Brief comments july 2024

John Bjarne Grover

Brief comments for earlier months are given at the end of the page.

3 july 2024:

A new article today "The fifth dimension". It may be that it contains empirical data for the theory of a phrase structure grammar.

4 july 2024:

There came two spam mails to me in april - there is mention of these under april 2024, such as the addition to 13 april by 14/4-24: One letter of potential threat on 6 april, and one that claimed to be from my younger official sister Tone Grøver on 9 april.

From my new article 'The fifth dimension' it is seen that these data 6 and 9 april could be seen as contained in the comparative concordance material for Moses 1-5-6 for DDS I:78 = abs #111 (example 2), which is the hebrew word for '6', and the hebrew word for '9' is contained in the similarly relevant concordance material for Moses 1-5-5 for DDS I:77 = abs #110 (example 1). The order of 6 and 9 for Moses is the opposite compared with the order DDS I:77-78 or absolute enumeration #110-111. Is there an 'april' in the data? There is for the DDS I:78 = abs #111 under Rigveda 1-30-20 the transcription 'kás ta uṣaḥ kadhapriye bhujé márto amartye káṁ nakṣase vibhāvari' which contains 'kadhapriye' = 'gegen wen freundlich'.

Since DDS I:78 is the 'petrification' poem, it could add to an explanation to why these spam mails put me in a bad mood.

See also the brief comment of 25 june 2024 for the terror in Dagestan, where one similarly can spot a potential reference to the article I published yesterday. I was well into the work with this article on 25 june - I probably started working with it around 25 april, but the material for this article - which includes details on DDS I:78 = abs #111 is from 2023.

5 july 2024:

Tone Helene Grøver's first husband was Lars Andreas Loe. 'Lar Sandre Asloe' sounds like 'lar Sandveien Oslo' = 'lets Sandveien Oslo': I was born in 1957 in Sandveien in Molde on 29/6 (and the theory goes, supported by a brain scan of 2012, that my newborn head could have been opened and a part of the brain scissored off a few days after my birth) and the family moved on to Brinken 2B, Kampen, Oslo on 26/9. This 29/6-26/9 could look like a 6/9 swap and could have been used as pretext for the spam mails of 6 and 9 april. However, there is another potential background of this in the Hamas attack on the Nova music festival in Israel on 7 october 2023 when 364 people were massacred and 40 people were taken hostage. Clearly to the extent that this 'nova' applies to my 'Der Dornenstrauch' (2009-2015) and its relevance for Moses, it could thereby also have served the interests of potential plagiarisms such as 'The Dynasty' - but could thereby also have constituted a potential threat against the world's health, culture and economy. If the terror in Dagestan indexed the 'sukratum' of Rigveda 1-12-1 (at the time when I worked with the article about these Rigveda matters relative to my 'Der Dornenstrauch'), it would have been about precisely the same Rigveda verse as applies to my DDS I:78 = absolute enumeration #111 and could thereby clearly have invoked the same complex - going back to at least the Hamas attack on Israel on 7 october 2023.

It is seen that when the (by Grassmann's dictionary) Rigveda word sukrátum = treffliche Tüchtigkeit zum Wirken besitzend, schön wirksam, geschickt, weise (überall von Göttern); tüchtiger Vollführer, Segner seemed to be invoked by this terror as I was about to complete (qua 'tüchtiger Vollführer') the article, this 'support' was not favourable for my continued work. The Rigveda verse applies also to the fragment from Horace "rank [...] among lyric bards". Of course those who could have plagiarized my DDS would generally not be inclined to acknowledge its poetic value.

Lars Andreas Loe suffered from stuttering the first 2-3 times I met him, but luckily he overcame his problem quickly. 'He stutters' = (norw.) 'han stammer'.

7 july 2024:

Yesterday I was in 'Calle de l'Ogio o del Cafetier' when something strange happened - I believed I heard a threat pronounced, but it was in such a low voice that I could not be certain that it was about the classic promise or what it was. It took me a little time to find out that the impression could have had its rooting in an unfortunate combination of some reported facts - the Nova Scotia news (about a 'Gabriel Wortman' in Nova Scotia) mentioned in the following text (in small types) which had been an addition to this short article (about 'Logic' here in 'l'Ogio'), from there to the ideas discussed under 5 july 2024 here on the present page (about the Nova music festival in Israel on 7 october 2023) as well as to this comment wherein a 'Gabriel' messenger angel would bring the 'Wort'. I had also once referred to a café or even restaurant as a 'cafetteria' which was probably not a proper designation (the reason was that it was possible to buy a coffee at the counter there and take it to a table in a garden, which I considered a positive thing).

What is the reason for the uneasy feelings that followed yesterday? Were it the brief utterance in 'Calle de l'Ogio o del Cafetier' or could it have been the recent election in England? I should anyhow probably remove the following notice from the 'logic briefly' article:

27 december 2023: My own 'The Endmorgan Quartet' is a work of 1719 poems in which each line can be seen to be the inner poetic articulations from a larger knowledge-space briefly opening up (towards other realities). See also this comment. It is possible that the islamic Koran could have been constituted by the prophet Muhammed in a similar way. Most of the above article was written on 20 december 2023 - it has existed on my homepage in this form since at least 2007 and in more recent years in various forms. It is not impossible that the tragic Prague university shooting of 21 december 2023 could have been related to this - possibly in an attempt to scare people who could have been interested in the matter off from the article - for example by claiming that it is a 'Plague'-iarism - which it is not - but maybe there exist plagiarisms of my theory elsewhere. Is an international mafia 'clan' hoping to use my TEQ book (as a very 'Bucha') for installing it in terrorist programs? See also this article from 23 december 2023. Some details under 22-23 december 2023. A possibly comparable story could be seen in the news from Nova Scotia in apparent response to my suggestion on how to make a medication against COVID-19.

I mention also some details from my earlier story-tellings here on this homepage:

1) The schoolboy on the way home from school in the 1960's, who just beneath the house of classmate Alf Gustav Høstmark (under the big chestnut tree and was there even an oak there?), hurried over towards me and told me that his intestine now and then fell out when he was on the toilet and his father had to help him stuff it in again. If I knew if that were possible - that the intestines fell out?

2) The man who called himself 'John Grøver' crossing the floor with a box on his shoulder and putting his foot on the lower staircase step, telling that he had considered the name 'John Erving' but chose 'John Grøver' as his new name in 1946 - this foot of the stairs was just next to the telephone where the silent phones (some years later? or was it in the same year?) started which lasted for 2 years (1986-88) - appr during my work at the MUSIKUS project. The first such phone was in Labråten - Ragna Grøver had gone to work maybe half an hour earlier when the phone on top of the TV rang and the one who called himself 'John Grøver' took it but there was apparently no sound there so he put it on again and looked at me. I recall that I immediately thought it was Ragna Grøver who had called from work. The series of silent phones to me started some weeks or months later.

3) The Baader-Meinhof group including Gudrun Ensslin etc in the Stammheim prison constitute a name-complex that could be telling of the idea of a mere dog being buried at Gamle Glemmen Gravlund ('kirke Leie'). It is possible that Baader-Meinhof or 'Rote Armee Fraktion' = 'RAF' could have been a series of names that could have been an intelligence project (e.g. on the idea that Hitler was originally a briton - could be even that the german nazism was a british project) telling of aspects of the story around me - John Grøver, Adolf Hitler etc, such as e.g. 'Brigitte Asdonk' = 'bri-gitte as John G' = 'John G-røver' etc. If 'Andreas Baader' should mean 'an dre a spader' = 'he turns it off the spades' in the sense of 'where the earth turns' at Gamle Glemmen Gravlund ('kirke Leie'), an essential element in the story of the 'RAF' is that Baader had been arrested and detained but the rest of the group managed to free him from his detention in a dramatic escape.

4) The 'Yom Kippur' war could be telling of the identity 'Adolf Hitler' as the truth behind the name 'John Grøver' for the one who took the father's place in 1969. But that idea (of the war being for telling such a name identity) would of course have been only on background of my legitimate right to have the identity of the new 'father' (since 1969) when I turned 16 years of age on 29 june 1973. I did not get the identity and the Yom Kippur war could perhaps have been on such a background, or be seen on such a background. (The Beatles had a song called 'Day Tripper' in the 1960's).

5) The Hamas attack on Israel 7 october 2023, including the Nova music festival at Re'im ('-im' is a plural suffix).

There are some reasons to speculate whether the british Labour election victory 2024 is on such a background, in which case there could be secrets of the history which have not been sufficiently and explicitly told to the voting public for a democratic election to be considered a valid representation of the people's opinion.

