The needle in the hey-stack

John Bjarne Grover

It was after the french revolution in 1789 that royal power started to feel unsafe. Leopold II was then emperor of Austria and brother of Marie Antoinette - he issued the socalled 'Pillnitz Punctation' ('an toilette'?) 3 months and a few days before the unexpected death of Mozart, and when Leopold himself died 'suddenly' 3 months and a few days after Mozart, it was opened for speculations on murder of Mozart and revenge murder on Leopold - or some clever intrigue makers had organized both. Royal power anyhow started to crumble in those years and it is likely that the royals constructed the PTRSIM PIK program from the beginning of the 19th century in an attempt to revitalize royal power by pumping divinity from the PIK over to the royals who thereby hoped to be dressed up in more majesty and thereby regain more historic rationale for their rule. The divinity was pumped from the mobbed PTRSIM PIK - who was a technically constructed 'Messiah' - over onto the royals by way of several smart connections which hid the power transference well.

Wittgenstein was (I have concluded) a PIK and Hitler rose to grotesque power by mobbing Wittgenstein. The 'klaps on walls treat' was likely to be organized for pumping the chances the philosopher had hoped for by his book submission to Reclam Verlag - Reclam did not want to publish it - a setback for the philosopher - and therefore the world got a 'klaps on walls treat' instead and thereby Hitler became chancellor of Germany - due to the mobbing of the philosopher which this klaps entailed.

The war came to be expensive for the austrians who had made the historic trick: Instead of helping Wittgenstein to a publication of his Tractatus they seem to have opted for monkey business instead and thereby propelled Hitler to power. It was only in 1955 that they should get the keys to independence back again - and had to sign the Staatsvertrag for it. This had in its article 9 the following formulation:

Artikel 9. Auflösung nazistischer Organisationen

1. Österreich wird die bereits durch die Erlassung entsprechender und von der Alliierten Kommission für Österreich genehmigter Gesetze begonnenen Maßnahmen zur Auflösung der nationalsozialistischen Partei und der ihr angegliederten und von ihr kontrollierten Organisationen einschließlich der politischen, militärischen und paramilitärischen auf österreichischem Gebiet vollenden. österreich wird auch die Bemühungen fortsetzen, aus dem österreichischen politischen, wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Leben alle Spuren des Nazismus zu entfernen, um zu gewährleisten, daß die obgenannten Organisationen nicht in irgendeiner Form wieder ins Leben gerufen werden, und um alle nazistische oder militaristische Tätigkeit und Propaganda in Österreich zu verhindern.

which contains the essential definition: alle nazistische oder militaristische Tätigkeit und Propaganda in Österreich zu verhindern.

It means that Austria has agreed to refrain from any 'military activity'. They are perhaps entitled to have some sort of military but not to use it. They are probably entitled to call their own citizens to military service but not to move in the course of the service. This is to prevent that nazism blossoms up again.

Martin Ljung's 'Fingalolsson' was a popular swedish sketch in I think the 1960's:

- Isnt it Fingal Olsson who sits over there?
- No, he is dead.
- He is not! He seems to move!


'Martin Ljung' means 'my art in heather', with the spoon on 'my heart in ether' - that is, the unmoving condition. Norway had an unbroken Gerhardsen government 1945-65 - except for a short 'John Lyng' = 'John Heather' government a few weeks before the Kennedy assassination - which left the 'warrior' (Kennedy had just got USA involved in the Vietnam war) unmoving. This connection between the norwegian government and the Kennedy assassination was emphasized by the appointment of Jens A.Boyesen to the norwegian government probably a few hours before the shots in Dallas.

Military 'Tätigkeit' is not permitted in Austria, this means - here an ad for 'ÖBB'

The formulation in the 1955 'Staatsvertrag' probably means that the 'zidalweidun' is not permitted. But that is not me.

'Militaristische Tätigkeit' is not permitted, and 'nazistische Propaganda' is not either. It is likely that the advertisement which has been going on in Austria for a decade or more - the the extent that it is based on material from my life and work without crediting of the source - counts as such 'nazistische Propaganda'.

There are apparently two existing solutions to this problem in austrian politics:

1) Either the 'SPÖ' ('Sozialistische Partei Österreichs') solution of allowing for homo - which means being in the 'Tätigkeit' even if it is not normally permitted, but they have made some international progress in making it permitted by homo marriage laws - although it is possible that these attempts to have homo marriage accepted is connected with the coronavirus pandemic and therefore it is likely that they will have to give up this program.

2) The other solution is in 'ÖVP' = 'Österreichische Volks-Partei' which is to go for the divine status - the theory that the land was given to the 'ostarrichi' as a land sacred to the gods - and that they will lose their land if they are not divine - which guarantees them their territorial rights by the Ostarrichi document. For upholding their rights to be there without a defence, they must be 'divine'. The innermost secret, guarded with seven firespewing dragons, is that they are not so divine after all - normal humans could be the truth. But if this leaks out, then they have no homeland any longer - then they are transformed into tramps who wander from place to place. Therefore they have to be divine.

Austrian divinity can be attested in several phenomena:

1) For becoming an austrian citizen an EU member has to stay for 6 years 'ununterbrochene Aufenthalt'. Almost no human - probably only divines - do that without taking a shopping trip to Bratislava - and then it is just to start counting over again. They allow for up to 20 percent deviation from the 'ununterbrochene Aufenthalt' when accepting the application but a court who insists on the criteria can alter that.

2) The human reality is redundant with coincidences some of which are called causal relations. But in the divine reality it is doubtful whether causality exists at all - and that explains the apparently high number of coincidences in the austrian reality.

3) The story of the black textiles (scapulars?) which probably took shape ex nihilo in the moment when I entered tram #1 - it happened twice with one week's interval in exactly the same way. Both times I found it on a seat when I entered the tram and since I could believe that it was somebody who had forgotten it there, even if they were humid on the sunny day, I gave them to the tramdriver both times to be delivered to the lost-and-found office. These, when they understood what it was, could have inspected the scene in the tram through surveillance and concluded that they took form just before my entry - and hence that these were my spiritual ex nihilo creation and therefore they could have contacted me for giving them back to me: Mr.Grover, these are yours. Then they had given the divine gift back to me and then they themselves would have gotten their territorial rights from the divine. But since this story could have meant that the textiles were a gift from the divine, on the assumption that the austrians believe that they themselves are divine, they would have taken it that I did not want the gift but had returned them to the donor - who thereby were the true and original proprietor and thereby had got the proof that the land was theirs.

4) The same seems to be the case with the lost poetry notebooks: If I consider myself a poet of 'prophetic' language, the words in the notebooks would have been 'gifts from the divines' - and hence the same logic would have applied if the austrians did not return the poetry notebooks to me. It would have been the 'service logic' that such words of 'prophetic' kind, level 4 words, really originate in the holy secret intelligence brotherhood which seems to be the original greek sense of the word 'orge' in the north = N as the basis for 'Norge' = 'Norway'. It would mean that they hope to receive accept for the theory that the secret intelligence services are divine.

All this could contribute to the possible program of 'Entrümpelung' by England of the holy land - for lending new massive amounts of 'majesty' to the monarch - could be as the basis for the royal immunity which the services could be administering. Would it be entrümpelung of Austria qua holy land - or would it be about the real holy land Israel? An 'End-lösung' by an 'End-rümpelung' - say, exemplified or installed by way of hypothetical 'rape of my puberty' including following extremely unfortunate mythomaniac ideas of the rapist being a 'Madonna' with custody authority to this 'Jesus' (the PIK')?

What would happen if the austrians were stripped of divine status and could not continue the fiction? Then they would probably feel very unprotected and weak if they are without rights to use military defence.

Norway probably has a comparable problem since the antisemitic constitution of 1814 with being not divine but ridiculous - and hence they could have been going for an ultra-ridiculous program of building the society on the mobbing of a small child.

But how do the austrians acquire their divinity if they are only normal humans? It could be by mobbing it from PTRSIM PIK, Mr.Divine. And when they have mobbed enough and look bristling with divinity, there comes the Entrümpelung (the war, probably) for pumping all of it over onto Buckingham who could be in need of refill of what probably must be understood as 'majesty'. ('Entrümpelung' means the emptying of a home - a firm of some employees comes with a van and carry everything out and drives it away). Or a mini Entrümpelung could have been planned on me (see below).

I guess that Wittgenstein was 'Judenblut', like me, and that PTRSIM PIKs normally are - being technically constructed 'Messiah'-ses - the 'Messiah' being one from the people of Israel. Thereby the holocaust served to pump glory over onto Buckingham - and since Wittgenstein stayed in England during WWII, that hid the historic connections well.

