More on the fundamental theorem of statistics

John Bjarne Grover

Or: Why Henry VIII broke England out of the catholic church

The fundamental theorem of linguistics tells of the state of joint reference to two metaphysical realities conceived as one - whereby the physical reality takes shape along with a linguistic vehicle for it.

In the article I published recently I write:

The 'faculty of faith', whereby 'faith' - also for the 'poetic revelations' - is conceived as a workable and recursively updatable subjective theory of reality - a reality theory which is a necessary prerequisite for consciousness, as is my theoretic framework.

But this concept of the faculty of faith should mean just the interface I have postulated as the fundamental theorem of statistics:

This phenomenon can be called 'the fundamental theorem of statistics' - which tells that symbolic manipulation in theoretic space can give an adequate understanding of a distribution in historic time if the historic distribution behaves as regularly as the semantic assignment of the symbols do. Conditional entropies [as a technical expression for the information flux in a signal or distribution] concern the amount of dependency between occurrences, and clearly for a symbolic manipulation to be valid there must be some dependency but not too much, so to speak. 'The fundamental theorem of statistics' proposes that the adherence of occurrences in history is about as sticky as it is among theoretic symbols and therefore statistical computation is possible. But it must be admitted that it is a strange idea, tells the theorem.

It is the massive 'sticky' rejection of my poem "Der Seemann" which could show that it really is this theme which is the issue: "In wenig' Stunden wird das Schiff / den Hafen hinterlassen, / in offene See stechen". (See also comment on 'FERREX').

The conclusion is that the fundamental theorem of statistics thereby concerns what for the fundamental theorem of linguistics is a double metaphysical reality - which for the statistics is about the equiprobability of three and more occurrences.

That is the issue of the christian trinity - which applies to more than two and only two metaphysical realities - and when this here also is a technical expression of information flux in a distribution or (the elements of a) signal it can be seen to be the formal aspect of what released the conflict between catholicism and anglicanism - if the real reason for this was that Henry VIII believed that the pope took Henry's dispositions in London to be the voice of God in Rome - via signals that were sent via Brighton and the lighthouse of Beachy Head, so to speak. This problem is just the theme of my TEQ - if the 'services' make claims that they are the real authors of my book by way of the intrigues and intimidations they have organized on my life - that is, like the dispositions of Henry in London could have believed his life were the origin of the pope's messages from God. This released Henry's conviction that the pope, when he referred to God, were really only guided by his own craving for the power of Henry - and Henry took the liberty of doubting the catholic dogma of transubstantiation - that is, that the distribution of material substance in the Vatican could have been transubstantiated over from Henry in London.

This amounts to a doubt in the trinity and it falls down on triangles instead - which could have been the problem of the new anglicanism.

In short - did Henry believe that the pope - when he heard the voice of God - really listened to a transformation of Henry's whereabouts in London? How could he know? The messages from Rome could have been interpretations of Henry's whereabout by deliberate intrigue even for ridiculing Henry, but how could the pope know? By telepathy? If the whereabouts were observable, there could have been messaging from spies (or 'S/B-ies') in London to Rome via semafory ('be my sorry'?) - down to Brighton and from there by lighthouse signals over the channel from 'the telegraph house, in the valley, Brighton 1823'. This would have been the reason for the mighty power in the form of the inkblots on that pamphlet - that the fundamental theorem of statistics tells that if equiprobability does not obtain, then the symbols used in statistical calculation will have to have a little bump on their form where the probability deviates a little from perfect equiprobability. This little bump can be studied in microscope and mighty power can be established thereupon.

In short, symbols - such as those which the Bible are written with - are an adequate interpretation of the real world only to the extent that equiprobability obtains - and if it does not obtain, which is the normal case, a little deviation from equiprobability should lead to a little deformation of the symbols, which is the art of typography (cp. Wittgenstein's 'Wörterbuch' and the Kennedys), but if the deviation gets too big then a human will no longer understand it as the same symbol and the language is no longer able to tell of the real world.

These problems of Henry and the Vatican were taking shape not so long after Gutenberg had made all symbols look the same - and the question naturally arose whether they meant anything at all.

Potato print had been known for ages before Gutenberg - and the 'kartoffel-latio' - a page printed with potato print - seems to have been a vibrant story element up to the present times.

These ideas of the christian trinity and what is above has a tentative symbolic interpretation in Cantor's concept of uncountability by the diagonal proof - which remains paradoxical and hard to take faith in. Cantor landed in psychiatric hospital - could be for these formalisms, however harmless they could have looked.

It is noticed that the 'recursive updating of the faith qua workable subjective theory of the world' has a formal expression in the 'fundamental theorem of statistics' - but clearly this is valid only as long as the symbols that are used for telling it are a valid interpretation of the world.

This means that one can never really come to certain knowledge about anything but the self and hardly even that - as said also Descartes about his recursive faith machine (a sort of 'grafael turbino', if it can be gestarted?) - and Henry took the consequence of this and expressed it in the form that "we can never really know what the Vatican is saying unless we are there" and therefore they had to break out of the sea of uncertainty and declare their own church for opened.

Information flux is just what Henry thought of God's voice in the mind of the pope.

The problem of Henry could be phrased in norwegian parlance after the war, which probably was after the Kennedys had taken on a US-accepted family format: In 'ass-low' format, it could be said that Henry could not exclude the possibility that the pope simply were possessed by the idea of ridiculing Henry (on basis of S/B-y reports semafored down to Rome) by way of alleged communications from God. In this postwar 'norwegian ass-low parlance', it could be called 'dreit han ut' - that is, that the pope simply 'crapped him out' when the messages from God to Henry seemed to be paraphrases on the historic distribution of Henry's whereabouts. After WWI, Austria got its eastern border shaped apparently by the fishamend's tooth at 'Pamhagen', a name which in principle could be the origin of the US defence centre 'Pentagon' from 1943, and then 'drei tann ut' means 'twist/turn tooth out' - cp. the white Dovre/Dover. The border between Austria and Hungary is the Doppelmonarchy border which had its counterpoint in the border between Norway and Sweden from 1814 (when the constitution-making motto was 'united and loyal untill Dovre falls' - 'Dovre' is the mountainous snowy region between Norway and Sweden) to 1905 - and it is likely that this is the story of the beginning of UN after England won the war, so to speak: The first and second UN chiefs were norwegian and swedish and the third was U Thant - hence for 'Drei U Thant' = 'Drei Tan Ut' = 'dreit han ut' = 'crapped him out' - that is, this is what Henry believed about the pope's activities relative to Henry. 'Drei' would be the mystic secret of the story - the catholic trinity which by the reformation could have risked the fate of being reduced to a mere triangular format. In socalled 'intelligence mysticism', the tooth that were 'out' could have been the 'lapis philosophorum' - and tragic 'intelligence mysticism' could have been the reason why this could have been removed from all publically available archives - that is, the tooth was 'out'. Alas, for that silly norwegian asslow formula only. (This formula could be expanded with 'dreit han ut så de[t] sang' - cp. Aung San).