6) Monty Python's sketch on 'Mr.Hilter' and his comrades in postwar England could in theory be seen to be about or at least concern somehow the 'Grøver' family in Labråten - to the extent that the theory be considered interesting that Hitler could have been the disguised identity behind the new father since 1969. It is true that the one who called himself 'John Grøver' was a member of the municipal council in Fredrikstad in the 1980 - he prepresented Labour. Are the opening scenes about me arriving to the 'room and board' along with my younger sister? Should the one who plays this younger sister resemble Rose Kennedy, the mother of JFK? Here are the two photos:

As to the potential relevance of my person, I could refer to another Monty Python sketch of those days, the dirty hungarian phrase book which, in the cigarette shop, could suggest the 'Sziget Utca' - the street name of the house I bought in 2015. 'Si get ut sa' = 'say get out said' could be telling of a phrase book.

It may be that the people's confidence in the political system's ability to handle the history is rather worn down (if these ideas are considered relevant and the voting people have not heard a word about it). Am I the evidence of that? What is the reason? I have earlier speculated on the following explanation:

Human reality is restricted and there are larger realities outside ours - that is the fundamental tenet of every religion on earth - and the question what happens after life is of interest indeed. Many could feel that they are hopelessly lost there unless one could invent a new religion which could allow for greater administrative control with the afterlife.

If the official truth corresponds to the human (historic) reality, and the unofficial truth of classified intelligence (say, that Kennedy didnt die in 1963, if that is what happened - even if official truth tells that he did) counts as 'what lies beyond the human reality/history', that is, a sort of quasi eternity, then we could have a chance in the afterlife if the state's secret intelligence could organize a suitable place there for you and me - while sending our enemies to that other place etc. It is well possible that this is the reason why official administration does not tell the secrets of history to the voters - while at the same time insisting on the superiority of the democratic system - because they want to create a lot of secrets that can be stored in the archives of classified intelligence and be used for modelling eternity in the afterlife so that you and I are lucky and can get to the best place there. That is something to offer to the voters, isnt it? But it requires that some really juicy and beefy secrets be stored up there (for proper administrative interpretation) and not be opened before time.

That looks like an ostrich farce.

Consulting my fundamental theorem of logic it is seen that human 'semantics' is a variant of 'humbug' since it rests on the assumption that since only complete equiprobability satisfies the equation and such equiprobability is impossible in the human reality, the principle of equiprobability is transferred from the distribution to a 'principle of semantics' which tells that the probability that the numeral '2' means 'two' is always the same - it is equiprobable - which means that '2' never means 'three'. This secures the firmness of our mathematics and our logical rationality and calms our nerves. But it clearly is a sort of humbug - like taking confidence in a thin surface of ice on a frozen lake - and what hides beyond the world of firm semantics is as unknown as before. The official truth is cast in a semantically wellformed code which preserves rationality and lets a political stance be defendable on TV. But clearly this semantics only throws a thin layer of illusion over the yawning chaos underneath and that is why we have military defence - for defending ourselves against surprises from what hides behind this semantically justified truth.

The humbug of semantics is that it is not really distributional equiprobability - it only looks like.

The alternative is what I have described as a non-euclidean logic which consists in eliminating Euclide's fifth 'common notion' (this common notion tells that the whole is always bigger than the part) - then we can establish a concept of truth without humbug semantics by going via an intermediate stage straddling eternity and history wherein the sum of the probabilities need not be unity (and hence the part can be bigger than the whole) - but maybe less or more. 'Ex nihilo' matter will concern this difference - since such matter suddenly can occur in the corpus while the count is going on, or one lets the totality include a part of the non-human reality which means that the sum of occurrences in history will be less than unity. The sum of probabilities will - by human inspection - soon glide back into unity - but it serves to leave the relation between eternity and history as a sort of computable function in which the irrationalities are at least detectable and definable. It is likely that a phrase structure grammar plays with this phenomenon - that one thing is something else which can be more or less than itself.

With this sort of non-humbug semantics it will, I suppose, be possible to publish the secrets of history and hence go for a goodness-driven global economy. Of course it is not the semantics itself which is the problem - the problem is that semantics is used for satisfying the equation which interprets the balance between history and eternity.

In that new economy there is no need for plagiarisms, humbug and swindle for profit to be accepted as 'semantically valid'. I would not be surprised to find that these ideas of mine which I have told here would be plagiarized and somebody else is credited for them. How come the society accepts such swindle? That could be for keeping up the old semantic humbug for yet some time - for protecting ourselves against the yawning chaos underneath.

It seems - from my deliberations on this theme here on my homepage - that I could have been badly abused as a child (the brainscan is evidence, and this tells that it is a possible or probable explanation) - and now and then states seem to give in to temptations to continue the abuse (say, allow for extensive plagiarisms of my intellectual properties) simply because it looks right. Why? That would be because the caretakers of my childhood were not arrested - even if 'criminals' (collaborating probably with quasi-constitutional power interests) probably would be the right word if my head were opened a few days after birth and chemical horrors were injected into my blood at age 18 months and if I were raped at puberty times, such as there seem to have been some reasons to believe did happen. But why havent I been informed about it? That would - if those things really happened - be because the criminals supported each other, probably for continuing the 'semantics' based on the logic that things 'mean' something and that could be a goodenough reason. This file tells that there could have been a very simple solution to the COVID pandemic and that the pandemic could have been ended quickly simply by stopping the Dynasty on TV - but the world seems to be very slow in understanding or acknowledging this. Why? Probably for continueing that semantic humbug game.

The new computer technology will probably consist in an expansion of the formal logic of the 'official truth' one step further into the 'unofficial truth' - which means that semantically based logic will be downtuned and a new concept of truth (based on esthetic logic interpreting what I call arbitrarity 1) will arise. Then there is nothing to gain from keeping to the old system.

It is a great pity if I have to say what the politicians should have said. I know nothing about politics but guess only on basis of my meagre experience.

As concerns Ukraine, Putin launched a peace proposal in june which would guarantee a complete and permanent peace for the country: It would have to agree to giving up the occupied territories and let itself be demilitarized and denazified, and the sanctions must be lifted.

Os is it really about England? The shooting spree in Nova Scotia came not long after I had published my theory on the 'ex nihilo' character of the origin of virus and hence also how to make a medication against such virus infections. Would the Hamas attack on the Nova music festival on 7 october 2023 have been related to this 'Scotia', maybe even including the founding of ÖVP in Schottenstift in 1945 - for that 1223?

9 july 2024:

On 8 july 2024, at 09:55 in the morning, a missile hit Okhmatdyt children's hospital in Kyiv. It happened during an organized attack of russian missiles against Kyiv, Kryvyi Rih, Dnipro and Pokrovsk. Ukrainian sources claim it was a russian Kh-101 missile while Russia says they do not target civilians and that it was a western NASAMs missile that had been sent out as air defence but which changed its course (for whatever reason) and hit the hospital instead. 'Okh-mat-dyt' could allude to forced feeding of geese and hence maybe some problems with another small pension (some 60-70 euros per month) that I had not applied for but which has been assigned to me and for which there seem to be some difficulties. In the brief comment of the day before, 7 july 2024, I mention towards the end the 'Nova Scotia' phenomenon. Should 'Okhmatdyt' resemble the name?

10 july 2024:

Today I looked over conditions for norwegian pensions on the web and believed that I found a certain correlation between the conditions for when pension 'starts and ends' = 'starter & slutter' which perhaps could be phonologically related to 'Statens Pensjonskasse' (SPK) which is the name of the pension office that had granted me an extra 825 NOK per month on basis of my employment at the university in Oslo 1995-98, starting now in july 2024. These details are given in Lov om folketrygd §22-12 (although 'Folketrygd' is the social insurance system including pensions paid by NAV, not necessarily the one from SPK, and I dont know if the details apply also to the one from SPK). I furthermore fancied that I recognized some of its internal logic in the obligations that attach to the reception of this pension of 825 NOK per month (excerpt from the letter of 21 june 2024 from SPK). It is of course possible that a certain unfortunate logic could apply from some internal structure of the law - such as if it should come to apply to names of british Labour governments ('bleier' = 'diapers'). Wiener Stadthalle is at the end of Zinckgasse. It is possible that this could have made the bombing of Okhmatdyt children's hospital in Kyiv (on 8 july 2024) be felt as relevant. I anyhow decided today to not accept this 825 NOK/month pension from SPK - could be there are aspects of my history which would make this pension difficult. (For example, 'mat' = 'food', 'dyt[t]' = 'push' - and food could of course be pushed either way, not only the peristaltic one - say, 'na sams' = appr. 'that together' could have pushed it the other way?). I have tried to get in contact with SPK for some time but their 'chat' has been closed for a longer time (after I had one chat with them on 24 june) and one cannot get through on the telephone (these are the two options mentioned in the letter of 21 june 2024). On sunday 7 july 2024 I got a reply to an email request of mine of 5 june 2024 but the answer was not so easy to understand. (I had asked what they meant with the option of applying for disability pension - possible until retiring age - when there was only 3 weeks left to my retiring age - and they answered in the reply mail of 07.07.24 at 1:39 PM that "Du kan søke om uførepensjon i SPK fra før du fylte 67 år, fordi du hadde uføretrygd i NAV. Du kan søke tilbake fra da du ble innvelget uføretrygd i NAV fra 01.01.24"). The monthly sum of the pension would normally probably have been enough for paying the price for the electricity bill = 'strømprisen' - cp. also the assassination of Ahmad Kadyrov. Russian sources say that a norwegian-supplied NASAMS missile hit the Okhmatdyt hospital while ukrainian sources claim it was a russian Kh-101 missile that hit the building. 'Okh-mat-dyt' would then rewrite to '0101-mat-dyt'.