ÖVP seems to be constructed in a '1223' relation to my person since their foundation 1945 - and if they find their territorial rights in the Ostarrichi document, there is that little word which probably is considered 'the needle in the haystack': It is the word 'zidalweidun' which seems to have been the name of Adolf Hitler - and even current ÖVP chief Sebastian Kurz has a name which can be brought in phonological connection with this mystery word. (ÖVP will probably argue for the relevance of this name that it can suggest a link between Hitler and Buckingham - and that could be popular ideas in Austria - that nazism and the holocaust were not really austrian but rather british - but it must be admitted that this 'needle in the haystack' could sound about the same today as it was a hundred years ago). It is possible that if the coronavirus pandemic were put in circulation on purpose, it could have been for the need for the global vaccination program - this 'needle in the haystack' - and precisely for this reason is it unfortunate with prepappointments for vaccination, the 'prenotazione', since that is by the arrival for vaccination the recognition by 'hey' of the person called to appointment for a 'stack' or 'stick' in the shoulder. It is this prenotazione which makes the pandemic a giant global motor for a new hitler.

Who should want that? The secret intelligences could want that: Their power is probably the same as royal power. They should not have had any power at all but they can acquire power - ach so human - by way of the royal PTRSIM PIK pump. The monarch has royal immunity and can ask the intelligence services to carry out terror without being accused or punished for it. But since the tipetop secret is that even the monarch is only a normal human being with vulnerable flesh, it follows that the secret intelligences - who are the source of the knowledge which could prompt the monarch to ask for some terror - soon will come with suggestions for the optimal terror for enhancing the power - please only sign here, Mr.Monarch, and we will do what we can. And soon this collaborativeness of the monarch is turned into a carte blanche - and that would be the very human power of the secret intelligence services. These services could also be the ones who inform the health services around the world that vaccinations must go by way of preappointment, registration, prenotazione - for a maximal 'hey'-stack of the needle in the shoulder. That could enhance secret intelligence power all over the world and thereby it opens for a new hitler for pumping more power, glory, majesty into the royals who thereby can grant more and more carte blanche to the secret intelligence services. It is very possible that this is a main reason for the pandemic.

My idea of 'three freedoms' will avoid this. The three freedoms are these: 1) You can choose yourself which vaccination station, which town, which country you will be vaccinated in without preappointment - and anybody, any tourist or stranger, must be admitted as long as there is sufficient vaccine. Info on where to find valid vaccination stations are published on posters around town - including the observation that the addresses can be checked on a poster outside the entrance door to the municipal house, the mayor's office: This huge poster (which you can photograph on 50 metres distance) lists the exact addresses of all vaccination stations and show their locations on a city map. 2) When you come to the vaccination station, which can be in a school gym hall, a hospital vestibule etc, you yourself choose which queue you will line up in for, say, 5-10 tables with queues for each, and 3) when it is your turn you yourself choose the syringe on the table among a few dozens of them spread out for your choice. A nurse stands there filling the once-only syringes from bottles (or they are prefilled from producer) and the doctor (or another nurse) surveys you doing it yourself or puts in the injection for you. There is a doctor and/or a nurse at each table. As soon as the vaccine is injected into your belly - the needle is only 5-10 mm long and is put in to the bottom of the needle, that is, right under the skin, and injected 5-10 cm anywhere from the bellybutton (that procedure takes half a minute at the most), thereafter you go to a copy machine and put your ID on the glass plate and get a paper printed out with certificate telling place, time, type etc - and the data are sent to the central authorities who return an electronic receipt to your email - or you can later get it by sending an email yourself to the email address printed on the paper certificate. This procedure would make vaccination very easy and quick and the population would be vaccinated in very short time - almost like a referendum - but it would leave little power or carte blanche to the terror organizers. It would be for the people's health and economy and interests generally - and not for the terrorists'.

What would a new hitler do? Probably the new hitler would constitute a power pump to England (Buckingham) and be the center of a lot of catastrophes on a global scale - in particular epidemics of completely disastrous kind whereby whole cities will have to be fenced in and destoyed without anybody being allowed to escape in the hope of stopping the spread of it. The entire Austrialia or New Zealand? How terrible! How could it happen again? And the new hitler will be in the forefront for battling these catastrophes.

I have suggested a procedure for constructing a medication against all sorts of viruses. If my method turns out to be efficient, it could mean that if epidemic catastrophes consequently will not run according to schedule, a new hitler will be rather inefficient in pumping power to the monarchies and the secret intelligences - and that could be the reason why just these could have tried to close it down under the lid of secrecy - could be for being safely in charge of the wonderpulver themselves while the rest of the world - all those who do not want the terror - is dying.

Such royal power is a sad anachronism only and I think England should close down their monarchy.

What is the proof that England is the story? The 'zidalweidun' haystack needle is in the Ostarrichi document which has about the same status for Austria as the Decameron in Italy, Heimskringla in Norway or Chanson de Roland in France - cp the names of the three most recent PMs in England:

D.Cameron = Decameron
Teresa May = Heimskringla (norwegian constitution 17 may = 'sytten[d]e mai' 1814)
Johnson Boris = Chanson de Roland

The plan could be that England comes out with the triumph after the 3rd and/or 4th world war and the whole world is turned into a british kingdom - with one global monarch on top generously handing out carte blanches to the services in need of it for conducting the royal volition all over the world.

It seems that ÖVP was constructed relative to me via a 1223 principle - 12 years, 2 months and 3 weeks. The cartoon in The New Yorker appr 12 years, 2 months and 3 weeks before Sebastian Kurz in 2011 entered the austrian government for the first time was this:

It is seen that the couple in the mid part somewhat resemble Teresa May and Boris Johnson (with a perplexed look - cp. all the plexiglasses in public counters in these corona times - does she massage his nipple?) while the scene to the left and the similar scene to the right look like a 'David Cameron'.

If one assumes a link from Adolf Hitler's plans to Buckingham, it is possible that it was installed in the form of the abdication of Edward VIII when he chose to live with Wallis Simpson instead of continueing on the throne. 'All is impson' could be seen as the current vaccination program - although in the 1930's it could have meant the alleged 'Bienenweide' or 'zzzzidalweidun' natural needles. One could in fact even these days observe a similar 'mini-abdication' in Buckingham some time ago when prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle 'abdicated' and went (as it was told in early 2020 - at the time of 'brexit' and the coronavirus pandemic) for Canada. 'Arry's Eghan' could take on the shape of an 'all is impson' if the 'igen' = 'impsen'. Could be there have been some news on that theme - and I notice that the current US government could be seen as a sort of 'anti-abdication'? Another example could be in the renaming of my disability pension from 2002 into (in 2014-15) a new disability benefit = 'trygd' - hence if 'Entrümpelung' relates to 'en-trygd-elung' (or 'en-trygd-eljung', like Martin Ljung or the Kennedy assassination) it could also serve to rewrite the 'arry & eghan' into 'all is impson'. (Cp. also the idea of 'en-Trump-elung').

In short, there are good reasons why I - if I seek a vaccination against coronavirus - should do that outside the authority area of ÖVP - that is, outside Austria. In fact Hungary could probably be even worse - due to the factor discussed below. It seems that the whole story - with assumed construction of a new hitler - could have been built up all and only around this 'zidalweidun' as a 'needle in the haystack'. That is, the possible mix and max of the 'zidalweidun' with the 'needle in the hey-stack/stick'.

How could Hungary be an even more unfortunate vaccination location for me than Austria?

In the article 'Aspects of Gro Harlem Brundtland's career relative to mine' I have described how much international terror can be seen as linked to my symbolic role - as 'PTRSIM PIK' - and in the brief file 6 september 2021 I have traced the problem related to the Palme assassination even further back:

I once (1984) lived at Movatn north of Oslo before I in late 1984 moved to the location where I in probably march 1986 had to move out in a hurry, probably soon after the Palme assassination. The owner of this place 1984-86 had a name which could be put in connection with the formula 'or-N-gas' and so one could, on basis of the theory that the name of Norway on the form 'Norge' (search this file for 'Norge') deriving from greek 'οργεων' = member of religious brotherhood', from 'οργια' = 'holy secret intelligence service', while 'οργη' = 'thumos' in homeric greek, the heart of the story in the Iliad, the red metre - it is the same root as in 'οργας' which means 'a rich tract of land sacred to the gods', or 'any well-watered fertile spot of land, meadowland' - therefore recognize at least three possibly related forms - you only have to 'move at N':

a-N-ustria - by the above 'Tätigkeit' complex

I think the name of the 1984-86 houseletter has to be mentioned since it seems possibly to be used quite extensively in political intrigue. That does not mean that he is involved - but it means that the name of the one who let out a flat to me seems to be abused. "Arne Orrung" was the name of my houseletter in Kornmoveien on Tårnåsen at Kolbotn outside Oslo 1984-86 - cp. the 'or-N-gas' --> 'Orrung-Arne'. The name was on this homepage of mine in an early article called 'Beslan and Srebrenica' from 22 May 2005. In the printout of this which is stored as legal deposit in the austrian national library ('The website material 2004-2007') the date at the end of this article is on the printout page 1271 followed immediately by a short poem of mine - in the following entry:

I carried in my father's chair

Here is a socalled 'star' which I wrote in late 1996, on basis of some empirical observations I did at that time, the phonology of their linguistic articulation and the particular 'star structure'.