The story of Henry and the Vatican is really about the rise of bookprint typography. The story is seen in the role of the Kennedys: It is probably standard to believe that Hitler rose to terror-driven power by way of the austrian monkey business on Wittgenstein in Austria. Could be there is not so much evidence available - Wittgenstein had not got good enough results at his 'gymnasium' or something like that, in spite of the talents he later seemed to have revealed, to study at Ludwig Boltzmann, for which reason he went for an education as machine constructor in Berlin and constructed a propellar. The US embassy in Vienna is in Boltzmanngasse - that is something, albeit not so much - as possible indication of the role of Austria themselves in the rise of Hitler in Germany. It seems to be Wittgenstein's failure in his attempts to have his 'Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung' accepted by austrian publishers which led to the 'Logisch-Philoso-Fischamends tooth' of Pamhagen when the new borders were settled in 1919. It is therefore left as a mark on the outlines of the country that they were guilty of the rise of Hitler. However, even if Wittgenstein did not succeed in having his book published, he took an education as teacher and wrote his 'Wörterbuch für Volksschulen' which was published in 1926 - probably around the time when he quit his career as teacher. The book is equipped with a governmental accept and recommendation on the title page:

If Austria were blamed for the rise of Hitler because they rejected Wittgenstein's Tractatus, the Fischamend logico, this annotation with inkblot print on the front page of his Wörterbuch could be taken as a valid proof that they had done what they could to repair the damage before Hitler rose to power in Germany.

The postwar story of the Kennedys is probably just this aspect: Either the Kennedys were a family constructed after 1926 as an 'intelligence project' on basis of precisely this story, or the Kennedys were driven to the forefront of US society also by way of the historic impetus which this sympathetic aspect of the austrian state and society entailed. Assuming that the latter and not the former of these obtains, the Kennedys are a proof that the austrian state and society are sympathetics and goodly inclined and hence that the unpopular Hitler was a lonely exception only who was born on the border to Germany (in Braunau am Inn).

This complex could be at the centre of the current situation in Austria. It is possible that Hitler constructed his 'Aktion Reinhard' (Sobibor, Treblinka, Belcez) for the sake of 'Eidsvig Ragna' (born in 1929 at the time when the stockmarket crash and later depression seems to have got its very first beginning) - and that this was made on basis of Shijing #89-90-91: The mythos that my elder sister Vibeke Grøver murdered Mao in 1976 while she was dressed up as Mao's wife seems to be readable from Shijing #89 which also is likely to be her name, while the same obtains to the younger sister Tone Helene Grøver by #91. The name of my official mother born 'Ragna Augusta Devold Eidsvig' = 'rain and gusts of devils treason' is read from #90. If this also is the Treblinka story which applies to my name on the form 'jump-jarnegg-grover' ('treblinka' is the mark left on a tree trunk by the forester's axe for telling which tree is to be felled), it is seen how the official mother overshadows my name by way of Hitler's death camps, and ideas of a 'custody authority' on a sick format of Jesus and his mother in the form of possible theoretic rapes of my puberty etc, and later deplorable attempts to relegate my authority under her custody, would be an offspring of Hitler's role. It would be the STORM which is shared between the Treblinka mystery (the storm which downs the tree) and Shijing #90. The theories on how the official mother could have been rebuilt to a trans on basis of a transplant of my own penis contents onto her for use in rapes of the puberty boy including sanitary towels soaked in menstrual blood held before the respiration during the rapes would have their origins in ideas of such a 'Kennedy curse' - which also could be interpreted from the border outlines of Austria including Pamhagen (1919) and Jungholz (1854). However, the real 'curse' would then likely be the hot potato ball - which of the two reasons for the Kennedys applies.

In the current situation, this is seen in the probable idea that former chancellor Sebastian Kurz could be associated with the identity of John F.Kennedy jr. who fell down in an airplane (on the place outside Long Island where the Air Egypt airplane had crashed) along with the two Besette sisters. This is likely to be the reason for this idea - on basis of the formula on the S/B-ies of Henry - of hyper-essential importance for assessing the nature of the pope's revelations:

Sebastian Kurz
Besabtian Curb
Besatt-in-a curb = 'were seated/possessed in a curb'

that is, the 'man-on-wagon' (running on his low wagon before slamming into the curbstone) which probably has a value of divine nature in jewish mysticism. It would be the word 'Besette' = 'to possess' or 'to occupy by land invasion' which is the reason for this.

A further reason could be the inherent proof of the integrity and quality of the austrian society and state by the historic role of the Kennedys at the forefront of US society - via the austrian accept of Wittgenstein's 'Wörterbuch'. The alternative explanation - that the Kennedys could have been a secret intelligence project on basis of Hitler's death camps - is less flattering, of course - but it is hard to avoid the theory of this latter and less flattering alternative in light of the role of ÖVP relative to the event of possibly JFK sr at an opening of my head in 1957 - which then could have been the reason why Kennedy got USA involved in the Vietnam war in order to interpret the poem Shijing #37.

The deeper aspects of the intrigue can then be seen in Shijing #145 - in the mirror to #37 around #91 - which seems to tell of a book with spine (or 'S/B-yin'). I took the front and back page photos to my TEQ long before I discovered this poem in Shijing. The back page photo is just precisely the Treblinka mystery from Vilnius - including the dentist scene which could have been the reason for the destruction of my teeth by the school dentist in 1970-71. The Treblinka mystery seems to be that a STORM breaks a tree and if it is a Treblinka mystery, here created by Spider and the Webside, the resulting breakup of the lower tree trunk always looks like this - which means that even the dentist's overhead lamp would have been the same in ancient China as it is today. The 'rising sun' which inspires the conception on the U-Bahn is apparently the theme of Botticelli's 'Birth of Venus'.