12 july 2024:

Correspondence with Statens Pensjonskasse may-july 2024 under 'Historic documents'.

13 july 2024:

A Superjet-100 plane crashed yesterday near the city of Kolonma in the Moscow Region. Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Co. were performing a flight from Zhukovsky Airport, tells the news. There is a 'Zhukhin' in my TEQ #30. 'Sjuking' would in norwegian mean 'a sick person'.

14 july 2024:

I developed narrow foreskin in probably 1963 - probably around the time of the Kennedy assassination - at age 6. I recall well the scare of the first time when I had pulled the foreskin back but could not get it forwards again and started crying in the bathroom - the father came and helped me get it in shape again. This was the last time it was in order there. I dont know if it could have been provoked by way of mechanic excitation/rubbing of the skin - e.g. by a small file on the opening of the skin. (The man who called himself John Grøver also since 1969 had a pillow of hard 'horny' skin under his feet and needed to have it filed away now and then by his daughters who helped him with it). The problem slowly grew worse untill in 1981 the opening of it could not be postponed any longer - the urine was difficult to get out and it spurted around during emission. (I have even speculated if the water fountain outside the National Theatre in Osloy would have been in reference to such a condition). In late 1981 a doctor looked at it and said it had to be opened and I was hospitalized for a couple of days. I was surprised to discover afterwards that they had circumcised me entirely instead of only making the natural hole a little bigger. It was a norwegian doctor who made this surprise and not a jewish one.

Nelly Sachs has a poem called 'So steigt der Berg' on page 52 in Enzensberger's 'Nelly Sachs - Ausgewählte Gedichte' (Suhrkamp 1963) which includes the lines "versetzt mein Herz / in den Glanz deines Staubes". I cannot find this poem in any of the editions of her poetry later published on Suhrkamp or elsewhere - such as the 4-volume "Nelly Sachs - Werke - Kommentierte Ausgabe" (2010) - could be the editors simply did not notice this singular poem from the 1963 edition of Enzensberger's selection. Whatever the reason, it is not impossible that the story of the need for opening the foreskin (in 1981) could have been traced back to 1963 with the Kennedy assassination - I notice for example the apparent role of a 'Skundberg' name in the Kennedy assassination. I dont know when in 1963 Enzensberger's edition was published - but the poem would likely have been written before the Kennedy assassination, as one can guess. If the poem were supposed to be interpreted as a part of the political intrigue, it could have been about the ambiguity of why I developed a narrow foreskin in 1963. It could have been after I had learnt the first word to read - it was 'pannekake' ('pancake') and could of course have been recognized in the assassination, if that should be interesting. It was the father who learnt me this in probably late summer or autumn 1963, if not earlier, and he laughed at my attempt to read it (as if the attempt in itself should have been felt as a 'pancake'). The alternatives therefore can be postulated that I developed a narrow foreskin either 1) because my body recognized itself as home with Nelly Sachs' poem ('in den Glanz deines Staubes') or 2) because the caretakers had rubbed with a file on the opening of the foreskin untill it closed itself. If this latter case, the intrigue could have been that I should believe the first option while they should be in possession of the secret in the second option. ('Re-ference' etc could be a concept on this?) If an intrigue, one sees the references to the Kennedy assassination in the poem - 'unmenschlich ist die Liebe' etc. There were though, good reasons why I could have sensed this poem of hers 'telepathically' - this reason is in my first childhood memory (see this file - 'perlende' Licht).

It was in 1981 after I returned from Via Fidene in Rome that the opening of the foreskin could not be postponed any longer. At this time a salve had already been developed which softened the foreskin so much that the opening could be stretched mechanically and it would retain this wider opening, and after some time the condition would be considered healed naturally - and so circumcision is no longer used against narrow foreskin - but this salve had been held back from the market for some years - I think untill they had circumcised me in 1981. Clearly the salve would have been a better solution. I dont know why it had been held back from the market. I have these data from the web, I think it was.

This file tells the story of the two 'serves': The fine and promising upswing in my career since 1987 up to the autumn 1992 when it seemed self-evident that I would get a stripend for my doctorate studies from the spring 1993 onwards - I had got a student stipend from the research council to live from through 1990-92, I got work in the lexicographical department in the autumn 19932 and a research stipend for the last two months of the year and that clearly was because I as scheduled for a research career - but I did not get that stipend for 1993 because I had not applied for a 'fakultets stipend' (only for a stipend from the research council - the difference was, as far as I remember, that the faculty stipend included the obligation of teaching 25% of the time, which the research council stipend did not - and my history in Norway back to my birth in 1957 did not make it ideal for me to have to teach in front of a norwegian audience on a regular basis for 4 years while I should write my PhD thesis) - the word 'fakultets-stipend' seems to have been a background of the names of the group that organized the Oslo Accords in 1993 - this accord was later possibly a background of the Hamas group in Palestine. The serve sent the tennis ball up in fine expectations untill it was hit by a merciless racket which sent it off elsewhere. There were two such balls served - in 1992 and in 1998 - and in both cases the norwegian state was apparently taking over my career and 'historic support' while I was sent in the unemployment ditch. (After both 'serves' I was unemployed for 2 years, a total of 4 years of having to send applications that were rejected if there came any answer at all). After the second, when the accept of my PhD dissertation was expected in 1998, there came the letter (at the end of july 1998) with the rejection around the time when Gro Harlem Brundtland was appointed chief of WHO and thereby got the 'doctorate' 'instead of' me - while the US embassies in Dar-es-Salaam and Nairobi were bombed along with the peace conference in Omagh only a few days after I had got the rejection letter - together these acts of terror constituted the line 'rejected on a political basis' which could have been the line that constituted the essence of the appeal against the rejection of my work which I was writing just then. I dont know when 'Al Qaida' was first presented in the news but the word means in arabic 'the base' and could in principle have referred to this 'political basis'.

The first 'serve' and rejection of my application for a stipend was in 1993. I had then got the research stipend for the 2 last months of 1992 at the 'Centre for studies in technology and human values' ('TMV') and moved from the bedsit in Bregneveien in Oslo to a small studio flat on Kampen - I dont remember the circumstances well but for finding a housing there were always only this single chance of looking over the ads for rent in 'Aftenposten' and the offer at Kampen was suitable for various reasons - it was the chief of 'The Open Theatre' (a theatre of experimental type?) that let out this little single room plus corridor and kitchen-bath - the room was small but had a high ceiling and the bed had to be on a top of four timbers, and I had my working desk under the elevated bed. From this elevated bed, which also later turned out to be so rickety constructed that it hung on only a few screws that hardly attached to the wood that it any time could come to leave the timbers and fall down - which it nearly did but luckily not entirely. (See this article for the concept of 'Timberleave'). From this elevated bed one had a view to a path through a park - on which people were walking down to the stairs that led down to 'Tøyen' - it led through a sunny and grassy hillside in the park. One day in the late spring when the sun was heating a little a woman was sitting down for enjoying the sun on this grassy hillside and seemed to attract my attention from this bed - and I discovered that a certain 'telepathic' connection to her seemed to exist and I could even 'push' a little in such a way that she seemed to respond with moving accordingly - without, I believed then, being aware of me. It seemed that if I 'pushed' with an erection she responded accordingly, lifted a leg etc. (It was of course 'scientifically interesting' in the protestant land of Norway that such telepathy seemed to be possible). As far as I remember it happened only once - when I later have understood the story it is well possible that she was an envoy from the organizers of the intrigue and therefore sat down on this particular spot which could be seen from the elevated bed - it was a little strange to sit just there. It would have been around these times that I discovered some patterns on the glans penis which also seemed to change a little from time to time - and I had no good explanation to it. I have later concluded that a joke about 'limber-TV' (cp. the 'Timberleave' - I think there were also some extended war actions in the Ukraine-Russia conflict around 'Tetkino' some time ago) could be an old wisdom on the effect of such 'telepathy'. I have inferred this myself and have no data on it - but it is possible that this could be old 'wisdom'.

Later in the summer a friend ('Helene Wilberg' - they had travelled in Africa together) of my younger sister came suddenly up from that path when I was outside the house waiting for the telephone box to be free, I think it was - and she told me that she came from 'Nøtterøy' - which could have meant that she knew about this little detail of 'the telepathic push'. Trygve Martin Bratteli was also from 'Nøtterøy'.

It is possible that Bjørnson's novel 'Synnøve Solbakken' could have been about these phenomena (I have not read it). See the end lines of the novel - 'Det stilnede lidt af med Gråden og Bevægelsen' = 'The weeping and the movement (eventually) silenced'. This translation interprets it as 'Their happiness grew quiet at last'.