I carried in my father's chair

The hands of me - grasp and bear
this chair which fathered me,
but over doorstep, chair
and overpowered knees

my pants feel worn, and - oops! -
the worn trousers down my seat
for ever glide and - whoops! -
my pants slip down to my feet.

                                          Bergen 25 December 1996

The poem has a peculiar 'swing' - like a swinging flagpole - and I have noticed that Britney Spears, who had a pop hit called 'Oops I did it again' or something like that years ago - now seems to have been in the news again recently.

ORR-Ungarn-e seems to be the name which could have been used for a quite largescaled program on ÖBB, the austrian railway company 'Österreichische Bundesbahn', along with MAV-START, the hungarian railway company. ORR is hungarian for 'nose', cp. the 'norseman' land of 'οργας'. The relation between ÖBB and ORR could be contained in the story from the summer 1975 when I (along with Knut Stene Johansen) tried to run off to France on an 'interrail' one month holiday, and there was in the news the terror by 'JRA' when we left with the train in early july and the terror by 'IRA' when we came back in august. This little undercurve difference could be the link between ÖBB and ORR and hence refer also to the story of mine from 1981 - with 'Hadelandsdrapene' when I left for Rome and the assassination of Anwar Sadat when I went back. 'Runk' or 'ronk' is the norwegian fourletter word for 'masturbation' and hence 'Arne Orrunk' would mean 'the origin of the nose-masturbation'. Which means that if the masturbation of the nose (the ORR) is in Austria, by ÖBB, the origins of this could be in the MAV-START: 'MAVe' is norwegian for 'stomach'.

ÖBB = ORR-un-Garn-e: Train tickets are very expensive here in Austria but cheap if you have 'Vorteilskarte' of some sort - which you can get if you are a member of the community somehow. Could be it is the same principle as for citizenship. The Vorteilskarte can - if a parallel - be seen as a corresponding proof that you are divine or at least nearly divine. If you do not have the Vorteilskarte, the train from Vienna to Budapest costs 49 euros. For travelling back again, buying a ticket in Budapest, it costs 25 euros. ORR-Ungarn-e, un-Garne = to avoid the GARN = to avoid the fishing net of full price.

'Arne ORR' = 'Arne Nese' ('Arne Nose'). The norwegian philosopher Arne Næss was also a devout mountaineer and partook in the norwegian expedition that allegedly was the first (in 1950) to climb Tirich Mir in northern Pakistan - the country which arose from the division of India by Mahatma Gandhi who was murdered only 2 years before this expedition. There is the famous story of the nomination of Gandhi to the Nobel peace prize 1948. (Another nomination was delivered the day after the murder by Frede Castberg on Sme[d]stad = Smithsplace in Oslo - cp. the 'hOftedal' = 'hip-valley'). If I were raped by a 'trans' in my puberty, the transplantation would have been in the 'smithsplace', the 'hip-valley'. 'Tirich Mir' sounds like a counterpoint to the classic indian-mystic 'tat twam asi' = 'that is you'. 'Ikkje' or 'iche' is norwegian dialect for '[do] not' - hence 'Tier ich mir' could mean something like 'the animal isnt me/mine' or 'tease me not'. The new border between Indian and Pakistan would interpret the difference.

However, the Tirich Mir expedition after the murder of Gandhi could perhaps be taken as evidence today of national interests and knowledge of the expected birth of me as a PTRSIM PIK or 'dirty beast in the revelation'. It was also told that Næss had climbed the facade of the university building in Oslo after having been locked in there - and when he in 1970 resigned from his professorship in philosophy (I think he was the youngest professor ever in Norway when he got the chair - an 'Arne Næss-ung'), he said he did it for devoting himself to 'environmental studies'. I think I saw a photo in the newspapers from Næss arriving to his nephew and namesake's wedding with Diana Ross - the photo showed him going down the stairs from the airplane carrying a chair upside down on his head. Carl-Petter Søland in Fredrikstad had told me - true or not - that Næss resigned from his professorship after having used too much drugs - I think, if I remember right, that he told that Næss had returned from a travel abroad but was 'completely absent/on holiday' = 'helt bortreist' because of too much LSD. (It could be that I live a little 'treist' for the time being). I dont know if this could be the background of the drilling in Mariahilferstrasse (in the 'heis-tak' there) in 2021 - by 'helt bor-treist' - which perhaps could serve to prepose an S to words. 'S-calp etter Celan' could then even be taken as suggestive of Caravaggio's 'Burial of Christ' which seems to show the 5 members of the Grøver family carrying Paul Pessach Celan to the grave - in which case Ragna Grøver to the left would - in a theoretic role as 'trans' - resemble my 1973-74 classmate 'Trygve Tveterås' - whose name also could be spotted in the 'En-trygd-elung' construction. Or the character could resemble a modern 'rock star' generally.

With this opposition 'Tirich Mir' vs 'tat twam asi' (with border between), it can be observed that Arne Næss was among the demonstrators who chained themselves to each other and the ground to protest against the damming of 'Mardøla' in 1970 - an activism which had an echo in the protests against the planned damming of the valley of 'Stilla' at 'Masi' in the far north (the sami land of Alta/Kautokeino). If that were 'Masi' of 'tat twam asi', would 'Dattua' be the 'Smedstad point'? Tattoa, stattua, Stilla? I dont remember if Næss were among the demonstrators at Stilla, Masi, but I think it resembled the 'Mardøla' of 1970.

You do not like the idea of your daughter being abused, do you? But then why do you agree to exploitation of the poet's work and xylophone and volcano in business? It is just the same sort of abuse. Those who organize this intrigue probably say to the businesses that this is Mr.Grover's role - to see all his intellectual-spiritual work go under the iron heel of money-business and profit interests - and he is used to it and do not protest. I have protested against this abuse of my life and work through many years and of course I continue with that - at least untill one of those dirty businesses and politicians come out with the story and admit that it is my work that is abused.

Chrysler & Mercedes announced merger I think soon (same day) after I had sent a book submission ('Gentlemen', TEQ book 15) to Jüdische Verlag in 2005 - was it for helping me find a publisher, if not independent of me? Could be - but my jaw could not take it with such a hangon from 'Meissler & Crusaders' and I had to withdraw the submission. The Masi damming ('Meisler Crusader'?) could have been made for just that purpose - of making a counterpoint to or 'damning' of Tirich Mir. The damning of Satan.

For 'helt bortreist' = 'completely on holiday', I notice also that the bank 'VISA Electron' not so long after it had changed name to 'card complete Service Bank AG' announced an offer called 'complete holiday' for its customers. Cp. also 'Martin Ljung' and 'my heart on ether'.

My house in Szolnok is probably an 'intelligence project' from 1970 intended specifically on me, I have guessed. The house was built (tells the documents) in 1970 from adobe which in hungarian is 'valyog': The word is (by Benkö 1984) from 1693. It is pronounced at least today 'vajog' but still spelt 'valyog', although it is probable that it earlier was pronounced 'valy-og' - 'valley-[j]og'. This could in principle have been the origin of the demonstrations against the 'Masi' valley damming - could be the demonstrators really were protesting against the damning of me as Satan. Computing the PEB poem for the year 1693 takes it to #116, more specifically to line 9,184. The last lines in this poem go

Und Sie stammen aus London?
Ach, dann haben Sie
nichts in dieser Wohnung.

which could be conceived for the smart trick of an Entrümpelung of my home which then would lead to the conclusion that I should be from London.

The norwegian film 'Norske Byggeklosser' from 1972 could be about this 'adobe' = 'valyog' house in Szolnok - but if it is a responsibility claim on the destruction of the ancient ruins of Palmyra during the recent terror in Syria, the Palme murder in 1986 could have been the link which made that explicit. Why should it have been a responsibility claim as early as 1972? Because at that time one would have known with approximate certainty that the computers would develop a computational capacity which would make it possible to scan every little pebble from a destruction of the ruin and computers would find which pebble could be matched against which - and hence the title 'norske byggeklosser' makes sense - otherwise adobe does not resemble 'byggeklosser'. The adobe is straw and clay massaged together and then sun-dried only - it is not burnt at all. If the wall is thick enough, such as 40 cm or thereabout, it can carry several floors - but of course such a house is very vulnerable to water leaks. If water is flushed inside the wall, the dried clay will start getting soft and suddenly the house can collapse.