It would be vanity of the intelligence businesses - a sort of 'asslow mentality'? - to keep such knowledge secret and locked down. Is it for the 'Drei Tann Ut'?

The 'Kennedy clan' could perhaps be found in this gap between the two alternatives - and surf politically on the better of the two.

It is seen how all this is tied up to the typography of Wittgenstein's 'Wörterbuch' - and that seems to be rooted in the Gutenberg revolution and Henry's problems with feeling mocked by the pope thereafter in light of what I call the fundamental theorem of statistics. This theorem tells that the occurrences can from a practical viewpoint be considered so to speak equiprobable, even if they are not, and that is what allows for the computations on the 'information flux' on the border between physics and metaphysics.

It would be precisely this 'information flux' on the border between physics and metaphysics which is the theme of my epidemiological theory - more specifically this theory tells that if poetic articulation is couped and raped and abused by political power, the information flux takes on the formation of viruses instead: These virus formations will then ensure a balance between physics and metaphysics which otherwise is maintained by the poetic articulations.

This is also why a pandemic could be a sign of aspirations for global power and control. Is it Henry with his problems still? Is it my The Endmorgan Quartet which should have been published and read by the people instead of being potentially raped by the secret intelligence services who want to convert it into a tool for power?

The solution to the pandemic and its economic crisis is to stop the abuse of the poetry and close down as much secret intelligence control as possible.

It is easy to see how the current situation in Austria could open up for a new Hitler taking Germany 'by storm' at a later stage - when the germans are more willing than the austrians to opt for the explanation found in the other alternative.

Why did the coronavirus pandemic start in Wuhan in China? It is absolutely possible that if it is not an intended piece of bio terrorism put in circulation at the time of the 'brexit', then it could be a spontaneous result of heavy 'beerhallputsching' on my person in Austria by way of just this STORM and the swipswap via Kurz and the jewish-mysticistic 'man-on-wagon' on background of the history of ÖVP since 1945. This 'beerhallputsching' would have been in the form of ÖVP abusing surveillance data from my life for taking up the position of my interests and attention. It is possible that this could have been going on for quite a while but reached a climax which triggered the pandemic. Would ÖVP interests have been involved in the burglary of my house in Szolnok (and possibly even the following Hableany disaster - 'leany' = 'girl', 'hab' = 'foam')? If so, then it would be strictly forbidden by hungarian police to keep this secret since it could be of vital importance for the global society and economy to get the facts on the public table. ÖVP won the election in Steiermark around the day when the first coronavirus case was attested in China on 17 november 2019.

It was said about Ronald Reagan that he had many B-roles in american westerns - that could have been about 'B-role-pushing' (on the chins etc) = 'beerhallputsching'. Cp. also the idea of 'saloon' vs 'balloon', such as this or that balloon. 'Tüdömény' is hungarian for 'lung/respiration-ship' (like covid-19) while 'tudomány' is 'knowledge', 'science'. 'The besh to a kurz' could also apply to the short appendix.

The terror in Vienna on 2 november 2020 - a few hours before the US presidential election started on 3 november - could have been based on just these aspects of the story. It started in Seitenstettengasse (!) where the jewish synagogue is - on a spot which probably could be seen from the window of the lawyer Peter Birgmeyer whom I consulted a few times some years ago. It is seen that this name can be compared with PTRSIM PIK on the form PTR-berg-PIK/MEYER for the issue of the attempted custody relation of 'Eidsvig Ragna' relative to my person. This would be a name-play on the STORM of Shijing #90 and people seem to believe that it should be this way and that the Kennedys should be protected because the name was a proof of the rescueing function of the austrian state when they accepted Wittgenstein's 'Wörterbuch' - that is likely to be the BERG = 'rescue' which lends historic priority to the Kennedys. The country seems perhaps inclined to believe that Kennedy jr can be associated with Sebastian Kurz because of that S/B on the Besette function - and therefore they may have taken faith in the 'Joachim Rønneberg' (one of the 'saboteurs' from the heavy water action on Rjukan during WWII, reportedly a schoolmate or at least a townsmate of 'Eidsvig Ragna' in Klipra in Ålesund) of 2 november 2020. It is not impossible that this complex could have driven the country into a state of mass psychosis in recent times. There seems to be a certain nervousness under the surface. Have they gone in a trap?

Briefly, if ÖVP is involved in harassment of me based on surveillance data, this could be the very propellar on the pandemic. As late as yesterday there were folks around in the streets - two males put food into their faces (mouths) and one stepped out of a car on a certain place when I passed it - both in context of female associations of mine, which could have been about beerhallputsching on the gender. Such occurrences - if organized - hide behind a facade of goodenough reason which means that one cannot 'take' them and hence it is necessary to look upon every human being as a potential intrigue - which is when it is not possible to relate to the society in a decent way.

Some days ago I experienced once again the centennial wave of nausea (which I have had some times in my life) when I was about to return to Hütteldorferstrasse at Wiener Stadthalle where a photographer had been photographing and where he still was in the intersection - I stood there chewing spit while waiting for the wave to pass - and then a few days later I looked through a box in search of some paper I found the old user's manual for my once KONICA MINOLTA pocket camera and for an old pocket computer of type CASSIOPEIA plus a semi-ring which had a similar counterpart on my workdesk where I last saw the lost SIM-card from Italy - found again yesterday, although I cannot be certain that it is the same - and two days later I saw this ad which it is a little hard to see as unrelated to the very private situation of me peeping into my storage box. (See also the comment on 'FERREX'). It is my impression that austrian advertisement is very much about this phenomenon of turning my inner private life outward in society, and it is likely that the phenomenon could be very essential for the role-turning - and the austrian people should understand that it may be that they should try and get the balloon out the saloon or something like that and not some van crew getting me out of my home.

[ 27/12-21: A new possible example from Westbahnstrasse/Zieglergasse today: A couple of days ago I mumbled for myself in my private home a joke on the name 'Lise Lamm' that a lamb that is a fox would also be a 'wool-wall' = 'ullweg', for the form 'ullweg-lise' = 'the wolfs-grin'. (Cp. also Shijing #146 after #145). The present ad, if after that jocular comment, could comment perhaps on what Råboe Larsen called 'overkroppsteater' = 'upper-part-of-the-body-theater' in a door opening? Ziegler was the name of my school dentist in Molde in the 1960's].