In the worst case, this story (including mine from 1993) is also the background of the COVID qua 'corona virus'. Latin 'vir' = 'man' and 'vīrus' which also can mean 'sperm' (from animals) share forms in gentive, dative and ablative - except for the length of the first vowel ('virī' vs 'vīrī' etc). It is possible that the two names Thorbjørn and Sæmund from Bjørnson's novel are the two latin form 'vir' and 'vīrus'. Latin for 'wife' is 'uxor'. The 'corona virus' could then be the 'top hat' of the 'man'.

This article tells some aspects of these concepts.

(Were there something about surveillance data sent out during the winter olympics in Norway in 1994? I am only guessing on basis of a very weak intuition. Whatever the reason, at the end of 1993 I felt like a cloth that had been used for floorwashing for quite a while - and after the second 'serve' I was - at the end of 1999 - sent to a mental hospital for forced treatment and medication for some weeks).

Now for the point: If 'Dar-e-Salaam' means 'there is the salami' and 'Nairobi' means 'now it is up in it', the twin bombings of 1998 could have been in a reference to this 1993 story after the 'serve' had gone (by the Oslo Accords) and I was without other income than unemployment benefits, applied for much work and got none - untill I could travel to Bergen for a PhD faculty stipend there in 1995 (pretold by Hitler-Himmler with their 'Bergen-Belsen' concentration camp?) The 'salami' would then be in a reference to the patterns on the 'glans penis' - with historic roots maybe in the Kennedy assassination 1963 - for the simple reason that if my body was not happy by having lost the foreskin, could be even by its removal by norwegian medicals instead of jewish which would have been more in line with the philosophy lending interpretations to Sachs' poem from 1963, one could speculate that the body tried to repair the loss of the foreskin by putting 'new cover' onto the 'glans' - and that this would have been the intuitive reason for the telepathy of 1993. This problemshift could have been a possible background of the bombing of the US embassies in 1998 - and could be thereby also inherently an aspect of the twin tower collapse of 11 september 2001. The intrigue could then have been that I would have fancied that it was my body who wanted 'new cover' because of Sachs' poem from 1963 - while the secret of the intrigue-makers would have been that the narrow foreskin had been provoked by them by some mechanic excitation.

These are mighty terrorist aspects which could be seen to run alongside other rational and official explanations to these acts of terror - thereby keeping the Kennedy assassination up and going in the political mythology, to so to speak. It could also have been the undertext of the bombing of the 'Okhmatdyt' hospital in Kiev on 8 july 2024 - by 'mat-dyt' could be that 'dytt' = 'push' on the 'mat' in the sense of e.g. 'salami'. These would correspond to 'vir' and 'virus' (by Dar-es-Salaam and Nairobi) with 'Omagh' being the 'uxor'. I add the story from the end of the 1970's probably - when my younger sister Tone Helene Gr&olash;ver gave me as a christmas present two small dictionaries - dutch and greek - which here in theory could apply to 'döttes' = 'being pushed' like that telepathy while 'gris' = 'pig' in norwegian. But then 'Okh-mat-dyt' = 'okh-food-push' need not be about salami sausage but the food could even be the pig itself.

20 july 2024:

My pension is computed automatically and there is little space for errors, but I was curious nevertheless what are its components and therefore I summed up my annual income numbers (these seemed to be right) from 1977 (I had some income from summer temp work before that, though, why isnt it included? was it added to the father's tax return?) to 2002 when I got my disability pension. The number I got was 2132600 NOK. But that is only a number and to find the real value one has to adjust it each year for the general salary increase - these numbers are published on this page. Then the number rose to 3860000 exactly (well, 3860003,7 it is) - that is, if I include an increase also for the last year 2002 (which is not really the thing - it should run to only 2001 because I got an afterpay from that year). But this was apparently an oldfashioned way of computing the basis - now a new pension reform has been introduced which is for all those born in 1963 or later - and in this new system the basis for the pension is still accumulative including the salary increase but one has introduced a new magic factor 18,1% of annual income ('18,1 prosent', § 20-5.Pensjonsopptjening på grunnlag av pensjonsgivende inntekt) which is added to the accumulated sum for each year. Then I tried this factor on the first sum 2132600 and found - voila! - that it comes to 386000 - that is exactly 1/10 of the other sum. What sort of magic is this? I recall years ago a mention of the then new Pentium processor at a location where I later and surprisingly met a professor I knew.

Added 21/7-24: The numbers for my annual incomes (in NOK) which forms the basis for my pension rights are the following: 1974 - 0, 1975 - 0, 1976 - 0, 1977 - 33800, 1978 - 33100, 1979 - 44200, 1980 - 52800, 1981 - 54700, 1982 - 25100, 1983 - 33900, 1984 - 46900, 1985 - 28200, 1986 - 111100, 1987 - 103500, 1988 - 68800, 1989 - 118000, 1990 - 35700, 1991 - 2500, 1992 - 95400, 1993 - 142300, 1994 - 97000, 1995 - 147800, 1996 - 225100, 1997 - 226100, 1998 - 190700, 1999 - 174500, 2000 - 39100, 2001 - 2300, 2002 - 0. Adding these gives 2132600 NOK - which multiplied with the magic number 18,1% gives 386000 - exactly one tenth of the accumulated income number. For computing this accumulated income number 3860003,7 from these data the accumulation goes as follows: For the year 1978 one must add 1) my income 33800 for the year 1977, 2) the general salary increase of this which is the difference between average national salaries for 1978 and 1977 divided with 1977 - that is (76020-69920) / 69920 = 0,08724... (which is the number 8,7 for 1978 in the third column) multiplied with my income 33800 for 1977, and 3) my income for 1978 which is 33100. That gives new accumulated pension basis 69848,799. For the next year 1979 one adds 1) this new 1978 accumulated pensions basis 69848,799 with 2) this number multiplied with national average increase (78620-76020) / 76020 = 0,03420... and 3) my income for 1979 which is 44200 - that gives new accumulated pensions basis 116437,73 etc. That gives this series of accumulated pension basis (including the last year 2002 which probably is not really included due to afterpay since 2001): 33800,0 - 69848,8 - 116437,7 - 180641,6 - 256896,4 - 311323,3 - 373362,4 - 448698,7 - 510679,0 - 668286,4 - 830137,5 - 948341,8 - 1107723,8 - 1196453,8 - 1260343,3 - 1404605,7 - 1595264,4 - 1740367,4 - 1946398,6 - 2258005,2 - 2593284,3 - 2952847,9 - 3286784,5 - 3475446,2 - 3661526,4 - 3860003,7. For the years 1974-76 my pensions-giving income is listed as zero but I did work in the summers (I think probably most or all of these 3 summers) although the income was below the tax limit and the income for at least the two first years may have been put on the father's tax return - otherwise I would have guessed that there should have been some pensions-qualifying income registered for these years. For the year 1991 I had a student stipend from the norwegian research council (I think it was 35000 per year, if I remember right, and it was tax free) - it lasted from the summer 1990 to the summer 1992 - but it may be that such study stipends are not qualifying for pension rights. I have the attestations of income from the tax offices for most of these years but not for the early years and 1991. The 1990-92 student stipend from the research council was after I had been engaged to work for the 'MUSIKUS' project (at the institute of informatics collaborating with the institute of music at the university of Oslo) which I think also was financed by the research council. Finally I also worked for the 'Centre for technology and human values' for the two last months of 1992 (plus one month into 1993) and had applied for PhD stipend from that same research council - when it was rejected because I had not applied for 'fakultets-stipend' which led to the first 'serve' with the Oslo Accord and all that. I was then, after some music partwriting in the spring 1993, on unemployment money for 2 years until I got the PhD 'fakultets-stipend' in Bergen 1995-98 (the PhD was rejected - could be for a second 'serve'?) after which I was once again on unemployment money until I was sent to forced psychiatric treatment in 1999-2000 and thereafter fled to Lithuania and thereafter to France to apply for asylum. In 2002 I got the disability pension (with afterpay from 2001) which I think was approximately equal to (or about the same magnitude as) the average income of mine for the years 1977-2002. For my years of disability pension income (from 2001/2002 to 2024) the pension-qualifying income has been put to zero each year - although the law paragraph 2-4 tells that 'estimated income in the case of disability benefit/pension' should count - does that mean 'estimated relative to what it otherwise would have been' - and hence that this estimate is exactly the same as the pension/benefit?). As to the question whether the two expectational application 'serves' (followed by rejection and unexpected years of unemployment) could have served to lift my career over onto somebody else's, cp. these data and these, it may perhaps be of some interest whether the income from the early summer work could have been put on the tax return of the man who from 1969 used the same name as the first father - if that income qualified for pension rights (even if they were below the limit of taxable income), why are they not registered on me?

