
John Bjarne Grover

I had not discovered the socalled 'Rügepflicht' before I wrote this file - after which I understood what an immense importance it could have for the continued political development. I try to outline this briefly shere.

The PTRSIM PIK issue

It seems that the entire story is only this ridiculous identity of the PTRSIM PIK philosophy with me because I 'am' PTRSIM PIK, like he who 'was' NATO. ÖVP could be concerned - apparently representing good morals and a decent society - with opposing the PTRSIM PIK program of making a false god (me qua PTRSIM PIK), and they could do that by very extensive methods and strategies - including possibly (I think I spotted the outlines of such a possible tendency - although I have perhaps not seen anything such explicitly) the intention of letting me work out a lifetime of work and then eventually credit somebody else with it - hah, then they would really have taken the 'false god'! Quasi 'good reasons' that could look like.

The problem is only that this is my primary program as well: I am a most concerned opponent of that 'false god' myself.

Then what is left of it? Probably the old (and now somewhat out-fading) republican/monarchic opposition - based on the idea that if you are heir to the throne by genetics, then there is nothing you can do to alter this: You are the heir whether you like it or not.

In my case that would be what they mean if they say: But you 'are' the PTRSIM PIK (due to e.g. engineered Stammbaum structure according to the concordance of Genesis and Matthew) - and hence insinuating that I should be Mr.False God for such reasons and I cannot escape it - like a heir to the throne is. But that is nonsense, of course, and even if some unsuitable person had the right to the throne by genetics (a brief romance with a milkmaid decades ago), it is normally out of the question to consider him or her for the throne anyhow.

But it may have been to fish in old faith-habits that told that Jesus was 'son of God' and that could be seen in this concordance of Genesis and Matthew - and that is the basis for the faith today - hence if a person is in accordance with this scheme - some would say that 'but then he is the son of God' - to which modern thinkers and rationalists will protest and say that well, could be, but we think that would be a 'false god'. Hence it is a political concern of high priority of ours to take that 'false god' before he grabs the world power and steers everything into a blashemy a la the 666 Beast of the Revelation.

It gets circular, though, and I am the first to agree that, yes, of course, this old tabula does not make any god at all - at best a demagogue it can be - and I am the first to protest against this swindle. But since this is an old political program which was meant to go for a long time, it now dissolves as soon as it sees daylight and therefore it is probably stamped very secret - hence it can continue to go for yet some time unless the inner construction comes to daylight.

It is possible that even Hitler was on this program of gaining popularity by 'taking the false god' - and he could have made Auschwitz for the specific future program of letting ÖVP take that 'false god' PTRSIM PIK when he arrived in Austria. That Auschwitz should suffice for taking the religious swindle!

Alas, it is probable that it used to be 'a goodlooking pretext for violence' - which is no longer as good pretext as it used to be.

It is just to come out with the entire story and stop the nonsense - and the mystery dissolves to nothing.

Austria did not succeed in publishing Wittgenstein's Logisch-Philoso-Fische. That could be why their borders were reduced in 1919 to the Fischamend tooth and all that - and it may be that 'Jungholz' on the other side was simply a variant of 'Jung Röver' = me, another PTRSIM PIK - already in 1919 (if that is when it was settled). It could mean that if it is not possible for me to make any progress here, it is probably not for the austrians either.

Logisch-Philoso-Fische A-Bhandlung - is that the UMBAND-lung?

The Rügepflicht

Now the socalled 'Rügepflicht' was introduced in Austria on 1 october 2006. On internet it is defined as such - see under 'Rügepflicht' wherefrom the following is quoted:

Der Mieter muss dem Vermieter die Unbrauchbarkeit der Wohnung oder eines bestimmten Ausstattungsmerkmales bzw. das Fehlen des zeitgemäßen Standards der Badegelegenheit anzeigen. Der Vermieter muss die Möglichkeit haben, den Mangel innerhalb einer angemessenen Frist, höchstens aber binnen 3 Monaten ab Zugang der Anzeige, zu beheben. Verbessert der Vermieter nicht, so ist bei der Mietzinsbildung von der bei Mietvertragsabschluss vorhandenen Ausstattungskategorie auszugehen.

This looks innocent and trivial but a close reading of it seems to tell that the problem exist on one and only single point - that is if there arises problems with the 'Badegelegenheit' - then the tenant seems to have an obligation to report weaknesses and failures to the houseletter. In the regulations for the house, it is also specified that 'smaller repairs should be done by the tenant'. In the 'Badegelegenheit' the bathtub cork is a mechanism that can be lifted and lowered by way of a wheel attached on the inside near the top of the tub: Turning this wheel one way will lower the lever under the tub and it pulls the flat metallic cork down to close the tub, while turning it the other way will lift it again and the water runs out. In 2018 I had used this on a daily basis for some 9 years when it fell off - as I tell on 27 march 2021:

It was the morning after I had bought and read Michel Houellebecq's 'Le sens du combat' that I peed blood (some deciliters it looked like) and the shell-shaped wheel for closing the bathtub with a metallic cork went off due to material fatigue, probably. The 'shell' fell off and I held it back in the hand.

The wheel turned out to be a delicate construction and it could not be repaired easily: For putting in a new, one must lift the bathtub up and put a new one into the structure - if, that is, one can get hold of repair materials - if one cannot it is possible that the entire tub must be replaced with a new - and it is anyhow vital that the drain comes to fit into the hole underneath. The tub rests on three sides along the walls and on the fourth it rests on a small 'parapet' without any opening: This means that if it should start leaking water inside this enclosure, the water will rise untill it finds a hole to run out through where the tub is attached to the drain. In principle that could be quite a lot of litres and if it is not done with professional skill, the bathroom could come to be quite humid and full of fungus and schimmel before the scandal is discovered. Clearly this sort of problem - if that should come to happen - would be much worse than just the lack of such a luxury wheel for levitating the bottom cork up and down a little - of course I preferred to buy a normal cheap rubber cork and I pasted some white waterproof tape over the mechanism where the handle had been.