It means that I have to move out of the country if I want to continue my work - and since all my work so far in my life has not led to any improvement in my economic condition since it seems that other people have earned money from my work, it follows that my chances to find a new lodging are very limited and my next home has probably been prepared in advance by the intelligences and the surroundings are already crowded with agents. When is this farce going to end? Is it only for preventing that the scandal of the fundamental theorem of statistics leaks out? It is time to stop the childishnesses.

The left and the right side of the equation

- ∑ij  




   =    - ∑ij  





are similar only for the case of equiprobability - otherwise they are not similar because of the logarithm. This is explained in a very simple way in my master thesis pages 20-27 - wherefrom it emerges that the role of the logarithm is the same as the relation between paradigm and syntagm in a linguistic form. That again concerns the role of logical order relative to the semantic assignment (cp. 'function 14') in my fundamental theorem of linguistics.

The fundamental theorem of statistics concerns the validity of the information flux from metaphysical to physical reality, just where Henry got nervous, and it is therefore probably of interest for epidemiology.

Added on 22 december 2021:

It is understood from the above that the fundamental theorem of statistics is a formal description of the socalled 'maya screen' to reality - and this is probably the same as the hungarian 'HYMEN' phenomenon which also was the essence of Hitler's cabinet in the form of the Burgenland border between Austria and Hungary which by the 'Pamhagen' factor perhaps has given rise also to the name of the US defence centre 'Pentagon'. In my theoretic framework, this is a special case of what I call 'the ethnologic parametre' in language - see e.g. this study on the german equivalence to hungarian or this more generally or this more specifically. It is understood that this 'maya' screen is the border to a diffuse metaphysical reality on the other side and different languages parametrize the conversion of it into symbolic ('equiprobability' would then mean 'countable symbols', of equal 'importance' however big or small) format in different ways - but this study of german and hungarian shows that however different the two linguistic encodings of the symbolic conversion of the metaphysical reality, they may have a common code in the blue metre. It follows that this blue metre is also what could lead to a solution to the political problems clustering around the Burgenland border, so to speak - that could mean the problems that gave rise to the construction of the US Pentagon - a hallmark of global power. Most notably, a proper study of these aspects of language should show how we can avoid the disastrous effects of a Black Sea Loop planned probably by Hitler's nazi administration - it is well possible that this is a complex which the current coronavirus pandemic is about - including potential laws of obligatory vaccination coming up under the perspectives of a possible turnaround effect across this border of symmetry (imitated in the 'maya' border) which could lead to a reverse effect of the vaccinations, so that those who are vaccinated will be more prone to contract the disease and die from it than those who are not - an eldorado for unconstitutional power! - in which case the law will have the effect of legalizing lethal injections. It is important to avoid such wild west scenarios from arising in the middle of a Europe that could come to be more and more panic-stricken the more the vaccination effects turn around. One could guess that the reason for such panic is in the human psyche - the fear of the unknown behind the 'maya screen' and the wish to quasi-control it by political force and therefore one tries to establish political borders which can function as symbolic and controllable maya screens: The Burgenland border is particular well suited for this since german and hungarian are very different codes. As seen from the study of german relative to hungarian, it may be that the linguistic solution is found in a grammatical description of a logic over phonetic elements - a la Chomsky's minimalism - for handling the collective historic logic which seems to be present in the blue metre.

Classic historical linguistics postulated language families on basis of systematic parallelisms between languages, but modern linguistics has understood that much of this could come to be typological variation which need not entail evidence of spatio-temporal continuity and contiguity. This matter concerns also very essentially the question of pandemic spread: The idea that viruses spread only by spatio-temporal continuity and contiguity is the classic pendant to the 'semantic logic' in my 'function 14' - while the phonological (poetic, phonetic) logic that can be postulated on the mirror site of the 'rainbow' would be more comparable to a typological relation between languages - typically that could have a 'pandemic' spread in the human psyche rather than a local epidemic spread through contact. It is precisely there that it is important to avoid panic if the vaccines do not function or isolations and lockdowns cannot stop the spread - and panic starts making fantasies of a complete lockdown of the human psyche through which the pandemic is spreading. Briefly, such pandemic could spread through the phonologies of TV propaganda in people seated in their home sofas in locked-down houses or even bacillae-safe bunkers waiting for the disease to finish. The solution is not to prohibit free speech or thought - on the contrary such prohibition is just to propel the pandemic and its recursive panic. What must be stopped is rather the redundancy-rich propaganda which creates channels of 'phonological' redundancies through the human psyche watching TV. What is all that advertisement on huge posters in outdoor environments and in media of all sorts? It is probably not for enhancing the sales and clearly the information value is much better served with some space on the internet - it is rather that such advertisement has the role of controlling the functionality of the phonological logic. My guess is that the pandemic is much better controlled and possibly stopped with a complete lockdown in all advertisement (TV, newspapers, magazines, outdoor posters etc) through, say, a month or more, or preferrably forever. In Austria it seems to me to be the case that advertisement serves to fish out a small detail from the intimate life of me qua PTRSIM PIK for spreading it around the country - like fishing out a tiny little phonetic piece and spreading it around in a 'logical' way in the collective historic consciousness on the huge outdoor posters which people cannot avoid when they are out in public space - and nobody inquires what these bureaus are doing really. Where do they get the data from? From the national intelligence services - who have them from the surveillance police? It is very possible that the pandemic is nothing but just this problem - with hopelessly naive ideas of turning the logic in the inner mind of Mr.PIK into the common logical state of the society. But this is not the right way to do it - in particular ideas of the 'exploded mind' must be avoided - the development of the new logic should not be relegated to the advertisement business - but rather my blue-metre PEB and TEQ and my other works should be published and be subjected to serious academic and semiotic-literary study for a sensible development of the new logic, not the least for preventing that the new world will come to be based on powerfreak sausage logic.

It may have been reactionary political forces which drove me out of Italy mid-way through the writing of this PEB in an attempt to create a political border in the middle of the blue metre. There should not be any border there at all. Such borders are only for imitating a reality which allows for a political control of the metaphysics by warring down the neighbours.

It may likewise have been similar powers that drove me into the ditch after I had come across the apparently very trivial 'fundamental theorem of statistics' in 1991: Such simple math should not be very sensational but it seems that even the exact sciences are ruled by the fear of metaphysics and the looming doom therein - behind the maya screen - and the human solution is to counterbalance such loom-doom with military muscle a la Pentagon.