22 july 2024:

On 20 july 2024 I referred to the mystic number 368000 (the sum of my income numbers multiplied with 18,1%) which was exactly one tenth of the accumulated pension basis in 2001 - which was 3680003,7 NOK.

There has been a Microsoft collapse of Windows-related systems - airport traffic has been halted, banks have stopped their activities etc. Two days ago I experienced a similar strange phenomenon - whether this was related to this international collapse or not.

Here are the numbers for a calculus on my old age pension: Column 1 = my income, column 2 = year of income, column 3 = accumulated pension basis (computed as accumulated sum for last year + average national salary increase + income for the new year), column 4 = annual (national) average salary increase (by the national bureau of statistics), column 5 = updated pension basis plus income as multiplied with 18,1%, column 6 = updated pension basis plus income as multiplied with 1% (just to try another number than 18,1).

The 'magic' is shown in columns 3, 5 and 6 for the year 2002: It is the same number for all of them in that particular year, which has to be some error. It seems for other years it is probably properly computed. There has to be a bug in the machine (which can be verified by way of a pocket calculator on that year 2002) for that single row for the year 2002 - on those three values: That of course is a very serious setback - if computing on a home PC with such a program gives such unreliable values. It was told in the news that it was the 'Cloud' module that had collapsed somehow. But my home PC has never been on the internet (and I never use this 'Cloud') and has an old Windows 8.1 which never has been updated (it is the same today as it was on the CD) and I am careful about avoiding viruses when I add a file - however, I have guessed that there is a backdoor LAN in all computers - a LAN which cannot be locked and which can be accessed by Microsoft or secret intelligences - so maybe that is where this mystery could come from.

The spreadsheet formulas are the same in all elements in each column.

The number for the year 2002 in columns 3, 5 and 6 is 3.860.004 - which is that 10 * 386.000 which is the sum of the numbers in column 1 multiplied with the factor 0,181 = 18,1%. The bug in the spreadsheet means that the factor has no impact in my computer. (And 18,1% has probably nothing to do with Windows 8.1).

The phenomenon could resemble the computer glitsches I describe in volume 4 pages 1253-1258 - but continued evidence has shown that the two computer glitsches I describe in volume 4 are of a more general value and probably are not the result of intrigue.

As the pension letter from NAV (I got it in my PO Box on 11 june 2024) tells, the accumulated basis for my disability pension in 2002 was 3.680.476 NOK. This looks like that number 3.860.004 NOK in the spreadsheet - only the 6 and 8 have been swapped. The law tells that disability pension income does not qualify for higher old age pension basis, but this pension basis will of course increase naturally by the average salary increase. (That is why columns 3, 5 and 6 are the same after 2002). The law furthermore seems to tell that the increase is accumulative untill age 61, which for my case means 2018. The number in the third column for the year 2018 is 8.680.982 NOK - whether this is a coincidence or what it is, I dont know, but it resembles 3.680.476 NOK quite a lot - only the initial 8 and 3 are very different. Would this have been for 'nazi madonna' ideas? I hope that is not scheduled.

I dont know why the 'pension basis' ('pensjonsbeholdningen') - a number for computing the pension - is 3.680.476 NOK and not 8.680.982 NOK. Could be they have considered disability pension and retirement pension one and the same thing since the latter is computed automatically on basis of the former. But if there are ideas around in business etc of a 'strange matrix' of numbers related to me it could be that these two numbers are invoked.

Another peculiarity which probably is a correct number but which can be mentioned because of its form is the 'pensjonspoeng' which is computed on basis of 'estimated expected income if the disability pensioner had not been disabled' - this forms another basis for the computation of the pension. For my case this number has been stable on 4,08 since 1999 which is the year from which I am considered disabled. (The expected income which could have been for a disabled if fate had been different is anyhow only an estimate, a fantasy). It is possible that this number could have been 4,80 for some of the years, but this is sheer speculation of mine only. Otherwise the norwegian pronounciation of 4,08 comes out as 'fire komma null åtte'. If ideas of my background in Labråten could be around in business and media etc, this formula 'fire komma null åtte' could sound like 'fyrrom[met] knulla åtte'. The 'fyrrom' in Labråten is that room with the boiler for the central heating visavis my then bedroom - it was between the bathroom and the TV room with the stairway up and could, for all I know, have had a role to play in e.g. 'Thy Dynasty' 1981 if that were about those environments. 'Magic number' - including that 386 as one tenth - is perhaps taken to mean 'matrix number'? (I left an old mattress there for a while - it had a menstrual bloodstain on it). And half of 8 is 3? 'Gra-fiske' vs 'graf-angst' could invoke tax rules for 'fangst & fiske' - I notice the 'Grease' + 'Saturday Night Fever' of John Travolta relative to 'John Grover' by the 'gris & graf' in the Oslo Report. I do not involve in neither 'catch' (of people nor of animals) or 'fishing'.

'Rundbrenner' is an old norwegian term for a heater that burns throughout the night (such a modern central heating boiler is of course something like a 'rundbrenner' - not 'rump-renner' though, nor hungarian 'rendben van' = 'OK') - the word 'rundbrenner' is in modern usage more about a person who is continuously infidel with new sidesteps every now and then. If this should be associated with me, it could mean that 'fyrromm[et] knulla åtte' is the same as the 'octogon'.

[23/7-24: Saul Bellow published 'More die of heartbreak' in 1987. Whether relevant or not, I recall Ragna Grøver in most probably the 1970's mentioning the attitude among hospital nurses - the Grøvers worked in a hospital - being accustomed to death when they relaxedly could refer to another 'mors in the hospital bed'].

My disability pension was based on the rule of the three best years among the five years before the year of disability - which in my case would have been 1999 and hence my three years of research fellow income 1995-98 at the university in Bergen would have been the basis. Nowadays this salary starts at 550.000 per year and rises after 3 years to probably some 610.000 or thereabout - NAV tells (if I got it right) that the average for these three years in this year's money is around 576.000 NOK (which probably would have been my 'estimated' fantasy income if the fate had been different). The average pension in Norway for 2023 was 288.000 or so - my old age pension would then have been something around 290.000. Could be the numbers are the same? Minimum pension for my case would have been about 251.000 that year. There are 130.000 minimum pensioners in Norway and more than one million pensioners in total.

I recall that I computed the disability pension with the law and found that it was right. My old age pension is a little smaller but it is probably natural that the old age pension is smaller than the disability pension.

The pension is probably properly computed by the computer but business and media could perhaps want to impose mythological values onto the numbers, could be also for 'nazi madonna' strategies. I dont know of any other puzzling phenomena, though, than this 10 * 386.000 = 3.860.000.

(I tried to access the 'app' for MinID for getting some personal data from NAV but gave it up when I got the whole kingdom immediately online - I dont know if that is because of the digital connection to the data or if it because the 'app' must be downloaded from Google Play. Isnt Google a private firm which can abuse your data? I try to avoid all registrations and accounts of that kind).

25 july 2024:

A new article today - on Giusto de' Menabuoi. The article contains important evidence in the continuation of the previous article on 'The fifth dimension'.

The article Giusto de' Menabuoi originally (untill yesterday) contained also the following, of which only the first words were retained (I deleted most of this because it was not so interesting):

The riddle is: How could Jesus make the water turn into wine? It pours with a certain 'velocity'?

Could be the answer to the riddle could resemble the apparent mystery of the 'Götterfrucht' - here the grapes from the vine ['vain'] in the vineyard ['vinyerd']. Should this be the 'wind-yeared'? Annual velocity - in cosmic space? Hm. One naturally is sceptic to such quasi-phonological associations.

27 july 2024:

I may point out that the theoretic implications of the article I published two days ago - on Giusto de' Menabuoi - may constitute a giant leap forwards for computation theory.

I must be credited for the work I have done.

My fundamental theorem of logic can eliminate the last logical operator 'negation' and provide for the inclusion of the faculty of faith into the computation. Hitler may have been an agent for those who wanted to uphold the role of negation (that could include the negations by terror) in logical theory and his nazism in Germany could have been for being a hilarious farce on the inclusion of the faculty of faith into the computation. Of course it is not that sort of 'mass hysteria' which can bring computation theory forwards. It must have been a faculty of faith which guided my hands (holding the camera) around when I took the 23 photos on the Danube Island. The west must put its tacit sympathies for Hitler and 'nazi madonna' to an end unless they want to land on the wrong side of history.

'Dirty beast in the revelation' is a concept used probably by protestants against catholics. The proof could be that the 'beast' is a small child that has been subjected to abuse and this causes changes in the physiognomy. But isnt it the abuser who is the dirty beast - not the child? Could be, says the propaganda, but the difference is that the child possesses a small grain of 'pure evil' in the innermost recesses of its mind and this is where you find a threat against the catholic creed. But clearly this is but a strategic threat used by agents who move their hand a little forward when they talk about bad things - for the idea that the small child has got an injection of 'pure evil' into its inside and this could change its relations with the world. And people do not want to have that sort of thing themselves.

It is not the same sort of 'small movement of the hand' which guided my camera when I took the 23 photos.