The question is whether this solution is a "Fehlen des zeitgemäßen Standards der Badegelegenheit". What is that - 'zeitgemäßer Standard'? It looks luxy and fancy with such a wheel but it is really totally superfluous. But is it possible that it could be constructed for this paragraph in the Mietrecht law - or even vice versa? The law was, I think, made on 1 october 2006, the year when the house was refurbished to modern standards, if I got it right.

If it means that I am obliged to report the loss of luxury standards, it could resemble the strange 'wrongway' phenomenon in the quote from Grimm's article on the UMBAND phenomenon. Would this little detail serve to turn the roles around of me relative to Spindelegger on the 1223?

But it is possible that the paradox was clarified some years ago when I came back from Italy and found that the police had broken a window (because a neighbour had seen a copy of me go in there and did not respond) and they had climbed in to assist the helpless (could be me) or arrest the copy before I arrived - I dont know what happened but they said there was nobody there and they offered to pay the repair. I contacted a glazier who after some days came and measured the window, then a week later another man came with the window: He first used a tool to break off the wooden lists on the inside, then opened the window and took the broken glass out the right way outwards as is normal, put the new glass in and then went back to the inside where he reattached the wooden lists with hair-thin nails - so that the window glass probably could be just pressed in from outside with a light pressure from a palm. Clearly the window was not completely repaired thereby - and I could not really send the bill to the police. I used stronger nails and wood glue so it should suffice to be a secure window - but if this had been the bathtub problem I could not have been certain that the water would not start running into the small basin on the floor under the tub: If so, that could create a lot of humidity which could damage the bathroom considerably. So maybe the police had given me an empirical chance to find the safest solution even in this case when the mechanism for lifting and lowering the cork went out of order: Clearly the best solution would be to postpone the repair (also since one needs not this wheel at all) and possibly do it oneself - if one can later try and find somebody selling the repair parts or do it oneself.

Photos of the cork and wheel on outside and inside - and the detail shows that the wheel had been very delicately attached to a rather thin metal pin in the middle.

(For the pattern of a 'section' on the outside of both of them, I noticed also the report from a shooting in Boulder, Colorado recently - the shooter had acquired a 'Ruger 556' - should it mean the 'Rügepflicht'?)

[Added 4 april 2021: If the bathtub is a central element, it is noticed that 'bathtub' in austrian is called 'Badewanne' while 'badevanne[t]' in norwegian means the water for bathing, such as inside the tub. This could be like austrian 'Gasse' vs german 'Strasse'. 'Több mint' is hungarian for 'more than'. 'Stillhetens åndedrag' #45: 'I Italia roper de badevann'= 'In Italy they shout bathing water'. Is that the high mortality of covid-19 in Italy?]

The 'Jungholz' parametre

The 'Jungholz' in the western border of Austria is a strange 'wart' that is about a square km or so and is attached to the country by only a very narrow bottleneck that is just 4 meters across: If there had been a road there (to drive into the area) a lorry could perhaps just have gone through - unless it could have been stuck in the border bottleneck. (I dont know if anybody lives in that little area or if it is just heatherland or what it is).

In the regulations for crossing the austrian border in these covid-19 times, Vomp-Hinterriss, Mittelberg (Kleinwalsertal) and Jungholz are mentioned especially. See the travel restrictions (by the Sozialministerium) - there is the question who can cross the border without having to go in quarantine or undergo tests - these are listed under 'Folgenden Personengruppen dürfen ohne Einschränkungen einreisen (bzw. wiedereinreisen)' (if the page wont load, it could be that an extra 's' is loaded on the internet into the URL for 'minsterium' so that it comes out as www.sozialminissterium.at - that is not me - my source code tells https://www.sozialministerium.at/Informationen-zum-Coronavirus/Coronavirus---Haeufig-gestellte-Fragen/FAQ--Reisen-und-Tourismus.html):

- Personen, die zur Aufrechterhaltung des Güter- uund Personenverkehrs einreisen.
- Personen, die aus zwingenden Gründen der Tierverrsorgung oder für land- und forstwirtschaftlich erforderliche Maßnahmen im Einzelfall einreisen.
- Personen, die im Rahmen einer beruflichen Übersttellungsfahrt/eines Überstellungsfluges einreisen.
- Personen, die im zwingendem Interesse der Republik eiinreisen.
- Transitpassagiere bzw. Personen, die ohne Zwischenstoopp durch Österreich durchreisen.
- Personen, die zur Durchführung einer Repatriieruungsfahrt/eines Repatriierungsfluges einreisen.
- Personen, die aus Österreich kommend ohne Zwischhenstopp ausländisches Territorium zur Erreichung ihres Zielortes in Österreich queren.
- Personen in Einsatzfahrzeugen im Sinne des § 26 StVO bzw. Fahrzeugen im öffentlichen Dienst im Sinne des § 26a StVO.
- Personen, die in die Gemeinden Vomp-Hinterriss, Mitteelberg (Kleinwalsertal) und Jungholz einreisen.
(10.02.2021, 08:00 Uhr)

There is arguably something strange or particular about this latter point - and the number of inhabitants in these three regions is very small, I think. As I read through these regulations before I left from Venice to go back to Vienna on 2 march, I noticed this point and thought: "Well, if the reasoning I have made in the article 'Why I have stayed outside Austria since 27 july 2020' makes sense, there could indeed be good reasons and very favourably it could be for the general condition of health nationally and internationally if a special mention be made to the point that I could travel in and out of Austria without restrictions. Indeed 'Vomp-Hinterriss, Mittelberg (Kleinwalsertal) and Jungholz' even looks like my name - but if I would be asked why I wasnt in quarantine, of course I could not refer to this point - unless I had got in explicitly - so I sent an email to 'Bürgerservice' who are in charge of information on the corona regulations and asked if this point in the border crossing regulations - on background of the material in the article for which I enclosed the URL - should mean me. There came no answer - but there came a call for response from a literary organization - 'instead' or not. I soon went into the condition I had been in for years before I left for Italy (running snot but no fever). Of course, if the understanding of this point in the regulations should be taken the other way round, that e.g. people who participate in using my authorship without crediting the source could travel freely in and out without restrictions, then it looked rather bad. I hope it should not be taken to mean that. However, since the story of Spindelegger was that he suddenly resigned from all his political assignments with immediate effect in a very short press conference or briefing after 1223 days as vice chancellor, the label Vomp-Hinterriss could perhaps apply to this story - people felt 'vondt' of = pitied him when he so suddenly had to quit all his political assignments, including the party leader role (if I got it right) - and if or since Reinhold Mitterlehner could then be seen as the 'Mittelberg' (Kleinwalsertal), then it can be said that current chancellor and party leader Sebastian Kurz as the third could fill the label of a 'Jungholz' - he entered the government in very young age (24 or something like that) and soon became party chief.