It is seen that the two fundamental theorems I have postulated are closely united in the paradigm-syntagm function - which also could correspond to a TEQ-PEB relatedness. But that should not be left to the advertisement bureaus if they sit there leafing in pirate copies of my works for designing the new ads as echos of surveillance bits and bytes of my mind and private life.

I have had this idea that the real purpose with me as a PTRSIM PIK who could have been Stammbaum-constructed through a couple of centuries really were to write the blue metre and other of my works, such as the TEQ - and that all this political turmoil around the role is but shadow theatre.

It must be understood how significant and important the progress is that can be made from my work and how childish it is of politics to allow the international secret intelligence services to play hitler emperors and otherside quasidivines with my work. Now a Black Sea Loop planned by Hitler's nazi administration is looming in Europe and they hope perhaps to set it agoing with the phonological logic in my TEQ - and I may have to try and flee from the country and risk losing the manuscripts to the 'nazis' and see them converted into black despotic power who - after decades of powerfreak advertisement propaganda - tries to bulwark with terror against the loomdoom from the divines instead of the real progress there should have been. Why are politicians so helpless that they cannot help me find a solution to this problem - an archive space wherein the manuscripts (to this blue metre etc) are at least reasonably safe against the international mythomaniac secret intelligence mafia who could want to turn the depth of the pressure of the pen into the paper into a new conquistadorian empire - based on their sole access to the artifact? It is a mistake - and not a solution - that I live inside the borders of the ÖVP spell on my work - but why isnt there anybody who could help me out of this whirlpool?

It must be understood that as long as 'Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky' seems to be the most meaningful thing one can do for stopping the pandemic, as if the spread were going 'intramentally', so to speak, the construction of the new phonological logic has not yet found its optimal way.

Added on 26 december 2021:

The two sides of the fundamental theorem

It is seen from the discussion that the fundamental theorem of statistics - paradoxically - just a well could be called the fundamental theorem of logic - as if it were about two sides of the same curtain: Statistics in the metaphysics of guesswork - logic in the physics of symbols. Inbetween there is a small gap of about 1 mm white stone which can be called the maya screen.

Jokes about a 'fundamental theorem of logistics' may be not so bad, to the extent that they are based on commutation theory - that could probably rather be the reason why it is called 'logistics' and be a play on the ambiguity of epistemology and ontology, as if even symbols must have some physical extension - like that 1 mm sole of white enamel-like substance on the stone I found some time ago.

The PTRSIM PIK formula rests on a fundamental error which tells that the two metaphysical occurrences which collapse to one in the fundamental theorem of linguistics when the difference between them converts into a linguistic unit can be relevantly represented by two and only two occurrences of e.g. a word in a book of Moses. But that is of course an error: Two words in a book of Moses has a quasi-diachronic-synchronic status and cannot be the same as two synchronic occurrences identified as one in two different metaphysical realities - say, behind the maya screen where the realities are, say, distinguished by the 'ethnologic parametre' in language. (This may be just the function of the 'ethnologic parametre' in language - as I have postulated it - to distinguish two different 'metaphysical realities', as it can be called from a methodological viewpoint). In politics this maya screen is then recognized as e.g. the Burgenland border, or the iron curtain of the second half of the 20th century - with different 'metaphysical realities' on either side. The error is that two synchronic occurrences behind the maya - that is, in what then is taken to be the metaphysics containing different formats or realities - are taken to be the same as two occurrences in one text, which may count as an error since any text takes some time to write and read and hence has a diachronic aspect. Trivially, that is particularly so if the single text is assumed to contain two different realities.

It takes time to count occurrences in statistics and in the course of the counting, the distribution can have changed. That is why any text is also a diachronic phenomenon.

This absolute 'flaw' in the way of reasoning for a definition of the fundamental theorem of linguistics - in modern mythos world the flaw could be called 'PTRSIM PIK' - can, though, be relevantly compared with the corresponding 'flaw' in the fundamental theorem of statistics/logic wherein the flaw is that 'equiprobability' is taken to be the same as assigning the same epistemological 'value' to two symbols, however big or small these are. You count 4 apples and 3 pears and compute what is the chance for this or that selection, however big or small the fruits are - they are 'equiprobable' in size, so to speak. The story of the inkblots on John Grover 1823 is about this - and then the mystic numbers are likely to be about the value of the epistemology. It means that the symbols are 'equivalent' or 'equally important' from an epistemological viewpoint.

The sole of white stone inbetween is where the paradoxical 'flaw' turns the one error into the other - like on the 'lapis philosophorum the boy on the righthand side grabbing the diagonal rope for running before the wheel-equipped wagon with the man upon.

The two computer glitsches

The two errors are probably the same as the two computer glitsches.

It was mentioned in my 1997 PhD dissertation 'A waist of time' that a logical paradox probably is the same as a branching grammatical node - but I could not find anything written about this potentially very interesting field of study so I concluded that it either was too abstract and advanced to have been studied by anybody before or it was too self-evident to be mentioned even on an ABC level. I searched for literature on the topic but found only a very faint touch upon the idea in a paper by H.Curry, but that was probably too vague to count as any study of the subject. From volume 3 pages 328-329:

The study has shown that there are reasons to compare the development of linguistic levels, logical paradoxes and information technology. The correlations have been sufficiently promising to suggest that logical paradoxes define the epistemological boundaries to the linguistic scope which is susceptible to formalization in the development of the information technology. Since this is also the scope which is subsumed under a branching node in a binary-branching syntactic tree, we can conclude: A grammatical node (or category) represents a logical paradox.

This idea seems generally either too self-evident to deserve mention (it is, for example, a natural consequence of the fact that Russell's theory of types leads to a syntactic hierarchy in extension from logical paradoxes), or it is mentioned only rather vaguely, such as in Curry (1961). As far as I know, the theory that grammatical categories are logical paradoxes has nevertheless not yet been explicitly formulated. In general, logic seems to have been too concerned with removing paradoxes instead of exploring their epistemological productivity.

However, if the two errors (probably) are the same as the two computer glitsches, that is the beginning of this study - which could be a new chapter in the history of computation theory. The computer glitsches seem to be of very great value for understanding the nature of this new knowledge.

1) The first computer glitsch halted the incrementation on a humanoid semantic screen-interface level, not on a low computer loop level, which had the result that a word seemed to have two occurrences when it really was only one. That is the 'PTRSIM PIK' error of synchrony/diachrony in a text.