Catholicism postulates that the revelation was once only - that Christ was on the earth for just a limited time and not again - but the revelation strides through history in the form of the church. Protestantism does not agree with this and says that the revelation is in the scripture only - and then you can stride through the scripture from Moses in the beginning to the Revelation in the end - and there you find the dirty beast. This is clearly much safer if the problem should be irrational angst for Tyrannosaurus Rex - which is not so dangerous if it is in the scripture only but people do not want that in the streets - say, by ex nihilo revelation and things like that.

On 5 june 2024 I told of a crashed Porsche in Camillo Sitte Gasse in Vienna. It is not an announcement for 'Tyrex', I suppose. But clearly M-N against S-F could invoke ideas about 'dirty beast in the revelation', in which case 'Camillo Sitte' could appear to be a name of potential relevance for the new candidate in the US democrat party's presidential race.

Some years ago I brought a crowbar with me on the train from Vienna to Venice but forgot it on a luggage shelf. I could have needed that for the toilet visit on the recent trip on 24 july 2024: I had in Innsbruck entered what I believed (from the electronic display near the door to the wagon) was wagon 256 for my seat reservation but in the crowded wagon I observed a couple being driven off their seats by two men who claimed to have reservations for their seats, telling that this was wagon 258 (the couple apparently believed it was 256). When I found my place it was occupied with somebody who claimed that it was wagon 258. I found another place - and when I later went to the toilet it turned out that a paper in a plastic slit on the door showed #258 which was surprising to me. The toilet compartment was out of order, I think, so I went to wagon 259 (by a similar paper) and waited - a red light on an electronic display told that it was occupied and there was a red colour on the lock. Another two people came and tried the door handle but it was locked. I waited just outside the door and suddenly the red light switched off and I could open the door - but there was nobody there and nobody had exited. It means that the latch that is controlled by the handle had been remote-controlled - which means that it was not certain that I could get out again. A bad homo joke? Or a bad joke about paradoxes? (There is a short delay from you press the button untill the vacuum toilet sucks it down). Certainly I could have come to need the crowbar (norwegian 'ku-ben') if the door went in lock again. It could have been the same phenomenon as with Microsoft's glitsch for Windows some days earlier (told here on 20 and 22 july) when the pension-qualifying sum (in the two righthand columns) landed on a wrong number even if the formulas in the spreadsheet were right - which means that it had to be manipulated through the backdoor LAN (wifi) through which Windows is updated etc. A very major crisis this could mean - if the society could get totally out of control due to some pranks from some boys in Microsoft or similar institution. Aircraft, Wall Street, banks... Clearly this is time to realize that a whole information technology such as the personal computers are cannot be under control of such a private boutique, as it could be called - it should be under the control of an international committee wherein absolutely all activities should be totally free and open for inspection (and criticism, suggestions etc) for anybody. And where abuse of personal data should not be possible.

Were there a fullfledged 'coup d'etat' of seat reservations in that wagon 256-258? As for a 'coup' of a child's skullcap?

Just in case some 'Lise Ulweg' or something like that should have become pregnant, I am not the father, as far as I know.

It happened some days ago I was on the way back from the post and a man in jacket (in spite of the summer heat) hesitated in front of me at a corner - in order to avoid confusion I took to the right and so did he, I therefore went left again and so did he, all the time with his jacket back towards me, I then decided to give it up and went over to the other side of the street and down along a fence - when he (or somebody in the same sort of jacket) came up from the other side apparently in search of a streetnumber. I once again returned to the first corner and now he did not occur but seemed to be in a hurry, running in the end of the street. Norwegian for 'cortex' is 'hjerne-barken' which could spoon to 'barne/børne-jakken' (the child-jacket) or maybe 'bjarne/bjørne-jekken'. A 'jekk' = 'jack' could perhaps be replaced with a crowbar. (See this fragment from Giusto de' Menabuoi's 'Judas kiss' - it seems that reproductions of this large fresco has been weeded out from the web but this small fragment can suffice for showing the two characters in the low left which seem to be about the one trying to open the skull of the other with a knife or a jack). When I later in the day should buy a ticket to Venice, the normal route over Villach-Tarvisio was closed and passengers had to change to a bus which would drive them to 'Carnia' station for changing back to train again there (screenshot from this page). I could not find this 'Carnia station' on the Google map - Carnia is a district in northern Italy but apparently a smaller place with train station with that name could not be found, at least not from my computer in Vienna on that day, as far as I was able to find out of, so I decided to let the nerves be (had they found my old crowbar? how many travellers are there really on such a route?) and use the connection over Innsbruck instead. Now it is easy to find it - like this page or this map - but I could not find it when I searched on my home computer on 23 july 2024.

I have this brainscan as proof that my skull was opened in early days (the skull is intact). Could be a '1-2-3' is an old method for creating power by dirty means - such as 1 = skull opening etc on the infant a few days after birth, with scissoring-off a part of one hemisphere while a male is masturbating on the other hemisphere - for removing a little and adding a little for 'being present' in the child's psyche for a 'dirty beast in the revelation', 2 = rape around 6 months of age, and 3 = chemical injection (horror chemicals) at age 18 months. If '1223' is a code for these things, one can speculate on rapes also in e.g. puberty times.

I believe my work is of much value for the society. It has turned out to be impossible to continue the poetic work in Vienna - but I do not have enough economy to move to another country, even if the world owes me a lot of money for all the abuse and plagiarisms which there seem to have been. Abuse and plagiarisms are illegal, criminal, and should not be accepted by the administration. It is difficult to understand the human species - how they seem to prefer this instead of my constructive work. My poetic work has come to a near standstill in the last 6 years or so, and it is nearly 10 years since I could write poetry in Vienna - the rest of the time I have written a little when abroad but there is no continuity in the work. This article, to repeat the point, could be of major importance for the development of computation theory. I could not have written this article in a hotel room because it requires some facilities.

In late october 2018 I sent an application for social housing in Venice. It may be difficult for others to understand what a crisis it can be for me to send an application - not the least on the background of an assumed '1223'. The yawning gap of chaos starts opening beyond the horizon as soon as it is sent, or even some time before - in my case it was followed by 7 weeks in hospital on rather constant intravenal support, and no sooner was I out of the hospital there was a burglary of my house in Szolnok - and a war broke out in Ukraine some time later. Most people will not believe that this war could have been avoided if I did not have to send an application (which also was rejected since one follows the rules when counting qualifications by some metric - but where are all the money which I am entitled to from all the plagiarisms in the society - if one should follow the rules?) - but there are probably possible to find reasons to believe that the east-west crisis would not have had to start opening up again if I did not have to send it. (The Afghanistan war broke out after my PhD had been rejected in late july 1998 and the Iraq war after my application for asylum in 2002 was rejected around may-june 2002). Should I try and find a solution for housing in some other country? How can that be done? I must find a solution which does not require re-application for new contract after a few years and I cannot take up a loan in a bank (since the bank has to earn money and hardly can avoid abusing my data a little and thereby I could risk ending up in hospital again). I can be classified as disabled and maybe be granted exception from such rules on that basis, though. I must also likely have a tax exemption for avoiding the big and incomprehensible crises. I have worked a lot but my income has been meagre and it is not smart to use me as dumping-place for blames only. I should have had a political asylum since many decades ago.

28 july 2024:

As mentioned under 20 july 2024, it seems that I am used for the factor of 18,1% in the computation of the new pensions since 2009. This makes me a sort of Mr.Average in Norway. I am not a swindler and therefore it could be that the world takes confidence in the norwegians (believing that they are not swindlers) while telling to me that "you, Mr.Grover, has to do like everybody else - if you need something you have to apply for it". If it should be the case that the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine can be seen in the direct continuation of rejections of applications of mine (Afghanistan = the doctorate, Iraq = the asylum application, Ukraine = the housing application) - and would the 'fakultet stipend' story from 1992 have led to the formation of Hamas and hence the current war in the Middle East? - it could have created the impression that those who rejected the applications were 'very powerful' - and hence (?) qualified for having their applications accepted - except for me who am 1/10 = 10% basis for that 18,1% - and one tenth is the universal concept of tax - while I since 2010 pay 15% withholding tax hence 10/15 = 2/3 = the dirty beast - could be recognized as 'the only really dirty beast among the norwegians'. This could also create a turnaround effect which could serve to swap the identification of the 'dirty beast' from the one who injects the horror chemicals (that is the really dirty beast) to the victim of the injection - in terms of an understanding of 'pure evil in the innermost parts of the psyche'.

In this way, the better work I do, the more will the norwegians be recognized and I rejected and wars and pestilences could arise therefrom. It seems to be a Labour program (as is my guess) for creating an upper ruling class and could well be a part of the current deplorable turn towards a new cold war.

Clearly this cannot be a good system for preserving peace and equilibrium - and it means that the world should help me have my important needs solved without me having to apply for it and without involving the norwegians.

