Brief comments

John Bjarne Grover

Brief comments for earlier months are given at the end of the page.

3 may 2024:

Some interesting observations to the question whether COVID-19 quite simply could have been caused by a possible plagiarism of my book 'Der Dornenstrauch' (2015) in 'The Dynasty' (2017): 'The Dynasty and COVID-19'.

6 may 2024:

A quite interesting observation from the church of Santi Apostoli in Venice in this file. It gives also a new interpretation to the riddle why the Fatima revelations of 1917 occurred on just the 13th every month.

*       *       *

This morning at 03:58 I sent this email (screenshot copy at file to the Vatican (I had found the email address at the end of this file) to tell of the interesting observation from Santi Apostoli. A minute later I received this 'return to sender' message (screenshot copy at file I would guess that it was from an intruding intelligence organization going inbetween - as part of their apparent strategies of buffering me off from contact with relevant parts of the world - for continueing their games with my person and for annexing the authorities thereby concerned.

Around the year 2000-2001 I sent several emails about Fatima (the third secret had then just been published) to the 'Congregation for the doctine of the faith'. I sent these from Vilnius, where I had another email account. My current email account was opened in I think 2004 and I have not sent anything to that address since probably 2001.

In late 2018, having just completed volume 4 in electronic form and thereafter falling ill, since I did not know if I would survive the illness I sent by email (my current email account) from the hospital bed the manuscript to volume 4 to Librerie Editrice Vaticana ('LEV') - see also TEQ #114. Some days later I saw the news that the pope would appoint a new editor for 'LEV', for whatever reason. On 9 january 2019 I received an email from somebody using the name 'Simon Eliot Blake' who sent me 80 files of text, hoping that I would appreciate the ongoing work, but it was sent from another email account with a name which backwards resembled 'something about Fatima'. It could of course have been a hacker using that name and sending somebody else's files to me. I did not open any of them.

It is therefore possible that this email of 9 january 2019 could have been fraud (hacking of another account) using a name 'Simon Eliot Blake' which now looks like 'email from another account about Blake' - 'blakk' in norwegian can mean 'fatti[g]mann'. Clearly if the Congregation for the doctrine of the faith in the Vatican (around 2000-2001 I think this was headed by later pope Benedict) should have put up a cork-OK against more emails from me, it would have been for that other email account which I had in Vilnius. But then the email of 9 january 2019 could have been for indexing just that possibility - and it is of course not impossible that the 'return to sender' mail of this morning could have been installed by hackers for the same potential 'intelligence' project.

I had to buy a new web computer some months ago (since the previous had broken down, for whatever reason) and bought a second-hand which seems to have got the designation LAPTOP-AB8QU4H6 HP Stream Laptop 11-ak0xxx, whether from the producer or from the previous user. (On 6 and 9 april 2024 I got two emails to my spam directory).

7 may 2024:

The one who has the quickest computer has the power and wins a war if it should arise. Politics must become more than the art of exploiting the poet. That is the reason why I believe that I should expect to find support for my work as independent poet.

*       *       *

After the parquet in my flat in Zinckgasse started wobbling up in the summers, the question has of course been around whether there are gases coming up from underneath. I hope there are no plans of trying to coup my authorship by way of gases that can make my brain look like worn down with too much 'drinking and whoring' (here The New Yorker cartoon #454 of 1992 - that is from the issue 8 june 1992) to be a possible source of my books. I am not drinking alcohol.

I have used Moleskine pocket notebooks for several years - but a new one I acquired - and it should have been the same type as I have earlier used - now suddenly suck the china through so it can be used on only one side of the paper.

8 may 2024:

The fact is that I dont know even if China has heard about me. I have been 1+2 times to their embassies but dont know if they have noticed my existence.

*       *       *

I was in a street today (about half an hour ago) and stood looking at some books when a man came up to me, gave me a tap on the elbow and pretended to meet an old friend, reaching for a handhake. I twice signalled that I did not want to talk with him - before I had to leave since he did not. The time would have been approximately 13:33 local time. In my private notebook this morning I wrote 1444 and there were also some data in another notebook of mine about 104.444. I dont know if these data could have been tapped from my notebook. I have not received these as surveillance data from others.

Maybe somebody could be helpful and forward this mail and this response along with the URL to

Such discoveries as in should lead to positive response from the society, shouldnt it? A pity there is nothing of that kind to my publications.

*       *       *

A theory I made today based on my theory of 'What is PTRSIM PIK':

If a function exists from the concept of 'PTRSIM PIK' to '11 september 2001', and that could e.g. be something like a function via 11 september 2001 = day #254 in the year, while day #244 = 2/3 of the year = 0,666 = 'dirty beast in the revelation' or something like that, and that again could e.g. be based on 'PTRSIM' being understood as the region up from the coast of eastern Egypt, that is, possibly about the area where the jews fled from pharaoh (and Tutankhamon would have been around those times), now not so far from the Gaza strip of current conflict times, then one can estimate ideas like the following:

11 = elf
sept = shelf
2001 = book (?)

hence 'bookshelf' (books-h-elf) as the basis for the attack on the twin towers resembling 'bookshelves' like the ones Nelly Sachs had or the one my official parents had with the long letter (written on toilet paper) which I found in a low cupboard there from an inmate at Opdøl psychiatric hospital. It was while we were standing just in front of this bookshelf that my younger sister Tone Helene Grøver used the word 'nærkamp' = 'close fighting', which, if 'PIK' can be identified as 'kamp' and thereby also 'PTRSIM' as 'nær' = 'close', say, close to the Gaza Strip, then there is a closed circle in the elements of this 'argument'.

