State of the art 29 august 2021

John Bjarne Grover

(Continued somewhat from this file)


It seems that the following are facts:

1) Leopold II of Austria issued the Pillnitzer Punctation on 27 august 1791.
2) Mozart died on 5 december 1791.
3) Leopold II died suddenly on 1 march 1792.

These two intervals are approximately the same, 3 months and some days, hence the 1 march 1792 could be the reason for a theory that Leopold II murdered Mozart and therefore Leopold himself was murdered.

Another theory can be made - that it was some 'intelligence' who murdered Mozart for blaming Leopold and thereby having a pretext for murdering Leopold.

It could be the Ostarrichi document which is the story. It existed either before or after Mozart's death. It could have been fabricated for these circumstances. The full name of Mozart was "Johannes Chrysostomos Wolfangus Theophilus Mozart", and the Ostarrichi document states that the land is given to the Ostarrichi people (the austrians) with all its "...Wiesen, Weiden, Wäldern, Gebäuden, mit Quellen und Wasserläufen, mit Jagden, Bienenweiden, Fischwässern, Mühlen..." = "...pratis pascuis silvis aedificiis aquis aquarumve decursibus venationibus zidalweidun piscationibus molendinis...".

It suggests that Mozart was given to the austrians, with all its ...Johannes Chrysostomos Wolfangus Theophilus..., but, alas, they did not want it, or were not sufficiently 'amadeus'. This Ostarrichi document could therefore be a part of the death of Mozart - and Leopold.

The word 'zidalweidun' I have searched for in vain. It is translated 'Bienenweiden' but there is maybe little basis for that - could be it is only this 'zzzz...'. The word could be what tells that the document is a piece of fraud. It is after Hitler that it is easy to decipher:

z idalw   eidun
    idalf zeidun
    adolf hitler

and the meaning of the word could have been the 'sit at the way-dun' = one of the 'barmhertzige Brüder' kneeling at the body of the woman lying in the gutter. That this is a possible background also of the modern ÖVP could be seen from a similar derivation

zidalwei dun
zibalsei dun
sebastie kurz

Assume the theory that Adolf Hitler could have been a personal agent for Buckingham - that could have been the Simpson affair: 'Wallis Warfield Simpson' is a name suggestive perhaps also of this 'zidalweidun', including the 'Bieneweide' warfield. How could Hitler have survived in Norway after the war, if that is the story? Could be that would have had to be the royal factor as well - in the 'Klipra connection'. This could have continued with the Grøvers etc.

It would, if this should have been the case, all have rested on the personal power on top of the constitutional kingdom.

It is this which would lend unproportionate force on such a little thing as the definition of the name of Norway as NORGE from a greek 'orgeOn' and things like that. (Scissored somewhat over from this file:) Norwegian could have been interesting for intrigue construction because of 'opphold' = 'intermission', 'cessation' and hence 'le opphold' could also mean 'an-toilette' etc. Likewise, 'motsatt' is norwegian for 'the other way round', 'the opposite'. Could be these two norwegian words could suffice for such an intrigue on Leopold (brother of Marie Antoinette) and Mozart. 'Norge' as the name of the new kingdom in 1814 is hard to think of as derived from a 'Norway' - but it makes sense relative to greek 'οργεων' ('orgeOn') = member of religious brotherhood', from ' 'οργια' ('orgia') = 'holy secret intelligence service', while 'οργη' ('orge') = 'thumos' in homeric greek, the seat of passion, the heart of the story in the Iliad, the red metre. It is the same root or even word as in 'οργας' ('orgas') which means 'a rich tract of land sacred to the gods', or 'any well-watered fertile spot of land, meadowland' (' Wiesen, Weiden, Wäldern, Gebäuden, mit Quellen und Wasserläufen, mit Jagden, Bienenweiden, Fischwässern, Mühlen...'), or (of women) 'marriageable'. It is the same as the word 'Aue' which is used in Bayern and Austria - and is found in the name of 'Au-garten' in Vienna - where Hitler's time built two of the six massive 'Flaktürme' (a round - see people at its foot, a square equally high). It means that if the austrians have got this land by the Ostarrichi document, that seems to be because they are divine, it is 'sacred to the gods', which means that they will lose the land if they are not divine.

