - and if religious matters seem to appear also in the mirror fields of this cycle, a Madonna apparition (as in a mirror) could be taken to mean her birth in history and as such be 'the same' as the resurrection of her son Jesus. Could be 'transubstantiation' of flesh could be needed".

If the tool that bent the latch had gone through a 'Ritz' of the gate first and then bent the latch-en (cp. 'Jette Råboe Larsen') afterwards, it would have been a 'jumper' for the 'virgin birth'. Clearly a crash on Wall Street could then - after the corona virus and all the 'divide' of people therein, at least 1-2 meters distance for preventing the virus from jumping from person to person - come to lend much power to the 'son-of-jumper' who burglared my house (if 'John is Bör-son' in a stockmarket crash). The speculation could go that the burglar could have been (or appared to be) a genetic offspring somehow from Ragna Gröver (in the role of the madonna in the mythos circus) - hence for a Jesus, sort of. The iron frame around the gate-door was there when I bought the house (I believed the sellers were decent people and that a 'real owner' would not arrive later to claim the property back) cp. the 'eisen-how-where' of 'Vas-gereben'.

This PEB (and other) important work of mine should not be used for 'intelligence projects' for making new Hitler in Germany - for thereby increasing the unconstitutional power of the mafia. My work must be published so it can be used for sensible studies and not for mafia crimes for cheating the public to vote for the opposite of what they really want. I hope the police will solve the riddle of the burglary.

I add that the bent latch could invoke associations to Gröver/'Mengele's slanting nose - it was quite left-pointing (like the latch) after the replacement in the late 60's. Could be this nose is a more relevant association than my leftsided gynaecomasty.

'Mais-kolbe' (cp. 'Mai Kosberg') in norwegian means about the same as hungarian 'kukorica' - maize/corn-cob - cp. 'virgin birth'.

Of course it is not the thing with norwegian 'corona' currency nose-diving just before my pension is about to be changed into euros - such 'Börson' nose-dive probably leading to a subsequent more or less brief rise of power for Kurz of ÖVP.

For the hammering, see also this file (with the 'Bankok').

Added on 7 april 2020: I was just about to complete my work with the literary prose book 'And hang under the Justcan keys' when it seemed that MLR january 2012 could be indexing my strictly unpublished manuscript and the Costa Concordia disaster as well - as if there should have been attempts to 'coup' my work. I felt this so bad that I terminated the work with the book somewhat prematurely and have not really been able to work with literary things in this place since then (I still hope to get the financial chance to move to another country). What I now discover is that all countries in the immediate neighbourhood of the Costa Concordia disaster have a corona virus death rate of around 10% - Italy, Spain, France, Algeria, Morocco - plus England (with its MLR), Holland and Belgium - while all other states seem to have a death rate around 4% or less. Portugal is on the other side of the land cannot spot the disaster from its coast. Is 'Holland Belgium' this 'Modern Language' plus 'Hukland', 'Huksein' and 'Belgium' = 'ritsa' - for a 'Co[sta] Co[ncodria]' ritsa against the coastal cliff - that is, a 'kukorica'? Or is it even about my 'blue metre' with mention of the example with Belgium and 'Hollande' in the fourth line? How can it be that this book is not yet published - when it was completed in 2010?

It can be noticed that my prose book 'And hang under the Justcan keys' has a chapter 5 called 'The border' - and today I noticed that the parts of it seem to index the countries in South East ASIAN region, such as INDIA = 'A man plants his boot in a closed wooden door' followed by BANGLADESH = 'In a harbour region there are ships lined up along the quay. A man comes with his dog. He stops and tells to the animal: "You see that ship anchored up over there? You go to that ship and I will go to this other one [etc]". Indeed these puzzling aspects of 'the border' were not in my mind while I wrote it, and indeed I think there are other reasons for these correlations than me having seen a map of south east Asia - and the question is therefore: Isnt this too good to be destroyed by political intrigue? Now it may be that the 'Flaktürme' are 'squeezed together' to a sort of flat 'border' with my disappeared notebooks inside, and then it is high time to understand that this sort of abuse is too tragic. The people do not want this development. Could be this is the reason for the 10%.

(The norwegian FM Knut Frydenlund was - if I remember right from those days - said to have died on the toilet ring during an official dinner on 26/2-1987 - but this source seems to tell it differently. There is an 'Ifjusag Utca' in Szolnok).