(It may possibly have been in the same afternoon/evening, possibly a christmas eve, that my younger sister said 'folk synes visst (at) vi er veldig rare' = 'people seem to think (that) we are very strange'. 'Strange-jul-asian/aften' - would that have been a term that could be applied to the twin towers of 11 september 2001? 'Rare' in swedish is approximately 'nice').

'Buks(e)-helf' could also be about 'trousers-help' - like a truss against hernia?

The story came to my mind which the man in the role of my official father told in the 1970's - about the 'vise(r)gutt' called 'Kalle Andersen' - 'vise(r)gutt' = 'bicycling boy' for a grocer. (Cp. 'cyclamat'?) Everybody called him 'Kalle'. After he had worked there for some decades the chief of the shop in a simple ceremony should give him a reward for his long and faithful service/work - in the form of the declaration: "From this day on you will no longer be called Kalle - from now on you will be called Andersen". This should be his reward. This could have been the schedule for my future and the reward for my work which the man in the role of the father communicated to me.

Kalle Andersen
Calle Racheta
Hal[v]e Taket a[v] = 'half the roof off'

Nelly Sachs in her will (with a copy stored in her low cupboard?) mentioned also a person living in the address 'Raketvägen' = 'Calle Racheta', sort of.

9 may 2024:

A riddle: If the conflict in Ukraine could have been solved by international donations to Russia (in compensation for the property Russia lost by the ukrainian independence, which then would have eased the ukrainiain nerves), then how come expropriation of income from frozen russian assets given to Ukraine could bring the conflict closer to peace? Shouldnt it have been the other way round? Would it be about e.g. 'Moleskine, Moneskin, Money-machine = banking system'? It may be that the sanctions against Russia have been an economic burden more to those who have introduced the sanctions than they have been to Russia - and hence have functioned as a sort of 'self-flagellation' - cp. 'self-lage-[legis]-lation' = independence of 1991? Self-flagellation because they support Ukraine?

If the secret about me be that I am used as a sort of hidden joker in politics, it is important that I am not used for turning things around. If Ukraine may be identified as equivalent to me because they feel that they struggle with getting independent from Russia like I try to get independent from my family background, then it may be that Russia comes to be identified as what really are still unpronounced problems in Europe. If Lenin were assassinated in order for Hitler to coup his revolution, it may be that this confusion is rooted there. Goodness-driven economy is going to be fundamental for the development of the new information technology. If the conflict in Ukraine arose from ukrainian persecution of russian nationals because of the psychological effect caused by Ukraine not having paid for the russian properties they expropriated by the independence 1991 (but I dont know if that really were the reason or if other factors were more important), then goodness-driven economy would call for payment of these properties - and not necessarily paid by Ukraine but by any part of the global economic system. Of course world economy is so far not so very goodness-driven - but that must be the goal if the new information technology shall come to function.

It is true that names and other indexes have the function of crediting the source of knowledge and therefore is of importance for politics, but clearly that must not take the place of crediting victims of partial misrepresentation (!) for a goodness-driven system to regain balance. It is possible, though, that names also can function as a means for achieving the goal of redirecting values to such victims.

11 may 2024:

My official father was replaced with a not-so-similar copy in probably the summer 1969, but I could not tell it to anybody but had to leave the problem unsolved in some depth of the consciousness. Should I let the story out 'over the fence of my teeth', to use a homeric expression? The teeth were drilled up in 1970-71 - only 8 teeth in the lower front were left unharmed and they are still fine. The then norwegian PM Per Borten had a normal jaw but sometimes shot his mandibula forth - could be for telling of this. The Arnold Juklerød case could also have been for telling something. When the US president and vice president of 1976 had names telling of the replacement, it told of some difficulties.

It is now quite a number of years since I launched the story of the replacement on the internet - but it was not before 21 december 2022 (some 10 months after Russia had started the military invasion of Ukraine) that I could tell it to the police. In the email I mentioned that I had not much proof - but on my 16th birthday (29 june 1973) I probably had the right to get the identity of the new father but got it not. However, the Yom Kippur war broke out some weeks later. On the internet I had also mentioned that the israeli ambassador to Maryland was shot on my 16th birthday and the palestinian intelligence chief the day after.

Is this the background of the Hamas attack of 7 october 2023? That was on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur war plus one day.

But clearly this old story from 1969 cannot be within the scope of interest of the palestinian people? That intelligence chief from 1973?

*       *       *

It is rather incredible, isnt it? I have absolutely nothing to do with all this history - I am a persecuted victim only - and it seems that it is the 1223 interval which maximizes the effect of the plagiarisms - throwing the world into COVID and wars and other disasters -

- and nobody helps me getting out of that 1223 whirlpool?