2) The second computer glitsch sent a ZUM to take the place of CULTURE in another listing while retaining itself on its original place - thereby providing two occurrences graphically. This is likely to be the error of 'equiprobability' in the fundamental theorem when it is taken to mean occurrence of a symbol on the maya screen. ZUM is then 'equiprobable' (?) with CULTURE when it occurs instead of CULTURE - but that is when 'equiprobable' means the same as equivalence of symbolic status. But 'equiprobable' can here probably also mean 'obscure causality' - we cannot find out why ZUM suddenly shuttled over to CULTURE and hence it could have been one single odd occurrence like a single diagonal in Cantor's uncountable ocean being given the status of jolting 'countable' over into the category 'uncountable'. Which means that one single occurrence is as 'powerful' as the infinity of other occurrences for this particular definition - which means that it is 'equiprobable' in the sense of 'equivalent' or 'equally important'.

It is when these two errors are taken to be the same that the human semantic screen-interface level is taken as the maya screen level - and hence that the computer monitor level is the maya screen - which is when the inside computations in the computer must count as 'metaphysics'.

The story of ZUM → CULTURE is really quite fantastic: It is about the doublewords listed in volume 4 pages 1133-1141 - the 1344 words occurring twice and only twice in TEQ books 13-16 that are mapped onto the 1344 lines of 'Stillhetens åndedrag'. In this list, the doubleword ZUM is aligned with poem 37, the line "som ĺpner seg mot et hulrom i den" = "which opens against a hollow space in it", while the doubleword CULTURE is aligned with poem 23, the line "den ene veien, den andre óg" = "the one way, the other as well". The line from poem 37 describes the one of the two innermost secrets of the yellow metre DDS - the phenomenon that the grammatical errors or 'flaws' of the german language in DDS tend to occur on places wherein the included table of verses from Genesis and Rigveda (vol.4 pages 942-950) select words from verses in such a way that the hebrew and the sanskrit tend to describe a sort of 'door' in a 'doorway' for the conjunction 'the opening door' described in the alignment to the doubleword 'ZUM', while the other secret property of DDS is the phenomenon of chinese radicals in poems 1-214 plus their mirror poems 215-428 which is captured in the 'CULTURE' alignment. The resulting phenomenon of the combination of these (for ancient hebrew, sanskrit, chinese) must be considered highly mystic - and when the computer made such a 'glitsch' of shooting the word ZUM in the list over onto the word CULTURE for taking its place there, it must count as magic beyond explanation so far. (Political intrigue could perhaps be inclined to call this selection of verses from the Old Testament and Rigveda for a 'PTRS in PIK', but that could be a typical case of interpretation astray). It could be called a spontaneous instantiation of the fundamental theorem of linguistics in the 'metaphysical space' of the computer 'behind the maya screen of the computer monitor'. It was on this computer monitor - the technical 'maya' - that the first glitsch occurred by the discrete symbols being 'hung' in time for a while or rather for one discrete step when the loop incremented:

1965             1966
1966             1966             = the error - 1966 instead of 1967
1966             1968             = the error - 1966 instead of 1967
1968             1969

The combination of these two errors suggests also that the entire work - the 16 books of TEQ and the blue, red, yellow and white metres - constitute one unit with such interesting properties. Clearly this is far too interesting for modern computation and semiotic theory to be left to the abuse of terror-orientated political intrigue of the international secret intelligence services for engineering scapegoats to carry the burden of their crimes.

Typological vs genetic relatedness between languages

It is when the maya screen comes to be the shared interface to the surface level of many languages that it will make sense to talk of a typological variation in the lexicon surface - that is, with a grammar over 'submorphemic' phonetic units. This makes sense also for Chomsky's minimalist programme for a universal grammar between phonetic and logical form - in the sense of a submorphemic constituency also in the lexicon - whereby tiny pieces of phonetics can be matched against tiny pieces of logic in a universal grammar that can organize any language on the 'maya screen' - could be the one language distinguished from the other by an 'ethnologic parametre'. It would be this which could show traces of a poetic-phonological logic which societies agree upon as a more or less acceptable and shared guidance of rationality and conduct of behaviour - that is, that the details of the sounds of speech lend reason to conduct of thought and behaviour - in addition to the standard rationality on a semantic basis. Some will perhaps say that this phonological logic leads to a mythological reality, others (like me) will say that it could be the impact of power abuse from social organization - which probably is inavoidable in all cultures - that leads to this mythology while it is the universal grammar and its typological variation in the lexicon surface that is the poetic-phonological logic. Secret intelligences with power aspirations could be prone to go for the other solution, that 'fairp lay' (which I saw on some ad some years ago) or 'pøl se' and such 'submorphemics' is the basis for the poetic logic which is about to be developed. Why was she called Kalliope? Because the poet's skull was opened soon after birth, tells perhaps this logic, which, though, would have little generality.

Which means that those secret intelligences who are trying to install the mythologies based on child abuse - such as the 8 most critical turning points in the child's development as basis for the mythological apparatus (such as a 'trans' Madonna raping the puberty boy with 'kennedy-curse' penis material transplanted from the boy) - are factually trying to coup the control with the new poetic logic which I have shown the probable existence of in my 'The Endmorgan Quartet' and its function 14. That child abuse program for engineering the mythological basis for a grammar between phonetic and logical form clearly is the same as nazism and fascism. The coronavirus pandemic could be one of the tools they use for getting this new logic under their political control. This control is factually the same as perversities - which are a human trait but the reason why the intelligence on them are held secret is that they can be difficult to liberate from. Perversities like 'trans' or 'pedophile' could be seen as straddling the categories - like PTRSIM PIK could be seen to be about if it be characterized by the 'fundamental error' of mixing up e.g. synchrony with diachrony. It is doubtful, though, whether e.g. pedophile perversities have anything to contribute with for logical and linguistic theory - and hence that 'genetic relatedness of languages' should not be a concept that has to dig its own grave with such methodologies. And, clearly, if I as a PTRSIM PIK were subjected to pedophile abuse in my childhood, a program of turning the responsibility for this around to land on me should not be allowed to succeed. Why haven't they arrested the criminal, if such forbidden abuse took place?