In short, it is possible to see the mention of this 'Jungholz' in the regulations as being about Kurz.


Now since I have earlier have shown that ÖVP apparently relate in a quite systematic fashion relative to me via this 1223, it can be assumed that this complex involves me. There is an island called 'Rügen' in northern Germany - at Strahlsund - it is Germany's biggest island - it even includes a town called Bergen. It is in form etc quite comparable to the quasi 'enclave' of the austrian 'Jungholz'. If tilted, this 'Rügen' looks a little like the 'Christflake' I found some years ago.

Now if this suggestive isomorphy of Jungholz and Rügen be assigned some importance, it could mean the phenomenon of 'Rügepflicht' should suggest that the austrians are obliged by the law of 2006 to accept or vote for 'Rügen' = 'Sebastian Kurz' as a sort of Christ - in the role of ÖVP chief defined to be out for 'taking that false god' called PTRSIM PIK, assumed to be a 'false god'. This could be in extension from Hitler's program, including the holocaust with Auschwitz which could have been the direct background of the USA-witz-e-blatt - when ÖVP was founded 80 days after Auschwitz closed and apparently conducted in a 1223 relation to me (possibly even to child abuse of me) since then. The 'Christflake' seems to fill in an associative missing link in a possible reasoning:

'Eimi Iesous Xristos' = 'I am Iesous Xristos', it seems to tell. Or is it 'MIMesous Xristos'? Is there a political plan to let people along the Black Sea Loop arm of the european swastika 'imitate Christ' in chemicals? That is not a good idea.

See also the discussion and illustrations in this file - I here excerpt the following from this:

"...the illustration on p.18 in Pinna (2016) of the painting of Francesco Palvisino 'Vergine SS. del Carmelo' - here aligned with the 'zifferblatt':

It is seen how the two crowns (with 'deep ratches') of Jesus and Mary intersect approximately like the 17/35 on the zifferblatt when this is mirrored. The black flake has a star on the shoulder (clavicula) approximately where the Madonna has one as well - but not mirrored. It is interesting to observe how this black flake resembles the outlines of France on the map - but, again, apparently most similar when mirrored:

Notice the 'corona'-Jesus of the 17/35 of the zifferblatt.

If you sit in Bergen on 'Rügen' and turn the wheel that lifts and lowers the lever controlling the mystery cork (cp. the third secret of Fatima) in the Ostseebad (see the map a la the Christflake), that can be seen as the Ostseebad Binz, but if this wheel falls off you can try to repair it yourself with finding a reparation piece at e.g. Ostseebad Sellin, but if they dont have it there you can try Ostseebad Göhren it yourself. Etc.


As seen from these data, it could be simply the border outlines of France that constitute a theoretic 'Rüge-Pflicht' in Austria for the people to vote for Kurz instead of e.g. having sympathies for a 'false god'. I showed in the early stages of covid-19 that the spread of new infections seemed to follow an etymological logic in my prose work 'And hang under the Justcan keys' which apparently lent a sort of collective-logical emphasis to the shape of the border outlines of a country. Here is an excerpt from the file 'Covid-19 as data for new etymological studies':

I here bring some examples of correlations of covid-19 data with this book of mine - "And hang under the Justcan keys" - most of the samples - from german, russian, portuguese - are in this file plus some data added here from swedish and arabic. The principle is the regions of the country ranked in the order of number or percentage of infections of covid-19 - and the ranking number of the region name is correlated with the paragraph in a relevant chapter of my book that has the same number as the ranking:

1) On 23 april 2020, the ranking of the german Bundesländer by number of infections put 'Hessen' on place 5. A study of this list of state names concluded that it matched chapter 1 in my book best. Paragraph 5 in chapter 1 is the short fragment "It would be mighty isolated if I were to crush the surface like a cobweb on a mirror". When this is studied relative to the etymology for the name 'Hessen' such as it can be detected in Grimm, it emerges that the correlation (the hare-snare!) is very good.

2) Russian data for 24 april 2020 put the region 'Dagestan' on place 8 when the regions are ranked by number of infections. A study of the resulting ranked list shows that it correlates best with chapter 16 - in which paragraph 8 is the following: "Look at this one - it is one of the jewels of our collection. It is a socalled 'stringhook', as it is called, invented in the late 19th century". Russian words starting with 'dag' are very uncommon but Vasmer's etymological for russian provides a few examples - among which particularly the 'dagliksk' is of acute relevance for my 'stringhook'.

3) From the same list of russian for 24 april I mention also the region 'Rostov' on place 10 which then compares well with paragraph 10 of chapter 16: "'This is a marvellous invention', she said. 'It is everything the opposite of a ski lift, and it was in fact invented before the ski lift was invented. That is the fantastic thing about it'". Vasmer's etymological provides these data)

4) The 7 main regions of Portugal - ranked on 1 june 2020 by number of infections in the order North, Lisbon and Tagus Valley, Center, Algarve, Alentejo, Azores, Madeira - correlate well with the 7 paragraphs of the last chapter '24. What happened later'. This gives for the mid 'Algarve' the short paragraph 'I've got a bullet train in the bucket' - cp. Adolfo Coelho's etymological dictionary for portuguese under 'Algar', 'Algara' or 'Garupa', 'Garupada'