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If the western sanctions against Russia are a burden to those who have decided on them and russian economy blossoms, what is the purpose with the sanctions? A theory goes as follows: If Ukraine (could be planned as a part of a 'Black Sea Loop'?) has overstepped the 'acceptable number' of people 'sent up' in chemicals (say, in order to make a 'successful' politics), and that 'acceptable number' must be the internationally agreed-upon limit of what could be ascribed to accidents, everybody agree that the state must be either dissolved or at least demilitarized.

The war in Ukraine could be a way of approaching that goal of demilitarization of the country. It is likely that if this theory has a basis in reality, the expenses could have been appointed in advance - Russia would pay by their sufferings of war, the west would pay by the burden to their economy. The large amounts of weapon supplies to Ukraine would be for giving them a chance to stop in time.

'Sent up in chemicals' means 'pains in the head'. I suppose it is a childish interpretation of the war to take it to be 'pains in the cranium'. Or should it suffice for telling the ukrainians what the problem is and thereby giving them a chance to stop it?

This would be about that serious problem of things that could happen all too easily but which under no circumstances must take place on an administrative level if human life is supposed to continue to have any value. The hostages taken by Hamas is another example of a serious problem that could happen all too easily but which under no circunstances must take place on an administrative level.

Of course nobody would support chemical 'shoot-ups' or hostaging - in particular not on an administrative level. My guess is that these sorts of despotic methods are what can have surprising 'success' on a local level but can create war and conflicts elsewhere in the world. [13/5-2024: And, of course, if such barbaric 'shoot-ups' necessarily lead to wars and conflicts via the global collective consciousness, it could be that the war in Ukraine is the only way of getting the problem down again without dumping it onto other people - if so, it could also mean that the war on the new borders continues at least as long as such methods are still in use - but clearly there are also limits to what Russia can sacrifice].

I dont know if there have been methods of humans 'sent up in chemicals' in Ukraine (on the 'loop' between Turkey and Paris) - it is the phenomenon that russian economy seems to blossom while the western economies are burdened by the sanctions that call for this interpretation - in addition to the fact that some 95% or so of the population in the eastern areas of Ukraine reclaimed by Russia through the war wanted to be russian rather than ukrainian in the referenda of 2022. Today it is 10 years since the referenda in Donbas (detail).

It must be emphasized that there are no reasons to recognize me as the same as Ukraine - in particular I have not used any 'chemical methods' - but may perhaps be a victim of that myself - possibly on 20 january 1959. The caretakers have admitted that I nearly died of an allergic attack around those times, but they claim that I had done it myself by eating a nut which I had found on the floor. Although I would doubt that explanation to the condition (on basis of e.g. this MRT scan and this evidence), that should in any case not open up for any ideas that I had used 'chemical methods' e.g. against 'own population' or anything the like. Does the following sign from 11 may 2014 - read in quasi-latin lettering - tell '11 may People's Pedo m/ på gulvet' (= 'on the floor') (source)?

'Dørk' is norwegian for 'ship's floor' (or, it seems - unknown to me, though - 'Doorway'?). I am not 'pedo' but maybe my name is and I was a small child in 1959. It is important that such data from my early life be brought to daylight, in particular if there were a '1-2-3 history' on me in those days - such as the '2' which could refer to a theoretic rape of me after 1 = head opening in 1957 and 3 = chemical horror 'donation' in 1959. Clearly the ukrainian crisis should not be used for dumping problems or blame for warcrimes on me. Who would have 'donated' the alleged nut 'from above/heaven'? Cp. 'Донецкая Народная Республика' = 'Donetskaya Narodnaya Respublika' (source). If it were about the name of a 'Heinrich Luitpold Himmler' (a man with warcrimes, that was), the word 'lute' means the bodily posture of leaning a little forwards - like when giving something to a child on the floor - cp. the Lu-hansk republic. The Crimean War (cp. Himmler's 'war crimes') was the stage also of Florence Nightingale (born, by the way, on 12 may) - cp. also Florence Foster Jenkins and Olga Marie Mikalsen.

12 may 2024:

Yesterday 11 may 2024 was the 10th anniversary of the referendum on Donbass - discussed under 'brief comments' for yesterday - and it was also the day of the socalled Eurovision Song Contest - an annual event that normally puts me in a low mood. A part of the reason could be that the combination of 'euro' = 'juro' = 'breast-related' with 'vision' could invoke associations to the assumed opening of my head in probably july 1957, with scissoring of a part of my visual lobe (one of the hemispheres) and possibly masturbation onto the other hemisphere - for the idea of 'dirty beast in the revelation' to be abused by primarily business who thereby is invited to earn money by abusing my childhood trauma. This year is no exception.