In 1987 or 1988 I was acquainted with Vanja Sandaker from Haiti, Port-au-Prince. Her name - which sounds like such a story of water in the clay which then starts slipping away like a house on a sand-field - is mentioned in my Website material 2004-2007 on page 1126-27:

Lucia from Fatima and Laura Jones on Borneo: The Times 29 October 1999 brought a story from the sudden death of the young woman Laura Jones who died on 25 June 1999 without any obvious reason while she was on holiday with her English family on Borneo at Kinabatangan River, in a rather jungleous district. They found her unconscious in the morning, with breathing problems and a fading pulse, and they tried to bring her to a hospital through the jungle river, dirt tracks and a helicopter, but she had died when they arrived at the hospital ('Sandankan', cp. the 'beslag' near Sandaker, Storo, where the research council formerly was, and Vanja Sandaker from Port-of-Prince, whom I knew at Kringsjå student town in Oslo around 1987-88). There was no obvious reason to be found for the death of Laura Jones, and the article mentions something called Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. Perhaps not as sudden as the bird who died on the very same day, but something like that.

This is a part of the article called 'The birder in the shirter' starting on page 1124 - it follows immediately after the article 'E.Kousalyan and the rest of the photos from Austmarka' where I also bring the photos from Austmarka.

Clearly if there are water pipes inside such walls, controlled by taps in the neighbourhood or even far away, if the water taps are controlled by 'secret intelligence services' and if I live there in such a house, it means that I must have full confidence in those services - otherwise it would be dangerous to be inside the house. That could be the entire purpose with the house - it could serve as a proof reinforced for every night I spend there that 'Mr.Grover has full confidence in the secret intelligence services' and hence after Palme, Palmyra, US embassies in Kenya/Tanzania etc etc - the conclusion could be reached that 'it is Mr.Grover who is Satan'. That would be the damning of Satan.

'Arne Orrung' in the sense of 'the origin of the masturbation' could be about just this watertap control - and the identity of the sinner.

'Nes-ung' could suggests the hungarian fence law with its ambiguities - in 'nez' of h-'ung'-arian.

Arne Næss was the most 'ung' = 'young' professor when he got the chair at age 27. There seems to be the unfortunate idea that all PIKs should be the same, such as Wittgenstein professor - and in my case they may have planned to install that as 'Arne Orr-ung' - could be while pretending that they have never heard about me.

The abuse of my work and life must be stopped.

The only reason why the PTRSIM PIK intrigue is still not brought to full daylight could be that its main purpose is to pump more 'majesty' and power into Buckingham by way of more holocaust and Endlösung. The royals felt their power threatened by the revolution of 1789 and therefore they constructed the PTRSIM PIK intrigue as crutches for keeping it going for yet some years. But now that is an anachronism.

Great statesmanship today is to go for the loser's role by way of truth rather than power: If all states were losers, the world would become a paradise.

Conclusion: I should have had a vaccine against coronavirus but not in Austria and probably not in Hungary either. I should have had another citizenship since long, and I should have lived in another country than I do. Most of my worktime was spent with writing articles like the present one because I do not want to be part of the intrigue for constructing a new hitler - but I do not have enough money to move to another country - even if many countries owe me a lot of money from plagiarist abuses etc and if I moved to another country that would have helped a lot for the development of the history. When I finally got enough money in 2015 to buy a little adobe house in Hungary, it turned out to be a power intrigue which had been preplanned for me with water pipes in the adobe and therefore I cannot use it. If politicians are unable to relate to this, are they then capable of being politicians at all? A new hitler with global catastrophes is nothing good.

The politicians must come out with the story!!!

Added 17 september 2001: The british factor

I refer to this file for the idea that 'the needle in the hey-stack' could be the meaning of 'Margareth Thatcher' - via the 'heis-tak' = 'lift-roof' of Mariahilferstrasse visavis Barnabitenkirche. The apparently aimless drilling with a 26 m high drill went on for many months in Mariahilferstrasse and Lindengasse - it looked as if it had no other apparent purpose than to drive long big steel tubes down and up in the body of the street. Looking it up on the internet one found a page telling that the plan was to build a 35 m deep lift from the U-Bahn station below but it was hard to recognize this plan from the drilling. It looked anyhow as if they were drilling the big steel tube 'needle' into the underneath 'heis-tak' = 'lift-roof'. 'Literar Mechana' is the austrian copyright organization - they were situated in Linke Wienzeile through decades but moved up to Mariahilferstrasse just a few metres from this drilling site in the summer. On norwegian parliament election day 13 september 2021 I got a letter from the norwegian social insurance (telling that the account of the 2019 social insurance was settled and accepted for my part, which means including the hospital bill from Venice 2018-2019) - it had a front page window with my name and address but 'Østerrike' was printed twice, which looked 'a little strange in the edge' = 'litt rar med/i kanta'.

The 35 m deep lift is built in extension from the announced building of an extension of the U2 line across the U3 station Neubaugasse. U2 - isnt that an irish music group known since decades?

The question is whether these aspects of the modern history - including the british 'brexit' exit from EU of january 2020 - have been planned since decades and can be recognized in names back to at least Margareth Thatcher (for that

It was in 2002 that princess Margareth died and her will was opened probably around the time when I got a cerebral bleeding just in the area of my left hand which curled up and was useless for a long time thereafter - now it is in fact usable for most purposes although a little weak of touch sense in particular if I get stressed - and if I then put my left hand in my left jacket pocket to search for a item there, I can have difficulties with distinguishing a pen from, say, a pencil sharpener: This is also what the brain scan of march 2013 showed - that there had been a bleeding there in the area of the left hand, just under the 'corn-wall' of the skull, so to speak. The bleeding was on the same day 23 february 2002 (my younger sister's birthday in fact) as the news of the abduction of Ingrid Betancourt. 'Inngrep i tanker' = (norw.) 'in-grip in thoughts'. I had just read these news of Betancourt and closed the computer when the numbness started spreading from my lefthand index finger tip - most of the left side of my body was feeling numb (like speck under the skin) and when I woke up in the morning the feet felt like balloons and their touch with the ground remote, if touching ground at all, and I walked on routine. It happened towards the end of my two years in Vilnius 2000-2002 - my residence permit expired in april and I had to leave the country and left (after having got help from the friendly houseletters to store some belongings in Vilnius) with two suitcases in a miserable medical condition - I went to France to apply for political asylum and dared not go to a doctor in Vilnius for fear of being sent back to Norway.

'Mark Brain' it could be called. There is also a 'mark brain' in the form of an apparently off-scissored part of my lower righthand occipital lobe the same brain scan showed, while the skull is intact. It means that the scissoring must have taken place before the skull bones were rigidly attached to each other at the age of 6 months after birth (in 1957) or thereabout. It is a proof that my head had been opened not long after birth - and the countertheory that a laser beam on the brain could have done it is about as good as the theory that an electronic virus in a 'corona' scan of my head could provide the data for either this or that, either a long scan proof that the head had been opened or not, or that the brain had been altered or not by, say, a laser beam under the 'roof' of my brain in 2002 around the time of the opening of the will of princess Margareth. I have never heard anything about a laser edition of my lower occipital lobe.

Grøver/'Mengele' in the early 70's told that Mark Twain took his name Twain from the habit of boats on a river in USA when they passed mark one, mark twain in the river - there were, he told (as far as I remember), wooden poles driven into the water and the bottom mud of the river marking these ones, twains... Today one can perhaps recognize this in the name of Meghan Markle if MIG = urine is seen as a problem deriving from the rivers of incontinence that probably with some necessity follows from being the owner of an adobe house in Szolnok with water pipes in the walls and these be controlled by neighbours around. A mark one, mark twain of catheters will eventually have to be inserted to solve the problems arising therefrom.

'Radio Free Service' (talking more or less reliable news in your head) tells that water pipes in the adobe was a traditional building habit from communist times in Hungary, could be even before communist times. One must trust one's neighbours and the community generally, was the communist spirit. I would, though, be inclined to believe that this cannot really have been the case - I mean, it is hard to believe that people really habitually used to build houses with such water pipes in the adobe controlled by the neighbour - but maybe, if the house I bought in Szolnok was built as a possibly international 'intelligence project' in 1970, the more or less local intelligences could have built many or at least some such houses after 1970 in order to be able to provide a historic basis for the idea.

MIG & Mark 1e (mark one-e), Mark 11 ('twain' in unary notation). My Kelvin does not mean 'a doubl'?

Tarkovsky's 'Solaris' from 1972 - is it about this SzOL-nok-'arris'? The film is, it says, built on a science fiction novel by Stanislav Lem. The main female character is called 'Hari', a woman in fact, while the main male character is played by an actor who seems to resemble Arne Orrung somewhat, it seems to me. The main male character is called 'Kris Kelvin' - while 'grisk elven' is norwegian for 'mean the river', the river has 'retention' it could mean, in particular the river in Szolnok which is called 'Tisza' (the word in norwegian means 'urinated'). A modern US version was played by George Clooney. I have speculated if the Szolnok site of my house can be traced back to the earliest start of the history (at least in British Library) with the coronation (cp. the 'corona' pandemic) of king George IV - told of in John Grover 1923, a pamphlet published by the author, in the telegraph house, in the valley, Brighton 1823. For once, electric telegraphy was hardly invented in 1823, but semaphory was in use as 'telegraphy', although such a telegraph house would probably have to be on a mountain or hill top, not in a valley. But a 'valley-jog' it could have been about, of course, 'a 'valyog' (in modern hungarian pronounced 'vayog') which means 'adobe'. 'Telegraphy' in the adobe - would that have been the idea behind adobe-wall-installed water pipes with remote watertap control?