Added on 8 april 2020: And little 'San Marino' (a sort of 'portugal'?) has about 10%. I have earlier told the story of how a boy in a hungarian town wanted to show me something, 'bácsi, let me show you something', we went for some minutes and he pointed to an oldfashioned cannon that peeped out from a hole in a concrete wall, and he said 'ágyú!' = 'cannon!'. (Could be he had hoped for a coin for the tourist attraction? - or, rather, it was an interesting observation and he wanted to share it with the world, a coming scholar or explorer maybe). Could be the conclusion to the current situation is that only those who could see the 'kukorica' over the waters (that is, after the waters have been running past the 'ritsa') have about 10% - that is, only those who could see the virgin conception take place (under a microscope?). Does that include 'mothern language review'? I have publically apologized for the swearing ('go to h...') that escaped the corner of my mouth (it was pronounced down into the roadside) when I ran past Ragna Gröver who tried to block the road for me in april 1995, 201 days before the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin in 1995. (The idea of 'Ketchup Ragin' could also be about violin builder/repairer 'Creul' - a probably dutch who worked at Hornås Musikk in Oslo - he is the one who could have evaluated her violin - cp. 'Creulsmukk' vs 'Smallcrook' = 'young röver' - it is of course possible to see a link from this 'Hornås' to palestinian 'Hamas' - I add to the 'balsa' violin of Gröver/'Mengele' from his 'Jensen boyhood' the arabic spelling of the name of Benazir Bhutto - like me 'gigi m/boy' in the hungarian town (but that was no pedo story! - however, Bhutto died on Caroline Kennedy's birthday) - he also told a boyhood story of leaving the fish bones on the plate wherefore he/somebody put the feet/legs on the table). This event of running past a narrow constriction in the 'road' is described in my novel 'The Dreamer'. I dont know why the epidemic is called 'the novel corona virus epidemic'. In this file at the end, I describe one 'Hi' and one '1o' cycle of Caravaggio's work relative to mine. I have not yet received an answer to this letter, for whatever reason. In case it should be interesting, I did not 'swallow' the material from a 'self-suck' (1971/1983) - except (in some sense of it) perhaps in july or late 1957 (or even 1959)?

In 2012 there was the big frontpage story for days and weeks in Austria about the then socalled 'Eisbaronin' Estibaliz Carranza, now called 'Eislady' in the article - she had been running an 'ice cream salon'. To me the news attracted some interest also because she by look reminded me of Kari Löveid who once lived under me in Voldgaten in the Old Town in Fredrikstad. Her name backwards is 'Dievöl Iraq' = 'gjev-öl i rak' - 'gjev' means 'enjoying high esteem' while 'öl' is 'beer', cp. the two assumed genetic parents of mine. 'I rak' = 'in the straight'. This look invokes also associations to the concept of 'goodlooking' for Shijing #88 wherein one could find a potential mixmax factor of the name of Boris Johnson with me ('John is börsen', 'son is jumper' etc). The story must be added - when 'backwards reading' of name could be relevant, with or without 'K', that I once stepped off tram #49 at Beingasse on the one of the two stops which it shares with tramline #9 'Gerstof' that the idea appeared to me that it could have been Ehud Olmert (cp. the 'gjev-öl') who stood there waiting for #9 (but isnt Olmert taller? was it but a short copy or even only fancy?). A week or so, maybe only a few days, later I stepped off the same place again and turned and saw an 'alabaster-like' beauty with daughter waiting for 'car-a-viaggio' #9 at the brink of the 'quay' to the street. This recurred to my mind recently when I saw the news of the Kennedy who had disappeared from a canoe trip with her son (the news said canoe, not 'kayak'). I do not believe that it was Caroline Kennedy who stood there waiting for #9 with daughter, but maybe the idea could arise from the name of Olmert. I fancy that if a woman is 'beautiful' but maybe there is an idea of 'too beautiful' for her man, she could suffer from a problem of arousing sexual interest for other women in her own husband, and if for that reason he should come to masturbate with another woman in his mind, this could be precisely what an extraordinary beauty cannot really take. 'Gerstof' associates with 'jeg er stoff' = 'I am stuff/substance/drugs'. It could also mean stuff such as e.g. 'alabaster'. Shijing #82 line #9 contains the four words 'yi' = 'right, fitting', 'yan' = 'word, speech', 'yin' = 'drink, swallow', 'jin' = 'wine, spirits'. Line #12 in #77 contains the word 'fu' (Mathews 1999) = 'dose of medicine' (and other things), line #12 in #95 = 'yao' (Mathews 7501) = 'drugs, medicines', the last word in the chapter 'Zheng' - a puzzle since it could be taken to mean 'spoonsfuls of that which people give to each other in gender/sex' or even in custody relations, but that isnt really drugs, is it? Russian for 'each other' is 'drug[s] druga' and could be the reason why Madonna mentioned Russia in Fatima? I found these two teaspoons in the drainhole of my bathroom sink after having opened a book with poems of Kavafis - a book with translations which seemed to suffer from the (more or less standard) misunderstanding of Kavafis as 'homo': The two teaspoons are probably ex nihilo (from the opening of the book?) and contain some 'dregs' on the surface - their 'sameness' are probably not about 'homo' except in the sense of every human being 'the same', as when an epidemic goes. It is a pity that politicians respects the secrecy on such matters if the 'spoonfuls of drugs' in line 12/24 of Shijing #95 really is to be understood as 'spoonfuls of dregs' in this particular sense of it. Gjev-öl?