It is typical that the 'nazismus' is visible only in indexes and probably not in the programmatic aspects, and that is perhaps likely to be characteristic of this branch of entertainment business generally. I here compare the indexes with the program discussed yesterday - about the relevance for the 10th anniversary of the referenda in Donbass as far as my person and assumed childhood trauma is concerned:

Yesterday's winner was Switzerland with the song "The Code", performed by Nemo [Mettler] and written by them along with Benjamin Alasu, Lasse Midtsian Nymann and Linda Dale. About the names: 'Nemo' is the famous submarine captain of Jules Verne - and 'skyldes hvem?' is norwegian for 'who is to blame?' 'Ne-mom-[h]etler' could be suggestive of 'down-mom-hitler'. 'Ne' is a morph that could be seen as active also in last year's winning song - 'tattoo' in the sense of 'having taken two' in the sense of the name of my younger sister 'Tone Helene Grøver's name 'two down, the whole down, G-criminal'. But as 'ne-mom' it could be relevant to the question whether the allergic attack in Hammerfest were caused by myself (eating a nut from the floor) or by the caretakers - and then it could be about how the source of the attack (cp. the question of the source of the Hamas attack on 7 october 2023?) came from the floor or from e.g. the 'mom'. A 'nazi madonna' mythos could recognize this as 'coming down from heaven' = 'hand-reach himmler'. The question is who put the chemicals/nut into the body.

'Linda Dale' sounds like 'Lind' = 'Grover' bending ('lut-ing') downwards ('dale'), while 'Benjamin Alasu' could tell of how the 'bending' takes place - if it is by an 'al[i]as' or an 'undersuck' or whatever - and it looks jewish perhaps. 'Lasse[t]' means 'the load' and hence 'Lasse Midtsian Nymann' means 'the load on the side of the mid[dle] (of the) new/fresh-man'. Well, if the load were the cause of the trauma and were found on the side of the small child, it could not have been from me? Or could it have been about the small child finding the nut 'on the side of the body' and grabbing it with a hand ('graft' - cp. the once assumed 'canals on Mars'? 'grab'?) and putting it in the mouth? See '11 may People's Pedo m/ på gulvet' which could be precisely the theme in the associations assigned to these names. Clearly that could be precisely in the middle of the theme of the late effects of nazism in Europe - but which way it eventually turns - this way or that - could be the theme of the accompanying presentation work.

Nemo Mettler seems to describe himself as 'non-binary' - which sounds like my 'fundamental theorem of logic'. If winning the competition is to borrow my theorem without crediting me as the source, possibly even worse lifting it over onto a 'nazi madonna' concept, then of course it could be that the competition is a costly affair for the global community - and new epidemics could be spreading out quickly in accordance with my theory on plagiarisms (uncredited borrowing) as the origin of epidemics. My theorem would be a grandiose step forwards in logic and science if this fundamental theorem of mine finds a foothold in academic (or, say, rational) scholarship - as it eliminates the last logical operator 'negation' - but where is the official crediting of me for this progress in knowledge? It could be all too typical for this story that the fruits of my labour are harvested by business, politics, media, entertainment - while I am left with only the blame for warcrimes and atrocities. How could that come about? By way of the invasion and occupation of my 'khora' which traumatic childhood abuse of this kind could constitute - and when this invasion is consolidated and reinforced by later abuses, which even could be taking place on a national level of surveillance-Norway, the results of my work could come to be recognized as coming from the abusers and not from me - which could be a matter of plagiarisms and then problems of all kinds could spread out elsewhere in the world. There are old colonialist traditions in Europe and those could still be kept alive and active by such mechanisms.

'Kødd' is a lax norwegian word meaning 'nonsense', 'nonsensical mock/pranks' and sometimes 'penis'. 'Kødde' is to make pranks or tease people with unserious and slightly mocking things. But the winning song is not called 'Kødd' but rather 'Code': I refer to the brief exposition of my 'fundamental theorem of logic' wherein the formulation is 'any code conveying anything at all'.

In the article on 'Nemo'' it is told that "In November 2023, Nemo came out as non-binary in an article in the SonntagsZeitung". I hope this was not the background of the university shooting in Prague referred to at the end of this article with the news of it updated in december 2023 - that is, I hope the university shooting and the Eurovision Song Contest were not organized for hijacking my fundamental theorem of logic. It seems that there could be a possibly '1223'-related program with the aim of keeping my person and authorship below the horizon of public attention - not only for the purpose of hijacking my ideas and literary works but possibly also for constructing a 'nazi religion' (including me in the role of a 'Jesus B[j]arne' plus a 'nazi madonna' - but, alas, such a mythological 'Jesus' role could also easily be swapped over) for the purpose of controlling the opinions and beliefs of the people. It is too bad if that Eurovision Song Contest should be used for such hijacking purposes - in particular if those are accompanied by terror such as in Prague.

But clearly these considerations are about names only - and names are normally considered innocent since they are given by the parents. That is, if it is only the song the juries are voting for and not the names - and that is not immediately certain.

But all these things are so easily prononced - and that seems to be the perennial problem - why cannot things be told out clearly? That should be possible.