I know with certainty that there are such water pipes in the house wall: There is in extension to the 25 square meter adobe housie a 10 square metre extension of modern building materials added - it is a little rickety (it seems to lean against the main adobe wall, sort of) and without any winter insulation and cannot be used for living in, it is rather a sort of entrance shed (it is called 'télikert' in hungarian, it means 'winter-garden' but is only an entrance shed), but it has the function of making it impossible to insert tools underneath the outer adobe wall in search of illegal water pipes. There had been a substantial water leak from the ceiling of this entrance shed (there is the thin brown hard plate type which is hyper-sensitive to water) which prompted my search for the source of it and after extensive searches I could conclude with certainty that the source could not have been rain water from the roof. There were some very tiny slits in the concrete where the chimney attaches to the roof but for once I filled these with concrete, secondly they could not have produced such water amounts anyhow. The only possible source would have to be inside the wall, I concluded. I had tested the house tiles with water from a bottle and observed how it ran without obstacles down - when there came a flushing of water through the hole in the ceiling (a 'mark brain/twain'?) of the entrance shed. However, all rooftiles were (by detailed inspection) intact and solid and overlapping and extended well out over the slanting plastic roofplates of the entrance shed and there was no other possible explanation to it than a water source inside.

'Incontinence' could also be a word for the train trip to Budapest when I unwillingly ejaculated in the trousers - probably when the train were around Herceghalom or Biatorbagy or thereabout. I was seated next to a woman on my lefthand side (the wagon was otherwise rather full) - could have been a student reading for her exam? - whom I saw only in a short glimpse but she could perhaps have resembled Kate Middleton somewhat. (I was several times to Budapest in those years not the least for copyright registration - I normally used the cheaper local trains but at least once travelled with the quicker 'railjet' - were this about the time of the Costa Concordia for registering my prose work 'And hang under the Justcan keys?' I remember that I went to Hungary with this but do not remember if that were the railjet trip - however, when I now look at this old file with mention of Costa Concordia 'kissing' the coast, I recall in 1981 Anne Abercrombie giving me a surprise kiss with quick tongue-brush over my front teeth). This story in itself cannot be the basis for ideas or emotions of problems with 'jewish genetics' relative to Buckingham, but clearly if some short circuitry should have mixed this 'incontinence' up with that other sort of 'incontinence', I mean, if somebody should have come to open the tap for the water in the adobe, then the amounts of water could be much more substantial and threatening - a veritable security problem for that '1823 story' it could perhaps have been felt like under such circumstances.

'Costa Concordia' kissing could be a play on 'custo dyparents' ('Dipperens' = the Judas, the Quisling) vs. 'Costa Differens'. Poison/noison, knall-bonbon etc.

Mark Twain is a name that alternates with Mark Brain. His real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens - which likewise associates with 'samuel' Demens in the Langhorn. ('Samleie' is norwegian for 'sexual intercourse'). If 'clemens' then could associate with incontinence, 'demens' could then perhaps associate more with retention (and a catheter makes sexual intercourse impossible). My problems with incontinence started in fact developing after I had bought the house in the summer 2015 - it was a feeling when I approached my residential housing (anywhere, also in Vienna) that it started to fall down on my righthand side, while this water leak in Szolnok was on the lefthand side of the inner entrance door, and after I had started to write out my volume 4 on 17 october 2018, that was the last day of normal urination for several years: The retention attacked on the same day as I started writing (I returned from Venice that day of 17 october and was met with a paper on the housedoor telling 'UPS Infrastruktur' would conduct investigations in the house from that day on - it would last for a few days) - and after the volume 4 was completed in the end of november I went to Venice for some holiday and was soon hospitalized for 47 days due to probably acute anemia (the pulse went into hyperpulse of some hundreds after only 3-4 steps up a stairway) and system collapse - I had found in Hungary a medication called 'Urostemol' which opened the retention (prompting the need for wearing diapers, though) but then it was probably a little late - I did not know how dangerous retention is and believed that of course the system would open by itself when it was needed: It is my own body, my own urine system and brain, and the brain will of course tell the urine system to 'open up, please' if it found it necessary - but somehow it did not and I believed that it was too occupied with the work I was doing and such 'an-toilette' things could wait. People can go for weeks with kidneys being on holiday, as far as I knew.

There is only one solution to serious retention and that is a catheter, at least untill one has found the reason for the condition and the body and mind have regained balance and the cramp is healed. If water pipes in the adobe were the reason for my condition, it is possible that only a plugging (with some stuff preferrably as hard as the copper of the pipes) of the water pipes can solve it. Ragna Grøver is not an owner or part-owner of the house - I am not under any custody or limited authority - but of course if somebody else (unknown to me) controls a water flow in the walls, that means a sort of limited authority or at least limited control of mine with the condition of the house. Buckingham is not involved as owner in any way, as far as I know, but maybe the John Grover 1823 in British Library could be related somehow? Is there a link from me as PTRSIM PIK to the interests of Buckingham somehow via this Szolnok house? The question could be relevant if the story goes back to the french revolution of 1789 and PTRSIM PIK were constructed as an attempt to reconstruct a quasi historic justification for royal power.

Is the name Arne Næss used for an Arne Orrung construction? If it be right that 'helt bortreist' is coupled with 'LSD' of Arne Naess the elder, then it is possible that my octogon is interpreted as 'incontinence' for the mythos role of Arne Næss the younger. Arne Orr-ung = Arne Næss-young ('orr' is hungarian for 'nose' = norw. 'nese') - and hence the octogon could seem to be the essential trick of 'incontinence' through the penis - and then the idea of 'PTRSIM PIK' in the sense of 'Peter sin pik' = 'Peter's penis' could be socalled important - I mean, that the 'PIK' = 'penis' (or its 'contents') of incontinence is not really mine but perhaps could have been transplanted over (with me in drugged condition, that would have been) at some time, possibly as early as 1970 (when also the Szolnok house was constructed, according to official data) and several famous names of modern entertainment music history - with possibly at least significational links to the octogon - died, such as Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison. As to the theory of transplant of penis contents, could be for the construction of a 'Kennedy curse', the idea that if I were raped in puberty with a penis containing the material from my own penis, would I then be considered the rapist? Or would there have been a link to Buckingham in this transplantation? It is long since I discovered the idea that Ragna Grøver should have been born in Buckingham and been the real heir to the throne but was sent in young age to the Eidsvigs in Norway and Elizabeth took the throne instead, but I have always believed that this idea would have been a redundancy phenomenon that could make certain jigsaw puzzle pieces fall into convenient slots rather than being related to the real world. (I notice also the 'Eichmann' similar character in Tarkovsky's 'Solaris'). However, if the theory constructs itself from historic redundancies, and if it were added the theory that Ragna Grøver could have raped me in puberty times of 1970-71 with my own penis contents transplanted over onto herself (by an operation in Sarpsborg in the late summer 1970 that could in theory have been), one could observe a certain mythological 'involvement' of Buckingham in that 'incontinence' problem related to the house in Szolnok. Perhaps one could, via the incontinence problems of the 'octogon', recognize a mythological 'responsibility claim' on possible historic disasters. I notice the feeling I had in 2019 when I could not escape the idea that Teresa May and Boris Johnson vibrated the idea that England had to 'brexit' because (!) I still lived in Zinckgasse and had still not moved out of Austria or at least this address. But of course such ideas would be completely absurd - since it was I myself who had expressed ideas of a need for moving to another country (outside ÖVP authority) but my humble economy could not find a lasting solution beyond very temporary housings which would make me even more vulnerable to intrigue and therefore it could lead to only much worse result for history and my own condition. But of course under such circumstances it would have paid much off for England to buy a house in another country and sell it to me against 1,- euro with sales contract guaranteeing them the right to buy it back when I later exit from the house - that would have been a solution very affordable for the british government, much cheaper than 'brexit', I would say. However, if they nevertheless would feel the need for upholding the rhetorics or suggestive shadow of it, it could have been for the argument that Mr.Grover does in fact own a house in Szolnok and he could have 'moved over' there. Of course I cannot live in (or strictly speaking hardly be inside) a house which is endangered by such water pipes in the adobe walls.