Classic genetic relatedness of languages is a concept in diachronic linguistics - and the synchrony of typologic relatedness of languages could be an alternative understood in terms of the two 'flaws' of the fundamental theorem, and it should not be necessary to harass children with such 'secret intelligence' methodologies. The reason for such unfortunate strategies could be found in the problems of ecumenic tolerance - and attempts to invoke religious status of e.g. PTRSIM PIK could have their origins in such problems - which also then could share etiology with the current virus pandemic to the extent that this spreads through typologic space rather than through immediate bodily contact. But dont blame the person vestiged with the PTRSIM PIK role for the pandemic. It is the abuse of the poetic-phonological logic of a typological format (including attempted constructions of new mythologies) which could be the reason for the potential spread of virus epidemics through mass media on a sensory interface - and one guesses that power freaks could be prone to dream about genocides controlled by the typological indexation of the mythos apparatus.

I notice that the genocide by Hutus on the Tutsies of Rwanda in 1994 could be compared 'phonologically' with the 'genocide' on my puberty teeth or 'tutsies' by school dentist Aulie in 1970-71 at the time of the hypothetical rapes of my puberty: If that is recognized as interesting, it could even have been about an attempt to engineer a systematic connection between the phonological 'tootsies' and the 'genocidal' drilling of my puberty teeth (if that were at the same time as puberty rapes) - as if the one factor could invoke the other. I notice also that the drilling that has been going on in Mariahilferstrasse and the nearby Lindengasse in Vienna in 2021 allegedly has been for the construction of an extension or sort of 'Wranda' curve addition (a 'Carnap', sort of? like the logician who died in september 1970 when the drilling of the teeth went on and the hypothetic rapes could have taken place?) to the already existing U2 line - cp. the reported 'Hutu' genocide.

The political issue

It may be that some administrations feel difficulties with PTRSIM PIK. However, then it should be understood that PTRSIM PIK really is nothing but the fundamental theorem + old and possibly outdated freemasonry. As soon as the fundamental theorem is picked out of the complex, what remains is rather uninteresting. But the fundamental theorem should not be subjected to power intrigue - even if it may be overloaded with such for the time being (Burgenland border qua maya screen etc). It should become a field of rational and sensible scientific and esthetic-philosophical study and can lead to new fields of study in computation theory: That clearly is too important for this field to be occupied by power interests that guards it with fire-spewing dragons under the pretext of old superstition. For example, if the global curve for new coronavirus infections rise high up when I translate from chinese, it must be understood that the old plan of those who made this intrigue (England brexited when the pandemic broke out) is to locate the problem to one person as the one from whom the 'evil' spreads out - and to find a solution to this problem of 'Judenblut'. But that is hopelessly naive and the old convenience in dumping the blame for own moral shortcomings on some chosen scapegoat (here tailbiting logic crediting PTRSIM PIK with the problems of typology) should not be allowed to continue to exercise its spell on this new field of study.

What about a 'Moral office' for keeping an eye on the evils of administration - such as abuse of electronic surveillance data in plagiarisms etc? In my case, I had been in the country for nearly a decade before I got reasons enough to make any claims of suspicion of mine on abuse of surveillance data from my life and work in public advertisement and other parts of public life - but does the administration just let it continue and sit there waiting untill I take action with lawyers and police? I need to collect quite a lot of data, and those have to be quite convincing, if I can expect to obtain more than a only a label of paranoia. Clearly when electronic surveillance abuse can be so extensive and destructive before it is discovered by the victim, the administration has to take action themselves against themselves - and as long as this does not happen, a 'Moral office' could be needed, saving on a roller the data on evils they have collected. This office should manage to have at least a little done before they risk being turned into a bureau for even worse evil - and some mechanism for preventing just that could perhaps be constructed? For example, one of their main tasks could be to downgrade as much secrecy on evil intrigue as possible. For example, the details in a construction for dumping pedophile abuse of me onto myself - with burden added by the genocide on the Tutsies in 1994 - would expectedly be available only under secrecy classification - but this is just that sort of 'protection of criminals' which a modern civilized state should not allow itself to be guilty of, and a downgrading of such details is also what a 'Moral office' could be concerned with.

Tailbiting logic on PTRSIM PIK could also be an attempt to turn such abuse of the typological logic - that abuse which can lead to apparently irrational spread of the virus epidemic through mass media - into a tool for power by genocide by way of scapegoating - which is an old cheap trick for postponing moral self-restraint. It is too expensive for the world economy if it has to go into a depression only for protecting the public image of some criminals. If it is the abuse of the poetic logic that leads to disease, one should not blame the poet's logic. It is the abuse (due to pedophile or other perversity problems) that must be blamed. It may be as simple as that. If the global coronavirus curve rises when the poet translates from chinese, dont blame the poet - blame the abusers who constructed the 'chinese trap' (via Hitler's holocaust death camps which followed old chinese poetry etc) and who therefore could come up with studies showing a statistic correlation between the poet's behaviour and the coronavirus curve for making the scapegoat.

Most particularly, the law scheduled in Austria from 1 februar 2022 on obligatory vaccination against covid-19, if 1) the turnaround of the vaccines can come to turn this into a legalizing of lethal injections for use in a Black Sea Loop running from the Van See in Turkey to Paris, with vans driving around to people who are not on the list of vaccinations or have been hacked out of it, and if 2) a secret status of the octogon is supposed to be the principle which turns these vaccinations around, and if furthermore 3) ÖVP has been running an intense beerhallputsching on me in an attempt to appear as me in the collective consciousness, then it could even be the plan to make the Black Sea Loop a case of horror the responsibility of which could be planned to be dumped onto me as the scapegoat of such politics. Is it England who is running this loop? (During the coronavirus crisis there have been 'tempsky' thermometres installed in italian post offices, people holding their hands under 'pixels' and an american voice barking 'temprshtsh' - like that Wittgenstein, L.: Wörterbuch für Volksschulen. Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, Wien 1926). It certainly is not me who is running that loop (although it can be noticed that Kennedy was shot from a high window in the 'school book depository' in Dallas - cp. the above mention of the terror in Vienna on 2 november 2020). It may be that ÖVP - on basis of data such as these - must count as an illegal party - which could mean that the whole loop could be prevented by outlawing this party and Europe is rescued. The Wannseekonferenz was on 20 january 1942 with Adolf Eichmann at the protocol (on initiative from Reinhard Heydrich whose name is the reference in the 'Aktion Reinhard' = 'Sobibor, Treblinka, Belcez' which could mean the birthname 'Eidsvig Ragna' of my official mother) and ÖVP was started in 1945 only 80 days after Auschwitz closed, apparently since then in systematic relation to my person and the assumed opening of my head in 1957 with possibly Kennedy present. There can be every good reason to try and avoid this 'Endlösung' in the 'Judenfrage' - the plan to exterminate all jews on earth: This plan could go via a recognition of me as 'Judenblut' whose whereabouts could exhibit a certain statistical correlation with the coronavirus pandemic due to the role of the 'magic spell' of ÖVP - for an eventual recognition of the 'Judenblut' as being the hidden source of evil on earth - and hence the rationale for a genocide on all jews could be planned to be that it is the 'Judenblut' which destroys the world economy by pandemics and other problems. The interval from the closure of Auschwitz to the opening of ÖVP was 80 days (probably plus/minus some hours) - could be with a reference to '8 Daisies' for the 'octogon' - and from the Wannsee Conference on 20 january 1942 to 1 february 2022 there are 80 years and 12 days.