In this file I referred to three events of 29-30 december 2020: 1) The earthquakes of Croatia, 2) the landslide of Ask, Gjerdrum, Romerike, Norway ('ask for hjerterom in Romerike' = 'ask for hospitality in the roman empire'), and 3) a bomb attempt against the new government in Aden. This could seem to have left a phonological imprint on the result list of this year's 'Eurovision Song Contest' (by this source) 1. Switzerland ('landslide'), 2. Croatia, 3. Ukraine, 4. France (earthquake = France, Ukraine), 5. Israel (ADEN Golan/government), 6. Ireland (Gjerdrum), 7. Italy (roman empire), 8. Armenia (Ask), 9. Sweden (P3 - Petrinja? - was a light music entertainment radio station), 10. Portugal, 11. Greece, 12. Germany, 13. Luxembourg, 14. Lithuania, 15. Cyprus, 16. Latvia, 17. Serbia, 18. United Kingdom, 19. Finland, 20. Estonia, 21. Georgia, 22. Spain, 23. Slovenia, 24. Austria, 25. Norway, Ø (disqualified) Netherlands. Norway landed on the last place, it seems, but if the Bible is right, it is told that the last shall be the first (like Italy-Norway upside-down on the european swastika) = a 'landslide' victory? The damages from the earthquakes were worst in Petrinja, but damages were also reported in Dvor, Glina, Gvozd, Hrvatska Kostajnica, Kutina, Sisak, Sunja, Topusko, Velika Gorica, and Zagreb, as well as the neighbouring countries Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia. Hopefully not a preprogramming of a 'landslide victory' by a future jury who maybe has been planned to decide on who should be credited with the authorship e.g. to my 'fundamental theorem of logic'. I notice also the two spam mails I received - on 6 and 9 april 2024 - cp. Italy-Norway on the map.

13 may 2024:

In Italy, the great time for poetry was the latin poets - Vergil, Horace etc - and the great time for visual arts was at the time of the renaissance when the italian language was getting a foothold in published language. It is therefore very possible that there exists a dimension in the historic conception in Italy which identifies the function of the poet with something which also is recognized as roman mythological reality (including the role of Mars lending quasi pretext for a warmongering Hitler) - against the function of the visual artist which is recognized as catholic - and hence that the protestant-catholic controversy for strategic protestant purposes can have been shifted over onto a poet-artist difference. Clearly that imposition could have been very unfortunate for catholicism, and it could have made it difficult to understand the role of the poet for the constitution of the social-cultural affairs. But some would say that it is the opposite. However, there would be one counterargument to this logic - and that would have been the name of 'Dante' - could be also 'Petrarca'. Does the name of 'Dante' have any role for the construction of the intrigue? For 'Petrarca' I could point to the Kennedy assassination ('Petter-Anne', cp. also the idea of 'allergic skurg-ben' also for the recent ado with interpretations of the origin of my allergic attack in Hammerfest), and for 'Dante' maybe there would be something in the socalled 'octogon' - some danes, some dance and a Danielsen?

('Petrarca' by 'Petter-Anne' suggests 'skurg-ben' - which also could be taken to tell why Josef Mengele came from 'Günzburg': 'Byens skurk' = 'the crook of the town' - which could suggests that the first father maybe had something to do with Josef Mengele? The photos on this photo scan page were published before I had reached a full maturity in the understanding of this history - it was less that 3 years after 11 september 2001 - and I think I told to myself that the detail that the first father was not the same as the second was not so interesting since they had to be quite similar anyhow. And should 'Skau Jakobsen' have anything to do with 'dante alighieri'?)

It is also possible that an information-technological rationality would tell that the italian language should have come to make progress in official published material only by the renaissance - while in actual fact this started much earlier. This would have created a 'paradoxical' historic gap which could have been conceived as having a categorial quality (see also under page 328-329) which could have come to be defining for the protestant-catholic controversy. For my own case, it may be that the progress I make in literary and scientific work is not matched with a corresponding progress in my career or general conditions of work - leaving a corresponding 'gap' which the intrigue could have wanted to identify as the same paradoxical 'historic gap'. Although this could seem to have a taint of quasi justification (by an apparently inherent 'rationality'), it would clearly also be very unfortunate in the sense of inviting to more hitlerish history - as if History considers it a necessary and inavoidable stage. (The idea of dumping the blame for hitlerish warcrimes on me would be that sort of logic). But all this unfortunate mechanism of plagiarisms (as a countermeasure for preventing my progress) with following wars and epidemics should not be considered a necessary 'historic category'. It can, as it seems, be easily solved by simply providing more progress for my literary work and working conditions. This not the least for preventing that exploitation of the poet comes to be defining for a new era - which then would include the necessary accompaniment of wars and epidemics. The apparently oversized role of 'intelligence services' for the time being could be about the same sort of epistemic rationality assigned to the conversion from 'intelligence' (in the sense of spirituality) onto a material storage format.