Arne Næss jr. was married to the wellknown Diana Ross, a marriage of notable attention in the media, but they divorced after 'incontinence' of Næss - the internet tells that he had 'fathered' a child with another woman before they divorced. This 'Arne Næss-ung' name (vs the 'Arne Næss-old' name of the senior) could then associate with 'Arne Orrung'. I think I saw the 'Solaris' film decades ago, but I anyhow I noticed the similarity of the main character of Tarkovsky's 'Solaris' with Orrung when I saw it again in probably 2003 - but classified it then as an uninteresting peculiarity of little importance. However, when I now have recognized the potential mythological complex as possibly extending from 1984-1986, it is not impossible that this more or less obvious similarity is a potential factor in the mythos construction. 'Szol-NOK-Haris' could then be a construction contributing to a recognition of the associative link. 'Bondarchuk' is the name of the actress playing 'Hari'. Later PM Bondevik (must be a coincidence?) lived not so far from the house of Orrung, while another later PM Jan P.Syse probably worked in Fred Olsen shipping, could be not so far (?) from the cafe in Fred Olsen Street where I waited for the (as far as I remember) once-an-hour bus out to my 1985 home in Tårnåsen when I overheard this comment 'bara drekka' from a neighbouring table. 'Direka Mikula' was the name of the young woman who died in Son in Norway (I think not long after 2000 - which means that she could have been conceived or born about the time of this comment) and the famous case in court sentenced her boyfriend to years in prison ('sone') even if he claimed to have been innocent and asleep when she died. 'Arne Treholt' is another famous name of potentially related circumstances - he was sentenced to many years in prison for 'high treason'.

See also John Grover 1823 = the 'senior' and John Grover 1843 = the 'junior' - indeed a correlation which could trespass ordinary coincidence?

Is it the plan to put the blame for extensive historic disasters (which could have been planned since long) on me as PTRSIM PIK - due to the 'octogon' - making claims that this was my responsiblity and hence a threat against the security in Szolnok would be my responsibility (since the penis contents were originally my 'jewish genetics'?)? All this problemshift could then possibly be traced to the origins of the PTRSIM PIK construction as an attempt to reconstruct a historic rationale for royal power.

Closing the water pipes in Szolnok as well as the monarchy in England would solve the problems.

As far as concerns the idea of a possible role for 'helt bortreist' = 'completely on holiday', I notice the book by Jung Chang and Jon Halliday: Mao - the unknown story. Alfred A.Knopf, New York, 2005 - mentioned in the 'ABC'. Chang/Halliday mention the last moments in Mao's life when he was touching the bedside wood like 'Celan' touching the tomb's stone in Caravaggio's 'Burial of Christ'. 'Chang' in chinese does not mean 'complete' but there are some 'changs' that are not so very far from this meaning. And 'Halliday' is not completely 'Holiday'. The 'chang' that means 'skirt' is also possibly relevant to the complex I discuss in this file: "Is this the secret formula of 'Bor-is-John-son'?" Or can the 'matrix' (or, rather, nipple) be massaged somehow? Is this what they are doing with a 'tight' atrium if a 'Sorgschrofen' considered a part of a 'Jungholz' turns? Jungholz was established as a 'pimple' on the austrian-german border around the time when the Devold knitting factory was established and the US republican party was formed.

I add also that the 'card complete Service Bank AG' had an offer for 'complete holiday' I think not so long after they took this new name of theirs (from the former 'VISA Electron'). I have earlier discussed the theory that Leif Stene Johansen could have been associated with John F.Kennedy somehow - but it is of course possible that this is an idea which emerges from the associative link of 'LSJ' with 'LSD' in these contexts - on background of 'JFK' as a standard abbreviation for Kennedy. I notice also the hamburger chain 'KFC' - which probably sell also ketchup, senap and breads - although perhaps not hotdogs? In the 1980's I read the book 'Hvilken verden er den virkelige?' = 'Which world is the real one?' of philosopher Arne Næss ('senior') wherein he mentions (not so extensively) the possibility of progress in philosophical inquiry by way of LSD. The drug was en vogue in some psychoanalytical circles in those days (or, rather, a couple of decades earlier, probably) but such ideas cannot be taken seriously, of course. LSD disturbs the functionality of the synapses and creates artificial perceptual and conceptual effects which of course can enhance the awareness of relativity in world conception relative to a normal feeling of more or less suppressive rigidity of reality constitution - but a serious philosopher should not have to resort to drugs for gaining interest in such relativity. Problems of rigidity of reality constitution is only an effect of historic dependency - and then it does not help much to consume potentially dependency-provoking drugs against it.

I had made an application (not on ridig formal paper, though) for disability pension before I left Norway in early 2000 and repeated it via lawyer on formal paper in 2001 - and in the end of that year I received a letter dated (I think it was) 25 december 2001 from a secretary in the pensions office telling that the application was rejected (but could I take such a 'complete holiday' communication from a secretary seriously?) - but only some 3-4 days after Leif Stene Johansen died on 24 november 2002 I received a letter (signed by responsibles) telling that I had got the pension after all. My elder official sister has birthday on 25 november.

Is it the plan to fade me out of history - to 'complete holiday'? That would be swindle, quite simply. Swindle is not the right thing if one wants to uphold the respect from other people. I think royal power must realize that time has come to end these games with attempts to pump more power into an antiquated ruling system.

I think it also would be wise to tell the truth of the octogon if there should have been administrative interests involved. At least it seems that the mythos construction assumes the role of such a function.

It can be added that my first disease of 1975 was 'mononucleosis' a name which resembles 'Mona Arnesen', my first girlfriend (1973), could be the name is relevant to 'Arne Næss sen.', while my second disease of 1975 was 'throat abscess' = norw. 'hals-byll', while 'hal[v]-spyl' = 'half-spurt', cp. the issue of 'spurts' of water in 'middle-ton' ('Ton' is german for 'clay' which is about half of the adobe, while 'tåen' is norwegian for 'the toe'). In their 'mini-abdication' of january 2020, at the time of the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic and the british 'outbreak' from EU, prince Harry and Meghan Markle went to Canada, if I got it right.

Is the world threatened by pandemics which could be much worse than the coronavirus?

If the british problem is that they cannot do without a quasi-divine PTRSIM PIK, not to speak of the historic disasters which seems to be engineered by way of abuse of the PIK (who does not even know about it), is it the situation that the anglican church since king Henry VIII should have been outlawed as a dangerous sect?

Added 20 september 2021: As a final comment - if the idea that Ragna Grøver should be in some systematic relation to Buckingham has a rooting in reality, and if the idea that she raped me (with transplanted organ etc) in the first beginning of puberty likewise has a rooting in reality, such as this article could be a suggestive or convincing indication of, then the inference could be made that it was Buckingham who was behind these rapes of the 'jewish genetics' in its first puberty. I think there is a concept around of 'lyskespark' = 'kick in the fork' for such politics - in the sense of the first appearance of a jewish-genetic child being kicked back again (say, by the first 'opening' it is 'kicked back' by a masturbator before the skull is put back again). How could british monarchy be interested in such politics? It would have had to be in extension from 'austro-divine' Hitler as a bridge from the quasi-divine PTRSIM PIK Wittgenstein, with its origins in 'Monarch' rather than 'Mozart' via the sister 'Marie Antoinette' likewise rewritten into either 'my HE antoilette' = the trans or 'marie antoilekke' = the incontinence (of e.g. Szolnok). A 'kick in the fork' could then lead to retention (and it may be that the reception of my three first volumes of 2013 was perhaps too meagre if at all to make for an easy start of the final work with the fourth in 2018). If the concept of 'trans' be associated with the name of Kate Middleton and the concept of 'incontinence' with the name of Meghan Markle, hence 'monarch' rather than 'mozart' as understandable program for Buckingham, and I notice also the names of my two sisters Vibeke Grøver and Tone Helene Grøver - cp. the two 'grow-hairs' of the females in the background of this cartoon, by one of the two (hungarian 'két') 'david camer-ons' - it can also be understood how this can lead to a program of abuse of the PTRSIM PIK for enhancing royal power. If I make some interesting discovery on my private workdesk and it spreads rather immediately through international media probably via secret intelligence sources, that is a very abusive program resembling rape of the puberty boy in the very beginning of the new discovery. It would, tells this analysis, enhance british royal ('monarch') power and make problems for my 'mozart'. It is when this apparent 'secret intelligence power substrate' is coupled with unhealthy ideas of 'divinity' in the royal authority (is 'majesty' the word?) that the whole thing leads to the construction of a very dangerous sectarian phenomenon. It can be high time for the britons to dismantle the british monarchy.