5) Sweden has 21 regions - the ranking of these on 13 june 2020 according to infections per 100.000 gives the list Örebro, Jämtland, Stockholm, Uppsala, Västmanland, Gävleborg, Jönköping, Södermanland, Västra Götaland, Östergötland, Kronoberg, Dalarna, Västernorrland, Halland, Värmland, Norrbotten, Blekinge, Västerbotten, Kalmar, Gotland, Skåne which seems to run in interesting parallel with chapter 9 'Requesta' with 20 paragraphs. Here the region 'Jönköping' on place 7 will go in parallel with the 7th paragraph of chapter 9 which is "In the hectic paranoid style, man slipped out the door and was gone. Requesta remained seated in the armchair, looking at a clock which she held in her hands. She had an ambiguous look in her eyes as she was shaking her head back and forth". Hellquist's 1922 etymological dictionary notices that 'Köping' derives from 'kaupangr' = from 'anger' meaning 'grass meadow' which suggests the 'grass widow' = 'gräs-änka' Requesta when her husband is out. Finnish 'juna' = 'train', 'rails' - hence the clock. Hellquist 1922 tells a hundred years ago that 'Jönköping' is attested as finnish-swedish 'Junakøpunger' in 1278 - he adds that the word has challenged many etymologists but none has solved the riddle yet, and that it is not likely to be solved for quite a while: "Trots många tolkningsförslag (av M.F.Lundgren, Bugge, Pipping, v.Friesen m.fl.) måste väl namnet alltjämt anses dunkelt, o. förledens form gör det sannolikt, att dess gåta icke snart skall lösas". The present theory is interesting, though. If 'Juna' derives from a form meaning 'ever' in the sense of the 'continuous never-ending stream/creek/spring', there is in 'Junabäcken' the forth-and-back ('spring-and-bäck') movement of her head for the ticketock of the ever-flowing stream of time. As another example I try 'Kronoberg' for chapter 9 paragraph 11 = 'Just outside the door, two feet were standing in giant boots'. On the internet I found an old source telling 'satte iak biscops krono (coronam episcopalem) vndir fötir' (= 'I put bishop's crown = 'coronam episcopalem' under the feet'). Is this the franciscan washing of people's feet?

6) I add also the data from Syria on today 18 june 2020. Only half of Syria is affected, approximately the half which corresponds to the righthand part on the 'lapis philosophorum' (when this is turned and mirrored for the outline of Syria on the map). There were 178 cases, regions ranked by cases: Damascus (109), Rif Dimashq (67), Homs (5), As-Suwayda (2), Daraa (2), Hama (1), Latakia (1) - with zero cases in Aleppo, al-Raqqa, Deir ez-Zor, Hasaka, Idlib, Quneitra, Tartus. The 7 regions affected seem to follow the 7 paragraphs of the last chapter 24. What happened later well - in that order. Search this dictionary (Hans Wehr: 'A dictionary of modern written arabic') for 'suwaida' (4th paragraph = "I've got a bullet train in the bucket", the deep muscle in the 'container') and 'dara' (the 5th = "I had to hurry up to close the office and I think the aus-krim was of just that type").

Would this phenomenon - that the early spread of new infections seemed to follow a 'collective historic logic' (cp. also the 'Ostseebad Sellin' etc) that lent meaning and emphasis to the outline shape of the border of a country and its reasons - have been a possible part of the reason for the incredibly high mortality rate of covid-19 in France in some days of the early stages, in the spring 2020?


Clearly if the coronavirus had been put in circulation on purpose (around the time of brexit), if one knew in advance that it would follow in its spread a logic of border outlines, it could perhaps be assumed that it would come to function as a sort of pump on power or historic support from me to Kurz - or, maybe, whoever in e.g. ÖVP would be in the 'Jungholz' category.

If so, it could resemble what I have fancied could have been a Kennedy involvement of 1957-60.

However that be, it can be that the reasoning in the present article adds material and possibly weight to the question that emerges from the article 'Why I have stayed outside Austria since 27 july 2020' - whether the location of my person inside or outside Austria could have anything to do with the mortality of the pandemic.

I dont know if it could have been known in advance that the coronavirus would behave in this manner.

Some countries have introduced 'Rüge-Verbot' (no smoking) which could look like the opposite of 'Rüge-Pflicht'.

There are 128 km from Gryfice to Bergen on Rügen - and there are 821 km from Bergen on Rügen to Bergen in Norway - where I lived 1995-2000.

Added on 2 april 2021:

It should be added that norwegian and danish seem to have a word for the quasi 'pimple' or 'wart' of the Jungholz border construction - a word which even can have been specially tailored for this story in more recent times (say, after 1919). That is the word 'filipens' = 'pimple', 'acne'. It could have been based on the combination of 'PTRSIM PIK' and 'humble pension'. For getting through the narrow opening of approximately 4 meters to the Jungholz, which means avoiding border crossings, one could (unless there is a normal road there), use a 'humvee', and such an offroad takeoff from the straight main line can in railway language be called 'pensen' - hence

humble pension
humvee pensen
homo pensen - by the wrongway 'lapis' on the eastern border
feeli pensen = the pimple

Likewise, one can derive 'fili-pens' from PTRSIM PIK by way of the three hypothesized cases of child abuse which could be the basis for the 1223 of ÖVP relating to me - here backwards:

+ movement 4-5 stelle gives
+ nasal movement / sandhi = 1 which gives
+ stop/glide in the mid = 2-2 which gives
+ stop in the beginning = 3 which gives

1 = opening of newborn head with masturbation on cortex
2 = rape at age 6 months
3 = chemical injection including asthmaic condition at age 18 months

In fact these three conditions correlate well with three medical problems of mine in Zinckgasse:
1 = eczemas in palm
2 = flatulences (where does the gas come from?)
3 = snotty nose and cough

It could perhaps be fancied that there is a movement between organs: Water goes out not only in urination but also through the lungs, while 'respiratory' gases are expired not only from the lungs but also behind, and 'the historical grip' of the intestines with metabolistic transcendence through the intestine walls is also in the eczemas on the palm.

It is said that Arthur Rimbaud was 'filthy' but that is probably only modern 'secret intelligence' trying to gain some power - it could derive from this 'filsim' formula.

Hence it can be 'proven' in this way that Jungholz = feeli-pensen.