[14/5-2024: Why should an information-technological rationality suggest that latin = medieval scribes and italian = printing press? Hint: Latin has six cases while italian has only one. As far as I remember (from stoic theory or a university course), the concept of grammatical 'case' is derived from the idea of a stylus for writing being dropped from some shoulder height or so down to earth - if it lands and remains standing upright in 90 degrees angle it is called nominative case, if it lands in a slanting angle it is called accusative, genitive etc according to degree of slant. The word derives from greek πτῶσις, ptôsis, lit. "falling, fall". Hence if 'case' is essentially associated with 'stylus', it can be that latin with 6 cases is naturally associated with the scribe's tool when writing with a pen, while the reduction to only one case for italian is associated with the technology of the printing press. But that presupposes that 'case' in the sense of 'stylus' is an essential association and not only some historically coincidental association. I notice that with latin 'case' as a borrowing from greek πτῶσις there is also an inherent association to norwegian 'på Tåsen' - in my diary novel 'The Dreamer' I noticed a significant density of 777 numbers just there - 'på Tåsen' - see e.g. on page 142: "This is a little incredible. I cannot come close to Tåsen without being met with one of these 777-numbers". It is well possible that this is a peculiarity for the new information technology of the computer - in which case it is possible that 'case' in the sense of 'πτῶσις' is not a coincidence but a very essential aspect of the phenomenon. The novel starts with an impressive series of 666 car numbers at 'Kringsjå' (it is irrelevant whether some of these could have been organized to the place for intrigue purposes). I then lived between 'Kringsjå' and 'Tåsen' - a distance of a few hundred metres - but had to move once again in the course of the novel. I have guessed that my novel is one of history's most plagiarized novels - could be for reasons such as this - which could have something to do with a new level of information technology. But where is the crediting? A very helpless world it is who sits there waiting for me to tidy up in this - and in the mean time they fall sick all over the world from COVID and other epidemics. As these data suggest, the COVID pandemic is likely to have been directly triggered from 'The Dynasty' being an apparent plagiarism of my poetry book 'Der Dornenstrauch' - it broke out in the form of respiration problems (cp also the George Floyd case from the beginning months of the pandemic) at episode 50 and the pandemic lasted as long as the series continued, then it went down. Likewise, I made this suggestion about latin and italian yesterday and I would guess that there already could be solutions launched on the market - but probably none of those would mention me as the source of this idea in this context. Hence I come up with this idea myself as well. The world should pay me a significant sum of money in compensation for all these plagiarisms - that would help for the health, economy and culture of the world. Of course this story tells that the third millenium has to find a new way of crediting intellectual work - of course every published book should be immediately accessible for anybody on the internet, without login, registration, activation, cookies and all such nonsense - and then the author of such a work must be credited by other means than book sales with restricted access for the privileged few. A new goodness-driven economy must be developed. It is because I have not been credited for my work that people die from respiration problems - therefore I must be credited for my work].

See my study of Giotto relative to my TEQ and PEB under 'Thomas of Erfurt': The conceptual apparatus contained in this should perhaps suffice for solving the problem. (Alas, the world seems to contain some potentially 'hitlerish intelligence services' who apparently try to sabotage my work - if anybody could restore the access to the pages I have made hebrew references to it could be a help for solving these problems. "" contains in the URL a crediting of 'Jastrow' enough for the jewish users to know what book it is. Such sabotages of my links are probably just another variant of the same sort of problem). Were is the crediting for this solution of mine to scholastic semiotics?

Not to speak of the photos on this page - almost all photos behind the links have been removed, it seems. Is that because of what I suggested on this page?

It is anyhow important to observe that I am not a warmongering Hitler.

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There has been much ukrainian 'shelling' of the russian border town Belgorod through the last months. From a file "spreposal.htm" on my computer, annotated with 'on the web 22 March 2008', which probably means that it was with this filename on my homepage earlier:

It was in London in 2003 that I came across a dead white laboratory mouse on the sidewalk where it probably could be computed that I would walk. I think there even was a surveillance camera there somewhere, or at least nearby on the way to the place (on the way uphill from Kings Cross). The mouse could have been genetically engineered (a relative of 'lab-rotten'?) since it had an abnormally big jaw. A day or two later I read in a newspaper that Mike Tyson had been in some trouble in a restaurant or was it a night club queue. 'Tike Myson' = 'don't touch the mouse'.

I dont remember the street name but think it could perhaps have been Farringdon Road or Grays Inn Road or thereabout. (Near Ampton Street?) It was not Deichmann.

I have no reason to believe that I have been subjected to gases affecting the brain.

As far as concerns the issue who 'donated' the stuff that caused the allergic attack in Hammerfest in 1959, I notice that the name ('Keir Rodney Starmer') of the current leader of the opposition in England on background of this referendum 10 years ago (see brief comments for 11 may 2024) - could seem to suggest that it was the 'care'-taker.

Russian 'Donetskoi Narodnoi Respubliki' read in quasi-latin = 'doheiko ha po den hoie pekuniære' = 'do heiko ha på den høye pecuniary' = (loud radio from neighbour flat - rented) = 'Heiko do Leien' (husband Heiko Echter von der Leyen of Ursula von der Leyen = 'Keir Rodney Starmer' if the theme is the donation of chemicals in Hammerfest. Von der Leyen is born 'Albrecht'.

It happened in Molde just below the house of my classmate Alf Gustav Høstmark that a boy told me that his intestines came out behind when he was sitting on the toilet but his father managed to stuff them back in again.