This could have been the background of the establishment of the series of PTRSIM PIKs, could be Henrik Wergeland from Norway was the first PIK. The PIK is seemingly constructed from certain formal properties of the distribution of hebrew words in the first book of Moses such as this projects into the gospel of Matthew - in technical imitation of the theory that Jesus was a fulfillment of the scriptures of Moses. I have guessed that a PIK is constructed in such a way that the genetic Stammbaum looks like this matrix bridging from the old to the new testament - and thereby the collective consciousness of the people will believe that a Messiah is born. However, few days after the birth of the PIK, the skullcap is lifted off the child and a coming power-man masturbates a spurt on its cortex and that is to coup the future of this child - and the people vote for the messianic politician.

The PTRSIM PIK child is probably normally badly abused in childhood and brought up by agents for the coming politicians (their party, the political orientation), which means that the Stammbaum effect can be couped rather easily. Wittgenstein was probably such a PIK and Austria grabbed the opportunity to make much business out of his first book submissions - and 'Adolf Hitler' seems to have risen to power thereby.

The trick is probably quite simple: If the austrians challenge the divinity out of the PIK (such as Wittgenstein), they will appear as divine and thereby they are entitled to retain the territorial rights to their homeland - otherwise not. Of course it is not nice to coup the divinity from Wittgenstein - but they may have felt that they had to.

It seems, though, that this smart trick is based on a possible murder of Mozart - and hence that if they felt that they had to mob Wittgenstein for retaining their homeland, it means that they 'had to' murder Mozart because they were divine and needed a little more of just that.

Assume that Mozart suddenly came to resurrect: Then there would be no need for the PTRSIM PIK! I of course would be very happy thereby - but there may be royalists who try and convince themselves and others that this would be a bad day for me since it meant that there would be no need for the PTRSIM PIK any longer.

But that would be to claim that I 'am' a sort of quasi-Jesus PTRSIM PIK, like being 'royal' is to be something which other people are not ('blue blood' or something like that). Of course I am not a part of that politics! The PTRSIM PIK is a political trick only, a construction for pulling the austrians by their noses - so that they 'have to' be divine and therefore 'have to' coup it from somewhere - and the nosepulling is that the austrians will feel that their land and culture is strengthened if they murder Mozart.

This may be the essential story with ÖVP who were founded 80 days after Auschwitz closed and who seem to subsist in a '1223' relation with me (at least from the very limited data I have had access to).

It may be about the same trick: Of course I do not support ÖVP on such a background - but some 'royalists' may perhaps make claims that it is the other way round - that ÖVP provides a basis for my existence etc. (They mean their own existence?) Would that mean, if the theory holds good, that ÖVP is a royalist party?

I am not a royalist supporting the PIK program lending blue-blood status to royals - of course I am republican in these matters: Of course I hope all this PTRSIM PIK construction can be brought to daylight as soon as possible and all the nonsense terminated as quickly as possible.

My guess is that ÖVP could be an illegal party - this '1223' relative to a private person (who has not even been informed!) could be enough for that. But if the government is illegal, that could come to make nerves in Austria - and those nerves can be calmed down by couping some more divinity from the PIK - and there is the vicious spiral. This could end in a vortex of power if it be exported to Germany and is not stopped in time. Hitler's holocaust could have been such a whirlpool of power engineering.

The trick seems to be that simple one whether the private victim of mobbing really is divine or if that quasi divinity is only a piece of paper glued on his back by some mobbers. If the PIK really is divine, such as the austrians maybe think they have to be, then of course a resurrection of Mozart could be felt as a threat to his existence or at least the public need for it, but if it is only a piece of mock that somebody has pasted on his back, then of course it is the very opposite and the PIK is so happy for the news of the resurrected Mozart.

Do you believe that the PIK is divine?

This is probably that four levels theme.