That, could the theorists say, is because Jungholz is a filipens on the border - and hence PTRSIM PIK is PTRSIM PIK. The turnarounds could probably also be modelled in administration of indexes as well.

The phenomenon described here adds reason to the assumption that Jungholz could have a special function relative to me and ÖVP. That could mean that the party could be based on abuse of my person - and, if so, then is not likely to count as a legal party.

Is it so bad that covid-19 could be an effect of it? I am not going to pay for the pandemic - it is not my fault, and I think the world should not accept 'smart dumping' of guilt onto me or others.

Added on 4 april 2021:

If the above account should be interesting for the understanding of the history, it may be concluded that the socalled LUKE = 'trapdoor' or 'sportello'/'Schalter' in a public administration could be of essential importance in the intrigue, for example as coupled with other aspects such as this RUKE/RÜGE-pflicht. I could add the following story, even if it may be something else:

Two days ago I suddenly recalled a LUKE concept from my reading some years ago - I recalled the fragment from Pessoa which I had excerpted in my private diary. I searched on my computer and found it in a summary file wherein I had collected all the notes for 2013, where it turned out that on 18.09.2013 I wrote in my diary this quote from Pessoa (in Koebel's translation):

"Sauber, geordnet, modern with ein Kontor mit guichets aus gelbem Drahtgeflecht / sind meine Gefühle jetzt, selbstverständlich und zurückhaltend wie gentlemen" (p.135).

Guichet = the LUKE with potential PLEXIglass which here is the 'Drahtgeflecht'. It is of that 'rattan' sort which often is used in confession chairs - a LUKE for confessions with a 'filter' of 'Drahtgeflecht' type.

The quote is from Pessoa's = Alvaro de Campos' 'Ode maritima' = 'Meeresode', cp. the 'Meeres-Eis-Vogel' recently. The poem is a number of pages and is signed

Alvaro de Campos, Ingenieur
Orpheu Nr.2, Juli 1915

I look up Rilke's Orpheus sonnets, no. XV, line 2, word 7 - it is the word SUMMEN.

The text before and after this GUICHETs is also highly significant for the present times, so maybe it is only that Pessoa is a good poet - if it is not intrigue from the 'intelligence services'.

It is about Handelsman etc. Life during the corona crisis. "...füllen wir die Lungen mit Meeresluft. / Wie Menschen, die genau wissen wie hygienisch das Einatmen der Luft des Meeres ist".

The bottleneck opening in to Jungholz - a la the Suez canal recently - is less than 10 metres - say, 4-5 metres or so. This distance could resemble the distance from the carmelite church to the canal in Venice between the St.Lucia railway station and the St.Lucia bridge. If one looks out the windows of the tourist information which is on the corner to this church, just next to their own shop, between this shop and the stairs to the church, it will look approximately like the detail on the cartoon of 'Handelsman' in 'The New Yorker' - the cartoon where one can see the 'Teresa-May'-looking person apparently activating the leftside nipple of the 'Boris-Johnson'-looking person with a perplexed look in his eyes. The relevant detail of the cartoon is this:

The church in the background is the cupola of the Chiesa di San Simeon Piccolo. The detail seems to show a 'John Grøver' (sr.) talking with who by the hairdo is 'to ne hele ne grow-hair' to the left and the other 'V-backe grow-hair' - while the 'hairdo' of me in comparison could be seen as the scissored occipital lobe giving a gynaecomasty under the leftside nipple. Which means that if this is the intrigue, then the activated nipple giving the perplexed glass-look in the 'Boris Johnson'-looking character will be mine, so to speak. A piece of 'smart dumping' this could be. Here is the detail of the cartoon showing what could resemble Teresa May activating Boris Johnson's leftside nipple - leading to the 'perplexed' look in his eyes:

It means that this will turn the Canareggio district in Venice into a Jungholz, so to speak - by the intrigue. Canareggio = Kennedy-Jo[hn] by the D/R of the doctorate of 'Gryfice' (= 'Fitzgerald'?) etc. (How tiring these old intrigues).

'Santal-misjonen' could be this 'Santa Lucia' etc. A 'turnaround' in Jungholz-Venice - how tiring it is with all these attempts to make it go wrong way etc. De-railing. Kennedy, hairdo, me etc. Ah ja.

The shooter in Boulder recently - after my return to Vienna - was called 'Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa' from Arvada and he had bought the Ruger 556 on 16 march, tells The Denver Post. Preposing an M to these A's turns it into 'mAhmad mAl mAliwi mAlissa' = 'må ha mat, mål må leve i melissa' = 'must have food, the goal is to live in melissa'. (Could have meant 'must get more money'). The carmelite church in Venice sells also 'melissa' in its shop next to the tourist info - this is a characteristic which probably is not found many other places - hence the purpose of this terror in Boulder, if it were organized by the same intrigue-makers who construct the political intrigue around Jungholz - and I have guessed that it is the national intelligence services who are behind these 'projects'.

This 'Malissa' indexation could then have served to turn my 7 months in Venice into 7 months in Jungholz, so to speak.

The 7 months of post that I - on my return on 2 march 2021 - went to find in my Vienna PO Box was lost - there could have been a letter there telling that I had inherited money (more than my 'humble pension', that would be) - but since inheritance normally must be accepted within a certain time otherwise it goes elsewhere, as I have guessed, the expression could have been that 'this sojourn in Venice could have cost me very much personally since I could have lost an inheritance' - that claim would remain since the post had been stolen, otherwise there would probably have been little left of it. The coup in Burma could have added to this.

The thermometres could have been installed in italian post offices around 12 december for reasons of the letter I was about to send with money enough for paying the PO Box rent in Vienna for 2021. If the letter were stopped on its way by 'extended authorities' of the intelligence services, either the austrian or their italian colleagues, the post office would have a 'goodenough' pretext to close the PO Box and return the letters therein to their senders. It can be added that neither telephone number nor email could be found for austrian post when I searched the internet: I found one telephone number which I tried but they did not answer, and the next time I searched the internet the number had apparently been changed, and it didnt answer this time either. It is possible that 'extended authorities' of the intelligence services is needed for mobbing people like that by altering the texts on the internet. There could have been a lot of construction like this for the simple pretext of the post office in Vienna that they had 'goodenough reason' for returning the letters in the PO Box. But the post had given me guarantees when I opened the PO Box in 2009 - I would not risk losing post if I forgot to pay, they told - I would only have to pay the rent for the box in the mean time and there would be a bill for the rent in the box. I asked in march if I could pay the rent since 1 january but that was not granted me.