14 may 2024:

Continueing from 13 may 2024, the discussion of the mouse or rat on a sidewalk near Kings Cross in London: It is seen that, by L/N or N/L, if the laboratory rat/mouse were on the intersection Ampton Street / Grays Inn Road, I could perhaps feel a little concerned about this idea of gases affecting the brain. NeLly Sachs was not about LeNny Gas, and neither is my poetry 'gas' although there could of course be people who want to consider it as such. In particular, my poetry is not 'lendy' - I have not borrowed it from somebody else without crediting the source: This idea could have been the theme of quasi 'intelligence service' intrigue on my life and work - that it should have been written on basis of cueings from intrigues and unspoken personal experience. I refer to the Chapter #16 'Hitler and the archetypes' in my volume 3 (the chapter reproduced even here on my homepage): If it should have been the case e.g. that Adolf Hitler were hiding behind the facade of the man who was in the role of my official father since 1969, a part of the intrigue could then have been that I had got knowledge which I could have used in my literary work without crediting the source and therefore the source felt that they had a sort of 'right' to claim control with it: That is not true - as my chapter shows: If it should have been the case that I had understood the role of Talmud Erubin for the four last books of 'The Endmorgan Quartet', then I have thouroughly credited the source with this chapter in volume 3. Of course, of course - neither in science or literary format would there be any problems for me to credit the source, whoever that should be. It is not for 'recommending' somebody that one credits the source - it could rather be just as well on the contrary - that it is for not being hampered by unspoken liaisons that one credits the source. However, my route to finding Talmud Erubin is easily told: It was via the title to book 13 that I looked up Mayer's selection from the Talmud (Mayer, R.: Der Talmud. Ausgewählt, übersetzt and erklärt von Reinhold Mayer. Goldmann Verlag, München 1980) and under the register for 'praxis' I found one and only one reference - that was to Talmud Erubin, I think [close to] the fragment containing also a mention of 'an alexandrian ship'. I recognized this in a poem of mine and quickly saw that the neighbouring fragments likewise concerned the neighbouring poems - and that is how I found the parallel text. To this I could add the fact that Knut Stene Johansen wrote an essay for his studies in philosophy in the 1980's concerning the concept of 'praxis' as a philosophical tool. Would there have been a potential source therein for the word in the title to my book 13? Could be, of course - I did not read the essay but he mentioned the theme. There is no problems for me with referring to that - but I have also read some philosophy myself etc.

Has somebody kept me under surveillance and has opinions on what sort of philosophy I have read? But that is another matter - keeping people under surveillance means that the surveyors get something from the subject they survey and that information and 'subconscious' knowledge and experience accompanying it should also be credited, however much the surveillance has been secret. This could of course be the real political problem in this story - and that is likely to go the other way round.

Neither is there an immediate reason that some organizers think they recognize their ideas and projects in my poetry: Everybody have the chance to understand my poetry and for that they need to invoke their own experience and understanding of it for 'recognizing' it in my words - but of course that cannot be a basis for claiming rights to my work. It is not so difficult: For crediting the source one does as well as one can - simply because that rescues the own integrity, and integrity is essential for writing poetry and for intellectual work in general.

However, there is the general rule that one credits the source for what is explicitly articulated in spoken or written form - it is possible to credit also 'presence' and things like that although that is not normal. (A person's name often has that function - of telling where one has that sort of knowledge-of-upbringing from). The person who was in the role of my official father since 1969 did not tell much explicit 'scholarship' of this kind, though - he told some stories and examples which could have had a generally 'indicating' function and contained some 'wisdom' - but it may even be that I have credited him for many of these on this homepage.

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Paul Auster died on 30 april 2024. His son Daniel Auster died on 26 april 2022, his wife Siri Hustvedt has a name which is not a 'serious threat'.

There were 4246 minutes between the spam mail of possible threat (6 april 2024 at 08:30 AM) and the spam mail from Tone Grøver (9 april 2024 at 07:16 AM).

[15/4-24: Norwegian interpretations: 'Paul Auster' = 'på låst dør' = 'on a locked door'. 'Daniel Auster' = 'da[g]en je[g] låste her/dør' = 'the day I locked here/the-door'. 'Siri Hustvedt' = 'says it in house-wash/cleaning'. (Tvätt' is really swedish for 'wash'). 'Tone Helene Grøver' = '2 down, the whole down, G criminal'. For 'på låst dør', see brief comments for 13-14 may on 'på Tåsen'. The wikipedia article tells that Auster was treated at the 'Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center'. It was in 1975 that I was taken to Oslo for an attempt to open my throat abscess in a basement doctor office. I cannot remember if there were anything written on the door.

19 may 2024:

Some interesting things in these observations.

26 may 2024:

Today two articles: 1) The round window of the Middle East - the article discusses a general theory of redundancies in the geography of the planets nearest to the earth having a defining role for the form of the human semiotic constitution - it is concluded that this phenomenon even is the essence of the current Middle East crisis - why it is of utmost importance that the Gaza strip becomes a peaceful and non-militaristic region, and 2) the Budapest sofa 1984 - the story of the sofa in Budapest in probably 1984.

28 may 2024:

Some words on the current situation in a file called 'Secrets of politics?'

It must be understood how important my article The round window of the Middle East from 2 days ago is for the condition of the collective global consciousness. It was because I do not have so much money that I - contrary to the normal - had to publish it from Vienna. That is felt very clearly (this raw undertow). If I had published it as normal from Italy (or some comparable location) the condition would have been much better. This must be understood - the work I do is important. That is also why I should have been out of Austria since long - it is this 1223-structure which is the problem. A normal unimportant notice or article can be published from Austria without much problems - but this round window of the Middle East is not normal stuff. But am I credited for the work I do? The world must avoid more COVID and similar problems.