There are some reasons to speculate if it is the early head opening, removal of a part of one hemisphere and addition of a masturbator's sperm on the other hemisphere (some days after birth) which creates this complex of a political mixmax problem which is hard to solve - because people somehow seem to take confidence in the mixmax illusions created thereby. It seems to be a complex identified (by gloomy logic) as 'the dirty beast in the revelation'.

Of course the norwegians should have paid me a 'billighetserstatning' for the abuses (assuming such) - with specifications of the basis for every krone, but one understands that they are perhaps not so interested in doing that. Such a 'billighetserstatning' could probably have contributed to preventing such a turn towards a new cold war.

If the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine and the Middle East are related to rejected applications of mine and have the function of turning roles around, one can probably assume that this could be a sort of proof that the Ukraine war was provoked by (agents in) Ukraine since it probably would not be russian politics to participate in generating such role-turning.

*                     *                     *

It happened on 6 july 2024 - I was standing in an antiquariat in Venice leafing in the Fratelli Fabbri Editori booklet on Giusto de' Menabuoi which attracted my attention and interest when suddenly somebody behind my back pronounced in a very low voice a threat which hardly could have been to me but made some impression nevertheless. It is today that I can solve it: My poem TEQ #59 seems to contain the name of the artist in the two last lines, and the two first lines explain why I thereafter had difficulties with getting a ticket for the train. (But this is my poem, of course). The story seems to be 'London' - and the root of the problem thereby seems to be mentioned in TEQ #1563 - and hence one can see the connection to why this poem could attach to his work.

Giusto de' Menabuoi is an important precursor for the italian renaissance and seem to touch upon the border to a new information technology. Therefore his work could be of extraordinarily large value - and therefore one could expect that the same 'Labour' movement (or similar) could have implemented themselves into his work for turning it into its apparent opposite etc. There is no 'dirty beast' in Giusto's work - but one sees traces of attempts to interpret him that way - such as the spot on the forehead of the man and the woman touching her sternum at the corner of the table of the wedding in Cana - my guess is that the spot on the forehead is added by somebody else later - with a further reflex in the dirty spot on the sternum of Christ - not so immaculate, and probably added later - in Giusto's 'Paradiso' along with the wipe-out of the one side or 'hemisphere' of the book (source - this 'wipe-out' is how it looks today) - cp. the reproduction in the Fratelli Fabbri Editori version) - clearly these dirty spots could have been added recently for turning this 'threshold-to-new-information-technology' into a propaganda means for 'dirty beast in the revelation' strategies. One fancies that this has been done in order to create mixmax identifications in the italian intuitions on this theme. That is why the utterance made some impression. (Would this effect be the same as antisemitism?) There is no 1-2-3 or 1-2-2-3 of child abuse in Giusto's works in the Battistero of the Duomo in Padova either - but it is of course possible to impose such readings on it. Did the three wise men (or three kings) (source) arrive for injecting horror chemicals into the newborn Jesus child - their 'gifts'? Probably not - but it is of course possible to impose such weird ideas onto it.

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I have a bank account in Erste Bank. I necessarily must have some confidence in the bank I use. It spoons to Berste Ank. Some time ago Austria changed by parliamentary decision the old GIS system (licence fees for TV and radio) into a new system resembling the London 'council tax' where you pay TV and radio fees for living in a flat, whether you have radio/TV or not.

In London 1997-98 I did pay the council tax bills I got. On two places there were no bills but I called the council tax office and they said I had to wait untill a sum was determined and a bill could be presented. It is not true that I did not pay the council tax in London.

It is not impossible that the train toilet ado (on the line from Innsbruck) with wagons 256-258-259 etc could have served to encode 'berstank'.

The TV/radio fees that must be paid by everybody who lives in a house/flat is for me drawn automatically from my bank account. I must have confidence that the bank can handle this properly. Otherwise the sum must be claimed by other means - and those who own a flat risk being thrown out and land on the street?

29 july 2024:

Further to the potential mixmax of wagons 256-258 in the train from Innsbruck towards Venezia some days ago: I suddenly realized that my 'contact page' on my homepage used to have the filename 'contact.htm' some years ago before I started using 'contactpage.htm'. Would then old 'contact.htm' still be there? Indeed there was such a page there still - it was this page (screenshot a little short on the righthand side) - and I decided to move the new 'contactpage.htm' over onto 'contact.htm' which now is this page - they are quite similar except for the 2022 vs 2024 - like those wagons 256-258.

A 'page' in english is not only a bookpage or a piece of paper - it can be also a boy. Hence one can guess that this could have been a potential 'project' for intrigue-makers on such concepts (pedo, nazi madonna etc etc).

30 july 2024:

There were two 'serves' on my career - suggesting promises for career of mine but ending in rejection and unemployment through 2 years in each case - without a chance to earn money except for the unemployment benefit with the duty of sending work applications whenever there were a chance - and all of them (except for the last of 1995) were rejected - at the end they were not even answered: The unemployment periods were in Oslo 1993-95 (2 years) and in Bergen 1998-2000 (somewhat less than 2 years). The first rejection was at christmas 1992 (my application for doctorate stipend was rejected because I had not applied for 'fakultet stipend') and the second in a letter of 27 july 1998 (the rejection of my doctorate dissertation).

Xi Jinping took office as chinese president on 14 march 2013. I searched the New Yorker cartoons 12 years 2 months and 3 weeks ahead in time (that would be for christmas = 18 december 2000) and found not much - the interesting finding was when I tried 3221 = 32 years 2 months and 1 week before - that would be in the very beginning of 1981 - the first issue of the New Yorker for 1981. This turned out, as it seemed to me, to encode in all its cartoons the concept of 'extension theory' = Hermann Grassmann's "Ausdehnungslehre" from 1844 - which was rejected and subjected to apparent plagiarisms which some could see as causing the rise of marxism. Hence I guessed that this first issue of the New Yorker from 1981 encoded in its cartoons the concept 'extension theory'.

What would be 1223 = 12 years 2 months and 3 weeks after this? It would be in appr. march 1993 - that is, soon after the first 'serve' had gone and I was on the way out of my research career hopes. It was at this time that Oslo had started putting together the Oslo Accords - that which some could see as related to the later formation of Hamas that were responsible for the attack on Israel on 7 october 2023. The norwegian government's website tells:

"The negotiations began in January 1993. In the initial phase, the negotiators were the Israeli academics Yair Hirschfeld and Ron Pundak and the Palestinians Abu Ala and Hassan Asfour. When the first unofficial draft agreement had been presented to Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres in May 1993, the meetings were upgraded to official negotiations, with Uri Savir and Joel Singer as new participants on the Israeli side. In April, the Norwegian foreign minister Johan Jørgen Holst was informed about the secret channel. He participated very actively in the final phase of the negotiations, and came to play a major role as intermediary for the reciprocal recognition between Israel and the PLO. This was essential before the Oslo Peace Accord could be drawn up".

This could suggest that the first 'serve' was 1223 after the 'extension theory' suggesting that the 'racket' of the 'tennis' with the serve ball going up in the air before the smash hit by the extended racket would be the Oslo Accords. It could have been this smash hit which led to Hamas - and when China found a new president 3221 after the 'extension theory', it could serve to attenuate the effect of this 'smash hit' - in particular since marxism as the original offspring from the 1844 extension theory is precisely the field of work for the chinese communist party.

As mentioned also in the socalled 'ABC', Holst allegedly 'suffered a stroke' in december 1993 (as if he were the 'tennis ball' that was hit by the 'ac-cords' of the tennis racket?) and died on 12 January 1994 - whether they 'pulled the cable' or what it was - that was also the date when the 'cable' went from Rwanda to UN with a last call for help if the planned genocide should be avoided - no answer came from Kofi Annan's office of peacekeeping forces and the genocide against the 800.000 Tutsies went as planned in the summer 1994. There was a correlate to the story of Holst's exit in foreign minister Knut Frydenlund (even he in Gro Harlem Brundtland's government) who died under similar circumstances on 26.2.1987, but that was on the toilet ring, could be in the moment of excretion through the 'os-lo'? 'Oslo' was called 'Christiania' untill 1925 - I dont know why they changed to 'Oslo' (I have, on meagre basis, speculated if that could have been for telling that they had to accept Hitler for a 'zweite Reich' after 1945 - would it even have been about my 'os-lo'?) - and 'krysset-i-januar' would mean 'the intersection in january'. In january 1993? Frydenlund 1987 could anyhow suggest that the 'serve' had been planned since about those times - which could indicate also that the 'promising upswing' in my career which started with participation in the 'Musikus project' from about january-february 1987 and the student stipend 1990-92 and the research stipend at the Centre for technology and human values from november 1992 to january 1993 could have been for a deliberately created expectation (the tennis ball going up in the air) for a research career starting from january 1993 - when two careers or two cords of the 'ac-cords' could have been intersecting - by 'Christiania'? Or would that - if these ideas of Christiania-Oslo of 1925 as hypothetically related to Hitler's 'zweite Reich' - even have been for swapping Hitler's career with mine - say, by the Oslo Accords since january 1993? That is, as it would suggest, for getting 'Hitler' up and me (that is, the jews?) down? Norway was established in 1814 for being an antisemitic state guaranteed free from jews - and this lasted untill 1852. It is that counterhook in the north which has its counterpoint in Italy - plus England (with a foot in northern Ireland) and eastern Europe (the axis across Ukraine) and around the Black Sea which was Hitler's swastika logo on the european map.