Having understood all this in a flash, I searched on my computer for finding the real file for this 2013 diary entry - not the collective file I had found the excerpt under - but it turned out that it was not on my computer any longer - or at least the search engine could not find it. I looked over the directories and could not find it either. Then I attached another storage medium where it could be - but did not find it there either - however, something went wrong and a message in a box of 'LUKE' popped up on the screen which seemed to be a virus: It called itself 'userinit.exe' and 'explorer.exe' and things like that and could not be deleted. I turned off the machine and switched it on again and there it was again - the normal 'explorer' access to directories did not open but this came up in instead. I did not want another computer crash and spent some time in solving the problem. After some time it seemed that I had managed to solve it and the LUKE disappeared.

Bjørn Kristiansen who was lead guitarist in 'Aunt Mary' was called 'Krisa' = 'the crisis' which could associate with 'Kvisa' = the pimple, here 'Jungholz'. He was the brother-in-law to my classmate and friend Roy Andersen. Kristiansen was a tall guy, an able guitarist and a special type to whom it would be difficult to find a copy. His music group 'Aunt Mary' published a record called 'Janis, Jimi and Brian' - said to be about Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix and Brian Jones. Should the latter be me, John Bjarne? I have speculated that the close associative links between Joplin and Hendrix and aspects of the socalled 'octogon' could have given reason to speculate that these two in theory could have re-surfaced in new form in Fredrikstad, in rebuilt fashion. But since such total rebuilding is very risky if the purpose is to be a grandiose media success behind a normal person's facade, the professional american impression which Kristiansen's rock music makes could associate him with the idea of 'the moment of truth'. In which case other ideas of my own 'roy' having been rebuilt to an 'andersen' organ on the official custody mother as 'trans' could have lent weight to 'the moment of truth' if this organ could have been used for rapes of me in drugged form in my puberty times. (I do not say that Joplin/Hendrix were rebuilt - it is the idea which is of interest). I got to know Roy as classmate in the new class at 'Trosvik school' in the autumn 1970 - a few weeks after I had turned 13. This was also the autumn when the school dentistry started.

Could be 'Bjørn Kvistiansen' can mean 'humble pension' - in which case one could need more money for living in Venice. ('B-jørn' = 'on the corner', 'kvist' = 'twig' used to be the attic, formerly small compartments where people with little money lived).

In short, it could have been about re-turning my 7 months in Venice into an austrian 'Jungholz' program resting on the possible abuse of me in my childhood and youth.

It must be understood that it is possible that such terror is organized by 'services' for rather uninteresting reasons. Here it could be about a swap mechanism which means that if my work leads to historic support for me, that support could via the 'Jungholz' parametre be swipswapped over to 'intelligence services' or politicians involved in these things.

But it is likely that such 'intelligence projects' as this could be would be rather illegal and should be stopped by police or others. It is well possible that the security of the state can be in danger - and if 'security of the state' is used as paragraph for crimes, it could be an element in the swap mechanism of 'smart dumping' type. But clearly that is rather hazardous politics - which the people should not be happy for.

It is well possible that the whole thing is just an attempt to construct a new Hitler for an enhanced power feel in the 'intelligence services'. It should not be considered serious politics. It is likely to be politics that should be outlawed.

But hopefully there are still serious politicians around. These may have been told by the 'intelligence' that if Mr.Grover wants to move out of the vortex of intrigue which appears to be associated (here) with Jungholz and Zinckgasse, he has to do that without getting any help. Why? Because, tells this logic perhaps, the years in Zinckgasse would have totally turned the swipswap identities around so that if he gets help to move elsewhere, it would be only the swipswappers who get that help and then it will just continue as before.

I think this is nonsense (possibly planned long ago) made for preventing that I get such help. It is probably the other way round - that if I move away and have only my 'humble pension', then I cannot afford more than temporary contracts ('b-jørn kvist-ta-sjansen' - lending effects to the 'roy othersen'?) and then I am an easy victim of intrigues which serve to continue the swipswap as before. But if public administration helps me find a solution whereby I am maximally detached from such international intrigue (including the national 'intelligences'), then the whole world would gain from it and all these problems of swindle and intrigue and cheating would calm down - and new epidemics, stockmarket crash and depression and other grandiose problems can be avoided. It is not a goodenough reason that the swindle and cheating goes 'the right way', 'our way' - it is the swindle and cheating which is the problem. It is important to try and reach a political state wherein it should be difficult to cheat the whole world into believing that it is the other way round: Indeed democracy should be a condition wherein people can know what they vote for and not the other way round.

Politicians should not accept the bribe that 'a new disaster will grant you more power if only the smart dumping of the blame onto Mr.Grover functions'. That is not to be the people's politician.

I am a private person without any affiliation with the political intrigue. It is possible that the one and only reason they can have is that it could be an 'intelligence project' of the Grøvers - to whom I was formally 'af-filiated' - but that cannot be a legal program after I turned 18 and I have no contacts with them at all. It is many decades ago that I had anything to do with them.

The whole matrix seems to be a problem of lending priority to power. The example could be simple: Covid-19 is a massive problem which must be solved, and it may be that the logic for solving it goes like this: For solving it we need more power. How do we get that? By calling people to vaccinations and waving the syringe in front of them. If we do this one by one, then the pandemic will eventually withdraw.