I am a republican and say that unpolluted metaphysics exists! Royalists may perhaps counter me there and say that either you are republican and then you do not believe in metaphysics, or you are royalist and believe in the divine. But that is to make illegitimate ('blasphemic'?) claims. I am a poet who believe that my inspiration is beyond the manipulations of the secret intelligence businesses - but the secret intelligence businesses say perhaps that all that is illusion and demagogy and nothing is true except for power - these probably work for the royalists.

My ideas that the Fatima revelations were heaven's (and not the services') preheralding of my 'The Endmorgan Quartet' (1997-2008) is probably a healthy poetic attitude and the opposite of inflated ideas of being divine. It is strongly reinforced by the discovery that my book was preheralded even as early as in Shijing #145 - nearly 3000 years ago! Could be the story is to make it possible to find how synchrony and diachrony interact.

Advertisement and Kosovo

Advertisement is a tool which can be used for mobbing the PIK for turning roles etc. If, say, the PIK says to a woman "what a nice dress you're wearing", there soon comes up an ad all over the country for 'ice-tea', and if this is the principle in everything that happens in the social interface of the PIK, he soon stops talking to people: It goes the wrong way anyhow. When the election is coming up, the politician to give a speech is met by a woman in flashing colours on stage and he gives her a smile and "what a nice dress you're wearing" - and his popularity rises a percentage. He can in his speech promise a stronger defence to secure the homeland territory. This AUST-rian MARK-eting principle (I think I have observed some examples of such relative to my own writing but tell this story as a general example of what I fancy is the PIK's unfortunate role) could have been a part of the reason why the Kosovo bombing campaign 1999 could have been based on my stay in Austmarka 1983-84. (In that winter I travelled also to Budapest, Zagreb and Rome). At Austmarka (close to the swedish border) I read Nelly Sachs. In 1992-93 I had hoped for a doctorate stipend to take a PhD but I got it not and in that same winter I shaved my beard off, which was not so smart from an esthetic viewpoint but could be it served as an application for disability pension. I could probably have made a goodenough research career (tested in e.g. 'Musikus') but it would take too much of my concentration to give lectures for an audience - could be my person was too abused to endure much professional social interface, as had perhaps been tested in my lectures in the obligatory course in linguistics for language students in I think 1992. I did not start growing a beard again untill I got a stipend in Bergen in 1995 (could be it served as 'disability pension' - the three years was later the basis for this pension), after which Javier Solana was elected new NATO chief after Willy Claes. Solana was chief of NATO during the 79 days of bombing of Yugoslavia in the Kosovo conflict - also for driving Slobodan Milosovic out of office. 'Slå på Dan, vi lå og sov litt' = 'beat on Dan (not on me), we only lay and slept a little' [or, rather, 'blame Dan, (not me)...'] could look like a Milosovitch career in the form of monkey business on my life (such as Budapest, Zagreb, Rome), and hence the bombing campaign could look like a western attack on terror and monkey business, but it may be that the name of the chief of the 'terror' organization NATO also could be seen as a slight echo of something similar to monkey business. (Would the octogon seen as caused by me be vital to the western interests?) Some would perhaps even say that the name of Milosovitch were not really monkey business - it could even have been about exposing it the other way round - in which case the theme could have been that the octogon could have been organized by the state intelligence itself - and if that were the case, then the NATO bombing would have looked a little different. Why 79 days? I have speculated that comparative indoeuropean linguistics is a field of study littered with much potential 'fabrications' a la the Ostarrichi document. Whether old church slavonic is of that kind, I dont know, could be gothic or old norse is, but it is anyhow a fact that when hittite was deciphered as an indoeuropean language by Bedrich Hrozny ('bed-rich ostarrichi'?), it was in 1915 when Hitler ('zidalweidun') was just about to start his career in politics. (I have only Ibsen's title 'Eyolf Little' from the 1890's as evidence that Hitler was planned). This IE language looks austrian in the lexicalism and hungarian in the grammar - just the political basis for Hitler's cabinet. However, if hittite could have been the secret undercode of WWII, there could be some reasons to speculate if there are plans for a tocharian undercode for a new largescaled conflict, a new 'hitler'. I then notice the apparent basis for 'tokharian' in greek (I came across these forms when studying some poems of Christophoros of Mytilene):

tokharikos = 'tokharian', 'tatar' (in byzantine greek)
kharikos = does seemingly not exist but would probably be like
kharizomai = to show gratitude, to show grace
kharkios = copper-like = only 80-90% of bronze is copper, most of the rest is tin