(I made a wooden 'terrace' - a sort of 'veranda' - for the Grøvers on the upper side of the house in the 70's or 80's).

Now what about the second 'serve'? If one sees the rejection letter of 27 july 1998 as being the 1223 effect after an initial 'impetus' in the New Yorker cartoons, what would it be? I look up the 18 cartoons for 5 may 1986 - and it is true that these are not as obvious 'extension theories' as the ones from 1981 - but it must be admitted that the concept can be applied to most of them - could be all.

Now if the rejection letter of 27 july 1998 with the following bombings (the US embassies in Dar-es-Salaam and Nairobi and the peace conference in Omagh, Ireland - three pieces of terror which seemed to turn the roles when I wrote the appeal which could have contained the line 'rejected on a political basis') are the 1223 after the cartoons of 5 may 1986, what is the 3221 after-effect? I look up what happened in 2018 and search for 13 july 2018 and find two interesting newspieces:

1) NATO summit in Brussels on 11-12 july 2018 - there are NATO summits now and then, not every year, though, and normally not mid july - so this could have been a hit on the 3221

2) The story of the 12 boys and their football coach who were trapped inside a flooded cave for 18 days - this caught the attention of the world media and they were rescued out with divers on 10 july 2018, just before the NATO summit started. Now this story seems to be a strong encoding of the name of the one who was in charge of the evaluation of my PhD dissertation in 1997-98 and who composed the committee who answered with the rejection in the letter of 27 july 1998 - the name was Helge Julius Jakhelln Dyvik. 'Helge' is a normal name which associates with 'weekend' or 'holy', 'Dy-vik' is by a morph 'dy-' that in norwegian is associated with 'soaking wet' (example 'dy-våt' = 'dy'-wet = 'soaking wet'), while 'jak-helln' could perhaps could mean something like 'ejaculating boys from a cave' since 'hellir' = old norse for 'cave' and it still means something like that. Hence one could assume that if this cave rescue story qua '3221' after the quasi 'extension theory' in the cartoons of the New Yorker of 5 may 1986 served to lend an extra rejecting force to the NATO summit (Jens Stoltenberg is a norwegian like me and Dyvik etc) relative to my doctorate, it could have been for reinforcing a potential east-west conflict - could be also for an attempt to associate this 'extension theory' with 'NATO' rather than with 'marxism'. Grassmann had sent his book to Cauchy in France but Cauchy never answered and Grassmann's seems to have believed that Cauchy had plagiarized his ideas somewhat.

(I notice also that Antje Jackelén was appointed archbishop of Sweden in 2013).

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Yesterday I noticed this photo in the hungarian news channel (under this article) - and I immediately recognized the line 'It looks like a swimming pool' from my TEQ #1563 discussed at example 6 in the study of Giusto de' Menabuoi which I published a few days ago. It may be that my intellectual work is abused in this way without crediting - and that is probably illegal at least if it is organized on a larger scale.

31 july 2024:

Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Teheran by Israel's Defence Forces this morning.

Hamas seems to have been founded in december 1987 by Ahmed Yassin. Some months later (in 1988) I shared office with Dag Diesen at the institute of informatics in the new informatics building in 'Forskningsparken' in Oslo. If 'Ahmed Yassin' can mean 'Dig Dassen' (say, if 'Andreas Baader' can mean 'he turns it off the spades'), it is not impossible that there could have been some connection.

On basis of his name ('is my land/LAN in ye/J') and the names in Haniyeh's first government, as well as the fact that HAM is that viper's skin which it throws off now and then, one can speculate that the theme could have been my penis skin if a part of the contents of the organ were translanted from me over onto somebody who used it for raping me at the onset of my puberty for the concept of Hitler's 'zweite Reich'. I have fancied that these theoretical rapes could have included a sanitary towel soaked in menstrual blood held before my face during the rapes - for turning roles around by a 'cunnilingus' association to this aspect of it - but my reasons for speculating like that are meagre. I have not much empirical reasons for the ideas of those theoretical rapes either.

If, though, there should have been such rapes (and indeed it would have been high time that I were informed about it if it were the case), it is possible that 'nazi madonna' would have been the concept - meaning a 'trans' madonna with the half or whole of my penis contents transplanted over (while I must have got somebody else's). This would have been for what I have guessed would have been Hitler's 'zweite Reich' for turning roles around so that the old antisemite would have emerged as a new Moses in a 'dritte Reich' (while I could have got his war crimes dumped onto me).

It is the HAM of HAMas which could suggest these ideas as relevant - in addition to name structures etc.

The 'head of Hamas' could have included the 'marbled', 'marmorert', 'marmorato' glans penis of mine after the story from 'Kampen' in Oslo in 1993 - after the first 'serve' had gone in january 1993 (see brief comment 14 july 2024). There were two classmates of mine in the high school class 1973-74 - both of them on the window row - from 'Marmorveien' - driving down from that hilltop one comes to the point where 'kirke Leie' of 'Gamle Glemmen Gravlund' can be seen - where the gravedigger would have turned the spades - 'han dre a spader' = 'Andreas Baader' - 'where the earth turns'. A puzzling observation I have made earlier on this website is the illustration I found in Davidson's 'Dictionary of angels' - an illustration of the angels Satan and Belzebub.

Another puzzling idea is what I once observed on the 'Tetkino' - I fancied that I recognized some traits of one of them in the shades - although that is certainly a subjective association only. However, the 'marbled' play of shadows on such a 'glans' (under such conditions) could have a much more interesting counterpoint in the epistemological status that can be assigned to the thresholded images discussed in my article on Giusto de' Menabuoi's art. That certainly could be knowledge of extreme importance for understanding the new computer epistemology on the border to a new computation theory - those are matters of too much importance to be derailed by silly and puerile jokes about patterns on the glans penis resembling old shadowy fallen angels etc. The Gaza strip could be in or near the area associated with 'PTRSIM PIK' (this account is still incomplete and maybe the concordance table is wrong) at the root of the story of the people of Israel - see also this article of mine - and it would have been a pity if people's natural interests in these important scientific and cultural matters be derailed with ideas of gloomy mythos invoking hostilities and mock pulling people by their noses for a naturally legitimate quest for interesting knowledge. Clearly the Gaza people should have a better philosophy as the basis for their knowledge than genital-related demagogic tricks.

(I wondered if the british government had reflexes of my 23 photos from the Danube Island in their cabinet names. I haven't looked much at it but found 3-4 examples of relevance: Harpreet Uppal - for the drying horse (see photo 13) in the upper lefthand part, or what about Shabana Mahmoud for that same photo 13, David Lammy - for the lamb leaping across the map of Europe, Pat McFadden - for the big female breast before the shooter).

Gaza is at the root of history of the people of Israel and 'Nazi Madonna' could be about 'the root of the penis' - confusing these matters by finding that the one is demogagically confusable with the other could resemble Hitler's rhetorical tricks - such as when he claimed that the jews - who had lived in the country for decades and centuries - had 'snatched all the leading positions in the land': These were claims that Hitler made not long after he had come up from Austria and had 'snatched all the leading positions in the land' - the rhetoric trick would then be that he identified himself with these jews (who had to be 'disposed of', cp. the theme of 'Gamle Glemmen Gravlund') and could have been dreaming of becoming their new Moses. It would come as not much surprising if it turns out that these comparisons are an essential part of Hitler's plans for a 'dritte Reich'. Hitler's nazism often compared jews with sausages, if I have got it right.

The viper's skin could also apply to the name of 'Knut Frydenlund' - say, 'Lund's Frydenskin'. The name of the high school was 'Frydenberg Gymnas'. [Added 1 august 2024: As far as I remember, there was also a student from Marmorveien or nearby street in those days of 1973-74 called 'Frölich'. Cp. 'Frydenlund'?]

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It is seen that the idea of a 'glans penis' with shadows that change a little from time to time could have been a part of the complex discussed here. I have speculated if my LAN or 'WiFi' connection in Vienna could have been subjected to such 'floating shadows' on the screen. On 11 may 2024 I noticed a Telegram account which could have been fake, and when I were to return to Venice on 24 july 2024 I was brought into confusion about the station 'Carnia' where a bus should stop and load passengers over onto a train - this is told under the brief comment of 27 july 2024 - how the map and other information files that later appeared clear and informative then seemed to be faulty or absent from the internet available to me. In short, it is not impossible that my computer screen has behaved like a 'glans penis' with such floating shadows. How long this could have been going on I dont know.

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© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 1 july 2024
Last updated 1 august 2024