A solution which does not lend more power to the services - but which solves the problem quickly - is to give people a chance to come to a place if they want and grab a syringe there and put it in on the belly with own hand. There are millions of doses in glasses - if there are 5 tables in the gym hall and people line up by own choice at one of them, there is an assistant who fills one-time syringes with short needle from the glasses and put the syringes on a table where there can be 30-40-50 of them, the next in the queue takes one of these and pulls the plastic cap off and puts it in on the belly as far as one can get it and injects it, or a second assistant does it or at least inspects that it is done properly, then go over there please to the next table to the third assistant sitting there and put your ID on the left side of the copy machine glass where there is info on place, date, vaccine type on the righthand side of the glass plate - and you get a confirmation printed out and the data are sent to the central administration. It takes 30 seconds per person and the whole country is vaccinated in the course of few days or weeks. Anybody can go to any school gym hall one wants and if the queue is too long try another time or another school. This procedure does not bring any more 'power feel' to the administration but it solves the problem and the economy is soon up on its feet again.

Call to vaccination is probably often felt as a call for scrutinizing your conscience: Did you mention all on the tax return? Was there anything extra in that cigarette joint? If so, you can bring this feel to the vaccination place and be vaccinated against it - like telling it in the 'Drahtgeflecht' - and we feel stronger than before.

It is very important to get all that old mythomania down and return to reality.


If Jungholz in the west is recognized as the pimple at the root of the nosewing of the lapis philosophorum, while the fischamend tooth of the same lapis philosophorum is considered to be Pamhagen in the east, then a peculiar function applies from this lapis to the outlines of the map of Austria: On the lapis, these two parts are opposites about the same place, which means that Pamhagen would have been appr right south of Jungholz (on the border to Switzerland - around Compatsch/Samnaun - cp. Riezlem and Mittelberg - as in the border crossing restrictions above? - in the comparable austrian part) if Austria were a normal lapis. But when this lefthand part is moved eastwards to have the tooth at Pamhagen, it means the same as a penis of a puberty boy being transplanted (a la a 'curse') onto another as rapist, and if Jungholz is the pimple on the root of the nosewing, it means that the upwardspointing nose is in Germany and not in Austria this either. (This 'wrap-in' of the nose part could be the third dimension on the breadslice - see below - and it could be the meaning of the socalled 'Umband'). These two items will thereby be recognized as 'custody authority'. It is probably from this that the theory arises that my puberty penis (or its contents) could have been transplanted onto the custody mother who could have raped me with it while the Jungholz parametre would have been a sanitary towel soaked with her menstrual blood and pressed against my nose and mouth during the rape. This theory makes sense of these placenames, outlines on the map and possibly angloamerican strategies on Europe and Austria. It would mean that Austria = me, if this story should obtain, being under 'custody authority' of, well, EU maybe - or would it be angloamerican? I notice the function of the cartoons in 'The New Yorker' which could look like such a 'custody authority' function. 'Rüge-Pflicht' in the sense of 'smoking obligatory' could mean that sort of smoking - a 'luke' made of a used sanitary towel. Like obligatory news of bloody things (terror). It could mean that Austria = me in this sense of it. (I notice the burglary of my house in Szolnok in 2019 and the progress of ÖVP in the election in Steiermark 6 months later - 2 days before the first coronavirus infection was registered in China).

This conception puts the custody of the country outside its borders, in the neighbour countries (cp. also the role of 'Pamhagen' with potential 'Pentagon' associations). What is interesting is to observe the ranking of the world's countries by number of covid-19 deaths per million inhabitants - it turns out that (ignoring the top authorities/microstates Gibraltar and San Marino) among the top 11 on this ranking, as much as 5 of these are neighbours of Austria. Only Germany and Switzerland are not in this top. If rapes were the problem, Hungary should be the top country - and it is indeed on place #4 (or 2) - source https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ for 3 april 2021 (the 'deaths per million' for, say, Gibraltar is 2.791 which means 2791 per million, which means 2,791 per thousand or 0,2791 percent of the population):

Population Neighbours
1         Gibraltar 2.791 33.683
2 Czechia 2.505 10.723.954 x
3 San Marino 2.472 33.985
4 Hungary 2.230 9.641.835             x
5 Montenegro 2.074 628.126
6 Bosnia and Herzegovina         2.071 3.265.395
7 Belgium 1.985 11.627.600
8 Slovenia 1.957 2.079.153             x
9 Bulgaria 1.945 6.908.893
10 UK 1.861 68.154.420
11 North Macedonia 1.853 2.083.309
12 Italy 1.833 60.394.741             x
13 Slovakia 1.821 5.461.636             x
14 USA 1.708 332.463.237  

The conclusion seems rather trivial: Norway must apologize for the childhood abuse, if there were any, and pay reparation money - that would tell that they do not support the rapist but rather the victim.

Would a 'brexit' factor concern the idea of 'royal' interests? The Klipra connection?

Finally, why should one try and make Austria look like the lapis philosophorum? This 'precious mystery' (of the lapis) is believed to be the innermost secret of the human psyche. The logic of making the country resemble it is, though, probably rather naive and can perhaps be called 'intelligence logic' - it resembles the idea of making the country look like a 100 euro banknote since that will lead to a blossoming economy and culture (there could also be a reproduction of a famous artwork on the banknote). This logic is hard to refute since it is self-evident, sort of, and is could have a high status in the business called 'intelligence'. The 100 euro banknote could be called 'the innermost mystery in human economy'. But some would, perhaps, say that the 10 euro banknote is an even deeper mystery, since time is money.

Briefly: If the lapis were of such importance for the human psyche, it would have been published and taught in school.

Why isnt it? Because the real problem, which could be at the heart of all this, is probably only the human weakness of digging down the precious bone as soon as one has found it. It is called 'secrecy stamp', 'classification' and such things. And then the 'bone' can be reinvoked only by consulting 'the mystic source of knowledge'?

There should be nothing secret in public administration.

Could be that is why they rape my privacy and read my private diary notes and say that 'he is PTRSIM PIK and that is the reason'.

I made a spacewalk in 1971 for telling that it wont work out well if they should survey my private life.

For the role of the idea of the outline of the country resembling 'lapis philosophorum' - with or without spin - see this file. The joke is perhaps not so funny - it happened in Paris once that an american came over to me and showed me how to fold a 1 or 10 dollar banknote in such a way that the image of the airplane crashing into the World Trade Center (on 11 september 2001) could be seen clearly.