My guess is that the 79 days of the Kosovo bombing is this lower percentage limit of copper in bronze - and hence that a planned secret undercode for a new 'hitler' could be tokharian.

It must be added that kharizomai = to show gratitude, to show grace could lend a special role to norwegian language. When Norway was established in 1814, the two reasons (as I have told earlier, and I must admit that I know little about this and the theory should be taken as conjectural) on basis of Heimskringla (the norwegian 'Ostarrichi document'), were 1) that Norway had been a superpower in the middle ages, and 2) that antisemitisim was needed to avoid bad smells. The reason could be spotted in the word NOD, which via the classic similarity in hebrew of the alphabetic letters G = ג and N = נ (same phenomenon as between B = ב and K = כ or between U = ו and Z = ז), occurs in Heimskringla in the form of the names of Haakon den Gode (Haakon the Good) and Magnus den Gode, two of the main norwegian kings of the middle ages. Norwegian 'NOD' = 'nåde' means '(divine) grace', while in hebrew the word 'NOD' seems to be a slang word for flatulence - according to Langenscheidt's Handwürterbuch Deutsch-Hebräisch. (The dictionary gives for 'Furz' the forms 'NePiIHah (f.) NOD (sl.)' - 'NePiIHah' means 'breaking wind' and 'NOD' seems to mean 'wandering around' - I cannot find out if these are one or two expressions - could be there should have been a comma inbetween). The idea, which I evidenced somewhat while working with the Heimskringla material, is that this document, which claims to be from 1225 (or was it 1223), is composed from just that principle - such words with fortunate/unfortunate meanings in norwegian/hebrew - leading to the effect of bad smells when the norwegian thoughts came to encircle ideas of jewish philosophy etc. Hence the constitution of 1814 was explicitly antisemitic and allowed no jews inside the kingdom.

Now it could be just this NOD which is found in greek kharizomai = to show gratitude, to show grace.

tokharikos = tokharian, tatar
to kharikos = what is 'kharikos' = what is either 1) related to such NOD, or 2) 'to kharkios' of the copper = 79% of the bronze.

The remaining 21% = tin and other metals, what is ejected from the bronze if purifying out of it only the copper.

Red = ADAM, the red soil of the original hebrew human

N/G on my name John Bjarne Grøver gives 'Jog Bjerken Røver' = 'Jog the birch steals'. ('Jog' is hungarian for 'law', 'jod' is norwegian for 'the letter J' or the chemical substance 'iodine'). The famous birch is that royal birch at Glomstuen in Molde (I was there with the school class in the 1960's to see it - I think the birch was sawed down by vandals some years ago) under which the norwegian king Haakon VII and crown prince Olav V were standing when they were fleeing in april 1940 - and while still waiting for the british ship Glasgow to come to their rescue and bring them to safety in London, the germans bombed the town, tells the story. What did the two royals see when they lifted their eyes under the birch, to watch the german bombers glide in from the sea to drop their explosives? Were there swastika logos on the airplanes?