9/12 = 3/4 = 'atrium-olframat' (derived from 'n-atrium-w-olframat'), inside of which there could be a 'triumvirat'.

'Koble' = the work of a procurer or procuress, the one who joins people for marriage or maybe just sex. It can also mean to conjoin electric conductors, with or without short circuitry. 'Kolbe' = the cob of maize or the glass container used for mixing chemicals or the butt of a gun.

In my 'Kücheabteilung' I had a pack in head height of biological 'sleeping tea' called 'Schlaf-Freund'.

I met Leif Stene Johansen in Fredrikstad railway station while I was waiting for the train in probably the autumn 1986, could be around the time when (or maybe it was some time before) Per Mentzen died. It was in the 'waiting room' part of the station - I dont think there is a separate waiting room there but a part of the main hall was used for such. (I am not good at anatomy but fancy that there must be a 'ritsa' in the hymen of a virgin for the menstruation to find a way out - and hence things can also slip in there). Since I did not greet Johansen in Fredrikstad I developed a slightly bad conscience on the way in to Oslo and looked for him at the platform there but he wasnt there. Could be he had stepped off in Moss?

The 'Eisbaronin' case was up around the time when Sebastian Kurz entered the government (2011) - sensationally young.

Ach, what chances are there for a friendly soul these days if such details of social interface have to be published. 'Saw somebody waiting for the tram...' It wasnt me who should have told all these details - it is believed that the telling of such details (ex nihilo dregs etc) is what politicians are for, really.

I lost the rucksack with 2-3 poetry notebooks in the Barnabiten church whereto I had gone for a concert. If there had been a 'masturbator' there among the audience, it wasnt me - but it was my poetry notebooks and I had written what was in them.

I met Ragin Wenck-Wolff at Ragnar Söderlind in 1986 and asked her what 'Pneu' mean in german since I could not find it anywhere in dictionaries. Söderlind served fine cod. It has happened perhaps a little too often that I have met people with 'airway catheter' at the other double tram stop up Märzstrasse.

Against eczemas I have used some 'Fenistil' which is without prescription. It is on sale in neighbouring countries, across border.

Sum of corona virus data: The normal death rate is around 2-4% but some countries appear to be in a 'different class' of about 10% - those are the ones surrounding the area where Costa Concordia was ritsed against the cliff of the tuscan coast ('Co-Co-ritsa'?): Morocco Algeria San Marino Italy Spain France England Holland Belgium = 'must rocco all-geria because [of] Italy's pain from England hold and the bella'?

Should a theoretic new holocaust or war against Italy therefore mean that England's people/women are more beautiful than the french? Or is it the opposite - about 'la bella Italia'?

Conclusion: It seems that the complex is centered around ÖVP as the root of the 'unconstitutional power structure' pumping power from the Burgenland border including 'Pamhagen' which could be the origin of the US defence centre 'Pentagon'. It is possible that Hitler's 'task' could have been to build a power pump from Burgenland to USA / US democrats. The ÖVP in the root of this pump seems in fact to be built up around my person - but I have shown how the pump can be dismantled and therefore a new Hitler is already anachronistic and not necessary. That is when it is a big mistake to make a scapegoat out of me.

The power pump seems unfortunately to include abuse of people's love - if a bogeyman occurs on the way to school every time the schoolgirl wears the new red dress which she likes so much, if she has to give up and use the grey one instead in order to avoid the bogeyman, if this triumph (achieved with modern surveillance technology) is what is felt as a 'lukewarm comfort' in USA, the solution to the Burgenland power mystery means that this 'comfort pump' can be packed down. There is nothing to gain from a new Hitler but much to lose.

9 april 2020:

Mathews 1999 = 'fu' = clothes, mourning garments, wear (clothes), serve, submit, be willing, dose of medicine, to swallow, two inner horses of a team, to think of, a quiver
Mathews 7501 = 'yo', 'yao' = drugs, medicines, healing herbs, administer drugs
Mathews 6935 = 'zi' = this, here, thus, therefore, now; a year, a season; a coarse mat; rich, fertile; muddy, turbid, black; name of a place

In Volda in 1964-65 there was a swearing going: 'Åre[t] heise de!' (I am not a crazy thief).


Mathews, R.H.: Chinese-English Dictionary. (A Chinese-English Dictionary Compiled for the China Inland Mission by R.H.Mathews, Shanghai: China Inland Mission and Presbyterian Mission Press, 1931). Revised american edition 1943. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Simon, R.: Shijing. Das altchinesische Buch der Lieder. Chinesisch/Deutsch. Übersetzt und herausgegeben von Rainald Simon. Reclam Bibliothek 2015.

The Grövers had the novel by Kristensen and I think there was some mention of it

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 3 april 2020
Last updated 9 april 2020