According to modern myth or tradition, the vikings did not celebrate christmas but had something called 'midtvintersblote' = 'mid winter 'blote'' instead, in the darkest days of the year. 'Blote' sounds like feasting for days with much mjød = beer and beef - a sort of family 'binge'. (My uncle Per Eidsvig sent a christmas card greeting to the Grøver family in Labråten in probably the 1970's - mentioning just that celebration of the 'midtvintersblote'). It is of course possible that this 'blote' (pronounced like 'blute') could be planned to be associated with the Juden-'Blut': If the anglophonic 'merry christmas and happy new year' is associated with 'monkey business and happy new terror', a political plan could be to replace the traditional christian greeting with a mid winter 'season' greeting instead - for that 'midtvintersblote' in the sense of 'my twin tear splute'. The word 'spruta' is swedish for 'syringe', 'injection'. The London Poetry Library used to be called the London Saisons Poetry Library - could be 'seasons' can be taken to be another word for 'poetry' such as in Rilke's 7th elegy "Werbung nicht mehr, nicht Werbung, entwachsene Stimme / sei deines Schreies Natur".

Were there a concept of 'spin-doctorism' - for this 'midtvintersblote' in the sense of 'my twin tear splute' - in London around christmas 1997 when Peter Mandelson (cp. 'PTRSIM PIK') resigned? The story of my accomodations in London 1997-98 was this: When I arrived there in february 1997 I got a flat in Portland Rise 24 (and, as far as I remember, a 'Dent' with husband soon moved in next door, and the walls were probably rather thin), and I moved over to C2 Sherringham Avenue ('kjerring' = 'wife') in the autumn, where a neighbour used to let his alsatian into my garden in the morning for its bodily comfort there. Some days before Midori's concert in late september there was a flooding of water from the flat above, and when this happened again some weeks later I had to move to a new location since the repair works could be somewhat extensive. The only affordable flat I could find was in Portland Avenue 24, the jewish district, where the walls probably were rather thin. Search this file for 'Mandelson', including the story of what happened after I applied for name-change from Grøver to Grover in the autumn 1999.

Why is my work so far so uncredited? If it even can open for new chapters in computation theory, shouldn't it be published and me as the poet be credited with it? My work is not an intelligence project! - it is my own work as a private person and I have no connections with intelligence services or their plans or projects. I hope that the recognition of my work is not planned to be a hidden factor which can make it possible to credit the 'Juden-Blut' with the problems of a coronavirus pandemic or the evils of a Black Sea Loop. Such problems are certainly not inherent in my work and therefore an association of 'Judenblut' with the political problems is best avoided by a publishing of the work and a crediting of me as the author of them.

Anna Akhmatova has three poems that constitute a unit and are presented as '3 poems' even if they are written in 1944-50, 1960 and 1946. The three poems are reproduced in translation on this internet page - the last three it is, called 'Три стихотворения' = 'Drei Gedichte' translated by Sarah Kirsch:

1. Zeit nun die Kamelschreie zu vergessen
2. Und suchtest im dunklen Gedächtnis
3. Und er hat recht

The interesting word in the first line of the first of these is the russian word for 'camel':

'верблюд' = 'verblud' = 'Kamel' (gr. καμηλα), 'Schiffstau' (gr. καμιλα = 'a rope')
'vér' = 'blood' (hungarian)
'Blut' = 'blood' (german)

for which reason the 'blood-blood' entails an inherent reference to the Burgenland border and the hungarian and german 'ethnological parametres' as seen from an anglophonic viewpoint.

'вера' = 'véra' = 'Glaube', gr. 'πιστις'

Hence 'верблюд' = 'Kamel', 'Schiffstau' can also echo 'Juden-Blut'.

See also this discussion of the 'etymological aspects' of the coronavirus pandemic relative to my prose - search for 'Dagestan' where one finds this quote from Vasmer's etymological dictionary of high relevance for the same 'верблюд' - here called 'дагликс'. Frisk tells that καμιλα could mean 'Ankertau', 'Schiffstau' (= probably 'hawser').

While consulting Vasmer on 'вера' I came across also the immediately preceding word 'вепрь' = 'Wildschwein, Eber' with reference also to latin 'vepris/vepres' = 'Dornstrauch, Dornbusch'.

(It seems that 'Henry' got nervous again: On 14 december 2021 I translated and published on this homepage these two chinese poems and already the next day the UK number of new coronavirus infection shot high up - so much that France closed their border to England because the numbers were 'too high'. However, the global mortality curve has now reached a record low since march 2020 and the global mortality of covid-19 has now reached a level of about 1% (yesterday the global average was appr. 6.700 deaths against appr. 670.000 new infections), which is not far from a normal flue level - so England may be an isolated phenomenon. However, if it should be the case that there is a correlation between the curve of new infections and me translating some chinese poetry, that could serve as a proof of the urgency with bringing an end to the 'ÖVP' spell on my life since 1957).

See also the further data in this file


Curry, H. (1961): Some logical aspects of grammatical structure. In: Jakobson, R.(ed.): Structure of language and its mathematical aspects. Proc.12th Appl.Math. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, pp.55-68.

Frisk, Hjalmar: Griechisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. Heidelberg 1960.

Vasmer, M.: Russisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch. (3 volumes). Carl Winter, Heidelberg 1953, 1979.

Walde, A.: Lateinisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. By J.B.Hofmann. Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, Heidelberg 1965.

Wittgenstein, L.: Wörterbuch für Volksschulen. Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, Wien 1926.

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 18 december 2021
Last updated 28 december 2021