Ich wasche meine Wäsche

Now consider the poem 'Ich wasche meine Wäsche' of Nelly Sachs (from her 'Glühende Rätsel' in Sachs 1966) which I have quoted (search for 'ich wasche') in this file (the file installed also in this) - the first line can be rewritten into 'ich schaue meine kjeve' = 'I show my jaw' = me without beard in 1993-95 before Solana took over in NATO after Willy Claes whose name can be spotted in the last line 'nimmt willig auf im Schlaf/class': It was the Trosvik school, could be the teacher Jan-Roger Ulfeng, who admitted William Moltzau, or quite simply me, in class in 1970-71 - and my PhD stipend in Bergen 1995 could perhaps be called a 'william målt-sau' - 'sau' = 'sheep'. I would believe that it was Kirsti Koch Christensen who was involved when I was admitted to the stipend in Bergen: I knew her from the institute of linguistics in Oslo in I think 1984 - the story was that I had taken the obligatory course in linguistics for language students and knocked on her office door for some advice on the further studies there - she happened to have censored my exam paper and pulled it out of the heap and told me the result before time - I was (as far as I remember) right on 31 of the 32 questions and was asked for an opinion on the 32nd. (Would this story be called a 'NOD'?) When I came to Bergen in 1995 she was then professor of linguistics there and was elected rector of the university while I was there and was also chosen to be one of the small 4-member board of Statoil (could be that was after I was out of the university). There exists a 'Kirsti Koch Christensen' mentioned in the comments to the published correspondence between Paul Celan and his wife Gisele Celan-Lestrange - 'Kirsti Koch Christensen' had sent a letter from Oslo Student Society to Celan asking if he could come and read for the students in Oslo but he could not. Search also this file for the hungarian word 'ervenytelen' (2 occurrences). Christensen counts as an example of one who helped me forwards in my humble career but who did not suffer setbacks in her own career - rather to the contrary, one could guess.

See also this file (with echos in this) for the formula "ich wasche meine Hände" written in a letter of Celan to his wife of 5 september 1960 - it is likely to be this letter which was sent from Stockholm to Paris - and if the theory be right that it was a 'doppelgänger' of Celan that was in Stockholm (pre-appointed with Sachs when she was in Paris some days or weeks earlier) while Celan himself had gone under false name and passport to Odda to visit me there (and I may perhaps have met him behind a shed there - the real-world origin of my fantasy friend 'Gori'), this 'wasche meine Hände' could then be a codeword for just that story. I have quite strong memories from that time - such as the rathunt memory - but they are all with opposite feature-valuation (more in harmony with what probably was permitted in the Grøver house) and if I turn the features around, it looks like such a meeting with a 'Gori'.

The poem of Sachs can be seen to be contained in the cover to my DDS:

Ich wasche meine Wäsche = the crawlsmukk bebe on the back page
Viel Sterben im Hemd singt = the bottle of textile, resembling a Thora scroll
da und dort Kontrapunkt Tod. = the moved nose - up to 'Korea', the poultry beak
Die Verfolger haben ihn mit der Hypnose eingefädelt           = fenriswolf + hippo-nose + sang-gefädelt
und der Stoff nimmt willig auf im Schlaf - = the scroll as the origin of the whole image

For the idea that 'der Stoff' is the textile bottle or scroll being the origin to or at least in strong correlation with the image that arose from a rubbing-off of one of the four spots in bathtub, see also this study - the comments at the end.

The cover to 'Der Dornenstrauch' = DDS will then relate to the poem of Sachs such as (search for '#145') the cover to TEQ = 'The Endmorgan Quartet' relates to the poem #145 from Shijing.

It could be the story of how political power tries to wring the poetic logic out of the hands of the poet - but poetry resists the takeover.

I have tried to submit some of my books to publishers, but my fate has apparently been none better than Wittgenstein's - and if I were to send a book to a publisher again, the publisher would probably get a phone from the 'intelligence service' even before the letter arrives, convincing him of the need to find a suitable critic to reject the book in peer review.

My books should be published, but how can it be done? I have made my own handmade editions, normally 30 copies of each book, and donated to libraries wherein a publisher can let a referee study the book for publishing and thereafter the publisher can contact me for the rights. I am hoping for a letter - if the post functions at all - I dont know about that, could be a letter from a publisher would be stopped be the 'extended authorities' from the secret intelligences, such as could have happened with my letter to the PO Box administration in Vienna sent from Venice in mid december 2020.

I have even too little money not only to move to another country but I can hardly afford to make own self-published editions of my work. It has cost me quite a lot of money and work to handmade 30 copies of the 33 cm broad 4-volume work and with my low economic resources it is hard to make it suffice to battle NATO and other interesters.

