Articles about many things 2017

John Bjarne Grover

The fundamental theorem of linguistics
The fundamental theorem of linguistics defined by me - and its relation to the political problems deriving from the question of the territorial rights in America - a more streamlined version is presented below

'Stillhetens åndedrag' and some related political issues
In this article I discuss the phenomenon of apparent abuse by encoding of my work in international terror and the issue of a potential solution to this problem of terror as a form of quasi-religious sacrifice. There are some comments on the role of my new book "Stillhetens &aing;ndedrag".

'Stillhetens åndedrag' - some technical comments
Some speculative comments on some aspects of the book relative to egyptian hieroglyphs and chinese script.

An example
An example story adding to the above article on
'Stillhetens ?ndedrag' and some related political issues

The quest for the Holy Grail

Catull and the fundamental theorem of linguistics

Some considerations on seismic and semiotic data

More on the yellow metre

About my work
A thorough discussion of my literary work including prospects for further work

Blue metre, space, time and linebreak
Some observations on the political misconceptions of these semiotic matters

Catcher in the rye
The borders to human reality?

Amritsar and the assassination of Indira Gandhi
An interpretation of the sculptures on Albertinaplatz in Vienna relative to the story of the assassination of Indira Gandhi

The 'lapis philosophorum'
On how much politics relate to this mystic phenomenon

Ouyang Xiu: 'Lapis philosophorum'
The 1000 year old chinese poet's work - conceived by me as his study of the 'lapis philosophorum'

The magic of the flesh
The blue metre on the logic of famous assassinations - particularly Mao / Gandhi

The holy cow
Were there two octogons?

Luigi Nono and the syrian crisis
A correlation study of Nono's work with one of mine - and a theory on the syrian crisis since 2011.

The magic of the history
The yellow metre and the logic of correlations between holy texts - here Rigveda and Moses and the history of the western world throughout the 2nd millenium

The transfiguration on the mount
Some strange coincidences - and the Temple Mount crisis in Jerusalem

The zoophoria factor
Some important conclusion on the current times

The basket of deceit
Drug-dependent agency is not a new religious community

'Kinderhilfe' (2014) and Friedrich Schiller's 'Sammlung von 1804'
Is Friedrich Schiller the hitherto undiscovered secret of the political intrigue?

István Örkény and the devanagari
Some interesting observations

The fundamental theorem of linguistics
The fundamental theorem of linguistics defined by me - this is a new version of the above article - and it contains also material on PEB line 1

The philosopher's white stone
and western history in brief - up to the 2017 general election in Germany

The hungarian evidence
A peculiar linguistic phenomenon in the hungarian language that seems to have been the background of both Hitler and the two nuclear bombs on Japan in 1945.

The philosopher's white stone and distinctive feature theory
On how distinctive acoustic features of speech maybe are applied to the philosopher's white stone in politics

The two 'avatars'
The story of what could have been an occurrence of two 'avatars'

Tentative proof of the authenticity of the white stone
Some reasons to think that the stone is a 'lapis philosophorum'

The white stone and the new logic
The new logic that should develop into rational studies and not fall into the domain of power games. The article contains also some interesting examples of this new logic

Something I wrote on 22-26 oct 2017
About reasons why manuscript submission to publisher is rather impossible for me

The new logic
Some comments on the new logic

Brexit and the catalonian separatism
On how catalonian separatism could be about the construction of new nazism in Europe

Euler's constant 'e' in Böhme's conception
What could be the 'esoteric' keys to many secrets of modern politics

'Stillhetens åndedrag' and 'Böhme's formula Epist.47.§31
How the 'esoteric' keys to secrets of modern politics are contained in my book relative to Nono's string quartet

The indian turned 180 degrees
I have studied the indian in 0, 90 and 270 degrees turn earlier - here about 180 degrees turn

Erich Haenisch's Mandschu-Grammatik - Wortlehre

Egyptian hieroglyphs, lapis philosophorum and 'Stillhetens åndedrag'
The fundamental egyptian hieroglyphs derived from the philosopher's white stone - with substantial empirical support from my poetry book 'Stillhetens åndedrag'.
This file takes about 2,5 MB (Here is an introductory comment to the article).

Political conclusion
Conclusion on basis of the hungarian evidence and the discussion of the egyptian hieroglyphs

Political history is now changed
Some further corollaries of the same

Cuneiform, the fundamental theorem of linguistics and 'Stillhetens åndedrag'
The article discusses some ideas related to the hypothesis that there exists a common basis for hieroglyphic and cuneiform scripts. The discussion makes use of empirical data from own poetry but it is obvious that the discussion is very tentative and preliminary.

Cuneiform and hieroglyphs in the political construction
Story elements in the Rudolfsheim district of Vienna

19 december 2017

Open letter to UN: Jerusalem and white stone esoterism
The letter tells of a new discovery which can be of utmost importance not the least in its potential for global peace and cultural progress - a theoretic discovery taking the possible feeling of divine sanction out of terror and nazism - and which also can have some relevance for understanding the current issue of Jerusalem as israeli capital

Friedrich Delitzsch's 'Assyrisches Handwörterbuch' (1896)
The book that may be a secret in political intrigue - at least it is worth the mention

A poem by Nelly Sachs and a poem I wrote in 1982

© John Bjarne Grover
On the web 20 February 2023