29 may 2024:

Some observations on some aspects of 'Facebook' on internet.

Continued from yesterday's comment: Several international news channels have lauded the recognition of the palestinian state from Norway, Spain and Ireland - around the same time as I published my article. "The joint decision of Spain, Norway and Ireland to recognize Palestine as a State is historic," Lula da Silva posted on social media". Several news channels have commented on this breakthrough and major step forwards. However, by a closer look at the theme - it turned out that Sweden had recognized Palestine in 2014 - and in fact several other states before that. Even more precisely, as much as 140 of the UN's 193 member states have already recognized Palestine. 'NOrway-SP-ain-IREland' = 'eks-sp-ire', 'expire'? My homepage seems since yesterday to have been locked with an 'SSL' block that switches automatically from http:// to https:// (source) and will not open unless you know how to do it (by removing the 's' in the URL manually'). The error message tells that I have not paid for the SSL - but I have not asked for an SSL - it must be somebody else who have done that.

30 may 2024:

The story of Ukraine seems to be this: They got their country from Russia and have been a state since 1991 - but the apparently brutal persecution of the people in the east made it clear that they could not administer these regions and therefore Russia took them back again in 2022. The referenda showed that some 95% or more of the people there wanted to be russian rather than ukrainian. Since then the war has been Ukraine's brutal attacks on Russia for getting these regions back again and Russia has only defended their new borders - and that is the whole story? Why does the west support such brutal ukrainian warfare against Russia?

The question is whether Ukraine deliberately provoked the war by way of chemical persecutions in the east - in order to make a Black Sea Loop run - on behalf of the interests in the west (cp. also Hamas' provocation on 7 october 2023).

Is the whole story that Norway hadnt come out with the story of Hitler and me and all that - and therefore the intended global peaceful equilibrium has started breaking apart and the world is now about to divide into two hemispheres again?

Throughout my life the enigma has been that it seemed that international politics were about me - but of course, if that should have been the case, then somebody would have told me, dont you think so? Likewise, when student campuses shout about 'genocide' all over the world these days, it cannot be Norway they have in their minds - only because they have not come out with this story - since then somebody would have told them, dont you think so?

If Hitler's 'erste, zweite, dritte Reich' should be about putting Hitler up in jewish clothing in the 'dritte Reich' (while somebody else is persecuting jews, otherwise it wont function), it would not be much more worth than the story of the marathon runner who at the end of his long run is just about to turn into the stadion for receiving the public's enthusiastic support - when somebody who is dressed up in the same number jolts him out in the roadside and runs in to harvest the recognition for all the labour that the jewish people have done through centuries and millenia. It may be that Lenin's death in 1924 was organized by Hitler's interests for running off with Lenin's revolution. Hitler's 'western' rationale is probably not much more worth than that - and if the world is now about to go into a new hemispheric split (while waiting for the truth to be told?), is it really for half of it to be supporting such bad swindle? Of course nobody wants Hitler's 'dritte Reich' swindle. It does matter that the original author be credited and not the plagiarist - that is what COVID told. Smart tricks for turning roles around cannot be a solution in the long run.

It seems that my website is still under the spell (which came up the day after I published this article) of some 'SSL' which puts an 's' after http:// for a https:// and therefore it will not open unless you know the trick of removing the 's' manually - but shouldnt these two alternatives (http, https) open anyhow? Is there a division imposed on them so that you have to choose the one or the other? I hope somebody can help me get the page open again. Or is it only here in Austria that it is blocked? The error message that comes up tells that it (the HTTPS) requires a one-time payment, which means that I have not paid and that is the reason why it cannot be opened. It is an argument of mine in the file of that day that many countries owe me money for plagiarisms and abuse of surveillance data and it is possible that the international problem is not much more than that - that they have not paid - so this error message (by HTTP/HTTPS) could be an attempt to turn the roles.

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I used to buy these spanish oranges called 'Senorita' (with a normal fruit sticker on) for several weeks. Then on 18 may 2024 a sticker for what was called 'Götterfrucht' suddenly appeared like ex nihilo on my hand - and something similar happened the day after. See this account. Iran's president Raisi fell down in a helicopter the same day (19 may 2024). I firmly believed that this 'Götterfrucht' was a hitherto unknown sticker ('semantic label on referent'), and the oranges were still called 'Senorita' as far as I could remember. It was only this week that the same sort of oranges suddenly had the sticker 'Götterfrucht' like the ones I believed were ex nihilo. I have searched the web and there seems to be some such oranges - a fruit label - but the 'Senorita' label suddenly seems to be off the web. Could somebody have replaced the 'Senorita' with 'Götterfrucht' on the web (for example for political reasons)? I dont know if that is possible. It seems that a new volcano (with impressive orange flames) also suddenly erupted in Iceland around the same time as the occurrence of this new label sticker on the oranges (yesterday Vienna time 14:46:20, it seems). News today.

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© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 3 may 2024
Last updated 3 june 2024