The international secret intelligences have no right to meddle with my work! That is none of their business!

The xylophone again

The xylophone was in double outlets, the volcano in Geldingadalur on Iceland as well. Is there an isomorphy between the xylophone and the volcano? If so, then it is possible to prove with some rigor that the xylophone was authentic ex nihilo. That is groundbreaking research.

Does anybody understand why I cannot apply to the italian surveillance police for a copy of the recording? I would very much like to have a copy and publish it.

It is probable that the sounds were made from or by my own poetic imagination and creativity.

But maybe somebody else could have a copy and forward it to me? It is like that 'submission to publisher' problem. (But Norway cannot function as such intermediary if they were the ones who 'bribed' WHO into silence about a medication made from my epidemiological theory).

Look at this: If I, such as here, should launch a theory of the verifiability of ex nihilo sound, which means the chance to say something about the certainty with which one could exclude the possibility of sound projection, it is very possible that the xylophone and the volcano data could come to be classified as secret. Why? Because otherwise knowledge could make progress and that could cause a feeling of distress by some under certain circumstances.

My study 'Logical order' is a way of crediting the source. I had got something from the four people in the case studies but it is often hard to find out what it was. The article probably tries to find out of it. That is often the border to further progress because it is not possible to progress if one cannot credit the source. Therefore a more or less natural inertia could try and block for this sort of studies and call it steppin-upon-the-toes - because that puts up a control with further progress.

It is like that 'submission to publisher' problem - and it cannot be solved unless one can credit the source.

Finally, it can be mentioned as quite interesting: If it turns out to be the case that the structures I described in the four case studies were in harmony with a 'hittite' substrate described in this file, that is, if the poem at the end is relevant to the semiotic circumstances of the four case studies, then a theory could also be launched that if the received decipherment of hittite is pure fabrication for making a Hitler, then this construction could have left deep imprints in the semiotic constitution of Vienna. The reality in Vienna is not the same as the reality in Venice - 'zu gehn um die Welt' with the train from Venice to Vienna was followed by a 'zahlen mit Geld' in Geldingadalur on Iceland - it looked like pure gold flowing from the deep earth - watch that brief video on this page.

But this difference between the two cities is also about just that matter of politics trying to wring the semiotics out of the hands of the poet - could be they even claim that it is the hands of an old mummy, the hand of the mummified god.

It is not up to me to contact lawyer for having e.g. ÖVP closed.
That is up to everybody else.

Added 30 august 2021:

Of course I have to add the following half-trivial observation - that 'Wallis Simpson' onset-truncates to 'all is impson' - that is the current condition that everybody needs to be vaccinated. Hence the coronavirus pandemic starting at the time of 'brexit' could be seen to constitute a (british) responsibiity claim on a new Hitler from this point of view.

When I moved into Zinckgasse in late 2009, it turned out after some days or weeks that the double electric outlet over the kitchen sink contained some short circuitry and I had to ask the houseletter for electric assistance. The electrician came and repaired it, and on his way out he turned his head on the threshold and said: "Ich mache auch den Amerikaner". This comment threw me into a state of confusion which lasted for many hours and I could not concentrate on anything and wondered what was the reason for this. Today I can understand it as 'say it on the way-done' = 'zidalweidun'. Could be this is the 'double outlet'. (A week later even the electric fan in the bathroom stopped functioning and I had to call for the electrician again - I think the threshold comment was after the first repair and not the second). Some time ago even the water metre had to be changed - and the worker who did it also said something at the 'way-dun' but I did not understand what he said. This 'zidalweidun' could be called 'the needle in the haystack' - not the 'heis-tak'! - cp. the current coronavirus vaccination program.


Celan, P. & Celan-Lestrange, G.: Correspondance (I,II). Seuil 2001.
Sachs, N.: Ausgewählte Gedichte. Nachwort von Hans Magnus Enzensberger. Suhrkamp 1966.
The 'Ostarrichi' document

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 29 august 2021
Last updated 30 august 2021