The potato peel filter

This article tells how to arrive at the breadslice from the lapis - you take two lapises and mash them together in three dimensions and that makes the breadslice. If you spin the breadslice around you get the potato peel filter. These are probably freemason mysteries. I guessed that the three mashes were the three Eidsvig brothers, or maybe three 'Adolfs', and that the purpose with the second world war was to mash it horizontally, that is Adolf Hitler. The theory of rape by trans mother and bloodsoaked sanitary towel corresponds to two of the mashes - could be the purpose was to arrive at the 'spin' needed for making the potato peel filter, believing that this was the reason for Stonehenge in England (and isnt there some inka or maya there?). Hence the fancies about a link from Frau Grøver to Buckingham. Could be, therefore, that ideas can be made also that the entire program is one for the british aspirations of a global kingdom under their rule.

'Spin-doctorism' could be that sort of mysticism? And the three dimensions of Spindelegger, Mitterlehner and Kurz likewise? But wouldnt that be to continue the program of Hitler?

Such 'freemason' mysticism is not the same as serious religious mysticism. Serious mystics would probably try and understand the reason why the lapis arises - ex nihilo matter could for example arise where strong redundancies create a field of tension with potentially high explanatory force such as this 'black flake' mentioned above, and the lapis could of course be something like that for the theme of the creation of humans or the human psyche, theoretically - but such ex nihilo phenomena are rather what is thrown off along the path of the mystic quest - it is rather what is left behind in the roadside and certainly not the goal itself. Therefore a 'protestant' or perhaps rather 'anglican' faith that Christ is the lapis philosophorum himself and that the bread of the holy communion is the (spinning) breadslice is to be a historically oriented mystic, so to speak, could be freemason is the word - and that could be why politics takes some interest in it. But it is wise to understand that this is rather what is thrown off along the road towards truth - the roadside catches it up like peel from potatoes. Ah, is the potato peel filter a symbol of the glottal constriction, the most standard theme of deviation between catholicism and protestantism? As if the protestants denounce the idea of the body of Christ taking shape in the filter? The peeling of a potato could perhaps be called a sort of 'kvis(t)ling' - who was famous for his 'eid-svig' (= 'treason').

The christian communion makes it possible to eat food without becoming hostile towards other people - it makes it possible to have a positive society. That is probably hard to say about Hitler's breadslice if it was the reason for WWII.


'Rüge-Pflicht' could mean 'smoking obligatory' - danish for 'to smoke' = 'ryge' - which could mean that it is meant to be obligatory for voters of democracy to follow the news of bloody terror on TV and other media. The idea would be that this corresponds to the inhalation through the 'mask' of a used sanitary towel for the 'Jungholz' parametre, while a rape of the same democratic voter is going on. (The current coronavirus crisis could resemble these aspects). The news will update your knowledge of the indexical data that hold the mythos construction up. The reasons could be of quite unserious freemason kind - that 'this is the road to heaven' (or whatever its called) - in accordance with a new quasi religion with a 'mystic source of knowledge' and things like that. It follows that this system is not going to be the future - it looks more like the afterwaves from oldtime thinking of 'necessary suppression' and things like that. Is the correlation of the coronavirus with the 'brexit' a coincidence?

The system looks like 'secret intelligence' on behalf of monarchic interests. There was recently a rape of my PO Box and a putsch in Burma. Could be this mainly tells of all the CARTONs = 'cartoons' that go through the post. It is the Handelsman who needs that.

Is my authorship a proof that this system is good? I dont think my authorship is a result of this system - my work rather springs out from the traditions of the jewish culture which my genetics probably comes from - and that was the culture which suffered most from Hitler's work. The plan could have been to claim that my work was directly inspired by this political system. I dont think that is the truth.

Added 20 april 2021: In the book by Aage Krarup Nielsen from the 1960's there are a number of photos which seem to document aspects of the mythos around my life. The first of these is the first photo between pages 16 and 17 - it could signify 'ryge-plikt' = 'smoking obligatory'. (I recall from Odda early 1960's a 'sami' doll of my elder sister which perhaps resembled this smoking sami woman a little, at least associatively). I notice that if this 'smoking' be considered a part of the political mythos around my person, it could be about inhalating through a sanitary towel soaked with something (e.g. menstrual blood), while a 'PF-licht' could be about an ejaculation, could be of a rapist. Although I have no memories or documentation of anything the like, there are apparently traces of it in the political mythos. The following upper photo could perhaps be interpreted in the concept of 'VOMP-Hinterriss'(?). The lower is from 'doctor's house in Strømvik' (would 'Donald John Trump'-vik be of relevance?). If the first photo be about 'Rügepflicht', it would have been planned since at least the 1960's and hence perhaps be not a small matter.

A connection to 'Gryfice', see also e.g. this file:


And, similarly, 'Strøm-vik' could turn into 'røStm-vik' - could be for 'Røs-holmen' - with that old wooden white house. ('Eids-vig' worked also as inventor = 'Edis-on' and composer = 'komponisten', cp. 'knor-pun-Isten', 'Isten' = hungarian for 'God').

Added 21 april 2021: Above I stated that 'I have no memories or documentation of anything the like' as far as the theory of rape in puberty/youth is concerned - but that is perhaps not entirely true. I refer to this article (updated with an extra paragraph today) - from this overview page.


Grimm, J. & W.: Deutsches Wörterbuch. (33 volumes). DTV 1991 Nachdruck von Ausgabe Leipzig 1985.

The complete cartoons of The New Yorker. Ed. Robert Mankoff. Including 2 CDs with 68647 cartoons ever published in the magazine. Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, New York 2004.

Krarup Nielsen, Aage: Mitt livs eventyrreise. Translated from the danish into norwegian by Arthur W.Gammelgaard. Gyldendal 1964.

Microsoft Encarta World Atlas 1999.

Pinna, M.G.: "Lo scapolare della Beata Vergine Maria del Monte Carmelo", Editrice ELLEDICI, 10142 Torino 2016.

Vasmer, M.: Russisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch. (3 volumes). Carl Winter, Heidelberg 1953, 1979.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 1 april 2021
Last updated 21 april 2021