From the above: "...therefore the world got a 'klaps on walls treat' instead and thereby Hitler became chancellor of Germany - due to the mobbing of the philosopher which this klaps entailed". Such a setback for the PTRSIM PIK would, when every person in the world felt on body and soul through several years (1929-1933) the presence of this INSTEAD OF, necessarily open up for correspondingly extensive terror (by the principle of 'terror-and-monkey-business') and that is why Hitler was allowed to conduct his massive terror whirlpool. It is because the PTRSIM PIK was forced to take a chance and submit his 'Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung' (later renamed into 'Tractatus logico-philosophicus') to peer review and the application failed that this led to the massive terror and postwar progress for the british monarchy. This is the reason why I should not live in temporary housing contracts which force me to launch new housing applications every now and then (and the same 'royalist' powers apparently want to keep my economy too low to allow me to solve my housing problems permanently, since my renewed and potentially failed applications increase their power) and why I do not submit my books to publisher's peer review but make the editions with my own hands and donate to libraries where the peers can review them and recommend them for publication if they (the publishers or even independent peers) want. I wait for a positive initiative - and of course some royal interests (and the associated 'secret intelligence power substrates') could be inclined to try and go between such initiatives - claiming to be my best friends, saying it is an 'intelligence project' etc. (It is not an intelligence project!) This phenomenon was understood by those who made the eastern austrian border in 1919 - including the logische-philoso-Fische-mand tooth of Pamhagen (which even could have been the background of the later formation of the US Pentagon). It is when one sees these mechanisms that one understands how the holocaust could be a source of power for the british monarchy. This is also the reason why the story and principles of PTRSIM PIK should be published - so that the world can avoid new whirlpools of a similar kind.

Do 'different metaphysical realities' exist? Put it differently: If different theories on the nature of the human existence exist, that is, if different schools of philosophy exist at all, then there are also 'different metaphysical realities' (as a basis for 'praxis'). But exploitation and suppression such as Hitler's terror creates different realities by suppressing some work and make monkey business on it - as 'a different metaphysical reality'. Such terror-and-monkey-business does not want the PTRSIM PIK construction to be published because that could come to show that the 'different metaphysical reality' isnt so different at all - it is only stolen and hijacked by monkey business. Therefore they want to keep this intelligence secret - could be even under the pretext that 'different metaphysical realities' do not exist.

Knut Stene Johansen wrote 'mellomfagsoppgave' in philosophy on 'praxis' - as he told me possibly at the same time (or about the same time) as he also mentioned that he had understood that he probably had the chance to become professor. ('Mellom-fag' is the 'between-theme/subject' of university studies at semester 3, after 'grunn-fag' of semesters 1-2 in a field of study, and before 'hoved-fag' = 'head/main-subject' in semesters 4-7). Could be he told it in such a way that the two things were connected: "Profes-sor" vs. "Praxis-word (cp. 'prawis-xor[d])" whereby one could see a link to the name of Middleton via the word 'mellomfag' ('between-fag') as her 'oppgave' ('task', 'up-gift') married to the prince while her name could mean 'middle-tåen' in the sense of a trans - such as, tells the theory, of Ragna Grøver - which could have raped me with it whereby I would have become the 'mellomfag' (the 'fag between', what made the 'between' possible). If this even were with my own penis contents, Middleton's name in the sense of 'trans' would have applied to my penis, that is, to me. The administrative trick could have been that Wittgenstein was professor and had a cottage in Skjolden, while I was not professor and would come to have a cottage in Szolnok - but 8 of my friends from high school times and thereafter became professors 'instead' (4 at the university, 4 at the art academy) while I went in the ditch. It could mean that I were the 'praxis'-word while they (the society) would become 'profes-sors'. The trip by train with a woman resembling Middleton somewhat could then have been seen to be about recognizing just this name and role - the name would then have applied to my original penis qua 'trans' raping as young person - and it could have been enough for her to lift a leg a little (say, at Herceghalom or Biatorbagy) and I would ejaculate in the trousers - not as stiff 'professor' but rather as lax 'praxis-wor[d]'. Then 'Herceghalom' would shift into 'T-eresa L'homme/May' - could be even for 17 may 1814 = constitution day of the norwegian kingdom? Would that have been the function of the new 1814 kingdom on basis of the doubtful historic evidence in 'Heimskringla'? It adds to this that a scissoring of my lower occipital lobe in 1957 and a lesion in the brain ('Mark Brain') of 2002 at the left hand region could have added a cortical diectionality slightly on the side of the body, along the rails of the train.

21 september 2021:


As it is seen, there are good reasons to believe that the story really is about the attempted formation of a new global class division, the construction of a new global aristocracy which can give you the chance to strive for a good position for your clan or family - if only you agree to keep these secrets closed down and do not leak the details of this PTRSIM PIK to the people. Clearly the attempted construction would then be about plans for an aristocratic/monarchic rule by way of terror and suppression.

It is not that 'we need a global government' and therefore the class division with rule by mythos. A global government must of course use legal and constitutional means - not unconstitutional mafia power. So that is not the reason.

But are all politicians on this? Isnt there anybody who does not see the struggle for a seat at the king's table or at least a good position for their family or clan as the main reason for their political work? Isnt there anybody in political work who finds it important to take care of the people's interests - and therefore publish these data as well as they can? It is possible that the secret is called 'international secret intelligence services' ('ISIS' it could be called?) - who may be in charge of the information on these matters - and who could be running a more or less truthful campaign on my life and work. One of their greatest hits could have been that story of the footwalks on 'Skaret' (at my age 10-12) whereby Grøver/'Mengele' showed me his palm and encircled the fleshy pillow of the thumb with his other index finger and said "this is the favourite dish of cannibals", something which I could not protest against, of course. Could be he reported to 'services' thereafter that 'he agreed to the conditions' or something like that, and the 'services' took it as evidence that I had agreed to be an agent for the 'Klipra connection'. (I have never agreed to be an agent or work for any secret political purposes). It was when I discovered the possible rooting of this in Venice that I saw the connection in terms of the diagonal across the piazza between the two churches with Tizian (in the evangelical-lutheran church) and Tiepolo (in the catholic 'Apostoli' church) with 'Skaret' = 'the mountain pass' (but the word can also be suggestive of the idea of 'the cut') across the piazza between these churches-mountains. I notice also the cartoon of 8 february 1999 with the two mountains on the picture in a frame on the wall (above and to the left of the 'May-Johnson' couple). The question whether Adolf Hitler survived the war and continued living after the war in Klipra in Ålesund in Norway is interesting - and the film 'There's no business like show business' could be suggestive of the idea of 'There's no-rwegian business like shoah [= 'holocaust'] business' with the film possibly being about the Eidsvigs in Klipra in Ålesund. In 'service parlance', if they want to construct the mythos that I should be the nazi and they are not, they could falsely make claims that 'he had agreed to be an agent for Adolf Hitler' - something like that - on basis of the footwalks at 'Skaret'. This they could then abstract into the general slogan that "Mr.Grover is an agent for the nazis" which they could present with high secrecy classification to presidents and party chiefs around the world - and if they be pressed on the evidence for this claim they could refer to 'a paper on which this was written' in their secret archives. Clearly this would be a false conception of the world which they could use for constructing the new global class division.

Clearly such a disinformation campaign would be highly illegal and could serve as a drain for their own 'nazi' activities - in the construction of a new global aristocracy as part of an attempted global monarchy in extension from WWII.

But the people has not been asked and they have probably been badly cheated when somebody is trying to coup the power for turning it into their own advantages at the cost of the people's freedom and rights. It is likely that it is the PTRSIM PIK story which is the secret which must be brought to daylight for dismantling this apparently organized coup attempt.

It is very telling that I had to dig up the details in this story myself - an enormous lot of work that has been. The present article is about 32 pages if printed in a normal book - and I have written and published on the internet hundreds of such articles. It is likely that I have published some 15000 or so pages of this type. All this work is very alien to my character and the field of work I would have liked to be concerned with - but it was in 1998 when my PhD was couped that I understood that I had to do all this work myself. That is rather incredible, isnt it? Nobody has ever told me a word about these things - and it is probable that those who know something about this story have got it as political secrets which they are not allowed to tell and therefore they become involved in the intrigue and inevitably have to come to work for the coup-makers interests. If they cannot check the info they sit there looking at the line telling that "Mr.Grover is an agent for the nazis" or "Mr.Grover is working for the interests of the services and produce on a daily basis material for our activities" (which would be a lie! I have never agreed to anything such but I have understood that the 'services' maybe illegally tap my work on a daily basis and abuse it for their own interests without informing or asking me, and of course such abuse is a heavy burden on my life and work) - and how can they check whether I collaborate with those 'services' or not? It is that sort of dirty intrigue which can go on for years without being discovered - and the construction of the new upper class continues unhindered. But of course it should not be permitted to keep such information secret - the people have the right to get access to this information for the sake of democracy - and it should be a legitimate people's claim that the whole story of PTRSIM PIK be downgraded to 'public'. Then the air goes out of the attempt to revitalize royal power and the attempt to construct a new global class division for a small part of the world's people to exploit and suppress a big part will come to lose its force. The plan is probably to abuse me as scapegoat - a dumping place for all the dirty work of the upper-class constructors - for the mythological role of 'Satan' or 'Judas' or something like that. But that would only be telling of what sort of work they need to dump on somebody else.

It is this coup attempt who calls my work for their 'intelligence project' and who thereby feel that they can abuse my work as they want. There is an enormous damage done to the world by that. Of course my work should be published and not be abused for dirty intrigue - but it is all too frequent with such abuse. Some days ago I sent an email with the words "Ich danke sehr schön" and the next morning I saw an electronic video advertisement for 'Marccain' on U-Bahn in Vienna (I dont know when it first came up but I had not seen it before) with a series of apparently 'danking' women followed by a view to the undulating sea - this could have been simply the email I sent the day before and it was followed up with this advertisement which seems to use the elements of Wang, Jolie and Føllesdal from this article of mine - "and who are you? a professor, maybe? or is it a kingkong I see?" - and it is easy to see how this advertisement could have the function of smearing intrigue over my article, a piece of work which could be of very much importance for the progress of logic and semiotics, could be in an attempt to try and prevent that their feeling of 'right to abuse' my work (they may have been informed by the 'intelligence services' that 'Mr.Grover works for our intelligence projects') is weakened - and people working in the field of logic, linguistics, semiotics (aspiring professors?) could be thereby invited to abuse my work without crediting me as the source. And this is even by published material - much worse is it if unpublished material fresh from my workdesk is used. Great damage that could be on my work and for the world generally. How are things behind the wisteria in Venice? Has the intelligence classified the xylophone as an 'intelligence project'? 'Nazistische Propaganda' in the form of advertisement is as illegal as 'militaristische Tätigkeit' by article 9 in the 1955 Staatsvertrag and Austria should be quick to outlaw all advertisement in public space - that could rescue the state, could be it is already late. Countries which allow for advertisement ('klaps on walls treat') in public space probably allow for that global coup attempt to function rather unhindered and must be prepared to fall on the wrong side of the future. Is advertisement in public space anything but abuse of my life and work - for the construction of the new class division? I am not an agent for the services or anybody else and there is no right anywhere to use material from my life and work for such purposes. But is it little me who should tidy up in this dirty business - in addition to the somewhat 15000 pages or so I have written in an attempt to help democracy survive the 'nazi coup attempt'? Why isnt there somebody else who takes the criminals who exploit and abuse my work in public advertisment? They all say that "Mr.Grover hasnt paid a lawyer the needed thousand euros to tidy up in this and therefore he has agreed to it"? It is extremely important to stop that floodwave of swindle and plagiarisms and abuse in advertisement, media, business, politics that is based on abuse of my things. It is the society - by the police, probably, and the parliament by law - who has the chance to stop it: By electronic surveillance a person can be subjected to abuse through decades without being able to discover and much less stop it, and it is virtually impossible to collect all the 'paranoid' lists of 'coincidences' which seem to transcend the normal limit of probability and present these to the police with a request for investigation and arrest of the criminal activities. Therefore the society must feel the responsibility themselves to stop such criminal abuse. But if the people do not have the chance to discover it, there is always the chance that this goes into the category of admitted abuse and that could be the beginning of the end of the state. The austrian parliament is currently under 'refurbishment' and they do their work in a temporary lodging, a nearby 'tent' on a lawn, so to speak. The plans for a refurbishment of the parliament building seem to go back to 2011, just before the '1223' interval of this cartoon occurred by the reshuffle of Faymann's government of 21 april 2011. Why not stop the criminal advertisements before the 'secret intelligences' as a power substrate for royal coup attempts have all the power in the country? How bitterly it would be for the austrians to see how they lost their state and were included under german authority because they did not manage to stop the 'nazistische Propaganda' that is all over the country on outdoor advertisment - a few ad bureaus possibly running the country into the ditch - because the police did not stop them because the 'secret intelligences' told the police that 'this is an intelligence project of high priority'. That would be a lie! My work is not an intelligence project! My 'Endmorgan Quartet' is mine and cannot be used for advertisment for e.g. 'Marccain' or anything else or political propaganda therewith. It is probable that it is long since modern advertisement had any commercial value at all - it is probably long since nothing but political propaganda and that means probably more or less only that attempt to construct the new global class division - and it is possible that it is more or less only my life and work that is abused for this. There is no reason why a society should allow for that. Such advertisement presents a lot of quasi 'coincidences' (relative to an invisible background being - my person) that seem to tell of a quasi 'divine state' and hence generate a feeling of enhanced territorial rights and security of the state - but of course it is the very opposite that takes place.

And I sit here spending my years writing articles like this one instead of working with the poetry I should have written.

Added 24 september 2021: The answer to the mystery of the needle in the hey-stack could be the artwork 'Holy Catherine of Alexandria' by Caravaggio - see how she sits there at the way-done. The tip of the acoustic axlebar is about the distance from the left side of the artwork - exactly 6/14 of the breadth! - as the distance from the righthand side to the 'sdrap' over her shoulder where the vaccines are put in. Why cant the world take to its senses and stop listening to those services? The vaccine must be put in on the belly and registration can be done afterwards. Norwegian for 'burp' is 'rap'. My guess is that ideologists could have been doing it for the cuneiform sign 96 called BULUG ('bolig' is the house you live in, such as me in Zinckgasse - while 'lugg[e]' is to pull by the hair). After the needle has been pressed in from the lefthand side it could look more like the sign 562 'KÚShU' (cp this 'kush') = 'Taschenkrebs' (not 'Taschenklebs' - or 'Garagenklebs'!) 449 IGI = to see. Here from Ellermeier's sign list:


25/9-21: I did not murder Inger-Johanne Apenes (cp. the news on Ingrid Betancourt and my cerebral haemorrhage of 23 february 2002) and Wittgenstein did probably not murder the schoolboy Haidbauer (he probably resigned because his 'Wörterbuch' had been published with austrian state-governmental-ministerial acceptance stamp - the 'Wörterbuch' which could have been a basis for the later Kennedys), even if perhaps he could have 'lugga' the schoolgirl ('pulled her by the hair') somewhat. Murder is not the true jewish-philosophical acoustic reality. It is seen how 'Inger-Johanne Apenes' and 'Ingrid Betancourt' (via 'f-inger') could apply to 'Heimskringla' (Norway's antisemitic constitution of '17 may 1814' and 'Teresa May' - and where is Grover's 'fame' - maybe he 'skrin-la' the hopes/plans and were 'skrin-gla' thereby? - 'skrin' is a typically wooden structure into which things or bodies can be fitted - cp. the apparent 'bu-lug-ging' of 'Mr.Rover' - I think the Rover factory in Warwick closed in 1998 or 1999 - cp. the cuneiform sign 271 called ARHUSh vs Caravaggio's '7 works of mercy' - including some IGI? - there exists also a sign 563 called NIG which means 'work' - and even a sign 598 meaning '7' - which, though, does not mean that the britons are right - it only means that Caravaggio was a great artist - and it cannot be used as pretext for justifying any extermination/exploitation/persecution program for pumping of quasi 'divine' power to the british monarchy) and the 'Ostarrichi document' ('divine status' and 'inngrep i tanker/tankor' = 'ingrip in thoughts' by a mistaken injection-related understanding of the acoustic reality, like soma-opium-morphine-related, sort of, by the misunderstood interpretation of Caravaggio's 'Holy Catherine') while 'cerebral haemorrhage' could mean 'cerebral' = 'french' by 'Chanson de Roland' and 'Johnson Boris' and 'haemorrhage' could mean the italian 'camorra' by 'Decameron' and 'D.Cameron'.

27/9-21: The poem #5 in my DDS part 2 corresponds (in an extended analysis beyond what is found at the end of this file) to Caravaggio's 'Holy Catherine of Alexandria' (being the possible origins of the 'zidalweidun' and the 'Bienenweide' tip) - my poem #5 has line 6 (out of 14!) 'wie Klaviatur in die Saiten dringt' (as telling of a jewish-philosophical 'acoustic reality' - cp. Schumann) - while the corresponding ['contra']-poem #7 has line 6 (also out of 14 lines) 'von Engels-Chören Stimmen'. England should not, I would say, be understood as the 'acoustic reality' on basis of a program of power-pumping since Leopold II's 'Pillnitz Punctation' and the death of Mozart.

See this file for data on the volcanic eruption on La Palma recently - just south of 'El Paso', the center town of the island.


Benkö, Lorand: A magyar nyelv történeti-etimológiai szótára, I-III. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 1984

Hübner, B. & Reizammer, A.: Inim Kiengi. Sumerisch-Deutsches Glossar. Selbstverlag Dipl.-Ing.Univ. Albert Reizammer, Wichernstr. 3, 8590 Marktredwitz 1985.

The complete cartoons of The New Yorker. Ed. Robert Mankoff. Including 2 CDs with 68647 cartoons ever published in the magazine. Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, New York 2004.

Ellermeier, F.: Sumerisches Glossar, Band 1, Teil 1. Sumerische Lautwerte, Lieferung 2. Theologische und orientalische Arbeiten aus Göttingen 4. Selbstverlag Dr.Friedrich Ellermeier. Nörten-Hardenberg bei Göttingen 1980.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 12 september 2021
Last updated 27 september 2021